/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import bluetooth from '@ohos.bluetoothManager'; import geolocation from '@ohos.geolocation'; import geolocationm from '@ohos.geoLocationManager'; import abilityAccessCtrl from '@ohos.abilityAccessCtrl'; import bundle from '@ohos.bundle'; import osaccount from '@ohos.account.osAccount'; import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from '@ohos/hypium' export default function bluetoothBLETest3() { describe('bluetoothBLETest3', function() { let gattServer = null; let gattClient = null; function sleep(delay) { return new Promise(resovle => setTimeout(resovle, delay)) } async function tryToDisableBt() { let sta = bluetooth.getState(); switch(sta){ case 0: console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turn off:'+ JSON.stringify(sta)); break; case 1: console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turning on:'+ JSON.stringify(sta)); await sleep(3000); break; case 2: console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turn on:'+ JSON.stringify(sta)); bluetooth.disableBluetooth(); await sleep(3000); break; case 3: console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt turning off:'+ JSON.stringify(sta)); break; default: console.info('[bluetooth_js] enable success'); } } async function applyPermission() { let osAccountManager = osaccount.getAccountManager(); console.info("=== getAccountManager finish"); let localId = await osAccountManager.getOsAccountLocalIdFromProcess(); console.info("LocalId is :" + localId); let appInfo = await bundle.getApplicationInfo('ohos.acts.location.geolocation.function', 0, localId); let atManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager(); if (atManager != null) { let tokenID = appInfo.accessTokenId; console.info('[permission] case accessTokenID is ' + tokenID); let permissionName1 = 'ohos.permission.LOCATION'; let permissionName2 = 'ohos.permission.LOCATION_IN_BACKGROUND'; await atManager.grantUserGrantedPermission(tokenID, permissionName1, 1).then((result) => { console.info('[permission] case grantUserGrantedPermission success :' + JSON.stringify(result)); }).catch((err) => { console.info('[permission] case grantUserGrantedPermission failed :' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); await atManager.grantUserGrantedPermission(tokenID, permissionName2, 1).then((result) => { console.info('[permission] case grantUserGrantedPermission success :' + JSON.stringify(result)); }).catch((err) => { console.info('[permission] case grantUserGrantedPermission failed :' + JSON.stringify(err)); }); } else { console.info('[permission] case apply permission failed, createAtManager failed'); } } beforeAll(function () { console.info('beforeAll called') gattServer = bluetooth.BLE.createGattServer(); gattClient = bluetooth.BLE.createGattClientDevice("11:22:33:44:55:66"); }) beforeEach(async function(done) { console.info('beforeEach called') await tryToDisableBt() done() }) afterEach(function () { console.info('afterEach called') }) afterAll(async function (done) { console.info('afterAll called') await sleep(6000); gattClient.close(); done() }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0100 * @tc.name test bluetooth Profile ConnectionState * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0100', 0, async function (done) { await sleep(3000); let sta = bluetooth.getState(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] bt getState:'+ JSON.stringify(sta)); try { let connState = bluetooth.getBtConnectionState(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] get bt connection state result' + JSON.stringify(connState)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done(); } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getBtConnectionState error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0200 * @tc.name Test pairDevice api * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0200', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.pairDevice("11:22:55:66:33:44"); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]pairDevice error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0300 * @tc.name test getRemoteDeviceName * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0300', 0, async function (done) { try { let ret = bluetooth.getRemoteDeviceName("00:00:00:00:00:00"); console.info('[bluetooth_js] getRemoteDeviceName ret2:' + JSON.stringify(ret)); expect(ret.length).assertEqual(0); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getRemoteDeviceName error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0400 * @tc.name test getRemoteDeviceClass * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0400', 0, async function (done) { try { let DeviceClass = bluetooth.getRemoteDeviceClass("00:00:00:00:00:00"); console.info('[bluetooth_js] getRemoteDeviceClass ret2 :' + JSON.stringify(DeviceClass) + 'majorClass:' +DeviceClass.majorClass + 'majorMinorClass:'+ DeviceClass.majorMinorClass + 'classOfDevice:' + DeviceClass.classOfDevice); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getRemoteDeviceClass error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0500 * @tc.name test get PairedDevices * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0500', 0, async function (done) { try { let ret = bluetooth.getPairedDevices(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] getPairedDevices ret2:' + JSON.stringify(ret)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getPairedDevices error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0600 * @tc.name test Get A2DP ConnectionState * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0600', 0, async function (done) { try { let a2dpSrcConn = bluetooth.getProfileConnectionState(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE); console.info('[bluetooth_js]get a2dp result:' + JSON.stringify(a2dpSrcConn)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getProfileConnectionState error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0700 * @tc.name Test setDevicePairing * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0700', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.setDevicePairingConfirmation("11:22:55:66:33:44",false); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]setDevicePairingConfirmation error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0800 * @tc.name setLocalName * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0800', 0, async function (done) { try { let newName = 'my bluetooth'; bluetooth.setLocalName(newName); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]setLocalName error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0900 * @tc.name TEST setBluetoothScanMode * @tc.desc TEST 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_0900', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.setBluetoothScanMode(bluetooth.ScanMode.SCAN_MODE_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE,0); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]setBluetoothScanMode error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1000 * @tc.name TEST