/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import hiSysEvent from '@ohos.hiSysEvent' import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from '@ohos/hypium' export default function hiSysEventJsSecondTest() { describe('hiSysEventJsSecondTest', function () { beforeAll(function() { console.info('hiSysEventJsTest beforeAll called') }) afterAll(function() { console.info('hiSysEventJsTest afterAll called') }) beforeEach(function() { console.info('hiSysEventJsTest beforeEach called') }) afterEach(function() { console.info('hiSysEventJsTest afterEach called') }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_2700 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi27 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,领域名称长度超16个字符,忽略事件打点,错误码11200001 */ it('testHiSysEventApi27', 1, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi27 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY_RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 487, UID: 103, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "syseventservice", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi27 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200001).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi27 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi27 end') done() }) } catch (error) { console.error(`error code: ${error.code}, error msg: ${error.message}`); expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi27 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_2800 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi28 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,领域名称包含特殊字符,忽略事件打点,错误码11200001 */ it('testHiSysEventApi28', 1, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi28 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY#?", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 487, UID: 103, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "syseventservice", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi28 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200001).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi28 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi28 end') done() }) } catch (error) { console.error(`error code: ${error.code}, error msg: ${error.message}`); expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi28 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_2900 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi29 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,领域名称为空,忽略事件打点,错误码11200001。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi29', 1, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi29 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 487, UID: 103, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "syseventservice", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi29 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200001).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi29 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi29 end') done() }) } catch (error) { console.error(`error code: ${error.code}, error msg: ${error.message}`); expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi29 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3000 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi30 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件名称长度超32个字符,忽略事件打点,错误码11200002。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi30', 1, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi30 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview js test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi30 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200002).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi30 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi30 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi30 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi30 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3100 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi31 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件名称包含特殊字符,忽略事件打点,错误码11200002。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi31', 1, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi31 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK#?", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview js test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi31 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200002).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi31 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi31 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi31 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi31 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3200 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi32 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件名称为空,忽略事件打点,错误码11200002。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi32', 1, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi32 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview js test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi32 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200002).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi32 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi32 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi32 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi32 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3500 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi35 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件总长度超过384K,忽略事件打点,错误码11200004。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi35', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi35 start') try { let params = { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "just a testcase", MSG: "no msg." } for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) { params[`bundle${i}`] = Array.from({length: 10 * 1024}).join("ohos") } hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params:params }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi35 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200004).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi35 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi35 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi35 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi35 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3600 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi36 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,领系统事件参数名称长度超32个字符,忽略事件打点,错误码11200051。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi36', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi36 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview js test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi36 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200051).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi36 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi36 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi36 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi36 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3700 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi37 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件参数名称包含特殊字符,忽略事件打点,错误码11200051。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi37', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi37 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, "STACK#?": "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview js test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi37 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200051).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi37 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi37 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi37 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi37 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3800 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi38 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件参数名称为空,忽略事件打点,错误码11200051。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi38', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi38 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, "": "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview js test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi38 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200051).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi38 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi38 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi38 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi38 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_3900 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi39 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,字符串类型的参数值的长度超过10K,忽略事件打点,错误码11200052。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi39', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi39 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: Array.from({length: 10 * 1024 + 10}).join("ohos"), MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi39 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200052).