/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "const.h" #include "mock_idevice.h" namespace OHOS { namespace HDI { namespace Nnrt { namespace V1_0 { sptr INnrtDevice::Get(bool isStub) { return INnrtDevice::Get("mock_device_service", isStub); } sptr INnrtDevice::Get(const std::string &serviceName, bool isStub) { if (isStub) { return nullptr; } sptr mockIDevice = sptr(MockIDevice::GetInstance()); return mockIDevice; } MockIDevice::~MockIDevice() { for (auto ash : m_ashmems) { ash.second->UnmapAshmem(); ash.second->CloseAshmem(); } } MockIDevice *MockIDevice::GetInstance() { static MockIDevice iDevice; return &iDevice; } void MockIDevice::SetFP16Supported(bool isSupported) { m_fp16 = isSupported; } void MockIDevice::SetPerformanceSupported(bool isSupported) { m_performance = isSupported; } void MockIDevice::SetPrioritySupported(bool isSupported) { m_priority = isSupported; } void MockIDevice::SetModelCacheSupported(bool isSupported) { m_cache = isSupported; } void MockIDevice::SetOperationsSupported(std::vector isSupported) { m_operations = isSupported; } void MockIDevice::SetDynamicInputSupported(bool isSupported) { m_dynamic = isSupported; } int32_t MockIDevice::GetDeviceName(std::string& name) { name = "RK3568-CPU"; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::GetVendorName(std::string& name) { name = "Rockchip"; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::GetDeviceType(DeviceType& deviceType) { deviceType = DeviceType::CPU; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::GetDeviceStatus(DeviceStatus& status) { status = DeviceStatus::AVAILABLE; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::GetVersion(uint32_t &majorVersion, uint32_t &minorVersion) { majorVersion = 1; minorVersion = 0; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::GetSupportedOperation(const Model& model, std::vector& ops) { ops = m_operations; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::IsFloat16PrecisionSupported(bool& isSupported) { isSupported = m_fp16; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::IsPerformanceModeSupported(bool& isSupported) { isSupported = m_performance; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::IsPrioritySupported(bool& isSupported) { isSupported = m_priority; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::IsDynamicInputSupported(bool& isSupported) { isSupported = m_dynamic; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::IsModelCacheSupported(bool& isSupported) { isSupported = m_cache; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::AllocateBuffer(uint32_t length, SharedBuffer &buffer) { sptr ashptr = Ashmem::CreateAshmem("allocateBuffer", length); if (ashptr == nullptr) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] Create shared memory failed."); return HDF_FAILURE; } if (!ashptr->MapReadAndWriteAshmem()) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] Map allocate buffer failed."); return HDF_FAILURE; } buffer.fd = ashptr->GetAshmemFd(); buffer.bufferSize = ashptr->GetAshmemSize(); buffer.offset = 0; buffer.dataSize = length; m_ashmems[buffer.fd] = ashptr; m_buffer_fd = buffer.fd; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::ReleaseBuffer(const SharedBuffer &buffer) { auto ash = m_ashmems[buffer.fd]; ash->UnmapAshmem(); return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::MemoryCopy(void *data, uint32_t length) { auto memManager = NeuralNetworkRuntime::MemoryManager::GetInstance(); auto memAddress = memManager->MapMemory(m_buffer_fd, length); if (memAddress == nullptr) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] Map fd to address failed."); return HDF_FAILURE; } auto ret = memcpy_s(memAddress, length, data, length); if (ret != EOK) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] MockIDevice memory cop failed."); return HDF_FAILURE; } return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::PrepareModel(const Model& model, const ModelConfig& config, sptr& preparedModel) { preparedModel = new (std::nothrow) V1_0::MockIPreparedModel(); return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIDevice::PrepareModelFromModelCache(const std::vector& modelCache, const ModelConfig& config, sptr& preparedModel) { preparedModel = new (std::nothrow) V1_0::MockIPreparedModel(); return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIPreparedModel::ExportModelCache(std::vector& modelCache) { if (!modelCache.empty()) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] The parameters of ExportModelCache should be an empty vector."); return HDF_ERR_INVALID_PARAM; } uint8_t buffer[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; uint32_t size = sizeof(buffer); sptr cache = Ashmem::CreateAshmem("cache", size); if (cache == nullptr) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] Create shared memory failed."); return HDF_ERR_MALLOC_FAIL; } bool ret = cache->MapReadAndWriteAshmem(); if (!ret) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] Map fd to write cache failed."); return HDF_FAILURE; } ret = cache->WriteToAshmem(buffer, size, 0); cache->UnmapAshmem(); if (!ret) { LOGE("[NNRtTest] Write cache failed."); return HDF_FAILURE; } // SharedBuffer: fd, bufferSize, offset, dataSize modelCache.emplace_back(SharedBuffer {cache->GetAshmemFd(), cache->GetAshmemSize(), 0, cache->GetAshmemSize()}); return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIPreparedModel::GetVersion(uint32_t &majorVersion, uint32_t &minorVersion) { majorVersion = 1; minorVersion = 0; return HDF_SUCCESS; } int32_t MockIPreparedModel::Run(const std::vector& inputs, const std::vector& outputs, std::vector>& outputsDims, std::vector& isOutputBufferEnough) { outputsDims = {{1, 2, 2, 1}}; isOutputBufferEnough = {true}; return HDF_SUCCESS; } } // namespace V1_0 } // namespace Nnrt } // namespace HDI } // namespace OHOS