# SIG Template English | [简体中文](./sig_devboard_cn.md) Note: The content of this SIG follows the convention described in OpenHarmony's PMC Management Charter [README](/zh/pmc.md). ## SIG group work objectives and scope To increase the number of third-party boards of the OpenHarmony OS, the device SIG provides easy porting guide that board manufacturers could follow to contribute their codes to the community easily. The more important thing is actively cooperating with board manufacturers to enhance the OpenHarmony ecosystem. ### Scope - Easy Porting Requirements Proposes easy porting requirements that all OpenHarmony projects, not only kernel and building project, should develop. - Porting and Contributing Guidelines Guides board manufacturers to contribute their codes to the community. - Demo Projects Creates demo projects, hi3516/hi3518/hi3861, for others to follow. - Expanding Ecosystems Actively cooperates with board manufacturers. ### The repository - project name: - device_st: https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/device_st - vendor_huawei_minidisplay_demo: https://gitee.com/openharmony-sig/vendor_huawei_minidisplay_demo ## SIG Members ### Leader - [SimonLi](https://gitee.com/kkup180) ### Committers - [zianed](https://gitee.com/zianed) - [DennyShen](https://gitee.com/DennyShen) - [borne](https://gitee.com/borne) - [jady3356](https://gitee.com/taiyipei) ### Meetings - Meeting time:BiWeek Monday 19:00 - Meeting link:slack qemu channel ### Contact (optional) - Mailing list:xxx - Slack group:[qemu](https://openharmonyworkspace.slack.com/archives/C01G1DEHLR5) - Wechat group:xxx