/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "log.h" using namespace testing::ext; time_t g_time = 18880; size_t g_zero = 0; class TimeUtilsTest : public testing::Test { }; /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_ASCTIME_0100 * @tc.name test asctime api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testAscTime, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { struct tm timeptr = {0}; timeptr.tm_sec = 0; timeptr.tm_min = 10; timeptr.tm_hour = 10; timeptr.tm_mday = 9; timeptr.tm_mon = 7; timeptr.tm_year = 120; timeptr.tm_wday = 7; char * returnStr = asctime(&timeptr); LOG(" asctime &timeptr:='{timeptr.tm_year=%d timeptr.tm_mon=%d timeptr.tm_mday=%d}' " "--> returnStr:='%s'\n", timeptr.tm_year, timeptr.tm_mon, timeptr.tm_mday, returnStr); EXPECT_STREQ("Sun Aug 9 10:10:00 2020\n", returnStr) << "ErrInfo: asctime &timeptr:='{timeptr.tm_year=" << timeptr.tm_year << " timeptr.tm_mon=" << timeptr.tm_mon << "' timeptr.tm_mday=" << timeptr.tm_mday << "}' --> returnStr:='" << returnStr << "'"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_ASCTIMER_0100 * @tc.name test asctimer api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testAscTimeR, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { struct tm timeptr = {0}; timeptr.tm_sec = 0; timeptr.tm_min = 10; timeptr.tm_hour = 10; timeptr.tm_mday = 9; timeptr.tm_mon = 7; timeptr.tm_year = 120; timeptr.tm_wday = 7; char str[26]; char *returnStr = asctime_r(&timeptr, str); EXPECT_STREQ("Sun Aug 9 10:10:00 2020\n", returnStr) << "asctime_r return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(returnStr, str) << "asctime_r buf return error!"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_CTIME_0100 * @tc.name test ctime api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testCtime, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { time_t curClock; time(&curClock); char* returnStr = ctime(&curClock); LOG("returnStr = %s\n", returnStr); EXPECT_STRNE(returnStr, "") << "ctime return error!"; returnStr = ctime(&g_time); EXPECT_STREQ(returnStr, "Thu Jan 1 05:14:40 1970\n") << "ctime return error!"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_CTIME_R_0100 * @tc.name test ctime_r api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testCtimeR, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { time_t curClock; time(&curClock); char str[26]; char *returnStr = ctime_r(&curClock, str); LOG("str = %s", str); EXPECT_STRNE(returnStr, "") << "ctime_r return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(returnStr, str) << "ctime_r returns not equal"; returnStr = ctime_r(&g_time, str); EXPECT_STREQ(returnStr, "Thu Jan 1 05:14:40 1970\n") << "ctime_r return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(returnStr, str) << "ctime_r returns not equal"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_NDKAPI_TIME_DIFFTIME_0100 * @tc.name test difftime api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testDifftime, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { time_t timeStart, timeEnd; double returnVal; time(&timeStart); sleep(1); time(&timeEnd); returnVal = difftime(timeEnd, timeStart); LOG(" difftime timeEnd:='%lld' timeStart:='%lld' " "--> returnVal:='%f'\n", timeEnd, timeStart, returnVal); LOG(" sizeof timeEnd:='%d' sizeof timeStart:='%d'\n", sizeof(timeEnd), sizeof(timeStart)); EXPECT_GE(returnVal, 0) << "ErrInfo: difftime timeEnd:='" << timeEnd << "' timeStart:='" << timeStart << "' --> returnVal:='" << returnVal << "'"; EXPECT_LE(returnVal, 2) << "ErrInfo: difftime timeEnd:='" << timeEnd << "' timeStart:='" << timeStart << "' --> returnVal:='" << returnVal << "'"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_NDKAPI_TIME_TIMEGM_0100 * @tc.name test timegm api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testTimegm, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { struct tm timeptr = {0}; time_t timeThis; timeptr.tm_sec = 0; timeptr.tm_min = 10; timeptr.tm_hour = 10; timeptr.tm_mday = 9; timeptr.tm_mon = 7; timeptr.tm_year = 120; timeptr.tm_wday = 5; timeThis = timegm(&timeptr); LOG(" timegm &timeptr:='{timeptr.tm_year=%d timeptr.tm_mon=%d timeptr.tm_mday=%d}' " "--> return timeThis:='%lld'\n", timeptr.tm_year, timeptr.tm_mon, timeptr.tm_mday, timeThis); EXPECT_GE(timeThis, 1) << "ErrInfo: timegm &timeptr:='{timeptr.tm_year=" << timeptr.tm_year << " timeptr.tm_mon=" << timeptr.tm_mon << " timeptr.tm_mday=" << timeptr.tm_mday << "}' --> return timeThis:='" << timeThis << "'"; struct tm *stm2 = gmtime(&g_time); time_t timep = timegm(stm2); LOG("stm = %s;mktime:%ld\n", asctime(stm2), (long)timep); EXPECT_EQ(timep, g_time) << "timegm return error!"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_GMTIME_0100 * @tc.name test gmtime api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testGmtime, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { time_t time1 = 18880; struct tm *stm = gmtime(&time1); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stm); EXPECT_EQ(stm->tm_hour, 05) << "gmtime return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(asctime(stm), "Thu Jan 1 05:14:40 1970\n") << "gmtime return error!"; time1 = LONG_MAX; stm = gmtime(&time1); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stm); EXPECT_STREQ(asctime(stm), "Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 2038\n") << "gmtime return error!"; time1 = 253402300799; stm = gmtime(&time1); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stm); EXPECT_STREQ(asctime(stm), "Fri Dec 31 23:59:59 9999\n") << "gmtime return error!"; time1 = LONG_MIN; stm = gmtime(&time1); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stm); EXPECT_STREQ(asctime(stm), "Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901\n") << "gmtime return error!"