/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import app from '@system.app' import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from 'deccjsunit/index' import window from '@ohos.window' import screen from '@ohos.screen' import display from '@ohos.display' const TRUE_WINDOW = true; const avoidAreaType = 3; describe('window_test', function () { var wnd; var topWindow; const DELAY_TIME = 3000; var height; function windowSizeChangeCallback(data) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest1 callback ' + JSON.stringify(data)); height = data.height; } function systemAvoidAreaChangeCallback(data) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest2 callback ' + JSON.stringify(data)); height = data.bottomRect.height; } beforeAll(function (done) { console.log('windowTest beforeAll begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest beforeAll window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); if (wnd) { topWindow = wnd; } else { console.log('windowTest beforeAll window.getTopWindow empty'); } }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest beforeAll window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }) setTimeout(() => { done(); }, 5000); }) beforeEach(function (done) { if (topWindow) { topWindow.show().then(() => { console.log('windowTest beforeEach wnd.show success'); topWindow.getProperties().then(data => { if (data.isFullScreen) { topWindow.setFullScreen(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest beforeEach wnd.setFullScreen(false) success'); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest beforeEach wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }) } }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest beforeEach wnd.setFullScreen(false) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest beforeEach wnd.show failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }) setTimeout(() => { done(); }, DELAY_TIME); } else { done(); } }) afterEach(function () { }) afterAll(function () { }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETPROPERTIES_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test getProperties_Test_001 * @tc.desc Get the current application main window properties */ it('getProperties_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getPropertiesTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getPropertiesTest1 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest getPropertiesTest1 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data.type != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.height != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.left != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.top != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.width != null).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); expect(data.focusable).assertTrue(); expect(data.touchable).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isKeepScreenOn).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isTransparent).assertTrue(); expect(data.brightness != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.dimBehindValue).assertEqual(0); expect(!data.isRoundCorner).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isPrivacyMode).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getPropertiesTest1 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getPropertiesTest1 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETPROPERTIES_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test getProperties_Test_002 * @tc.desc Get the current application main window properties */ it('getProperties_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest GetPropertiesTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest GetPropertiesTest2 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest GetPropertiesTest2 window.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.type != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.height != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.left != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.top != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.windowRect.width != null).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); expect(data.focusable).assertTrue(); expect(data.touchable).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isKeepScreenOn).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isTransparent).assertTrue(); expect(data.brightness != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.dimBehindValue).assertEqual(0); expect(!data.isRoundCorner).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isPrivacyMode).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getPropertiesTest2 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETAVOIDAREA_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test getAvoidArea_Test_001 * @tc.desc Get SystemUI type avoidance area */ it('getAvoidArea_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest1 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getAvoidArea(window.AvoidAreaType.TYPE_SYSTEM).then((data) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest1 wnd.getAvoidArea success, data :' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data.rightRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.topRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.bottomRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.leftRect != null).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest1 wnd.getAvoidArea failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest1 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETAVOIDAREA_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test getAvoidArea_Test_002 * @tc.desc Get Notch type avoidance area */ it('getAvoidArea_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest2 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getAvoidArea(window.AvoidAreaType.TYPE_CUTOUT).then((data) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest2 wnd.getAvoidArea success, data :' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data.rightRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.topRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.bottomRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.leftRect != null).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest2 wnd.getAvoidArea failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest2 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETAVOIDAREA_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test getAvoidArea_Test_003 * @tc.desc Get system gesture type avoidance area */ it('getAvoidArea_Test_003', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest3 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getAvoidArea(avoidAreaType).then((data) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest3 wnd.getAvoidArea success, data :' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data.rightRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.topRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.bottomRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.leftRect != null).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest3 wnd.getAvoidArea failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest3 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETAVOIDAREA_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test getAvoidArea_Test_004 * @tc.desc Get System type avoidance area */ it('getAvoidArea_Test_004', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest4 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getAvoidArea(window.AvoidAreaType.TYPE_SYSTEM, (err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest4 wnd.getAvoidArea callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.topRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.rightRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.bottomRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.leftRect != null).