getBluetoothScanMode * @tc.desc TEST 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1000', 0, async function (done) { try { let oldScanMode = bluetooth.getBluetoothScanMode(); console.info('[bluetooth_js] getBluetoothScanMode = '+ JSON.stringify(oldScanMode)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getBluetoothScanMode error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1100 * @tc.name TEST startBluetoothDiscovery * @tc.desc TEST 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1100', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.startBluetoothDiscovery(); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]startBluetoothDiscovery error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1200 * @tc.name TEST stopBluetoothDiscovery * @tc.desc TEST 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1200', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.stopBluetoothDiscovery(); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]stopBluetoothDiscovery error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1600 * @tc.name test getDevice HFP State. * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1600', 0, async function (done) { try { let hfpSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInstance(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY); let retArray = hfpSrc.getConnectionDevices(); console.info('[bluetooth_js]hfp getConnectionDevices:' + JSON.stringify(retArray)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getConnectionDevices error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1700 * @tc.name test getDeviceState. * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1700', 0, async function (done) { try { let hfpSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY); let ret = hfpSrc.getDeviceState('11:22:33:44:55:66'); console.info('[bluetooth_js]hfp getDeviceState:' + JSON.stringify(ret)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getDeviceState error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1800 * @tc.name test A2DP Connect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1800', 0, async function (done) { try { let a2dpSrc = bluetooth.getProfile(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE); a2dpSrc.connect('11:22:33:44:55:77'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]A2DPconnect error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1900 * @tc.name test A2DP disconnect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_1900', 0, async function (done) { try { let a2dpSrc = bluetooth.getProfile(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE); a2dpSrc.disconnect('11:22:33:44:55:77'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]A2DPdisconnect error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2000 * @tc.name test get A2DP Playing State * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2000', 0, async function (done) { try { let a2dpSrc = bluetooth.getProfile(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_A2DP_SOURCE); console.info('[bluetooth_js]a2dp get profile result:' + JSON.stringify(a2dpSrc)); let state = a2dpSrc.getPlayingState('11:22:33:44:55:66'); console.info('[bluetooth_js]a2dp getPlayingState result:' + JSON.stringify(state)); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]getPlayingState error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2100 * @tc.name test HFP Connect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2100', 0, async function (done) { try { let hfpSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY); hfpSrc.connect('11:22:33:44:55:77'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]HFPconnect error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2200 * @tc.name test HFP disconnect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2200', 0, async function (done) { try { let hfpSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_HANDS_FREE_AUDIO_GATEWAY); hfpSrc.disconnect('11:22:33:44:55:77'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]HFPdisconnect error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2300 * @tc.name test Hid Connect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2300', 0, async function (done) { try { let hidSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_HID_HOST); hidSrc.connect('11:22:33:44:55:77'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]Hidconnect error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2400 * @tc.name test Hid disconnect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2400', 0, async function (done) { try { let hidSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_HID_HOST); hidSrc.disconnect('11:22:33:44:55:77'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]Hiddisconnect error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2500 * @tc.name test PAN disconnect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2500', 0, async function (done) { try { let panSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_PAN_NETWORK); panSrc.disconnect('11:22:33:44:55:77'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]Pandisconnect error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2600 * @tc.name test PAN setTethering * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2600', 0, async function (done) { try { let panSrc = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_PAN_NETWORK); panSrc.setTethering(true); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]PansetTethering error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2800 * @tc.name testClassicStartBLEScan * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2800', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.BLE.startBLEScan( [{ deviceId:"11:22:33:44:55:66", name:"test", serviceUuid:"00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" }], { interval: 500, dutyMode: bluetooth.ScanDuty.SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER, matchMode: bluetooth.MatchMode.MATCH_MODE_AGGRESSIVE, } ); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]startBLEScan error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2900 * @tc.name testClassicStartBLEScan * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_2900', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.BLE.stopBLEScan(); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]startBLEScan error.code:' +JSON.stringify(error.code)+'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3000 * @tc.name testStartAdvertising * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 0 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3000', 0, async function (done) { let manufactureValueBuffer = new Uint8Array(4); manufactureValueBuffer[0] = 1; manufactureValueBuffer[1] = 2; manufactureValueBuffer[2] = 3; manufactureValueBuffer[3] = 4; let serviceValueBuffer = new Uint8Array(4); serviceValueBuffer[0] = 4; serviceValueBuffer[1] = 6; serviceValueBuffer[2] = 7; serviceValueBuffer[3] = 8; let setting={ interval:20, txPower:-10, connectable:true, } let advData={ serviceUuids:["00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"], manufactureData:[{ manufactureId:4567, manufactureValue:manufactureValueBuffer.buffer }], serviceData:[{ serviceUuid:"00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", serviceValue:serviceValueBuffer.buffer }], } let advResponse ={ serviceUuids:["00001889-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"], manufactureData:[{ manufactureId:1789, manufactureValue:manufactureValueBuffer.buffer }], serviceData:[{ serviceUuid:"00001889-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", serviceValue:serviceValueBuffer.buffer }], } try { gattServer.startAdvertising(setting,advData,advResponse); expect(true).assertFalse(); }catch(error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]startAdvertising error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); } await sleep(2000); done(); }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3100 * @tc.name teststopAdvertising * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 0 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3100', 0, async function (done) { let manufactureValueBuffer = new Uint8Array(4); manufactureValueBuffer[0] = 1; manufactureValueBuffer[1] = 2; manufactureValueBuffer[2] = 3; manufactureValueBuffer[3] = 4; let serviceValueBuffer = new Uint8Array(4); serviceValueBuffer[0] = 4; serviceValueBuffer[1] = 6; serviceValueBuffer[2] = 7; serviceValueBuffer[3] = 8; let advData={ serviceUuids:["00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"], manufactureData:[{ manufactureId:4567, manufactureValue:manufactureValueBuffer.buffer }], serviceData:[{ serviceUuid:"00001888-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", serviceValue:serviceValueBuffer.buffer }], } let advResponse ={ serviceUuids:["00001889-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"], manufactureData:[{ manufactureId:1789, manufactureValue:manufactureValueBuffer.buffer }], serviceData:[{ serviceUuid:"00001889-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb", serviceValue:serviceValueBuffer.buffer }], } try { gattServer.stopAdvertising(); expect(true).assertFalse(); }catch(error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]stopAdvertising error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); } done(); }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3200 * @tc.name testAddService * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3200', 0, async function (done) { try { let descriptors = []; let arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); let descV = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); descV[0] = 11; let descriptor = {serviceUuid: '00001810-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB', characteristicUuid: '00001820-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB', descriptorUuid: '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB', descriptorValue: arrayBuffer}; descriptors[0] = descriptor; let characteristics = []; let arrayBufferC = new ArrayBuffer(8); let cccV = new Uint8Array(arrayBufferC); cccV[0] = 1; let characteristic = {serviceUuid: '00001810-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB', characteristicUuid: '00001820-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB', characteristicValue: arrayBufferC, descriptors:descriptors}; characteristics[0] = characteristic; let gattService = {serviceUuid:'00001810-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB', isPrimary: true, characteristics:characteristics, includeServices:[]}; gattServer.addService(gattService); expect(true).assertFalse(); done(); } catch (error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]AddService failed, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3300 * @tc.name test removeService * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3300', 0, async function (done) { try { gattServer.removeService('00001810-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB'); expect(true).assertFalse(); done(); } catch (error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]removeService failed, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('401'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3400 * @tc.name test removeService * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3400', 0, async function (done) { try { gattServer.close(); expect(true).assertFalse(); done(); } catch (error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]close failed, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3600 * @tc.name testSendResponse success * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off. * @tc.size MEDIUM * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 1 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3600', 0, async function (done) { try { let arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); let value = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); value[0] = 1; let ServerResponse = {deviceId: '00:11:22:33:44:55', transId: 1, status: 0, offset: 0, value: arrayBuffer}; gattServer.sendResponse(ServerResponse); expect(true).assertFalse(); done(); } catch (error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]sendResponse failed, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3700 * @tc.name test gatt connect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3700', 0, async function (done) { try { gattClient.connect(); await sleep(2000); expect(true).assertFalse(); } catch(error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]connect failed, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); } done() }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3800 * @tc.name test gatt disconnect * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3800', 0, async function (done) { try { gattClient.disconnect(); expect(true).assertFalse(); } catch(error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]disconnect failed, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); } done() }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3900 * @tc.name test gatt close * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 7 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 3 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_3900', 0, async function (done) { try { gattClient.close(); expect(true).assertFalse(); } catch(error) { console.error(`[bluetooth_js]gattClient close failed, code is ${error.code}, message is ${error.message}`); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); } done() }) /** * @tc.number COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_4000 * @tc.name Test cancelPairedDevice api * @tc.desc Test 2900003 - Bluetooth switch is off * @tc.size MEDIUM * @ since 8 * @tc.type Function * @tc.level Level 2 */ it('COMMUNICATION_BLUETOOTH_SwitchOff_4000', 0, async function (done) { try { bluetooth.cancelPairedDevice("11:22:55:66:33:44"); expect(true).assertFalse(); done() } catch (error) { console.error('[bluetooth_js]cancelPairedDevice error.code:'+JSON.stringify(error.code)+ 'error.message:'+JSON.stringify(error.message)); expect(error.code).assertEqual('2900003'); done() } }) }) }