/** * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "securec.h" #include "ability.h" #include "ability_connection.h" #include "ability_env.h" #include "ability_event_handler.h" #include "ability_manager.h" #include "ability_slice.h" #include "abilityms_client.h" #include "bundle_manager.h" #include "want.h" using namespace std; using namespace testing::ext; using namespace OHOS; static int32_t g_errorCode = -1; static sem_t g_sem; static const int32_t WAIT_TIMEOUT = 30; static bool g_installState = false; static string g_testPath; extern "C" { void __attribute__((weak)) HOS_SystemInit(void){}; } /* install callback */ static void TestBundleStateCallback(const uint8_t resultCode, const void *resultMessage) { HILOG_DEBUG(HILOG_MODULE_APP, "TestBundleStateCallback resultCode: %d", resultCode); HILOG_DEBUG(HILOG_MODULE_APP, "TestBundleStateCallback resultMessage: %s", (char *) resultMessage); g_installState = (resultCode == 0); g_errorCode = resultCode; sem_post(&g_sem); } /* * * get current dir * @return string current file path of the test suits */ static string GetCurDir() { string filePath = ""; char *buffer; if ((buffer = getcwd(NULL, 0)) == NULL) { perror("get file path error"); } else { printf("Current Dir: %s\r\n", buffer); filePath = buffer; free(buffer); } return filePath + "/"; } /* connectAbility callback */ static void OnAbilityConnectDone(ElementName *elementName, SvcIdentity *serviceSid, int resultCode, void *storeData) { printf("OnAbilityConnectDone, serviceSid is %p \n", serviceSid); printf("elementName is %s, %s \n", elementName->bundleName, elementName->abilityName); ClearElement(elementName); if (serviceSid == nullptr) { return; } printf("ipc callback success \n"); // push data IpcIo request; char data[IPC_IO_DATA_MAX]; IpcIoInit(&request, data, IPC_IO_DATA_MAX, 0); int32_t data1 = 10; int32_t data2 = 6; IpcIoPushInt32(&request, data1); IpcIoPushInt32(&request, data2); // send and getReply IpcIo reply = {nullptr}; uintptr_t ptr = 0; Transact(NULL, *serviceSid, 0, &request, &reply, LITEIPC_FLAG_DEFAULT, &ptr); g_errorCode = IpcIoPopInt32(&reply); if (g_errorCode != 0) { printf("execute add method, result is %d\n", g_errorCode); } if (ptr != 0) { FreeBuffer(nullptr, reinterpret_cast(ptr)); } sem_post(&g_sem); } static void OnAbilityDisconnectDone(ElementName *elementName, int resultCode, void *storeData) { printf("OnAbilityDisconnectDone\n"); } static IAbilityConnection g_conn = { .OnAbilityConnectDone = OnAbilityConnectDone, .OnAbilityDisconnectDone = OnAbilityDisconnectDone }; class AbilityMgrTest : public testing::Test { protected: static void SetUpTestCase(void) { printf("----------test case with AbilityMgrTest start-------------\n"); HOS_SystemInit(); AbilityMsClient::GetInstance().Initialize(); sem_init(&g_sem, 0, 0); bool installResult = false; InstallParam installParam = { .installLocation = 1, .keepData = false }; g_testPath = GetCurDir(); #ifdef __LINUX__ string hapPath = g_testPath + "testnative_hispark_taurus_linux.hap"; #else string hapPath = g_testPath + "testnative_hispark_taurus_liteos.hap"; #endif installResult = Install(hapPath.c_str(), &installParam, TestBundleStateCallback); struct timespec ts = {}; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += WAIT_TIMEOUT; sem_timedwait(&g_sem, &ts); if (installResult) { printf("sem exit \n"); } } static void TearDownTestCase(void) { bool uninstallResult = false; sem_init(&g_sem, 0, 0); InstallParam installParam = { .installLocation = 1, .keepData = false }; uninstallResult = Uninstall("com.openharmony.testnative", &installParam, TestBundleStateCallback); sem_wait(&g_sem); if (uninstallResult) { printf("sem exit \n"); } printf("----------test case with AbilityMgrTest end-------------\n"); } }; /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0013 * @tc.name : testClearElement parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testClearElement, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testClearElement------\n"); ElementName element = { nullptr }; bool setResult = SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); if (setResult) { char aName[] = "SecondAbility"; EXPECT_STREQ(element.abilityName, aName); printf("abilityName is %s \n", element.abilityName); ClearElement(&element); EXPECT_STREQ(element.abilityName, nullptr); } printf("------end testClearElement------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0014 * @tc.name : testClearElement parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testClearElementIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testClearElementIllegal------\n"); ElementName element = { nullptr }; bool setResult = SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); if (setResult) { char aName[] = "SecondAbility"; EXPECT_STREQ(element.abilityName, aName); printf("abilityName is %s \n", element.abilityName); ClearElement(nullptr); EXPECT_STREQ(element.abilityName, aName); printf("AbilityName of element is %s \n", element.abilityName); } printf("------end testClearElementIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0015 * @tc.name : testSetWantElement parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testSetWantElement, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testSetWantElement------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementDeviceID(&element, "0001000"); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); if (element.abilityName != nullptr) { bool setResult = SetWantElement(&want, element); if (setResult) { EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->deviceId, "0001000"); EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->abilityName, "SecondAbility"); EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->bundleName, "com.openharmony.testnative"); } } ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetWantElement------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0016 * @tc.name : testSetWantElement parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testSetWantElementIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testSetWantElementIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; bool setResult = SetWantElement(&want, element); if (setResult) { EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->deviceId, nullptr); EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->abilityName, nullptr); EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->bundleName, nullptr); } ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetWantElementIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0022 * @tc.name : testClearWant parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testClearWantIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testClearWantIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; bool setResult = SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); if (setResult) { setResult = SetWantElement(&want, element); if (setResult) { char aName[] = "SecondAbility"; EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->abilityName, aName); printf("abilityName is %s \n", want.element->abilityName); ClearWant(nullptr); EXPECT_STREQ(want.element->abilityName, aName); } } ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testClearWantIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0025 * @tc.name : testWantToUri parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantToUri, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testWantToUri------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementDeviceID(&element, "0001000"); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); if (element.abilityName !=nullptr) { bool setResult = SetWantElement(&want, element); if (setResult) { const char *uri = WantToUri(want); printf("uri is %s \n", uri); const char *expectResult = "#Want;device=0001000;bundle=com.openharmony.testnative;ability=SecondAbility;end"; EXPECT_STREQ(uri, expectResult); free((void*)uri); } } ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testWantToUri------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0026 * @tc.name : testWantToUri parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantToUriIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testWantToUriIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; const char *uri = WantToUri(want); printf("uri is %s \n", uri); const char *expectResult = "#Want;device=;bundle=;ability=;end"; EXPECT_STREQ(uri, expectResult); if (uri != nullptr) { free((void*)uri); } printf("------end testWantToUriIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0017 * @tc.name : testSetWantDate parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testSetWantDate, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testSetWantDate------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; SetWantData(&want, "test", 5); if (want.data != nullptr) { printf("data is %s \n", (char*)(want.data)); printf("dataLength is %d \n", want.dataLength); EXPECT_STREQ((char*)(want.data), "test"); EXPECT_TRUE(want.dataLength == 5); } ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetWantDate------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0018 * @tc.name : testSetWantDate parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testSetWantDateIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testSetWantDateIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; SetWantData(&want, "test", -1); printf("dataLength is %d \n", want.dataLength); EXPECT_STREQ((char*)(want.data), nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(want.dataLength == 0); SetWantData(&want, nullptr, 0); printf("dataLength is %d \n", want.dataLength); EXPECT_STREQ((char*)(want.data), nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(want.dataLength == 0); printf("------end testSetWantDateIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0023 * @tc.name : testWantParseUri parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantParseUri, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testWantParseUri------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementDeviceID(&element, "0001000"); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); if (element.abilityName != nullptr) { bool setResult = SetWantElement(&want, element); if (setResult) { const char *uri = WantToUri(want); Want *want2 = WantParseUri(uri); printf("uri is %s \n", uri); if (uri != nullptr) { free((void*)uri); } EXPECT_STREQ(want2->element->deviceId, want.element->deviceId); EXPECT_STREQ(want2->element->abilityName, want.element->abilityName); EXPECT_STREQ(want2->element->bundleName, want.element->bundleName); free(want2); } } ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testWantParseUri------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0024 * @tc.name : testWantParseUri parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantParseUriIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testWantParseUriIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, nullptr); SetWantElement(&want, element); const char *uri = WantToUri(want); // empty printf("uri is %s \n", uri); Want *want2 = WantParseUri(uri); if (uri != nullptr) { free((void*)uri); } if (want2 != nullptr) { printf("want is %s \n", want2->element->bundleName); EXPECT_STREQ(want2->element->deviceId, ""); EXPECT_STREQ(want2->element->abilityName, ""); EXPECT_STREQ(want2->element->bundleName, ""); free(want2); } // nullptr Want *want4 = WantParseUri(nullptr); printf("want4 is %p \n", want4); EXPECT_TRUE(want4 == nullptr); const char *str = "test"; // error format Want *want1 = WantParseUri(str); printf("want is %p \n", want1); EXPECT_TRUE(want1 == nullptr); Want *want3 = WantParseUri(""); printf("want is %p \n", want3); EXPECT_TRUE(want3 == nullptr); free(want1); free(want3); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testWantParseUriIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0030 * @tc.name : testGetBundleNameIllegal parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testGetBundleNameIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testGetBundleNameIllegal------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("ret is %d \n", result); const char * bundleName1 = GetBundleName(); printf("result of GetBundleName is %s \n", bundleName1); EXPECT_STREQ(bundleName1, ""); printf("------end testGetBundleNameIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0031 * @tc.name : testGetSrcPathIllegal parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testGetSrcPathIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testGetSrcPathIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("ret is %d \n", result); const char * srcPath = GetSrcPath(); EXPECT_STREQ(srcPath, ""); printf("------end testGetSrcPathIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0032 * @tc.name : testGetDataPath parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testGetDataPathIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testGetDataPathIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("ret is %d \n", result); const char * dataPath = GetDataPath(); printf("result of GetDataPath is %s \n", dataPath); EXPECT_STREQ(dataPath, ""); printf("------end testGetDataPathIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0019 * @tc.name : testDump parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testDumpIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testDump------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); Ability *ability = new Ability(); int result = ability->StartAbility(want); sleep(2); printf("ret is %d \n", result); EXPECT_EQ(result, 0); char *extra = (char*)"test"; ability->Dump(extra); printf("------end testDump------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0033 * @tc.name : testStartAbility parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testStartAbility, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testStartAbility------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "MainAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("ret is %d \n", result); EXPECT_EQ(result, 0); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testStartAbility------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0005 * @tc.name : testStartAbilityIllegal parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testStartAbilityIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testStartAbilityIllegal------\n"); int result = StartAbility(nullptr); printf("ret is %d \n", result); int expect = -1; EXPECT_EQ(result, expect); printf("------end testStartAbilityIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0006 * @tc.name : testStopAbility parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testStopAbility, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testStopAbility------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "ServiceAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); g_errorCode = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("ret is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_EQ(g_errorCode, 0); g_errorCode = StopAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("ret of stop is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_EQ(g_errorCode, 0); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testStopAbility------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0007 * @tc.name : testStopAbilityIllegal parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testStopAbilityIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testStopAbilityIllegal------\n"); g_errorCode = StopAbility(nullptr); printf("ret of stop is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_EQ(g_errorCode, -1); printf("------end testStopAbilityIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0008 * @tc.name : testConnectAbility parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testConnectAbility, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testConnectAbility------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "ServiceAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); sem_init(&g_sem, 0, 0); int result = ConnectAbility(&want, &g_conn, this); struct timespec ts = {}; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += WAIT_TIMEOUT; sem_timedwait(&g_sem, &ts); printf("sem exit \n"); printf("ret is %d \n ", result); EXPECT_EQ(result, 0); DisconnectAbility(&g_conn); sleep(1); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testConnectAbility------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0010 * @tc.name : testWantMathBundle * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0100] * @tc.author : lijiashan 00523117 */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testDisConnectAbility, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testDisConnectAbility------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "ServiceAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); sem_init(&g_sem, 0, 0); int result = ConnectAbility(&want, &g_conn, this); struct timespec ts = {}; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += WAIT_TIMEOUT; sem_timedwait(&g_sem, &ts); printf("sem exit \n"); printf("ret of connect is %d \n ", result); if (g_errorCode == 16) { result = DisconnectAbility(&g_conn); sleep(2); EXPECT_EQ(result, 0); printf("ret of disconnect is %d \n ", result); } ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testDisConnectAbility------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0009 * @tc.name : testConnectAbilityIllegal parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testConnectAbilityIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testConnectAbilityIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "ServiceAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); g_errorCode = ConnectAbility(nullptr, &g_conn, this); printf("ret1 is %d \n ", g_errorCode); EXPECT_EQ(g_errorCode, -1); g_errorCode = ConnectAbility(&want, nullptr, this); printf("ret2 is %d \n ", g_errorCode); EXPECT_EQ(g_errorCode, -1); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testConnectAbilityIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0011 * @tc.name : testDisConnectAbilityIllegal parameter illegal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testDisConnectAbilityIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testDisConnectAbilityIllegal------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "ServiceAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); sem_init(&g_sem, 0, 0); int result = ConnectAbility(&want, &g_conn, this); struct timespec ts = {}; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += WAIT_TIMEOUT; sem_timedwait(&g_sem, &ts); printf("sem exit \n"); printf("ret is of connect is %d \n ", g_errorCode); EXPECT_EQ(result, 0); g_errorCode = DisconnectAbility(nullptr); int expect = -10; EXPECT_EQ(g_errorCode, expect); printf("ret of disconnect is %d \n ", g_errorCode); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testDisConnectAbilityIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0012 * @tc.name : testTerminateAbility parameter legal test * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testTerminateAbility, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testTerminateAbility------\n"); Want want = { nullptr }; ElementName element = { nullptr }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); int result1 = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("result1 of startAbility is %d \n", result1); EXPECT_EQ(result1, 0); Ability *ability = new Ability(); int result2 = ability->TerminateAbility(); sleep(2); printf("result2 of TerminateAbility is %d \n", result2); EXPECT_EQ(result2, 0); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); delete ability; printf("------end testTerminateAbility------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_WANT_0001 * @tc.name : test Want Match BundleInfo * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantMatchBundle, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testWantMathBundle------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "MainAbility"); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetElementDeviceID(&element, ""); SetWantElement(&want, element); AbilityInfo abilityInfo; memset_s(&abilityInfo, sizeof(AbilityInfo), 0, sizeof(AbilityInfo)); g_errorCode = QueryAbilityInfo(&want, &abilityInfo); printf("ret of query is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_EQ(g_errorCode, 0); if (g_errorCode == 0) { printf("abilityInfo.name is %s \n", abilityInfo.name); } int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("result of startAbility is %d \n", result); EXPECT_EQ(result, 0); printf("element is %s \n", want.element->bundleName); printf("element is %s \n", want.element->abilityName); StopAbility(&want); sleep(1); printf("------end testWantMathBundle------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_WANT_0004 * @tc.name : test Want Not Match BundleInfo * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantNotMathBundle, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testWantNotMathBundle------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; std::string aName = "NoThisAbility"; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementAbilityName(&element, aName.c_str()); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.nothishap"); SetWantElement(&want, element); AbilityInfo abilityInfo; memset_s(&abilityInfo, sizeof(AbilityInfo), 0, sizeof(AbilityInfo)); g_errorCode = QueryAbilityInfo(&want, &abilityInfo); printf("ret is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_TRUE(g_errorCode != 0); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("result of startAbility is %d \n", result); EXPECT_TRUE(result == 0); printf("element is %s \n", want.element->bundleName); printf("------end testWantNotMathBundle------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_WANT_0002 * @tc.name : testWantOnlyMathBundle * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantOnlyMathBundleName, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testWantOnlyMathBundleName------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; std::string aName = "Ability"; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementAbilityName(&element, aName.c_str()); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetWantElement(&want, element); AbilityInfo abilityInfo; memset_s(&abilityInfo, sizeof(AbilityInfo), 0, sizeof(AbilityInfo)); g_errorCode = QueryAbilityInfo(&want, &abilityInfo); printf("ret is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_TRUE(g_errorCode != 0); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("result of startAbility is %d \n", result); EXPECT_TRUE(result == 0); printf("element is %s \n", want.element->bundleName); printf("------end testWantOnlyMathBundleName------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_WANT_0003 * @tc.name : testWantOnlyMathAbility * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantOnlyMathAbility, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testWantOnlyMathAbility------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; std::string aName = "MainAbility"; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementAbilityName(&element, aName.c_str()); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.test"); SetWantElement(&want, element); AbilityInfo abilityInfo; memset_s(&abilityInfo, sizeof(AbilityInfo), 0, sizeof(AbilityInfo)); g_errorCode = QueryAbilityInfo(&want, &abilityInfo); printf("ret is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_TRUE(g_errorCode != 0); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("result of startAbility is %d \n", result); EXPECT_TRUE(result == 0); printf("element is %s \n", want.element->abilityName); printf("------end testWantOnlyMathAbility------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_WANT_0005 * @tc.name : test WantData Match DataLength * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantDataMatchLength, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testWantDataMatchLength------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "MainAbility"); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetWantElement(&want, element); SetWantData(&want, "test", 5); AbilityInfo abilityInfo; memset_s(&abilityInfo, sizeof(AbilityInfo), 0, sizeof(AbilityInfo)); g_errorCode = QueryAbilityInfo(&want, &abilityInfo); printf("ret is %d \n", g_errorCode); EXPECT_TRUE(g_errorCode == 0); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("result of startAbility is %d \n", result); EXPECT_TRUE(result == 0); EXPECT_STREQ((char*)(want.data), "test"); EXPECT_EQ(want.dataLength, 5); StopAbility(&want); sleep(1); printf("------end testWantDataMatchLength------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_WANT_0006 * @tc.name : test WantData Not Match DataLength * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testWantDataNotMatchLength, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testWantDataNotMatchLength------\n"); Want want; memset_s(&want, sizeof(Want), 0, sizeof(Want)); ElementName element; memset_s(&element, sizeof(ElementName), 0, sizeof(ElementName)); SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testnative"); SetWantElement(&want, element); SetWantData(&want, "test", 3); int result = StartAbility(&want); sleep(2); printf("result of startAbility is %d \n", result); EXPECT_TRUE(result == 0); EXPECT_EQ(want.dataLength, 3); printf("------end testWantDataNotMatchLength------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_AMS_API_0040 * @tc.name : PostTask parameter illegal test that callback is null * @tc.desc : [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(AbilityMgrTest, testPostTask, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testPostTask------\n"); #ifdef __LINUX__ string hapPath = g_testPath + "testnative_hispark_taurus_linux.hap"; #else string hapPath = g_testPath + "testnative_hispark_taurus_liteos.hap"; #endif AbilityEventHandler eventHandler1; auto task = [this, hapPath]{ sem_init(&g_sem, 0, 0); InstallParam installParam = { .installLocation = 1, .keepData = false }; bool installResult = Install(hapPath.c_str(), &installParam, TestBundleStateCallback); sem_wait(&g_sem); printf("installResult is %d \n", installResult); EXPECT_TRUE(installResult); AbilityEventHandler *eventHandler2 = AbilityEventHandler::GetCurrentHandler(); eventHandler2->PostQuit(); }; eventHandler1.PostTask(task); eventHandler1.Run(); printf("------end testPostTask------\n"); }