/* * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import prompt from '@ohos.prompt'; import router from '@ohos.router'; import fileio from '@ohos.fileio'; import xml from '@ohos.xml'; import fileIO from '@ohos.fileio'; import util from '@ohos.util'; import data_preferences from '@ohos.data.preferences'; const TAG = 'ParseXML'; let path = globalThis.dir; let path1 = path + '/Camera'; let VarColor = []; let ColorBackPath = path + '/CameraColorBack.txt'; let txtPath = path1 + '/CameraReport.txt'; let xmlPath = path1 + '/CameraTest.xml'; @Entry @Component struct IndexPage { @State ClearAll : boolean = false; private current : number = undefined; @State count : number = 0; @State result : string = ''; @State TEST : number = 0; private TestCaseList = [ { title: 'CameraPreviewFormat', uri: 'pages/Camera/CameraPreviewFormat' }, { title: 'CameraPhotoFormat', uri: 'pages/Camera/CameraPhotoFormat' }, { title: 'CameraOrientation', uri: 'pages/Camera/CameraOrientation' }, { title: 'CameraSerialPhoto', uri: 'pages/Camera/CameraSerialPhoto' }, { title: 'CameraVideo', uri: 'pages/Camera/CameraVideo' }, { title: 'CameraFlash', uri: 'pages/Camera/CameraFlash' }, ] @State ColorObject : string[] = VarColor; async onPageShow(){ let Test = null; let context =null; context = globalThis.getContext(); let preferences; let promise = data_preferences.getPreferences(context,'mystore'); await promise.then((object) => { preferences = object; }); promise = preferences.get('Camera', 0); await promise.then((data) => { Test = data; console.info("Succeeded in getting value of 'Camera'. Data: " + data); }); if(Test != 1) { let fd = fileio.openSync(ColorBackPath, 0o102, 0o666); for(let i = 0; i < this.TestCaseList.length; i++) { let log = (this.TestCaseList[i].title+';'+'#ff808080'+';').toString(); fileio.writeSync(fd,log); } fileio.closeSync(fd); } promise = preferences.put('Camera', 1); promise.then(() => { console.info("Succeeded in putting value of 'Camera'."); }); promise = preferences.flush(); promise.then(() => { console.info("Succeeded in flushing."); }); this.TEST = Test; let opt = fileio.openSync(ColorBackPath, 0o100 | 0o2002, 0o664); let buff = new ArrayBuffer(40960); fileio.readSync(opt,buff); let ColorBack = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buff)); let TestList = ColorBack.split(';'); for (let i = 0; i < Math.floor(TestList.length / 2); i++) { VarColor[i] = TestList[i*2+1]; } fileio.closeSync(opt); if (this.count === 1){ this.result = router.getParams()['result']; let titles = router.getParams()['title']; let name1 = '刚刚点进了哪个用例:'+ titles; let results = this.result; let WriteTitle = (titles).toString(); let number = WriteTitle.length + 11; let Index = ColorBack.indexOf(WriteTitle); if (this.result === 'true'){ this.ColorObject[this.current] = '#ff008000'; let Log = (titles+';'+'#ff008000'+';'); let key = ColorBack.substring(Index,Index+number); let FD = fileio.openSync(ColorBackPath, 0o102, 0o666); ColorBack = ColorBack.replace(key,Log); let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let rd = fileio.readSync(FD,buffer); let Report = ColorBack.substring(0,rd); fileio.closeSync(FD); let Fd = fileio.openSync(ColorBackPath, 0o102, 0o666); fileio.writeSync(Fd,Report); filewrite(name1,results,titles) } else if (this.result === 'false'){ this.ColorObject[this.current] = '#ffff0000'; let Log = (titles+';'+'#ffff0000'+';'); let key = ColorBack.substring(Index,Index+number); let FD = fileio.openSync(ColorBackPath, 0o102, 0o666); ColorBack = ColorBack.replace(key,Log); let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4096); let rd = fileio.readSync(FD,buffer); let Report = ColorBack.substring(0,rd); fileio.closeSync(FD); let Fd = fileio.openSync(ColorBackPath, 0o102, 0o666); fileio.writeSync(Fd,Report); filewrite(name1,results,titles); } else if (this.result === 'None'){ this.ColorObject[this.current] = this.ColorObject[this.current]; } } } build(){ Column(){ Row() { Button() { Image($r('app.media.ic_public_back')).width('20vp').height('18vp') }.backgroundColor(Color.Black).size({ width: '40vp', height: '30vp' }) .onClick(() => { router.back(); }) Row(){ Text('Camera') .fontColor(Color.White) .fontSize('20fp') }.justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceAround).backgroundColor(Color.Black) Row() { Button(){ Image($r('app.media.ic_public_delete')) .width('30vp') .height('30vp') }.backgroundColor(Color.Black) .onClick(() => { AlertDialog.show( { message: "是否删除所有记录", primaryButton: { value: 'Yes', action: () => { this.ClearAll = true; this.ColorObject.forEach((value, index) => { this.ColorObject[index] = '#ff808080'; }); this.ClearText(); prompt.showToast({ message: '结果已删除', duration: 1000 }); } }, secondaryButton: { value: 'No', action: () => { } }, cancel: () => { } } ) }) Button(){ Image($r('app.media.ic_public_save')) .width('30vp') .height('30vp') .margin({ left: 30 }) }.backgroundColor(Color.Black) .onClick(() => { this.ReadTextParseXml(); AlertDialog.show({ message: "报告已生成,如需查看通过命令行输入'hdc_std file recv /data/app/el2/100/base/com.example.actsvalidator/haps/entry/files/report1/CameraTest.xml -本地路径'", confirm:{ value:'OK', action:()=>{ prompt.showToast({ message: '报告已生成', duration: 1000 }) } }, cancel: () => { prompt.showToast({ message: '报告已生成', duration: 1000 }) } }) }) } }.width('100%').justifyContent(FlexAlign.SpaceAround).margin({top:'15vp'}).height('6%').backgroundColor(Color.Black) List({space:5}){ ForEach(this.TestCaseList,(item,index) => { ListItem(){ Row(){ Text(item.title).fontSize(16).fontColor(Color.Black) }.width('100%').height(50).alignItems(VerticalAlign.Center).backgroundColor(this.count===0&&this.TEST===0?'#ff808080':this.ColorObject[index]) .onClick(( )=>{ this.count = 1; this.ClearAll=false; this.current = index; router.push({ url: item.uri, }) }) } },item => item.title) }.width('100%').height('92%') }.width('100%').height('100%').backgroundColor(Color.Black) } ClearText(){ fileio.rmdirSync(path1); fileio.mkdirSync(path1); let fd = fileio.openSync(ColorBackPath, 0o102, 0o666); for(let i = 0; i < this.TestCaseList.length; i++) { let log = (this.TestCaseList[i].title+';'+'#ff808080'+';').toString(); fileio.writeSync(fd,log); } } ReadTextParseXml(){ let ReportPath = path1 + '/CameraReport.txt'; let dir = fileio.opendirSync(path1); console.info("ssssss"+dir); while (dir) { let OP = fileio.openSync(ReportPath, 0o100 | 0o2002, 0o664); let buf = new ArrayBuffer(40960); let RD = fileio.readSync(OP,buf); console.info("ddddd"+RD); let report; function ab2str(buf) { return report = String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(buf)); } ab2str(buf); let str1 = report.split(";"); let title = []; let result = []; for(let i=0; i