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi39 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi39 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi39 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi39 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4000 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi40 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件的参数数量超过128个,忽略事件打点,错误码11200053。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi40', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi40 start') let largeParams = {} for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { largeParams["name" + i] = i } try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: largeParams }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi40 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200053).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi40 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi40 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi40 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi40 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4100 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi41 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口系统事件打点,系统事件中有数组类型的参数值的长度超过100,忽略事件打点,错误码11200054。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi41', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi41 start') let msgArray = [] for (let i = 0; i < 200; i++) { msgArray[i] = i } try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview js test suite", MSG: msgArray } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error(`in testHiSysEventApi41 test callback: err.code = ${err.code}, error msg is ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200054).assertTrue() } else { console.info(`in testHiSysEventApi41 test callback: result = ${val}`) expect(false).assertTrue() } console.info('testHiSysEventApi41 end') done() }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi41 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi41 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4200 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi42 * @tc.desc 验证调用addWatcher接口添加系统事件监听者,监听者数量超过限制,拒绝添加此监听者,错误码11200101。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi42', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi42 start') try { var watcher = [] for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { watcher[i] = { rules: [{ domain: "RELIABILITY" + i, name: "STACK", ruleType: hiSysEvent.RuleType.WHOLE_WORD, }], onEvent: (info) => { }, onServiceDied: () => { } } hiSysEvent.addWatcher(watcher[i]) } setTimeout(() => { var watcher = [] for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { hiSysEvent.removeWatcher(watcher[i]) } }, 5000) done() }catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi42 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200101).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi42 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4300 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi43 * @tc.desc 验证调用addWatcher接口添加系统事件监听者,监听规则数量超过限制,拒绝添加此监听者,错误码11200102。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi43', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi43 start') let msgArray = [] for (let i = 0; i < 21; i++) { msgArray[i] = { domain: "RELIABILITY" + i, name: "STACK", ruleType: hiSysEvent.RuleType.WHOLE_WORD, } } try { let watcher = { rules: msgArray, onEvent: (info) => { }, onServiceDied: () => { } } hiSysEvent.addWatcher(watcher) done() }catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi43 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200102).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi43 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4400 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi44 * @tc.desc 验证调用removeWatcher接口删除系统事件监听者,事件监听者为空,拒绝移除此监听者,错误码11200201。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi44', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi44 start') let watcher11 = { rules: [{ domain: "RELIABILITY" , name: "STACK", ruleType: hiSysEvent.RuleType.WHOLE_WORD, }], onEvent: (info) => { }, onServiceDied: () => { } } setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.removeWatcher("") expect(true).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi44 end') done() }catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi44 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200201).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi44 end') done() } }, 1000) }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4500 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi45 * @tc.desc 验证调用removeWatcher接口删除系统事件监听者,事件监听者不在监听队列,拒绝移除此监听者,错误码11200201。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi45', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi45 start') let watcher11 = { rules: [{ domain: "RELIABILITY" , name: "STACK", ruleType: hiSysEvent.RuleType.WHOLE_WORD, }], onEvent: (info) => { }, onServiceDied: () => { } } setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.removeWatcher(watcher11) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi45 end') done() }catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi45 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200201).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi45 end') done() } }, 1000) }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4600 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi46 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口查询系统事件,查询规则个数超过10个,忽略此次系统事件的查询,错误码11200301。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi46', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi46 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi46 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi46 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { let msgArray = [] for (let i = 0; i < 11; i++) { msgArray[i] = { domain: "RELIABILITY" + i, names: ["STACK"], } } hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 2, }, msgArray, { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi46: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi46: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi46: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi46: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi46: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi46: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi46 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi46 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200301).assertTrue() console.info('hiSysEventJsUnitTest006 end') done() } }, 1000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi46 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi46 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4700 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi47 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口查询系统事件,事件领域名称长度超过16个字符,忽略此次系统事件的查询,错误码11200302。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi47', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi47 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi47 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi47 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 2, }, [{ domain: "RELIABILITY_RELIABILITY" , names: ["STACK"], }], { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi47: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi47: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi47: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi47: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi47: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi47: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi47 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi47 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200302 || err.code == 11200304).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi47 end') done() } }, 2000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi47 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi47 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4800 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi48 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口查询系统事件,事件名称长度超过32个字符,忽略此次系统事件的查询,错误码11200302。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi48', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi48 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi48 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi48 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 2, }, [{ domain: "RELIABILITY" , names: ["STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK_STACK"], }], { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi48: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi48: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi48: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi48: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi48: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi48: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi48 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi48 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200302 || err.code == 11200304).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi48 end') done() } }, 2000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi48 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi48 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_4900 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi49 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口查询系统事件,事件领域名称包含特殊字符,忽略此次系统事件的查询,错误码11200302。