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETAVOIDAREA_JSAPI_005 * @tc.name Test getAvoidArea_Test_005 * @tc.desc Get Cutout type avoidance area */ it('getAvoidArea_Test_005', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest5 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest5 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getAvoidArea(window.AvoidAreaType.TYPE_CUTOUT, (err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest5 wnd.getAvoidArea callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.topRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.rightRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.bottomRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.leftRect != null).assertTrue(); console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest5 wnd.getAvoidArea callback end'); done(); } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest5 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETAVOIDAREA_JSAPI_006 * @tc.name Test getAvoidArea_Test_006 * @tc.desc Get system gesture type avoidance area */ it('getAvoidArea_Test_006', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest6 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest6 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getAvoidArea(avoidAreaType, (err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest6 wnd.getAvoidArea callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.topRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.rightRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.bottomRect != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.leftRect != null).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest getAvoidAreaTest6 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setFullScreen_Test_001 * @tc.desc Set the window to be non-fullscreen first and then fullscreen */ it('setFullScreen_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(false).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data != null).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(true).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 wnd.setFullScreen(true) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 wnd.setFullScreen(false) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setFullScreen_Test_002 * @tc.desc Set the window to be non-fullscreen first and then fullscreen. */ it('setFullScreen_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetFullScreenTest2 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(false, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetFullScreenTest2 window.setFullScreen(false) callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetFullScreenTest2 window.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(true, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetFullScreenTest2 window.setFullScreen(true) callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetFullScreenTest2 window.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); console.log('windowTest SetFullScreenTest2 window.getProperties callback end'); done(); } }) } }) } }) } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFullScreenTest1 window.getTopWindow fail : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_001 * @tc.desc Set window and layout to full screen */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(true).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(true).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data != null).assertTrue(); expect(data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(true) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 wnd.setFullScreen(true) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest1 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_002 * @tc.desc Set window and layout to full screen. */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(true, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 wnd.setFullScreen(true) callback begin'); if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 wnd.setFullScreen callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 wnd.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(true, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 wnd.setLayoutFullScreen callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 wnd.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 wnd.getProperties callback end'); expect(data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); } }) } }) } }) } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest2 window.getTopWindow fail : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_003 * @tc.desc Set the window to full screen, the layout is not full screen */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_003', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(true).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(false).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data != null).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(false) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 wnd.setFullScreen(true) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest3 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_004 * @tc.desc Set the window to full screen, the layout is not full screen */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_004', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(true, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 wnd.setFullScreen(true) callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 wnd.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(false, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(false) callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 wnd.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 wnd.getProperties callback end'); expect(!data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); } }) } }) } }) } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest4 window.getTopWindow fail : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_005 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_005 * @tc.desc Set the window to be non-full-screen and the layout to be full-screen */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_005', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(false).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data != null).assertTrue(); expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(true).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(true) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 wnd.setFullScreen(false) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest5 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_006 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_006 * @tc.desc Set the window to be non-full-screen and the layout to be full-screen. */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_006', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest6 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest6 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(false, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest6 wnd.setFullScreen fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest6 wnd.getProperties fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(true, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest6 wnd.setLayoutFullScreen fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest6 wnd.getProperties fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); } }) } }) } }) } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest6 window.getTopWindow fail : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_007 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_007 * @tc.desc Setting windows and layouts to be non-fullscreen */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_007', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(false).