/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect } from '@ohos/hypium' import continuationManager from '@ohos.continuation.continuationManager'; const TEST_DEVICE_ID = "test_deviceId"; const TEST_CONNECT_STATUS = continuationManager.DeviceConnectState.CONNECTED; let token = -1; export default function continuationManagerTest() { describe('continuationManagerTest', function() { beforeAll(async function (done) { console.info('beforeAll'); done(); }) afterAll(async function (done) { console.info('afterAll'); done(); }) beforeEach(async function (done) { console.info('beforeEach'); await continuationManager.register(function (err, data) { token = data; console.info('beforeEach register success'); done(); }); console.info('beforeEach end'); }) afterEach(async function (done) { console.info('afterEach'); await continuationManager.unregister(token, function (err, data) { console.info('afterEach unregister success'); done(); }); console.info('afterEach end'); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_REGISTER_0100 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.register(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.register() testcase 001 */ it('testRegister001', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.register(function (err, data) { expect(err.code == 0).assertTrue(); expect(data - token == 1).assertTrue(); done(); }); } catch (e) { console.info("testRegister001 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_REGISTER_0200 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.register(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.register() testcase 002 */ it('testRegister002', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { deviceType: [], description: "", filter: "", continuationMode: null, authInfo: {} }; continuationManager.register(continuationExtraParams, function(err, data){ console.info("testRegister002 " + err.message) expect(err.message == "Invalidate params.").assertTrue(); done(); }); } catch (e) { console.info("testRegister002 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_REGISTER_0300 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.register(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.register() testcase 003 */ it('testRegister003', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { deviceType: ["00E"], description: "description", filter: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8}, continuationMode: 10, authInfo: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8} }; continuationManager.register(continuationExtraParams, function(err, data) { expect(err.code == 29360216).assertTrue(); console.info("testRegister003 "+ err); done(); }); } catch (e) { console.info("testRegister003 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_REGISTER_0400 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.register(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.register() testcase 004 */ it('testRegister004', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { deviceType: ["00E"], description: "description", filter: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8}, continuationMode: continuationManager.ContinuationMode.COLLABORATION_MUTIPLE, authInfo: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8} }; continuationManager.register(continuationExtraParams, function(err, data) { expect(err.code == 0).assertTrue(); expect(data - token == 1).assertTrue(); done(); }); } catch (e) { console.info("testRegister004 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_UNREGISTER_0100 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.unregister(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.unregister() testcase 001 */ it('testUnregister001', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.unregister(token, function (err, data) { expect(err.code == 0).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }) done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testUnregister001 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_UNREGISTER_0200 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.unregister(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.unregister() testcase 002 */ it('testUnregister002', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.unregister(null, function (err, data) { console.info("testUnregister002 " + data); expect(err.message == "Invalidate params.").assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }) done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testUnregister002 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_UNREGISTER_0300 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.unregister(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.unregister() testcase 003 */ it('testUnregister003', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.unregister(300, function (err, data) { expect(err.code == 29360208).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }) done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testUnregister003 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_ON_0100 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.on(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.on() testcase 001 */ it('testOn001', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.on("deviceConnect", function (data) { expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOn001 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_ON_0200 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.on(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.on() testcase 002 */ it('testOn002', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.on("deviceDisconnect", function (data) { expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOn002 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_ON_0300 * @tc.name [JS-API9]ContinuationManager.on(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.on() testcase 003 */ it('testOn003', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.on("deviceConnect", token, function (data) { expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }) done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOn003 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_ON_0400 * @tc.name [JS-API9]ContinuationManager.on(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.on() testcase 004 */ it('testOn004', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.on("deviceDisconnect", token, function (data) { expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOn004 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_OFF_0100 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.off(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.off() testcase 001 */ it('testOff001', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.off("deviceConnect", function (data) { expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOff001 