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi49', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi49 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi49 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi49 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 2, }, [{ domain: "RELIABILITY?#" , names: ["STACK"], }], { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi49: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi49: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi49: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi49: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi49: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi49: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi49 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi49 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200302 || err.code == 11200304).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi49 end') done() } }, 2000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi49 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi49 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_5000 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi50 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口查询系统事件,事件名称包含特殊字符,忽略此次系统事件的查询,错误码11200302。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi50', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi50 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi50 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi50 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 2, }, [{ domain: "RELIABILITY" , names: ["STACK?#"], }], { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi50: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi50: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi50: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi50: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi50: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi50: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi50 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi50 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200302 || err.code == 11200304).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi50 end') done() } }, 2000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi50 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi50 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_5100 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi51 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口查询系统事件,事件领域名称为空,忽略此次系统事件的查询,错误码11200302。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi51', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi51 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi51 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi51 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 2, }, [{ domain: "" , names: ["STACK"], }], { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi51: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi51: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi51: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi51: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi51: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi51: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi51 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi51 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200302 || err.code == 11200304).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi51 end') done() } }, 2000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi51 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi51 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_5200 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi52 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口查询系统事件,事件名称为空,忽略此次系统事件的查询,错误码11200302。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi52', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi52 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi52 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi52 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 2, }, [{ domain: "RELIABILITY" , names: [], }], { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi52: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi52: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi52: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi52: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi52: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi52: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi52 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi52 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200302 || err.code == 11200304).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi52 end') done() } }, 2000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi52 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi52 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_5300 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi53 * @tc.desc 验证调用write接口,缺少write参数,无法打点,错误码401。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi53', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi53 start') try { hiSysEvent.write((err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi53 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi53 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi53 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 401).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi53 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_5400 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi54 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口,缺少订阅规则,错误码401。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi54', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi54 start') try { hiSysEvent.write({ domain: "RELIABILITY", name: "STACK", eventType: hiSysEvent.EventType.FAULT, params: { PID: 1, UID: 1, PACKAGE_NAME: "com.ohos.hisysevent.test", PROCESS_NAME: "hiview napi test suite", MSG: "no msg." } }, (err, val) => { if (err) { console.error('in testHiSysEventApi54 test callback: err.code = ' + err.code) } else { console.info('in testHiSysEventApi54 test callback: result = ' + val) } }) setTimeout(() => { try { hiSysEvent.query( { onQuery: function (infos) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi54: onQuery...`) expect(infos.length >= 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi54: infos.size is ${infos.length}`) if (infos instanceof Array) { for (let i = 0; i < infos.length; i++) { let item = infos[i]; console.info(`testHiSysEventApi54: domain is ${item.domain}, name is ${item.name}, eventType is ${item.eventType}`) if (item.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in item.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi54: ${key}: ${item.params[key]}`) } } } } }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi54: onComplete...`) console.info(`testHiSysEventApi54: reason is ${reason}, total is ${total}`) expect(true).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi54 end`) done() } }) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi54 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 401).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi54 end') done() } }, 1000); } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi54 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(false).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi54 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_5500 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi55 * @tc.desc 验证调用addwatcher接口,缺少watcher参数,错误码401。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi55', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi55 start') try { let watcher = { onEvent: (info) => { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi12: OnEvent...`) expect(Object.keys(info).length > 0).assertTrue() console.info(`testHiSysEventApi12: domain is : ${info.domain}, name is ${info.name}, eventType is ${info.eventType}`) if (info.params instanceof Object) { for (const key in info.params) { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi12: ${key}: ${info.params[key]}`) } } }, onServiceDied: () => { console.info(`testHiSysEventApi12 Onservice died`); } } hiSysEvent.addWatcher(watcher) } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi55 > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 401).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi55 end') done() } }) /** * @tc.number DFX_DFT_HiSysEvent_JS_5700 * @tc.name testHiSysEventApi57 * @tc.desc 验证调用query接口,查询频率超过限制,忽略此次查询,错误码11200304。。 */ it('testHiSysEventApi57', 3, async function (done) { console.info('testHiSysEventApi57 start') try { for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { hiSysEvent.query({ beginTime: -1, endTime: -1, maxEvents: 500000, }, [{ domain: "RELIABILITY" , names: ["STACK"], }], { onQuery: function (infos) { }, onComplete: function(reason, total) { done() } }) } } catch (err) { console.error(`testHiSysEventApi57 delay > error code: ${err.code}, error msg: ${err.message}`) expect(err.code == 11200304).assertTrue() console.info('testHiSysEventApi57 end') done() } }) }) }