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(false).then(() => { wnd.getProperties().then((data) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 wnd.getProperties success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(!data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(false) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 wnd.getProperties failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 wnd.setFullScreen(false) failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreenTest7 window.getTopWindow failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETLAYOUTFULLSCREEN_JSAPI_008 * @tc.name Test setLayoutFullScreen_Test_008 * @tc.desc Setting window and layouts to be non-fullscreen. */ it('setLayoutFullScreen_Test_008', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest8 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest8 window.getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFullScreen(false, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest8 window.setFullScreen callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest8 window.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(!data.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(false, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest8 window.setLayoutFullScreen callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getProperties((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetLayoutFullScreenTest8 window.getProperties callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(!data.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); done(); } }) } }) } }) } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setLayoutFullScreen_Test_008 window.getTopWindow fail : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_FIND_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test find_Test_001 * @tc.desc Query main window */ it('find_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest findTest1 begin'); window.find('window0').then((data) => { console.log('windowTest findTest1 wnd.find success, data : ' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect(data != null).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest findTest1 wnd.find failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_FIND_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test find_Test_002 * @tc.desc Query for non-existing windows */ it('find_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest findTest2 begin'); window.find('window').then((window) => { console.log('windowTest findTest2 wnd.find success, window : ' + JSON.stringify(window)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest findTest2 wnd.find failed, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_FIND_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test find_Test_003 * @tc.desc Query main window. */ it('find_Test_003', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest findTest3 begin'); window.find('window0', (err, data) => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest findTest3 wnd.find fail, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest findTest3 wnd.find fail'); expect(data != null).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_FIND_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test find_Test_004 * @tc.desc Query for non-existing windows */ it('find_Test_004', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest findTest4 begin'); window.find('window', (err, data) => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest findTest4 wnd.find fail, err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest findTest4 wnd.find success'); expect().assertFail(); done(); } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ONOFF_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test onOff_Test_001. * @tc.desc To verify the function of enabling and disabling intercepting when the window size changes. */ it('onOff_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest1 begin'); display.getDefaultDisplay().then(dsp => { window.getTopWindow((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest1 getTopWindow fail ' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data != null).assertTrue(); data.on('windowSizeChange', windowSizeChangeCallback); data.setLayoutFullScreen(true, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest1 setLayoutFullScreen fail ' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { setTimeout((async function () { expect(dsp.height == height).assertTrue(); data.off('windowSizeChange'); data.setLayoutFullScreen(false, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest1 setLayoutFullScreen callback fail ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(dsp.height == height).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }), 3000) } }) } }) }, (err) => { console.log('displayTest OnOffTest1 getDefaultDisplay failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ONOFF_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test onOff_Test_002 * @tc.desc To verify the function of enabling and disabling lawful interception in the system and window */ it('onOff_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest2 getTopWindow callback fail ' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data != null).assertTrue(); data.on('systemAvoidAreaChange', systemAvoidAreaChangeCallback); data.setFullScreen(true, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest2 setLayoutFullScreen callback fail ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { setTimeout((async function () { expect(height == 0).assertTrue(); data.off('systemAvoidAreaChange'); data.setFullScreen(false, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest2 setLayoutFullScreen callback fail ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest OnOffTest2 off callback success'); expect(height == 0).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }), 3000) } }) } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ISSHOWING_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test isShowing_Test_001. * @tc.desc To verify the function of obtaining the display status when a window is hidden and then displayed. */ it('isShowing_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest1 begin'); window.create('subWindow1', window.WindowType.TYPE_APP).then(wnd => { expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.isShowing().then(res => { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest1 wnd.isShowing data:' + res); expect(!res).assertTrue(); wnd.show().then(() => { wnd.isShowing().then(res => { expect(res).assertTrue(); wnd.destroy(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest1 wnd.isShowing failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest1 wnd.show failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest1 wnd.isShowing failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ISSHOWING_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test isShowing_Test_002. * @tc.desc To verify the function of obtaining the display status when a window is hidden and then displayed. */ it('isShowing_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest2 begin'); window.create('subWindow2', window.WindowType.TYPE_APP, (err, data) => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest2 window.create fail err ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data != null).assertTrue(); data.isShowing((err, res1) => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest2 data.isShowing fail err ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(!res1).assertTrue(); data.show(() => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest2 data.show fail err ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { data.isShowing((err, res2) => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest IsShowingTest2 data.show fail err ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(res2).assertTrue(); data.destroy(); done(); } }) } }) } }) } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETCOLORSPACE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setColorSpace_Test_001 * @tc.desc To verify the setting of the wide color gamut color space */ it('setColorSpace_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setColorSpace(window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT).then(() => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 setColorSpace WIDE_GAMUT'); wnd.getColorSpace().then(res => { expect(res == window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT).assertTrue(); console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 setColorSpace WIDE_GAMUT success'); wnd.isSupportWideGamut().then(data => { expect(data).