/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import mediaLibrary from '@ohos.multimedia.mediaLibrary'; import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'; import fileio from '@ohos.fileio'; import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from 'deccjsunit/index'; describe('fileAssetTestCallback.test.js', async function() { var context = featureAbility.getContext(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : getMediaLibrary IN'); var media = mediaLibrary.getMediaLibrary(context); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : getMediaLibrary OUT'); const fileKeyObj = mediaLibrary.FileKey; //======================== FILE BEGIN ================================== /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 * @tc.name : open('rw') * @tc.desc : open -rw the type of FILE * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let fileType = mediaLibrary.MediaType.FILE; let fileFetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ fileType.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fileFetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('rw', async (error, fd) => { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 fd:' + fd); expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 res.bytesRead:' + res.bytesRead); expect(res.bytesRead >= 0).assertTrue(); asset1 = dataList[1]; fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf2 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res2 = await fileio.read(fd1, buf2); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf2); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 write:' + write); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); if (fd > 0 && res.bytesRead >= 0 && write > 0) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 success'); done(); } else { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 failed'); done(); } } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_01 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_02 * @tc.name : open('r') * @tc.desc : open -r the type of FILE * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_02', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.FILE; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('r', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_02 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_02 fd:' + fd); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); expect(res.bytesRead > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_02 res.bytesRead:' + res.bytesRead); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); await asset.close(fd); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_02 error:' + error); expect(true).assertTrue(); if (fd > 0) { await asset.close(fd); } done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_02 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); if (fd > 0) { await asset.close(fd); } done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 * @tc.name : open('w') * @tc.desc : open -w the type of FILE * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.FILE; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; asset1 = dataList[1]; asset.open('w', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 fd:' + fd); fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd1, buf); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 read fd1 success'); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 write:' + write); let buf1 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res1 = await fileio.read(fd, buf1); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 read fd'); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 error:' + error); expect(true).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_03 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); //======================== FILE END ================================== //======================== IMAGE BEGIN ================================== /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_07 * @tc.name : open('rw') * @tc.desc : open -rw the type of IMAGE * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_07', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let fileType = mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE; let fileFetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ fileType.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fileFetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('rw', async (error, fd) => { if (fd == undefined) { expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); expect(res.bytesRead > 0).assertTrue(); asset1 = dataList[1]; fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf2 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res2 = await fileio.read(fd1, buf2); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf2); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); if (fd > 0 && res.bytesRead > 0 && write > 0) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_07 success'); done(); } else { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_07 failed'); done(); } } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_07 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_08 * @tc.name : open('r') * @tc.desc : open -r the type of IMAGE * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_08', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('r', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_08 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); expect(res.bytesRead > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_08 res.bytesRead:' + res.bytesRead); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); await asset.close(fd); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_08 error:' + error); if (fd > 0) { expect(true).assertTrue(); } await asset.close(fd); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_08 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 * @tc.name : open('w') * @tc.desc : open -w the type of IMAGE * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 dataList.length:' + dataList.length); asset = dataList[0]; asset1 = dataList[1]; asset.open('w', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 fd:' + fd); fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd1, buf); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 write:' + write); let buf1 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res1 = await fileio.read(fd, buf1); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 read'); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 error:' + error); expect(true).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_09 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); //======================== IMAGE END ================================== //======================== AUDIO BEGIN ================================== /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_10 * @tc.name : open('rw') * @tc.desc : open -rw the type of AUDIO * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_10', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let fileType = mediaLibrary.MediaType.AUDIO; let fileFetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ fileType.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fileFetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_10 dataList.length:' + dataList.length); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('rw', async (error, fd) => { if (fd == undefined) { expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); expect(res.bytesRead > 0).assertTrue(); asset1 = dataList[1]; fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf2 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res2 = await fileio.read(fd1, buf2); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf2); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); if (fd > 0 && res.bytesRead > 0 && write > 0) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_10 success'); done(); } else { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_10 failed'); done(); } } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_10 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 * @tc.name : open('r') * @tc.desc : open -r the type of AUDIO * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.AUDIO; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 dataList.length:' + dataList.length); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('r', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 fd:' + fd); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 res.bytesRead:' + res.bytesRead); expect(res.bytesRead > 0).assertTrue(); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 write'); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 error:' + error); expect(true).assertTrue(); if (fd > 0) { await asset.close(fd); } done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_11 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); if (fd > 0) { await asset.close(fd); } done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 * @tc.name : open('w') * @tc.desc : open -w the type of AUDIO * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.AUDIO; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 dataList.length:' + dataList.length); asset = dataList[0]; asset1 = dataList[1]; asset.open('w', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 fd:' + fd); expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd1, buf); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 write:' + write); let buf1 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res1 = await fileio.read(fd, buf1); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 read'); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 error:' + error); expect(true).