/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from 'deccjsunit/index' import process from '@ohos.process' describe('ChildProcessTest', function () { /** * @tc.name: testRunCmd001 * @tc.desc: Return a child process object and spawns a new ChildProcess to run the command. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testRunCmd001', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo abc') child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([97, 98, 99, 10, 0]) await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testRunCmd002 * @tc.desc: Return a child process object and spawns a new ChildProcess to run the command. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testRunCmd002', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo abc;', { maxBuffer : 2 }) child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([97, 98, 0]) await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testRunCmd003 * @tc.desc: Return a child process object and spawns a new ChildProcess to run the command. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testRunCmd003', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('sleep 5; echo abc;', { timeout : 1, killSignal : 9 }) child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([0]) await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); expect(child.exitCode).assertEqual(9) done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testRunCmd004 * @tc.desc: Return a child process object and spawns a new ChildProcess to run the command. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testRunCmd004', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('sleep 2; echo abc;', { timeout : 9000, killSignal : 9 }) child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([97, 98, 99, 10, 0]) await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); expect(child.exitCode).assertEqual(0) done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testRunCmd005 * @tc.desc: Return a child process object and spawns a new ChildProcess to run the command. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testRunCmd005', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo abc', { maxBuffer : 1000 }) child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([97, 98, 99, 10, 0]) await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetOutput001 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array' of the stdout until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetOutput001', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo bcd;') let array = new Uint8Array([98, 99, 100, 10, 0]) child.wait(); await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetOutput002 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array' of the stdout until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetOutput002', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo 123;'); let array = new Uint8Array([49, 50, 51, 10, 0]); child.wait(); await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]); } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetOutput003 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array' of the stdout until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetOutput003', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo helloWorld;'); let array = new Uint8Array([104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100, 10, 0]); child.wait(); await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]); } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetOutput004 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array' of the stdout until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetOutput004', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo 浣犲�?'); let array = new Uint8Array([230, 181, 163, 231, 138, 178, 239, 191, 189, 63, 10, 0]); child.wait(); await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]); } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetOutput005 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array' of the stdout until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetOutput005', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo ~_~;'); let array = new Uint8Array([126, 95, 126, 10, 0]); child.wait(); await child.getOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]); } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetErrorOutput001 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array of the stderr until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetErrorOutput001', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('makdir 1.txt') child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([115, 104, 58, 32, 109, 97, 107, 100, 105, 114, 58, 32, 105, 110, 97, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, 105, 98, 108, 101, 32, 111, 114, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 102, 111, 117, 110, 100, 10, 0]) await child.getErrorOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetErrorOutput002 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array of the stderr until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetErrorOutput002', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo "error" 1>&2') child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([101, 114, 114, 111, 114, 10, 0]) await child.getErrorOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetErrorOutput003 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array of the stderr until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetErrorOutput003', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('1') child.wait() let array = new Uint8Array([115, 104, 58, 32, 49, 58, 32, 105, 110, 97, 99, 99, 101, 115, 115, 105, 98, 108, 101, 32, 111, 114, 32, 110, 111, 116, 32, 102, 111, 117, 110, 100, 10, 0]) await child.getErrorOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetErrorOutput004 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array of the stderr until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetErrorOutput004', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('chmod 777 123') let array = new Uint8Array([99, 104, 109, 111, 100, 58, 32, 49, 50, 51, 58, 32, 78, 111, 32, 115, 117, 99, 104, 32, 102, 105, 108, 101, 32, 111, 114, 32, 100, 105, 114, 101, 99, 116, 111, 114, 121, 10, 0]); child.wait(); await child.getErrorOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testGetErrorOutput005 * @tc.desc: return it as 'Uint8Array of the stderr until EOF. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetErrorOutput005', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('cp ./1 ./2') let array = new Uint8Array([99, 112, 58, 32, 98, 97, 100, 32, 39, 46, 47, 49, 39, 58, 32, 78, 111, 32, 115, 117, 99, 104, 32, 102, 105, 108, 101, 32, 111, 114, 32, 100, 105, 114, 101, 99, 116, 111, 114, 121, 10, 0]) child.wait(); await child.getErrorOutput().then(val=>{ for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { expect(val[i]).assertEqual(array[i]) } }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testWait001 * @tc.desc: return 'number' is the targer process exit code. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testWait001', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('ls') await child.wait().then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual(0) }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testWait002 * @tc.desc: return 'number' is the targer process exit code. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testWait002', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5;') child.kill(9); await child.wait().then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual(9) }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testWait003 * @tc.desc: return 'number' is the targer process exit code. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testWait003', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('echo helloWorld'); await child.wait().then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual(0); }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testWait004 * @tc.desc: return 'number' is the targer process exit code. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testWait004', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('mkdir 123'); await child.wait().then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual(0); }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testWait005 * @tc.desc: return 'number' is the targer process exit code. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testWait005', 0, async function (done) { let child = process.runCmd('sleep 5; echo abc;', { timeout : 1, killSignal : 9 }); await child.wait().then(val=>{ expect(val).assertEqual(9); }); done(); }) /** * @tc.name: testchildPid001 * @tc.desc: return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testchildPid001', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5;') child.wait() let pid_ = child.pid expect(pid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPid002 * @tc.desc: return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid002', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('mkdir test.cpp') child.wait() let pid_ = child.pid expect(pid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPid003 * @tc.desc: return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid003', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('each abc') child.wait() let pid_ = child.pid expect(pid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPid004 * @tc.desc: return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid004', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('cd ..') child.wait() let pid_ = child.pid expect(pid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPid005 * @tc.desc: return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid005', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('adc') child.wait() let pid_ = child.pid expect(pid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid001 * @tc.desc: return ppid is the pid of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid001', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5;') let status = child.wait() let ppid_ = child.ppid expect(ppid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid002 * @tc.desc: return ppid is the pid of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid002', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('mkdir test.cpp') child.wait() let ppid_ = child.ppid expect(ppid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid003 * @tc.desc: return ppid is the pid of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid003', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('each abc') child.wait() let ppid_ = child.ppid expect(ppid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid004 * @tc.desc: return ppid is the pid of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid004', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('cd ..') child.wait() let ppid_ = child.ppid expect(ppid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid005 * @tc.desc: return ppid is the pid of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid005', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('adc') child.wait() let ppid_ = child.ppid expect(ppid_ > 0).