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 wnd.isSupportWideGamut failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 wnd.getColorSpace failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 wnd.setColorSpace failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest1 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETCOLORSPACE_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setColorSpace_Test_002 * @tc.desc To verify that the color space of invaild values is set successfully */ it('setColorSpace_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest2 wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setColorSpace(-5).then(() => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest2 setColorSpace -5'); expect().assertFail(); done(); },(err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest2 wnd.setColorSpace failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); done(); }) },(err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest2 wnd.getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETCOLORSPACE_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test setColorSpace_Test_003 * @tc.desc To verify the setting of the wide color gamut color space */ it('setColorSpace_Test_003', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest3 wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setColorSpace(window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest3 setColorSpace fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { wnd.getColorSpace((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest3 getColorSpace fail ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data == window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT).assertTrue(); wnd.isSupportWideGamut((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest3 getColorSpace callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data).assertTrue(); done(); } }) } }) } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest3 getTopWindow failed,err: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETCOLORSPACE_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test setColorSpace_Test_004 * @tc.desc To verify that the color space of invalid values is set successfully */ it('setColorSpace_Test_004', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest4 wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setColorSpace(-5, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest4 setColorSpace callback begin' + JSON.stringify(err)); if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest4 setColorSpace callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); done(); } else { expect().assertFail(); done(); } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetColorSpaceTest4 getTopWindow failed,err: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_CREATE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test create_Test_001. * @tc.desc To verify the function of creating an application subwindow. */ it('create_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest CreateTest1 begin'); window.create('subWindow3', window.WindowType.TYPE_APP).then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest CreateTest1 create success wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest CreateTest1 create failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_CREATE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test create_Test_002 * @tc.desc To verify the function of creating an application subwindow */ it('create_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest CreateTest2 begin'); window.create('subWindow4', window.WindowType.TYPE_APP, (err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest CreateTest2 create callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data != null).assertTrue(); console.log('windowTest CreateTest2 callback create success data' + data); done(); } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_DESTROY_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test destroy_Test_001 * @tc.desc Verify that a window is destroyed after being created */ it('destroy_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest1 begin'); window.create('subWindow5', window.WindowType.TYPE_APP).then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest1 create success wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.destroy().then(() => { window.find('subWindow5').then((data) => { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest1 window.find success, window :' + JSON.stringify(data)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest1 find failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1001); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest CreateTest1 destroy failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest CreateTest1 create failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_DESTROY_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test destroy_Test_002 * @tc.desc Verify that a window is destroyed after being created */ it('destroy_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest2 begin'); window.create('subWindow6', window.WindowType.TYPE_APP, (err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest2 create callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data != null).assertTrue(); data.destroy((err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest2 create callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { window.find('subWindow6', (err, data) => { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest2 find callback begin' + JSON.stringify(data)); if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest2 find callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1001); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest DestroyTest2 find suceess,err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } }) } }) } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETSYSTEMBARENABLE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setSystemBarEnable_Test_001 * @tc.desc To verify the function of setting a scenario that is visible to the system bar */ it('setSystemBarEnable_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest1 begin'); var names = ["status", "navigation"]; window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setLayoutFullScreen(true).then(() => { wnd.setSystemBarEnable(names).then(() => { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest1 setSystemBarEnable success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest1 setSystemBarEnable failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest1 setLayoutFullScreen failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest1 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETSYSTEMBARENABLE_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setSystemBarEnable_Test_002 * @tc.desc To verify the function of setting a scenario that is visible to the system bar */ it('setSystemBarEnable_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest2 begin'); var names = ["status", "navigation"]; window.getTopWindow((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest2 getTopWindow fail: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data != null).assertTrue(); data.setSystemBarEnable(names, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest2 getTopWindow fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarEnableTest2 setSystemBarEnable success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); } }) } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETSYSTEMBARPROPERTIES_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setSystemBarProperties_Test_001 * @tc.desc To verify the function of setting system bar attributes */ it('setSystemBarProperties_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarPropertiesTest1 begin'); var SystemBarProperties = { statusBarColor: '#ff00ff', navigationBarColor: '#00ff00', isStatusBarLightIcon: true, isNavigationBarLightIcon: false, statusBarContentColor: '#ffffff', navigationBarContentColor: '#00ffff' }; window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setSystemBarProperties(SystemBarProperties).then(() => { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarPropertiesTest1 setSystemBarProperties success '); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); },(err) => { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarPropertiesTest1 setSystemBarProperties failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) },(err) => { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarPropertiesTest1 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETSYSTEMBARPROPERTIES_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setSystemBarProperties_Test_002 * @tc.desc To verify the function of setting system bar attributes */ it('setSystemBarProperties_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarPropertiesTest2 begin'); var SystemBarProperties = { statusBarColor: '#ff00ff', navigationBarColor: '#00ff00', isStatusBarLightIcon: true, isNavigationBarLightIcon: false, statusBarContentColor: '#ffffff', navigationBarContentColor: '#00ffff' }; window.getTopWindow((err, data) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarPropertiesTest2 getTopWindow fail: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(data != null).assertTrue(); data.setSystemBarProperties(SystemBarProperties, (err) => { if (err.code != 0) { console.log('windowTest SetSystemBarPropertiesTest2 setSystemBarProperties fail' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); } else { expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); } }) } }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test move_Test_001 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window moves */ it('move_Test_001', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTest1 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.moveTo(200, 200, (err) => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest moveTest1 moveTo callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest moveTest1 moveTo callback success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test move_Test_002 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window moves */ it('move_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTest2 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.moveTo(100, 100).then(() => { console.log('windowTest moveTest2 wnd.moveTo success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest2 wnd.moveTo failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest2 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test move_Test_003 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window moves */ it('move_Test_003', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTest3 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.moveTo(20000, 20000).then(() => { console.log('windowTest moveTest3 wnd.moveTo success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest3 wnd.moveTo failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest3 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test move_Test_004 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window moves */ it('move_Test_004', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTest4 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.moveTo(-200, -200).then(() => { console.log('windowTest moveTest4 wnd.moveTo success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest4 wnd.moveTo failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest4 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_005 * @tc.name Test move_Test_005 * @tc.desc Verify that the window is moved into the normal scene */ it('move_Test_005', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTest5 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTest5 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { wnd.moveTo(100, 100).then(() => { expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest5 wnd.moveTo failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) } }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest5 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_006 * @tc.name Test move_Test_006 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window moves */ it('move_Test_006', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTest6 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTest6 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.moveTo(-200, -200, (err) => { if (err) { console.log('windowTest moveTest6 wnd.moveTo failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest moveTest6 wnd.moveTo success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest6 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_007 * @tc.name Test move_Test_007 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window moves */ it('move_Test_007', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTestNegative begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTestNegative getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.moveTo(-200, -200).then(() => { console.log('moveTo(-200,-200) success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTestNegative moveTo failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTestNegative getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_MOVETO_JSAPI_008 * @tc.name Test move_Test_008 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window moves */ it('move_Test_008', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest moveTest8 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest moveTest8 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.moveTo(-200, 200).then(() => { wnd.moveTo(200, -300).then(() => { expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest8 create failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest8 create failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest moveTest8 create failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_RESETSIZE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test resetSize_Test_001 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window resets size */ it('resetSize_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest1 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.resetSize(200, 600).then(() => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest1 wnd.resetSize(200, 600) success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest1 wnd.resetSize failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest1 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_RESETSIZE_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test resetSize_Test_002 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window resets size */ it('resetSize_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest2 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.resetSize(20000, 20000).then(() => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest2 