/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect } from '@ohos/hypium' import wifiMg from '@ohos.wifiManager' function sleep(delay) { return new Promise(resovle => setTimeout(resovle, delay)) } function checkWifiPowerOn(){ console.info("[wifi_test]wifi status:" + wifiMg.isWifiActive()); } function resolveIP(ip) { return (ip>>24 & 0xFF) + "." + (ip>>16 & 0xFF) + "." + (ip>>8 & 0xFF) + "." + (ip & 0xFF); } let wifiChannelWidth = { WIDTH_20MHZ : 0, WIDTH_40MHZ : 1, WIDTH_80MHZ : 2, WIDTH_160MHZ : 3, WIDTH_80MHZ_PLUS : 4, WIDTH_INVALID:null, } export default function actsWifiManagerFunctionsTest() { describe('actsWifiManagerFunctionsTest', function() { beforeEach(function () { checkWifiPowerOn(); }) afterEach(function () { }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0002 * @tc.name testgetScanResults * @tc.desc Test getScanResults promise and callback API functionality. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 0 */ it('SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0002', 0, async function (done) { let scanResult = wifiMg.scan(); await sleep(3000); await wifiMg.getScanResults() .then(result => { let clen = Object.keys(result).length; expect(true).assertEqual(clen >= 0); console.info("[wifi_test]getScanInfos promise result:" + JSON.stringify(result)); }); function getScan() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wifiMg.getScanResults( (err, result) => { if (err) { console.log("[wifi_test] wifi getScanInfos failed:" + err); } let clen = Object.keys(result).length; if (!(clen == 0)) { expect(clen).assertLarger(0); console.info("[wifi_test] getScanInfos callback result: " + JSON.stringify(result)); for (let j = 0; j < clen; ++j) { console.info("ssid: " + result[j].ssid + "bssid: " + result[j].bssid + "securityType: " + result[j].securityType + "rssi: " + result[j].rssi + "band: " + result[j].band + "frequency: " + result[j].frequency + "channelWidth: " + result[j].channelWidth + "timestamp" + result[j].timestamp + "capabilities" + result[j].capabilities + "centerFrequency0: " + result[j].centerFrequency0 + "centerFrequency1: " + result[j].centerFrequency1 + "eid: " + result[j].infoElems.eid + "content: " + result[j].infoElems.content); } } resolve(); }); }); } await getScan(); done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0021 * @tc.name testGetSignalLevel * @tc.desc Test getSignalLevel API functionality.. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0021', 0, function () { console.info("[wifi_test] check the 2.4G rssi assgined to level test."); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-65, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-65, 1)).assertEqual(4); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-66, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-66, 1)).assertEqual(3); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-75, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-75, 1)).assertEqual(3); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-76, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-76, 1)).assertEqual(2); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-82, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-82, 1)).assertEqual(2); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-83, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-83, 1)).assertEqual(1); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-88, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-88, 1)).assertEqual(1); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-89, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-89, 1)).assertEqual(0); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-127, 1)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-127, 1)).assertEqual(0); console.info("[wifi_test] check the 5G rssi assgined to level test."); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-65, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-65, 2)).assertEqual(4); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-66, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-66, 2)).assertEqual(3); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-72, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-72, 2)).assertEqual(3); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-73, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-73, 2)).assertEqual(2); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-79, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-79, 2)).assertEqual(2); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-80, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-80, 2)).assertEqual(1); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-85, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-85, 2)).assertEqual(1); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-86, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-86, 2)).assertEqual(0); console.info("[wifi_test] getSignalLevel " + wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-127, 2)); expect(wifiMg.getSignalLevel(-127, 2)).assertEqual(0); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0017 * @tc.name testgetCountryCode * @tc.desc Test getCountryCode API function. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0017', 0, function () { expect(wifiMg.isWifiActive()).assertTrue(); let getCountryCodeResult = wifiMg.getCountryCode(); console.info("[wifi_test]getCountryCode :" + JSON.stringify(getCountryCodeResult)); let countrylenth = getCountryCodeResult.length; console.info("[wifi_test]getCountryCode.length :" + JSON.stringify(countrylenth)); expect(true).assertEqual(countrylenth == 2); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0020 * @tc.name testFeatureSupported * @tc.desc Test FeatureSupported API function. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0020', 0, function () { expect(wifiMg.isWifiActive()).assertTrue(); let wifiUtils = { WIFI_FEATURE_INFRA: 0x0001, WIFI_FEATURE_INFRA_5G: 0x0002, WIFI_GAS_ANQP: 0x0004, WIFI_WIFI_DIRECT: 0x0008, WIFI_FEATURE_MOBILE_HOTSPOT: 0x0010, WIFI_FEATURE_AWARE: 0x0040, WIFI_FEATURE_AP_STA: 0x8000, WIFI_FEATURE_WPA3_SAE: 0x8000000, WIFI_FEATURE_WPA3_SUITE_B: 0x10000000, WIFI_FEATURE_OWE: 0x20000000 } let isSupport1 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_INFRA); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported -> " + isSupport1); let isSupport2 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_INFRA_5G); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported2 -> " + isSupport2); let isSupport3 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_GAS_ANQP); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported3 -> " + isSupport3); let isSupport4 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_WIFI_DIRECT); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported4 -> " + isSupport4); let isSupport5 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_MOBILE_HOTSPOT); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported5 -> " + isSupport5); let isSupport6 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_AWARE); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported6 -> " + isSupport6); let isSupport7 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_AP_STA); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported7 -> " + isSupport7); let isSupport8 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_WPA3_SAE); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported8 -> " + isSupport8); let isSupport9 = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_WPA3_SUITE_B); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported9 -> " + isSupport9); let isSupport = wifiMg.isFeatureSupported(wifiUtils.WIFI_FEATURE_OWE); console.info("[wifi_test] isFeatureSupported -> " + isSupport); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0004 * @tc.name testGetLinkedInfo * @tc.desc Test Test getLinkedInfo and getIpInfo information. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0004', 0, async function (done) { let isConnectedResult = wifiMg.isConnected(); let ipInfoResult = wifiMg.getIpInfo(); expect(JSON.stringify(ipInfoResult)).assertContain("gateway"); let ipAddress = resolveIP(ipInfoResult.ipAddress); console.info("[wifi_test]ipAddress result: " + ipAddress); console.info("gateway: " + ipInfoResult.gateway + "ipAddress: " + ipInfoResult.ipAddress + "leaseDuration: " + ipInfoResult.leaseDuration + "leaseDuration: " + ipInfoResult.leaseDuration + "netmask: " + ipInfoResult.netmask + "primaryDns:" + ipInfoResult.primaryDns + "secondDns: " + ipInfoResult.secondDns + "serverIp: " + ipInfoResult.serverIp); await wifiMg.getLinkedInfo() .then((result) => { console.info("[wifi_test]get wifi link promise:" + JSON.stringify(result)); done(); }).catch((error) => { console.info("[wifi_test]promise then error." + JSON.stringify(error)); expect().assertFail(); }); function getLinked(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { wifiMg.getLinkedInfo( (err, result) => { if(err) { console.log("[wifi_test]wifi getLinkedInfo failed " + err); } let clen = Object.keys(result).length; expect(clen).assertLarger(0); console.info("[wifi_test]getLinkedInfo callback result: " + JSON.stringify(result)); console.info("ssid: " + result.ssid + "bssid:" + result.bssid + "band: " + result.band + "isHidden: " + result.isHidden + "isRestricted: " + result.isRestricted + "chload: " + result.chload + "rssi " + result.rssi + "netWorkId: " + result.netWorkId + "linkSpeed: " + result.linkSpeed + "frequency:" + result.frequency + "snr:" + result.snr + "macAddress: " + result.macAddress + "ipAddress: " + result.ipAddress + "suppState: " + result.suppState + "connState: " + result.connState + "macType: " + result.macType); let state = wifiMg.getLinkedInfo().ConnState; if (state == wifiMg.connState.SCANNING) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 0); } if (state == wifiMg.connState.CONNECTING) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 1); } if (state == wifiMg.connState.AUTHENTICATING) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 2); } if (state == wifiMg.connState.OBTAINING_IPADDR) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 3); } if (state == wifiMg.connState.CONNECTED) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 4); } if (state == wifiMg.connState.DISCONNECTING) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 5); } if (state == wifiMg.connState.DISCONNECTED) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 6); } if (state == wifiMg.connState.UNKNOWN) { expect(true).assertEqual(state == 7); } resolve(); }); }); } await getLinked(); done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0034 * @tc.name testgetScanResultsSync * @tc.desc Test getScanResults Sync API functionality. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 0 */ it('SUB_Communication_WiFi_XTS_Sta_0034', 0, async function (done) { let getScanResultsResult = wifiMg.getScanResultsSync(); console.info("[wifi_test]wifi getScanResultsSync result : " + JSON.stringify(getScanResultsResult)); let scanInfolenth = Object.keys(getScanResultsResult).length; console.info("[wifi_test]wifi ScanInfosSync length result : " + JSON.stringify(scanInfolenth)); expect(true).assertEqual(scanInfolenth >= 0); done(); }) console.log("*************[wifi_test] start wifi js unit test end*************"); }) }