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_GMTIMER_0100 * @tc.name test gmtime_r api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testGmtimeR, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { struct tm res = {0}; struct tm *stm = gmtime_r(&g_time, &res); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stm); EXPECT_EQ(stm->tm_hour, 05) << "gmtime_r return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(asctime(stm), "Thu Jan 1 05:14:40 1970\n") << "gmtime_r return error!"; EXPECT_TRUE(stm == &res) << "gmtime_r returns not equal"; time_t timeNow; time(&timeNow); stm = gmtime_r(&timeNow, &res); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, stm); EXPECT_EQ(stm->tm_year, 70) << "gmtime_r return error!"; EXPECT_STRNE(asctime(stm), "") << "gmtime_r return error!"; EXPECT_TRUE(stm == &res) << "gmtime_r returns not equal"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_MKTIME_0100 * @tc.name test mktime api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testMktime, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { struct tm *localTime; struct tm timeptr = {0}; timeptr.tm_sec = 0; timeptr.tm_min = 10; timeptr.tm_hour = 10; timeptr.tm_mday = 9; timeptr.tm_mon = 7; timeptr.tm_year = 120; timeptr.tm_wday = 7; EXPECT_EQ(mktime(&timeptr), 1596967800) << "mktime return error!"; localTime = localtime(&g_time); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, localTime); time_t timep = mktime(localTime); EXPECT_EQ(timep, 18880) << "mktime return error!"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_STRFTIME_0100 * @tc.name test strftime api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testStrftime, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { char buffer[80] = {0}; time_t mtime = 18880; struct tm *localTime = localtime(&mtime); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, localTime); size_t ftime = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%Ex %EX %A", localTime); EXPECT_GT(ftime, g_zero) << "strftime return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(buffer, "01/01/70 05:14:40 Thursday") << "buffer return error!"; mtime = LONG_MAX; localTime = localtime(&mtime); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, localTime); ftime = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localTime); EXPECT_STREQ(buffer, "38-01-19 03:14:07") << "buffer return error!"; mtime = 253402300799; localTime = localtime(&mtime); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, localTime); ftime = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localTime); EXPECT_STREQ(buffer, "9999-12-31 23:59:59") << "buffer return error!"; mtime = LONG_MIN; localTime = localtime(&mtime); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, localTime); ftime = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%x %X", localTime); EXPECT_STREQ(buffer, "12/13/01 20:45:52") << "buffer return error!"; ftime = strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localTime); EXPECT_EQ(ftime, g_zero) << "strftime return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(buffer, "1901-12-13") << "buffer return error!"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_STRFTIMEL_0100 * @tc.name test strftime_l api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testStrftimeL, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { struct tm *tm1; char buffer[80] = {0}; tm1 = localtime(&g_time); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, tm1); size_t ftime = strftime_l(buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, "%F %T %Z", tm1, nullptr); EXPECT_GT(ftime, g_zero) << "strftime return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(buffer, "1970-01-01 05:14:40 UTC") << "buffer return error!"; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_TIME_API_WCSFTIME_0100 * @tc.name test wcsftime api * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(TimeUtilsTest, testWcsftime, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { wchar_t buff[48] = {0}; struct tm *localTime = localtime(&g_time); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, localTime); size_t len = wcsftime(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, L"%A %c", localTime); LOG("buff = %ls, len = %ld\n", buff, (long)len); EXPECT_EQ(len, (size_t)33) << "wcsftime return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(buff, L"Thursday Thu Jan 1 05:14:40 1970") << "buff return error!"; localTime = localtime(&g_time); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, localTime); len = wcsftime(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, L"%A %c", localTime); LOG("buff = %ls, len = %ld\n", buff, (long)len); EXPECT_EQ(len, g_zero) << "wcsftime return error!"; EXPECT_STREQ(buff, L"Thursday") << "buff return error!"; }