/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import secureElement from '@ohos.secureElement'; import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from '@ohos/hypium'; function sleep(delay) { // delay x ms let start = (new Date()).getTime(); while ((new Date()).getTime() - start < delay) { continue; } } let nfcSEService = null; let nfcESEReader = null; let nfcOmaSession = null; let nfcOmaChannel = null; let nfcOmaReaderList = []; let aidArray = [160, 0, 0, 1, 81, 0, 0, 0]; let p2 = 0x00; let command = [128, 202, 159, 127, 0]; export default function openLogicalChanneltest() { describe('openLogicalChanneltest', function () { beforeAll(async function (done) { try { nfcSEService = secureElement.newSEService("serviceState", (state) => { if (state == secureElement.ServiceState.DISCONNECTED) { console.info("[NFC_test] se_Logical Opened successfully"); } else { console.info("[NFC_test] se_Logical Failed to open"); } expect(state instanceof Object).assertTrue(); }); sleep(1000); nfcOmaReaderList = nfcSEService.getReaders(); if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.info("[NFC_test]This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); } else { console.info("[nfc_test] beforeAll se_Logical Result of getReaders:" + nfcOmaReaderList.length); nfcESEReader = nfcOmaReaderList[0]; console.info("[nfc_test] beforeAll se_Logical getReaders results list 0 is" + nfcESEReader); nfcOmaSession = nfcESEReader.openSession(); console.info("[nfc_test] beforeAll se_Logical openSession The result is" + nfcOmaSession); let getPromise = nfcOmaSession.openLogicalChannel(aidArray, p2); await getPromise.then((data) => { console.info("[NFC_test] beforeAll se_Logical openLogicalChannel data: " + data); return nfcOmaChannel = data; }).catch((error)=> { console.info("[NFC_test] beforeAll se_Logical openLogicalChannel catch error: " + error); expect().assertFail(); done(); }); sleep(5000); } } catch (e) { console.info("[NFC_test] beforeAll se_Logical occurs exception:" + e.message); expect().assertFail(); } done(); console.info('beforeAll called'); }) beforeEach(function() { console.info('beforeEach called'); }) afterEach(function () { console.info('afterEach called'); }) afterAll(function () { nfcSEService.shutdown(); sleep(5000); console.info('shutdown success'); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_1700 * @tc.name Test isBasicChannel * @tc.desc Check whether the channel is a basic channel. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_1700', 0, function () { try { if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.log("[NFC_test]17 This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); } else { let isBasic = nfcOmaChannel.isBasicChannel(); console.info("[NFC_test]17 Check whether the channel is a basic channel: " + isBasic); expect(isBasic).assertFalse(); } } catch (error) { console.info("[NFC_test]17 isBasicChannel occurs exception:" + error); expect().assertFail(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_1800 * @tc.name Test isClosed * @tc.desc Check whether the channel is closed. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_1800', 0, function () { try { if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.log("[NFC_test]18 This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); } else { let isChannelClosed = nfcOmaChannel.isClosed(); console.info("[NFC_test]18 Check whether the channel is closed: " + isChannelClosed); expect(isChannelClosed).assertFalse(); } } catch (error) { console.info("[NFC_test]18 isClosed occurs exception:" + error); expect().assertFail(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_1900 * @tc.name Test getSelectResponse * @tc.desc Returns the data received from the application selection command. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_1900', 0, function () { try { if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.log("[NFC_test]19 This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); } else { let getResponse = nfcOmaChannel.getSelectResponse(); console.info("[NFC_test]19 Data received by the application select command: " + getResponse); expect(getResponse).assertInstanceOf('Array'); } } catch (error) { console.info("[NFC_test]19 getSelectResponse occurs exception:" + error); expect().assertFail(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2000 * @tc.name Test transmit * @tc.desc Send an APDU command to the SE * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2000', 0, async function (done) { try { if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.log("[NFC_test]20 This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); } else { nfcOmaChannel.transmit(command, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.info("[NFC_test]20 Send error an APDU command to the SE: " + err); expect().assertFail(); } else { console.info("[NFC_test]20 Send an APDU command to the SE: " + data); expect(data).assertInstanceOf('Array'); } }); } } catch (error) { console.info("[NFC_test]19 exception when sending the APDU command to the SE:" + error); expect().assertFail(); } sleep(5000); done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2100 * @tc.name Test transmit * @tc.desc Send an APDU command to the SE * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2100', 0, async function (done) { try { if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.log("[NFC_test]21 This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); done(); } else { let getPromise = nfcOmaChannel.transmit(command); await getPromise.then((data) => { console.info("[NFC_test]21 secureElement transmit data: " + data); expect(data).assertInstanceOf('Array'); done(); }).catch((err)=> { console.info("[NFC_test]21 secureElement transmit err: " + err); expect().assertFail(); done(); }); } } catch (error) { console.info("[NFC_test]21 exception when sending the APDU command to the SE:" + error); expect().assertFail(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2200 * @tc.name Test close * @tc.desc Obtains the session object that opens the channel. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2200', 0, function () { try { if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.log("[NFC_test]22 This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); } else { let getchannelSession = nfcOmaChannel.getSession(); expect(getchannelSession instanceof Object).assertTrue(); console.info("[NFC_test]22 getSession data: " + getchannelSession); } } catch (error) { console.info("[NFC_test]22 getSession occurs exception:" + error); expect().assertFail(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2300 * @tc.name Test getNfcATag * @tc.desc This interface is used to obtain the NFC A tag object. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_Communication_Ese_LogicalChannel_js_2300', 0, function () { try { if (nfcOmaReaderList == undefined) { console.log("[NFC_test]23 This function is not supported because the phone NFC chip is ST chip."); } else { nfcOmaSession.closeChannels(); console.info("[NFC_test] 23 The closeChannel test is successfully" ); let isChannelClosed = nfcOmaChannel.isClosed(); console.info("[NFC_test]23 Check whether the channel is disabled: " + isChannelClosed); expect(isChannelClosed).assertTrue(); } } catch (error) { console.info("[NFC_test]23 close and isclosed occurs exception:" + error); expect().assertFail(); } }) console.info("*************[nfc_test] start nfc js unit test end*************"); }) }