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_12 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); //======================== AUDIO END ================================== //======================== VIDEO BEGIN ================================== /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 * @tc.name : open('rw') * @tc.desc : open -rw the type of VIDEO * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let fileType = mediaLibrary.MediaType.VIDEO; let fileFetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ fileType.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fileFetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('rw', async (error, fd) => { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 fd:' + fd); expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); expect(res.bytesRead > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 res.bytesRead :' + res.bytesRead); asset1 = dataList[1]; fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf2 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res2 = await fileio.read(fd1, buf2); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf2); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 write :' + write); if (fd > 0 && res.bytesRead > 0 && write > 0) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 success'); done(); } else { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 failed'); done(); } } }); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_13 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14 * @tc.name : open('r') * @tc.desc : open -r the type of VIDEO * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.VIDEO; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; asset.open('r', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14 fd:' + fd); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd, buf); expect(res.bytesRead > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14 res.bytesRead:' + res.bytesRead); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14 write:' + write); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14 error:' + error); expect(true).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_14 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); if (fd > 0) { await asset.close(fd); } done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 * @tc.name : open('w') * @tc.desc : open -w the type of VIDEO * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let asset1; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.VIDEO; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 dataList.length:' + dataList.length); asset = dataList[0]; asset1 = dataList[1]; asset.open('w', async (error, fd) => { try { if (fd == undefined) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 fd == undefined'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 fd :' + fd); expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); fd1 = await asset1.open('r'); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res = await fileio.read(fd1, buf); let write = await fileio.write(fd, buf); expect(write > 0).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 wreite:' + write); let buf1 = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let res1 = await fileio.read(fd, buf1); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 read'); done(); } } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 error:' + error); expect(true).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_15 error:' + error); expect(false).assertTrue(); await asset.close(fd); await asset1.close(fd1); done(); } }); //======================== VIDEO END ================================== //======================== CLOSE BEGIN ================================ /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_31 * @tc.name : close * @tc.desc : asset close the type of file * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_31', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.FILE; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; fd = await asset.open('r'); asset.close(fd, async (error) => { fd1 = await asset.open('r'); await asset.close(fd1); if (fd > 0 && fd1 > 0) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_31 success'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_31 false'); await asset.close(fd); await asset.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_31 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_33 * @tc.name : close * @tc.desc : asset close the type of image * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_33', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.IMAGE; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; fd = await asset.open('r'); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ==1 fd:' + fd); asset.close(fd, async (error) => { fd1 = await asset.open('r'); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ==2 fd2:' + fd1); await asset.close(fd1); if (fd > 0 && fd1 > 0) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_33 success'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_33 false'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_33 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_34 * @tc.name : close * @tc.desc : asset close the type of audio * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_34', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.AUDIO; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); asset = dataList[0]; fd = await asset.open('r'); asset.close(fd, async (error) => { fd1 = await asset.open('r'); await asset.close(fd1); if (fd > 0 && fd1 > 0) { console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_34 success'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_34 false'); await asset.close(fd); await asset.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_34 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 * @tc.name : close * @tc.desc : asset close the type of video * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35', 0, async function(done) { let asset; let fd; let fd1; try { let type = mediaLibrary.MediaType.VIDEO; let fetchOp = { selections : mediaLibrary.FileKey.MEDIA_TYPE + '= ?', selectionArgs : [ type.toString() ], }; let fetchFileResult = await media.getFileAssets(fetchOp); const dataList = await fetchFileResult.getAllObject(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 dataList.length:' + dataList.length); asset = dataList[0]; fd = await asset.open('r'); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 fd' + fd); expect(fd > 0).assertTrue(); asset.close(fd, async (error) => { try { fd1 = await asset.open('r'); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 fd1' + fd1); expect(fd1 > 0).assertTrue(); expect(error == undefined).assertTrue(); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 error == undefined'); await asset.close(fd1); console.info( 'MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 close fd1:' + fd1); done(); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); } catch (error) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_OPENANDCLOSE_ASSET_CALLBACK_005_35 error' + error); await asset.close(fd); await asset.close(fd1); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); //======================== CLOSE BEGIN ================================ });