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_OFF_0200 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.off(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.off() testcase 002 */ it('testOff002', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.off("deviceDisconnect", function (data) { expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOff002 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_OFF_0300 * @tc.name [JS-API9]ContinuationManager.off(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.off() testcase 003 */ it('testOff003', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.off("deviceConnect", token); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOff003 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_OFF_0400 * @tc.name [JS-API9]ContinuationManager.off(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.off() testcase 004 */ it('testOff004', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.off("deviceDisconnect", token); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testOff004 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_STARTDEVICEMANAGER_0100 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager() testcase 001 */ it('testStartDeviceManager001', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.startDeviceManager(token, function (err, data) { expect(err.code != 0).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager001 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_STARTDEVICEMANAGER_0200 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager() testcase 002 */ it('testStartDeviceManager002', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.startDeviceManager(null, function (err, data) { expect(err.code == -1).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager002 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_STARTDEVICEMANAGER_0300 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager() testcase 003 */ it('testStartDeviceManager003', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { deviceType: ["00E"], description: "description", filter: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8}, continuationMode: continuationManager.ContinuationMode.COLLABORATION_MUTIPLE, authInfo: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8} }; continuationManager.startDeviceManager(null, continuationExtraParams, function (err, data) { expect(err.code == -1).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager003 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_STARTDEVICEMANAGER_0400 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager() testcase 004 */ it('testStartDeviceManager004', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { deviceType: ["00E"], description: "description", filter: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8}, continuationMode: continuationManager.ContinuationMode.COLLABORATION_MUTIPLE, authInfo: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8} }; continuationManager.startDeviceManager(52, continuationExtraParams, function (err, data) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager004 " + err.code); expect(err.code == 29360208).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager004 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_STARTDEVICEMANAGER_0500 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager() testcase 005 */ it('testStartDeviceManager005', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { deviceType: ["00E"], description: "description", filter: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8}, continuationMode: 30, authInfo: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8} }; continuationManager.startDeviceManager(token, continuationExtraParams, function (err, data) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager005 " + err.code); expect(err.code == 29360216).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager005 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_STARTDEVICEMANAGER_0600 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager() testcase 006 */ it('testStartDeviceManager006', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { }; continuationManager.startDeviceManager(token, continuationExtraParams, function (err, data) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager006 " + err.code); expect(err.code != 0).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager006 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_STARTDEVICEMANAGER_0700 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.startDeviceManager() testcase 007 */ it('testStartDeviceManager007', 0, async function(done) { try { let continuationExtraParams = { deviceType: ["00E"], description: "description", filter: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8}, continuationMode: continuationManager.ContinuationMode.COLLABORATION_MUTIPLE, authInfo: {"name": "authInfo","length": 8} }; continuationManager.startDeviceManager(token, continuationExtraParams, function (err, data) { expect(err.code != 0).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testStartDeviceManager007 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_UPDATECONNECTSTATUS_0100 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.updateConnectStatus(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.updateConnectStatus() testcase 001 */ it('testUpdateConnectStatus001', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.updateConnectStatus(token, TEST_DEVICE_ID, TEST_CONNECT_STATUS, function (err, data) { expect(err.code != 0).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testUpdateConnectStatus001 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_UPDATECONNECTSTATUS_0200 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.updateConnectStatus(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.updateConnectStatus() testcase 002 */ it('testUpdateConnectStatus002', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.updateConnectStatus(null, TEST_DEVICE_ID, TEST_CONNECT_STATUS, function (err, data) { console.info("testUpdateConnectStatus002 " + err.code); expect(err.code == -1).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testUpdateConnectStatus002 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_DISTRIBUTEDSCHEDULE_CONTINUATIONMANAGER_UPDATECONNECTSTATUS_0300 * @tc.name [JS-API8]ContinuationManager.updateConnectStatus(). * @tc.desc Test Js Api ContinuationManager.updateConnectStatus() testcase 003 */ it('testUpdateConnectStatus003', 0, async function(done) { try { continuationManager.updateConnectStatus(token, TEST_DEVICE_ID, -2, function (err, data) { console.info("testUpdateConnectStatus003 " + err.code); expect(err.code == 29360215).assertTrue(); expect(data == undefined).assertTrue(); }); done(); } catch (e) { console.info("testUpdateConnectStatus003 " + e); expect(null).assertFail(); done(); } }) })}