from ast import Return import os import sys from unittest import suite G_SUITE = "" G_MAXCASECNT = 5 G_MUSTPASSPATH = "mustpass/" G_MUSTPASSFILE = ".txt" G_TMPPATH = "template/" G_TMPDIRPATH = G_TMPPATH + "ace_ets_template" G_HAPDIRPATH = "../act_etc_component_" G_IMPORTTEST = "import {}Jsunit from \'./{}.test.ets\';" G_IMPORTTESTCASE = "{}Jsunit()" G_PATHDIRPATH = "/entry/src/main/ets/MainAbility/pages/" G_PAGETEMPPATH = "/pagetemplate.ets" G_PAGEATTRTEMPPATH = "/pageattrtemplate.ets" G_TESTDIRPATH = "/entry/src/main/ets/test/" G_TESTCASETEMPPATH = "/testcasetemplate.ets" G_TESTTEMPPATH = "/List.test.ets" G_LISTTESTETSPATH = "/entry/src/main/ets/test/List.test.ets" G_PAGENAMEPATTERN = "##PAGENAME" G_ATTRNAMEPATTERN = "##ATTRNAME" G_LOWATTRNAMEPATTERN = "##LOWATTRNAME" G_PAGENAMETESETPATTERN = "##PAGENAMETEST" G_PAGEFILENAMEPATTERN = "##PAGEFILENAME" G_SUITENAMEPATTERN = "##SUITENAME" G_PAGENAMETESTPATTERN = "##PAGENAMETEXT" G_CONFIGJSONPATH = "/entry/src/main/config.json" G_BUILDGNPATH = "/" G_TESTJSONPATH = "/Test.json" G_INDEXETSPATH = "/entry/src/main/ets/MainAbility/pages/index.ets" def writemultestcase(): print("writemultestcase") writemultestcasecpp() print("writemulbuildgn") writemulbuildgn() def writemulbuildgn(): #生成buildgn for suiteitem in G_SUITE: subcasecnt = 0 subattcnt = 0 subgncnt = 0 suiteitemcap = "".join(suiteitem[:1].upper() + suiteitem[1:]) print("suite:", suiteitem, "----------------------") #创建一个hap目录 hapdirpath = G_HAPDIRPATH + suiteitem.lower() if os.path.exists(hapdirpath): os.system(r"rm -rf {}".format(hapdirpath)) os.system(r"cp {} {} -r".format(G_TMPDIRPATH, hapdirpath)) else: os.system(r"cp {} {} -r".format(G_TMPDIRPATH, hapdirpath)) mustpass = G_MUSTPASSPATH + suiteitem + G_MUSTPASSFILE with open(mustpass) as mastpassfile: compdict = {"":1} importtestheads = [] importtests = [] for line in mastpassfile: if line[0] == "#": continue line = line.replace("\n", "") linelist = line.split(",") suitename = linelist[0] casename = linelist[1] if suitename in compdict: #同文件里加属性 ind = compdict[suitename] subattcnt += 1 #在page文件里追加attr内容 suitenamecap = "".join(suitename[:1].upper() + suitename[1:]) casenamecap = "".join(casename[:1].upper() + casename[1:]) pagename = suitenamecap + casenamecap pagenametext = suitename + "-" + casenamecap pagefilename = hapdirpath + G_PATHDIRPATH + suitename + ".ets" attrtmp = G_TMPPATH + G_PAGEATTRTEMPPATH #print("addattr:", subattcnt, pagename, attrtmp) with open(attrtmp, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as attrtmpfile: for attrtempline in attrtmpfile: attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(" ", "\ ") attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(G_PAGENAMETESTPATTERN, pagenametext) attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(G_ATTRNAMEPATTERN, casename) os.system(r"sed -i '{}a {}' {}".format(ind, attrtempline, pagefilename)) ind += 1 compdict[suitename] = ind else: #创建不同页面 subgncnt += 1 subattcnt = 1 ind = 29 compdict[suitename] = ind postfix = '%04d' % subgncnt dirpath = suitename + postfix temppagefilename = G_TMPPATH + G_PAGETEMPPATH suitenamecap = "".join(suitename[:1].upper() + suitename[1:]) casenamecap = "".join(casename[:1].upper() + casename[1:]) pagename = suitename + casenamecap capagename = suitenamecap + casenamecap testname = pagename pagefilename = hapdirpath + G_PATHDIRPATH + suitename + ".ets" os.system(r"cp {} {}".format(temppagefilename, pagefilename)) #替换page里的名称 os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_PAGENAMEPATTERN, capagename, pagefilename)) #追加page里的attr pagenametext = suitename + "-" + casenamecap attrtmp = G_TMPPATH + G_PAGEATTRTEMPPATH #print("addattr:", subattcnt, pagename, attrtmp) with open(attrtmp, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as attrtmpfile: for attrtempline in attrtmpfile: attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(" ", "\ ") attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(G_PAGENAMETESTPATTERN, pagenametext) attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(G_ATTRNAMEPATTERN, casename) os.system(r"sed -i '{}a {}' {}".format(ind, attrtempline, pagefilename)) ind += 1 compdict[suitename] = ind temptestfilename = G_TMPPATH + G_TESTCASETEMPPATH testfilename = hapdirpath + G_TESTDIRPATH + suitename + ".test.ets" #print("createpage:", subgncnt, dirpath, pagefilename, testfilename) os.system(r"cp {} {}".format(temptestfilename, testfilename)) #替换test里的名称 