/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import bluetooth from '@ohos.bluetooth.connection'; import btAccess from '@ohos.bluetooth.access'; import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from '@ohos/hypium' export default function btConnectionTest() { describe('btConnectionTest', function() { let Btname = { LETTERS_TEST :'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', CHINESES_TEST2 :'测试蓝牙名称正常', } function sleep(delay) { return new Promise(resovle => setTimeout(resovle, delay)) } async function tryToEnableBt() { let sta = btAccess.getState(); switch (sta) { case 0: btAccess.enableBluetooth(); await sleep(10000); let sta1 = btAccess.getState(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turn off:' + JSON.stringify(sta1)); break; case 1: console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turning on:' + JSON.stringify(sta)); await sleep(3000); break; case 2: console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turn on:' + JSON.stringify(sta)); break; case 3: btAccess.enableBluetooth(); await sleep(10000); let sta2 = btAccess.getState(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turning off:' + JSON.stringify(sta2)); break; default: console.info('[bluetooth_js] enable success'); } } beforeAll(function () { console.info('beforeAll called') }) beforeEach(async function (done) { console.info('beforeEach called') await tryToEnableBt() done() }) afterEach(function () { console.info('afterEach called') }) afterAll(function () { console.info('afterAll called') }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0100 * @tc.name Test pinRequired and setDevicePairing true * @tc.desc Test pinRequired off api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0100', 0, async function (done) { function onReceiveEvent(data) { console.info('pin required = '+ JSON.stringify(data)); } try { bluetooth.on('pinRequired', onReceiveEvent); bluetooth.off('pinRequired', onReceiveEvent); } catch (error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]pinRequired error, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0200 * @tc.name test get PairedDevices * @tc.desc Test getPairedDevices api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0200', 0, async function (done) { try { let ret = bluetooth.getPairedDevices(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] getPairedDevices ret2:' + JSON.stringify(ret)); expect(true).assertEqual(ret.length >= 0); } catch (err) { console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(err.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0300 * @tc.name test getRemoteDeviceName * @tc.desc Test get RemoteDeviceName api 10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0300', 0, async function (done) { try { let ret = bluetooth.getRemoteDeviceName("00:00:00:00:00:00"); console.info('[bluetooth_js] getRemoteDeviceName ret2:' + JSON.stringify(ret)); } catch (err) { console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(err.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0400 * @tc.name Test pairDevice callback * @tc.desc Test pairDevice callback api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0400', 0, async function (done) { function BondStateParam(data) { console.info("[bluetooth_js] bondStateChange on:" + JSON.stringify(data) +'bondStateChange deviceId:' + data.deviceId + 'bondStateChange state:' + data.state); } try { bluetooth.on('bondStateChange', BondStateParam); bluetooth.pairDevice("11:22:55:66:33:44", err => { if (err) { console.info('pairDevice errCode: ' + err.code + ', errMessage: ' + err.message); } console.info('pairDevice, err: ' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); bluetooth.off('bondStateChange', BondStateParam); expect(bluetooth.BondState.BOND_STATE_INVALID == 0).assertTrue(); expect(bluetooth.BondState.BOND_STATE_BONDING == 1).assertTrue(); expect(bluetooth.BondState.BOND_STATE_BONDED == 2).assertTrue(); } catch (err) { console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } bluetooth.off('bondStateChange', BondStateParam); done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0500 * @tc.name Test setDevicePairingConfirmation * @tc.desc Test setDevicePairingConfirmation api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0500', 0, async function (done) { function PinRequiredParam(data) { console.info("[bluetooth_js] pinRequired on:" + JSON.stringify(data)); bluetooth.setDevicePairingConfirmation(data.deviceId, false); console.info("[bluetooth_js] setDevicePairingConfirmation data.deviceId:" + data.deviceId); } try { bluetooth.on('pinRequired', PinRequiredParam); await sleep(2000); bluetooth.off('pinRequired', PinRequiredParam); } catch (err) { console.error("setDevicePairingConfirmation errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(err.