wnd.resetSize(20000, 20000) success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest2 wnd.resetSize failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest2 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_RESETSIZE_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test resetSize_Test_003 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window resets size */ it('resetSize_Test_003', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest3 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.resetSize(0, 0).then(() => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest3 wnd.resetSize(0, 0) success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest3 wnd.resetSize failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest3 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_RESETSIZE_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test resetSize_Test_004 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window resets size */ it('resetSize_Test_004', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest4 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.resetSize(-1, -1).then(() => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest4 wnd.resetSize(-1, -1) success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest4 wnd.resetSize failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest4 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_RESETSIZE_JSAPI_005 * @tc.name Test resetSize_Test_005 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window resets size */ it('resetSize_Test_005', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest5 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest5 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { wnd.resetSize(100, 100).then(() => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest5 wnd.resetSize(100, 100) success, count:"%d\n"', i); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); },(err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest5 wnd.resetSize failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) } }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTest5 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_RESETSIZETEST_JSAPI_006 * @tc.name Test resetSize_Test_006 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window resets size */ it('resetSize_Test_006', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest ResetSizeTest6 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest ResetSizeTest6 getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.resetSize(200, 200, (err) => { if (err.code) { console.log('windowTest ResetSizeTest6 resetSize callback fail' + JSON.stringify(err.code)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); } else { console.log('windowTest ResetSizeTest6 resetSize callback success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); } }) }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_RESETSIZE_JSAPI_007 * @tc.name Test resetSize_Test_007 * @tc.desc Verify the scene where the window resets size */ it('resetSize_Test_007', 0, async function (done) { var width = 100; var height = 100; console.log('windowTest resetSizeLoop begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeLoop getTopWindow wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { width = width * i; height = height * i; wnd.resetSize(width, height).then(() => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeTestLoop success'); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); },(err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeLoop resetSize failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(7); done(); }) } },(err) => { console.log('windowTest resetSizeLoop getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_GETTOPWINDOW_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test getTopWindow_Test_001 * @tc.desc Verify the scene that gets the top window */ it('getTopWindow_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest getTopWindowTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest getTopWindowTest1 wnd: ' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); done(); },(err) => { console.log('windowTest getTopWindowTest1 getTopWindow failed, err :' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETSCREENACTIVEMODE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setScreenActiveMode_Test_001. * @tc.desc To set the function of setting screen parameters */ it('setScreenActiveMode_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest1 begin'); screen.getAllScreens().then(src => { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest1 getAllScreen src' + src); expect(src[0] != null).assertTrue(); let screenIndex = src[0]; screenIndex.setScreenActiveMode(0).then(() => { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest1 setScreenActiveMode 0 success '); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue() done(); },(err) => { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest1 setScreenActiveMode 0 failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest1 failed: err: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETSCREENACTIVEMODE_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setScreenActiveMode_Test_002. * @tc.desc To set the function of screen parameters to abnormal values. */ it('setScreenActiveMode_Test_002', 0, async function (done) { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest2 begin'); screen.getAllScreens().then(src => { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest2 getAllScreen src' + src); expect(src[0] != null).assertTrue(); let screenIndex = src[0]; screenIndex.setScreenActiveMode(-5).then(res => { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest2 setScreenActiveMode -5 res: ' + res); expect().assertFail(); done(); },(err) => { console.log('screenshotTest setScreenActiveModeTest2 setScreenActiveMode -5 failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(-1); done(); }) }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ENUM_WINDOWSTAGEEVENTTYPE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test enumWindowStageEventType_Test_001. * @tc.desc To test the enum value of WindowStageEventType. */ it('enumWindowStageEventType_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('test the enum value of WindowStageEventType begin'); try { expect(1).assertEqual(window.WindowStageEventType.FOREGROUND); expect(2).assertEqual(window.WindowStageEventType.ACTIVE); expect(3).assertEqual(window.WindowStageEventType.INACTIVE); expect(4).assertEqual(window.WindowStageEventType.BACKGROUND); done(); } catch (err) { console.log('test enum value of windowStageEventType error ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ENUM_WINDOWCOLORSPACE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test enumWindowCOLORSPACE_Test_001. * @tc.desc To test the enum value of WindowCOLORSPACE. */ it('enumWindowCOLORSPACE_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('test the enum value of Window colorspace begin'); try { expect(0).assertEqual(window.ColorSpace.DEFAULT); expect(1).assertEqual(window.ColorSpace.WIDE_GAMUT); done(); } catch (err) { console.log('test enum value of window colorspace error ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ENUM_WINDOWTYPE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test enumWindowType_Test_001. * @tc.desc To test the enum value of WindowType. */ it('enumWindowType_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.log('windowTest the enum value of Window begin'); try { expect(0).assertEqual(window.WindowType.TYPE_APP); expect(1).assertEqual(window.WindowType.TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT); done(); } catch (err) { console.log('windowTest enum value of WindowType error ' + JSON.stringify(err)); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_ENUM_WINDOWPROTERTIES_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test