/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import usb from '@ohos.usb'; import CheckEmptyUtils from './CheckEmptyUtils.js'; import { describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect } from '@ohos/hypium' /* usb core functions test */ export default function UsbFunctionsJsFunctionsTest() { describe('UsbFunctionsJsFunctionsTest', function () { beforeAll(function () { console.log('*************Usb Unit UsbFunctionsJsFunctionsTest Begin*************'); var Version = usb.getVersion() console.info('begin test getversion :' + Version) // version > 17 host currentMode = 2 device currentMode = 1 var usbPortList = usb.getPorts() if (usbPortList.length > 0) { if (usbPortList[0].status.currentMode == 2) { usb.setPortRoles(usbPortList[0].id, usb.SINK, usb.DEVICE).then(data => { console.info('usb case setPortRoles return: ' + data); }).catch(error => { console.info('usb case setPortRoles error : ' + error); }); CheckEmptyUtils.sleep(8000) console.log('*************Usb Unit switch to device Begin*************'); } } }) beforeEach(function () { console.info('beforeEach: *************Usb Unit Test Case*************'); }) afterEach(function () { console.info('afterEach: *************Usb Unit Test Case*************'); }) afterAll(function () { console.log('*************Usb Unit UsbFunctionsJsFunctionsTest End*************'); }) /** * @tc.number: SUB_USB_JS_0330 * @tc.name: getCurrentFunctions * @tc.desc: Positive test: Get current device mode, mask and description character conversion * @tc.desc: 【C-ALL-HARDWARE-0500】端口必须可连接到具有标准A型或C型的主机模式的USB端口 */ it('SUB_USB_JS_0330', 0, function () { console.info('usb SUB_USB_JS_0330 begin'); var maskCode = usb.getCurrentFunctions(); console.info('usb case getCurrentFunctions return: ' + maskCode); var strMaskCode = usb.usbFunctionsToString(maskCode) console.info('usb case usbFunctionsToString return str: ' + strMaskCode); var nMaskCode = usb.usbFunctionsFromString(strMaskCode) console.info('usb case strMaskCode usbFunctionsFromString return int: ' + nMaskCode); expect(nMaskCode).assertEqual(maskCode); console.info('usb SUB_USB_JS_0330 : PASS'); }) /** * @tc.number: SUB_USB_JS_0340 * @tc.name: usbFunctionString * @tc.desc: Negative test: Get current device mode, mask and description character conversion, nMaskcode=0 */ it('SUB_USB_JS_0340', 0, function () { console.info('usb SUB_USB_JS_0340 begin'); var maskCode = usb.getCurrentFunctions(); console.info('usb case getCurrentFunctions return: ' + maskCode); var strMaskCode = usb.usbFunctionsToString(maskCode) console.info('usb case usbFunctionsToString return str: ' + strMaskCode); var nMaskCode = usb.usbFunctionsFromString(strMaskCode) console.info('usb case strMaskCode usbFunctionsFromString return int: ' + nMaskCode); var errmaskCode = 0 var strMaskCode = usb.usbFunctionsToString(errmaskCode) console.info('usb case ' + errmaskCode + ' usbFunctionsToString return str: ' + strMaskCode); var errStrMaskCode = 'none' var nMaskCode = usb.usbFunctionsFromString(errStrMaskCode) console.info('usb case errStrMaskCode ' + errStrMaskCode + ' usbFunctionsFromString return int: ' + nMaskCode); expect(nMaskCode).assertEqual(usb.NONE); console.info('usb SUB_USB_JS_0340 : PASS'); }) /** * @tc.number: SUB_USB_JS_1000 * @tc.name: getCurrentFunctions * @tc.desc: Negative test: Get the current device mode, * parameters exception(parameter transfer without parameter interface) */ it('SUB_USB_JS_1000', 0, function () { console.info('usb SUB_USB_JS_1000 begin'); try { var maskCode = usb.getCurrentFunctions("invalid"); console.info('usb 1000 case getCurrentFunctions return: ' + maskCode); expect(false).assertTrue(); } catch (err) { console.info('usb 1000 catch err code: ' + err.code + ' message: ' + err.message); expect(err.code).assertEqual(401); console.info('usb SUB_USB_JS_1000 : PASS'); } }) }) }