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0600 * @tc.name test getRemoteDeviceClass * @tc.desc Test get RemoteDeviceClass api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0600', 0, async function (done) { try { let DeviceClass = bluetooth.getRemoteDeviceClass("00:00:00:00:00:00"); console.info('[bluetooth_js]getRemoteDeviceClass majorClass:' + DeviceClass.majorClass); console.info('[bluetooth_js]getRemoteDeviceClass majorMinorClass:' + DeviceClass.majorMinorClass); console.info('[bluetooth_js]getRemoteDeviceClass classOfDevice:' + DeviceClass.classOfDevice); } catch (err) { console.error("getRemoteDeviceClass errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(err.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0700 * @tc.name Test setDevicePinCode callback * @tc.desc Test setDevicePinCode api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0700', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.setDevicePinCode('11:22:33:44:55:66', '12345', (err, data) => { console.info('setDevicePinCode callback,device name err:' + JSON.stringify(err) + ',device name:' + JSON.stringify(data)); }); } catch (err) { console.error("setDevicePinCode callback errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(err.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0800 * @tc.name Test setDevicePinCode promise * @tc.desc Test setDevicePinCode api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0800', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.setDevicePinCode('11:22:33:44:55:66', '12345').then(() => { console.info('setDevicePinCode promise'); }, error => { console.info('setDevicePinCode promise: errCode:' + error.code + ',errMessage' + error.message); }) } catch (err) { console.error("setDevicePinCode promise errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(err.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0900 * @tc.name Test pairDevice promise * @tc.desc Test pairDevice promise api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PAIR_0900', 0, async function (done) { function BondStateParam(data) { console.info("[bluetooth_js] bondStateChange on:" + JSON.stringify(data) +'bondStateChange deviceId:' + data.deviceId + 'bondStateChange state:' + data.state); } try { bluetooth.on('bondStateChange', BondStateParam); bluetooth.pairDevice("11:22:55:66:33:44").then((data) => { console.info('pairDevice info success'); }, err => { console.info('pairDevice:errCode' + err.code + ', errMessage: ' + err.message); }); bluetooth.off('bondStateChange', BondStateParam); expect(bluetooth.BondState.BOND_STATE_INVALID == 0).assertTrue(); expect(bluetooth.BondState.BOND_STATE_BONDING == 1).assertTrue(); expect(bluetooth.BondState.BOND_STATE_BONDED == 2).assertTrue(); } catch (err) { console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } bluetooth.off('bondStateChange', BondStateParam); done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_SCANMODE_0100 * @tc.name TEST scanmode * @tc.desc TEST scanmode api10 by promise. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_SCANMODE_0100', 0, async function (done) { let state = btAccess.getState(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] get bluetooth state001'+ JSON.stringify(state)); if(state == 2) { let oldScanMode = bluetooth.getBluetoothScanMode(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] ScanMode_0100 oldScanMode = '+ JSON.stringify(oldScanMode)); let result = bluetooth.setBluetoothScanMode(bluetooth.ScanMode.SCAN_MODE_NONE,0); expect(result).assertTrue(); let getScanMode = bluetooth.getBluetoothScanMode(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] ScanMode_0100 newscanmode = '+ JSON.stringify(getScanMode)); expect(true).assertEqual(getScanMode == bluetooth.ScanMode.SCAN_MODE_NONE); result=bluetooth.setBluetoothScanMode(oldScanMode,0); expect(result).assertTrue(); let getOldScanMode = bluetooth.getBluetoothScanMode(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] ScanMode_0100 setoldscanmode = '+ JSON.stringify(getOldScanMode)); expect(true).assertEqual(oldScanMode == getOldScanMode); done(); } else { console.info('[bluetooth_js] bluetooth switch off,state is = '+ JSON.stringify(state)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_SCANMODE_0200 * @tc.name TEST scanmode * @tc.desc TEST scanmode api by promise. * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_SCANMODE_0200', 0, async function (done) { let state = btAccess.getState(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] get bluetooth state001'+ JSON.stringify(state)); if(state == 2) { let oldScanMode = bluetooth.getBluetoothScanMode(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] ScanMode_0200 oldScanMode = '+ JSON.stringify(oldScanMode)); let result = bluetooth.setBluetoothScanMode(bluetooth.ScanMode.SCAN_MODE_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE,0); expect(result).assertTrue(); let getScanMode = bluetooth.getBluetoothScanMode(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] ScanMode_0200 newscanmode = '+ JSON.stringify(getScanMode)); expect(true).assertEqual(getScanMode == bluetooth.ScanMode.SCAN_MODE_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE); result=bluetooth.setBluetoothScanMode(oldScanMode,0); expect(result).assertTrue(); let getOldScanMode = bluetooth.getBluetoothScanMode(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] ScanMode_0200 setoldscanmode = '+ JSON.stringify(getOldScanMode)); expect(true).assertEqual(oldScanMode == getOldScanMode); done(); } else { console.info('[bluetooth_js] bluetooth switch off,state is = '+ JSON.stringify(state)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done(); } }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BTMANAGER_DISCOVERY_0100 * @tc.name TEST bluetoothDeviceFind on&off * @tc.desc TEST bluetoothDeviceFind api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 0 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_DISCOVERY_0100', 0, async function (done) { function onReceiveEvent(data) { console.info('[bluetooth_js] Device' + JSON.stringify(data) + 'length' + data.length); expect(true).assertTrue(data.length > 0); } try { bluetooth.on("bluetoothDeviceFind", onReceiveEvent); let result = bluetooth.startBluetoothDiscovery(); await sleep(3000); console.info('[bluetooth_js] startDiscovery' + result); expect(result).assertTrue(); bluetooth.off('bluetoothDeviceFind', onReceiveEvent); result = bluetooth.stopBluetoothDiscovery(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] stopDiscovery' + result); expect(true).assertTrue(); } catch (error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]bluetoothDeviceFin error, code is ${error.code},message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } bluetooth.off('bluetoothDeviceFind', onReceiveEvent); done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_LOCALNAME_0100 * @tc.name setLocalName * @tc.desc Test setLocalName api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_LOCALNAME_0100', 0, async function (done) { let result = bluetooth.setLocalName(Btname.LETTERS_TEST); expect(result).assertTrue(); await sleep(1000); try { let getNewName = bluetooth.getLocalName(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] LocalName_0100 NewName = '+ JSON.stringify(getNewName)); expect(true).assertEqual(Btname.LETTERS_TEST == getNewName); } catch (err) { console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_LOCALNAME_0200 * @tc.name setLocalName * @tc.desc Test setLocalName api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_LOCALNAME_0200', 0, async function (done) { try { let result = bluetooth.setLocalName(Btname.CHINESES_TEST2); expect(result).assertTrue(); await sleep(1000); let getNewName = bluetooth.getLocalName(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] LocalName_0200 NewName = '+ JSON.stringify(getNewName)); expect(true).assertEqual(Btname.CHINESES_TEST2 == getNewName); } catch (err) { console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PROFILE_0100 * @tc.name test getBtConnectionState * @tc.desc Test getBtConnectionState api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PROFILE_0100', 0, async function (done) { try { let connectionState = bluetooth.getBtConnectionState(); expect(true).assertEqual(connectionState == 0 || connectionState == 1 || connectionState == 2 || connectionState == 3); } catch (err) { console.error("errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PROFILE_0200 * @tc.name getProfileConnectionState * @tc.desc Test getProfileConnectionState api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_PROFILE_0200', 0, async function (done) { try { let result = bluetooth.getProfileConnectionState(1); expect(true).assertEqual(result == 0 || result == 1 || result == 2 || result == 3); } catch (err) { console.error("getProfileConnectionState errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_CONSTANT_0100 * @tc.name BluetoothTransport * @tc.desc Test BluetoothTransport api10 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('SUB_COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTHCONNECTION_CONSTANT_0100', 0, async function (done) { try { let TRANSPORT_BR_EDR = bluetooth.BluetoothTransport.TRANSPORT_BR_EDR; let TRANSPORT_LE = bluetooth.BluetoothTransport.TRANSPORT_LE; expect(TRANSPORT_BR_EDR).assertEqual(0); expect(TRANSPORT_LE).assertEqual(1); } catch (err) { console.error("BluetoothTransport errCode:" + err.code + ",errMessage:" + err.message); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900099'); } done(); }) }) }