enumWindowProperties_Test_001. * @tc.desc To test the enum value of WindowProperties. */ it('enumWindowProperties_Test_001', 0, async function (done) { console.info('test the enum value of Window Properties begin'); try { var windowP = { windowRect : { left:20, top:20, width:20, height:20 }, type:0, isFullScreen:false, isLayoutFullScreen:false, focusable:false, touchable:false, brightness:0.5, dimBehindValue:3, isKeepScreenOn:false, isPrivacyMode:false, isRoundCorner:false, isTransparent:false } expect(20).assertEqual(windowP.windowRect.left); expect(20).assertEqual(windowP.windowRect.top); expect(20).assertEqual(windowP.windowRect.width); expect(20).assertEqual(windowP.windowRect.height); expect(0).assertEqual(windowP.type); expect(!windowP.isFullScreen).assertTrue(); expect(!windowP.isLayoutFullScreen).assertTrue(); expect(!windowP.focusable).assertTrue(); expect(!windowP.touchable).assertTrue(); expect(0.5).assertEqual(windowP.brightness); expect(3).assertEqual(windowP.dimBehindValue); expect(!windowP.isKeepScreenOn).assertTrue(); expect(!windowP.isPrivacyMode).assertTrue(); expect(!windowP.isRoundCorner).assertTrue(); expect(!windowP.isTransparent).assertTrue(); done(); } catch (err) { console.error('test enum value of windowproperties error ' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect.assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETFOCUSABLE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setFocusable_Test_001 * @tc.desc Setting window focus acquisition and defocus */ it('setFocusable_Test_001', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.focusable).assertTrue(); wnd.setFocusable(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 setFocusable(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.focusable).assertTrue(); wnd.setFocusable(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 setFocusable(true) success '); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 setFocusable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest1 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETFOCUSABLE_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setFocusable_Test_002 * @tc.desc The setting window loses focus and cannot be touched */ it('setFocusable_Test_002', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFocusable(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 setFocusable(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.focusable).assertTrue(); wnd.setTouchable(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 setTouchable(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.touchable).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 setTouchable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 setFocusable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest2 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETFOCUSABLE_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test setFocusable_Test_003 * @tc.desc Set the window to lose focus and be touchable */ it('setFocusable_Test_003', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFocusable(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 setFocusable(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.focusable).assertTrue(); wnd.setTouchable(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 setTouchable(true) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.touchable).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 setTouchable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 setFocusable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest3 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETFOCUSABLE_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test setFocusable_Test_004 * @tc.desc Setting the window to get focus is not touchable */ it('setFocusable_Test_004', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFocusable(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 setFocusable(true) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.focusable).assertTrue(); wnd.setTouchable(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 setTouchable(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.touchable).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 setTouchable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 setFocusable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest4 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETFOCUSABLE_JSAPI_005 * @tc.name Test setFocusable_Test_005 * @tc.desc Set the window to get focus and touch */ it('setFocusable_Test_005', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setFocusable(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 setFocusable(true) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.focusable).assertTrue(); wnd.setTouchable(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 setTouchable(true) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.touchable).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 setTouchable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 setFocusable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setFocusableTest5 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETTOUCHABLE_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setTouchable_Test_001 * @tc.desc Set whether the window can be touched or not */ it('setTouchable_Test_001', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.touchable).assertTrue(); wnd.setTouchable(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 setTouchable(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.touchable).assertTrue(); wnd.setTouchable(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 setTouchable(true) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.touchable).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 setTouchable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 setTouchable failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setTouchableTest1 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETKEEPSCREENON_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setKeepScreenOn_Test_001 * @tc.desc Set whether the window can be touched or not */ it('setKeepScreenOn_Test_001', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.isKeepScreenOn).assertTrue(); wnd.setKeepScreenOn(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 setKeepScreenOn(true) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.isKeepScreenOn).assertTrue(); wnd.setKeepScreenOn(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 setKeepScreenOn(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.isKeepScreenOn).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 setKeepScreenOn failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 setKeepScreenOn failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest1 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETKEEPSCREENON_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setKeepScreenOn_Test_002 * @tc.desc Set whether the window can be touched or not */ it('setKeepScreenOn_Test_002', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.isKeepScreenOn).assertTrue(); wnd.setKeepScreenOn(true).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 setKeepScreenOn(true) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.touchable).assertTrue(); wnd.setKeepScreenOn(false).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 setKeepScreenOn(false) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.touchable).assertTrue(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 setKeepScreenOn failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 setKeepScreenOn failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) } done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setKeepScreenOnTest2 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setBackgroundColor_Test_001 * @tc.desc Set the window background color to red and Default opacity */ it('setBackgroundColor_Test_001', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest1 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBackgroundColor("#ffff00").then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest1 setBrightness(#ffff00) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.isTransparent).