os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_ATTRNAMEPATTERN, testname, testfilename)) os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_PAGENAMETESETPATTERN, testname+"Test", testfilename)) os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_PAGEFILENAMEPATTERN, pagename, testfilename)) os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_LOWATTRNAMEPATTERN, casename, testfilename)) #替换config.json里的名称 configjsonname = hapdirpath + G_CONFIGJSONPATH os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_SUITENAMEPATTERN, suiteitemcap, configjsonname)) os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_PAGEFILENAMEPATTERN, casenamecap, configjsonname)) #替换BUILD.gn里的名称 buildgnname = hapdirpath + G_BUILDGNPATH os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_SUITENAMEPATTERN, suiteitemcap, buildgnname)) # formate gn #print("Formate: dirpath:",buildgnname) formatcmd = "cat "+buildgnname+" | ~/workspace/oh31/prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/gn format --stdin >;cp -f "+buildgnname+";rm" os.system(formatcmd) #替换index.ets里的名称 indexetsname = hapdirpath + G_INDEXETSPATH os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_SUITENAMEPATTERN, suiteitemcap, indexetsname)) #替换Test.json里的名称 testjsonname = hapdirpath + G_TESTJSONPATH os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_SUITENAMEPATTERN, suiteitemcap, testjsonname)) #G_IMPORTTEST = "import {} from './{}Jsunit.test';\n" importtestheads.append(G_IMPORTTEST.format(testname, suitename)) importtests.append(G_IMPORTTESTCASE.format(testname)) subcasecnt += 1 #print("importtestheads:", importtestheads) #print("importtests:", importtests) #插入List.test.ets,装载多个testcase ind = 16 for importtestsline in importtests: os.system(r"sed -i '{}a \ \ {}' {}".format(ind, importtestsline, hapdirpath + G_LISTTESTETSPATH)) ind += 1 ind = 14 for importtestheadsline in importtestheads: os.system(r"sed -i '{}a {}' {}".format(ind, importtestheadsline, hapdirpath + G_LISTTESTETSPATH)) ind += 1 def writemultestcasecpp(): #生成testcase for suiteitem in G_SUITE: print("suite:", suiteitem) def removedir(rootdir): for root,dirs,files in os.walk(rootdir, topdown=False): for name in files: os.remove(os.path.join(rootdir,name)) for name in dirs: os.rmdir(os.path.join(rootdir,name)) os.rmdir(rootdir) def printhelp(): print("Need testsuite and codepattern:\n") print("For example\n") print("python3 .\ apilack\n") print("codepattern contains: apilack, attrlack\n") def new_report(bakdir, str): files = os.listdir(bakdir) lists = [] #列出目录的下所有文件和文件夹保存到lists for f in files: # if f.startswith(str): if "latest" in f: continue lists.append(f) lists.sort(key=lambda fn:os.path.getmtime(bakdir + "/" + fn)) # 按时间排序 file_new = os.path.join(bakdir,lists[-1]) # 获取最新的文件保存到file_new print("latest file:", file_new) return file_new if __name__ == '__main__': latestpath = new_report("reports", "") tmpfile = "tmptestsuite.xml" putfile = "/result/ActsLibuvTest.xml" tasklogfile = "/log/task_log.log" putdir = latestpath+putfile tasklogpath = latestpath+tasklogfile timelist = latestpath.split("/") curtime = timelist[1].replace("\n", "") testcaselist = [] total = 0 passcnt = 0 failcnt = 0 suitename = "" #读取最近的tasklog文件 with open(tasklogpath) as tasklogbuf: #从tasklog文件中获取运行的testcase的信息 for tasklogline in tasklogbuf: if "[Start test suite [" in tasklogline: suitelist = tasklogline.split("[Start test suite [") suiteitem = suitelist[1].split("]") suitename = suiteitem[0] if "[ok " in tasklogline: freslist = tasklogline.split("ok") numcase = freslist[1] numcase = numcase.replace(" ","") numcase = numcase.replace("]","") caseline = numcase.split("-") total +=1 passcnt += 1 testcaselist.append(caseline[1]+"-true") if "[not ok " in tasklogline: freslist = tasklogline.split("not ok") numcase = freslist[1] numcase = numcase.replace(" ","") numcase = numcase.replace("]","") caseline = numcase.split("-") total +=1 failcnt += 1 testcaselist.append(caseline[1]+"-false") #print("tasklogfile line:", caseline[0], caseline[1]) #将testcase信息生成文件 xmlfile = open(tmpfile, mode='w+') xmlfile.write("\n") xmlfile.write("\n".format(suitename, curtime, failcnt, total, "{}")) xmlfile.write(" \n".format(suitename, failcnt, total)) for casename in testcaselist: casename = casename.replace("\n","") loccasename = casename.split("-") recasename = loccasename[0] casestate = loccasename[1] xmlfile.write(" \n".format(recasename, suitename, casestate)) xmlfile.write(" \n") xmlfile.write("\n") xmlfile.close() #将tmp文件替换xts框架的result os.system(r"cp {} {}".format(tmpfile, putdir))