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest1 setBackgroundColor failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest1 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setBackgroundColor_Test_002 * @tc.desc Set the window background color to red opaque */ it('setBackgroundColor_Test_002', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest2 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBackgroundColor("#ffffff00").then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest2 setBrightness(#ffffff00) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(!data.isTransparent).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest2 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest2 setBackgroundColor failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest2 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test setBackgroundColor_Test_003 * @tc.desc Set the window background color to red transparent */ it('setBackgroundColor_Test_003', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest3 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBackgroundColor("#00ffff00").then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest3 setBrightness(#00ffff00) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { expect(data.isTransparent).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest3 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest3 setBackgroundColor failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest3 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test setBackgroundColor_Test_004 * @tc.desc Set the background color input parameter as an outlier */ it('setBackgroundColor_Test_004', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest4 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBackgroundColor("ff00").then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest4 setBrightness(#ff00) success '); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest4 setBackgroundColor failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest4 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR_JSAPI_005 * @tc.name Test setBackgroundColor_Test_005 * @tc.desc Setting window background color input exception ARGB */ it('setBackgroundColor_Test_005', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest5 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest5 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBackgroundColor("#hhgghhgg").then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest5 setBrightness(#hhgghhgg) success '); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest5 setBackgroundColor failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest5 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBACKGROUNDCOLOR_JSAPI_006 * @tc.name Test setBackgroundColor_Test_006 * @tc.desc Setting window background color input exception RGB */ it('setBackgroundColor_Test_006', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest6 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest6 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBackgroundColor("#gghhkk").then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest6 setBrightness(#gghhkk) success '); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest6 setBackgroundColor failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBackgroundColorTest6 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBRIGHTNESS_JSAPI_001 * @tc.name Test setBrightness_Test_001 * @tc.desc Setting the brightness bar input parameter is normal */ it('setBrightness_Test_001', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBrightness(0).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 setBrightness(0) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getProperties data ' + data); expect(data.brightness).assertEqual(0); wnd.setBrightness(0.5).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 setBrightness(0.5) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getProperties data ' + data); expect(data.brightness).assertEqual(0.5); wnd.setBrightness(1).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 setBrightness(1) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getProperties data ' + data); expect(data.brightness).assertEqual(1); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest1 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBRIGHTNESS_JSAPI_002 * @tc.name Test setBrightness_Test_002 * @tc.desc Set the brightness bar input parameter to decimal */ it('setBrightness_Test_002', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest2 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest2 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBrightness(0.564789).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest2 setBrightness(0.564789) success '); wnd.getProperties().then(data => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest2 getProperties data ' + data); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest2 getProperties failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest2 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest2 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBRIGHTNESS_JSAPI_003 * @tc.name Test setBrightness_Test_003 * @tc.desc Set the brightness bar input parameter to number max */ it('setBrightness_Test_003', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest3 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest3 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBrightness(Number.MAX_VALUE).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest3 setBrightness(Number.MAX_VALUE) success '); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest3 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest3 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBRIGHTNESS_JSAPI_004 * @tc.name Test setBrightness_Test_004 * @tc.desc Set the brightness bar input parameter to number min */ it('setBrightness_Test_004', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest4 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest4 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBrightness(Number.MIN_VALUE).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest4 setBrightness(Number.MIN_VALUE) success '); expect(TRUE_WINDOW).assertTrue(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest4 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest4 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) /** * @tc.number SUB_WMS_SETBRIGHTNESS_JSAPI_005 * @tc.name Test setBrightness_Test_005 * @tc.desc Setting brightness bar input parameter exception */ it('setBrightness_Test_005', 0, function (done) { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest5 begin'); window.getTopWindow().then(wnd => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest5 getTopWindow wnd' + wnd); expect(wnd != null).assertTrue(); wnd.setBrightness(1.1).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest5 setBrightness(1.1) success '); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest5 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); wnd.setBrightness(-0.1).then(() => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest5 setBrightness(-0.1) success '); expect().assertFail(); done(); }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest5 setBrightness failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect(err.code).assertEqual(1003); done(); }) }) }, (err) => { console.log('windowTest setBrightnessTest5 getTopWindow failed: err' + JSON.stringify(err)); expect().assertFail(); done(); }) }) })