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill001 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill001', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let result = child.kill(13) let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill002 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill002', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let result = child.kill(1) let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill003 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill003', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let result = child.kill('SIGHUP') let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill004 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill004', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let result = child.kill('ABC') let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill005 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill005', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls') child.wait() let result = child.kill(9) let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testClose001 * @tc.desc: close the target process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testClose001', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let result = child.close() expect(child.exitCode).assertEqual(9) }) /** * @tc.name: testClose002 * @tc.desc: close the target process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testClose002', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls') function sleep(ms, callback) { setTimeout(callback, ms) } sleep(1000, () => {} ) let result = child.close() expect(child.exitCode === 0).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testClose003 * @tc.desc: close the target process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testClose003', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls;') let status = child.wait() let result = child.close() expect(child.exitCode).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testClose004 * @tc.desc: close the target process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testClose004', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls') let result = child.close() expect(child.exitCode).assertEqual(9) }) /** * @tc.name: testClose005 * @tc.desc: close the target process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testClose005', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('sleep 5; echo A') let result = child.close() let status = child.wait() expect(child.exitCode).assertEqual(9) }) /** * @tc.name: testKilled001 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKilled001', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 1s;') let result = child.kill(3) let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKilled002 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKilled002', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 1s;') let result = child.close() let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testKilled003 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKilled003', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 1s;') let status = child.wait() let result = child.kill(9) let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testKilled004 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKilled004', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let result = child.kill('SIGHUP') let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKilled005 * @tc.desc: return boolean is whether the current process signal is sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKilled005', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let result = child.kill('1') let temp = child.killed expect(temp).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testExitCode001 * @tc.desc: return exitCode is the exit code of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testExitCode001', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') let temp = child.kill(9) child.wait() let result = child.exitCode expect(result).assertEqual(9) }) /** * @tc.name: testExitCode002 * @tc.desc: return exitCode is the exit code of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testExitCode002', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls;') child.wait() let result = child.exitCode expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testExitCode003 * @tc.desc: return exitCode is the exit code of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testExitCode003', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls; sleep 5s;') child.close() child.wait() let result = child.exitCode expect(result).assertEqual(9) }) /** * @tc.name: testExitCode004 * @tc.desc: return exitCode is the exit code of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testExitCode004', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('ls') let temp = child.kill('ABCD') child.close() let result = child.exitCode expect(result).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testExitCode005 * @tc.desc: return exitCode is the exit code of the current child process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testExitCode005', 0, function () { let child = process.runCmd('echo A') let result= child.wait() let status = child.close() expect(child.exitCode).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetUid001 * @tc.desc: returns the digital user id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetUid001', 0, function () { let result = process.uid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetUid002 * @tc.desc: returns the digital user id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetUid002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ let result = process.uid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetUid003 * @tc.desc: returns the digital user id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetUid003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++){ let result = process.uid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetUid004 * @tc.desc: returns the digital user id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetUid004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++){ let result = process.uid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetUid005 * @tc.desc: returns the digital user id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetUid005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ let result = process.uid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGid001 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric group id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGid001', 0, function () { let result = process.gid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGid002 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric group id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGid002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ let result = process.gid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGid003 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric group id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGid003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ let result = process.gid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGid004 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric group id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGid004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++){ let result = process.gid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGid005 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric group id of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGid005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++){ let result = process.gid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEuid001 * @tc.desc: return the numeric valid user identity of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEuid001', 0, function () { let result = process.euid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEuid002 * @tc.desc: return the numeric valid user identity of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEuid002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ let result = process.euid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEuid003 * @tc.desc: return the numeric valid user identity of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEuid003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ let result = process.euid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEuid004 * @tc.desc: return the numeric valid user identity of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEuid004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++){ let result = process.euid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEuid005 * @tc.desc: return the numeric valid user identity of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEuid005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++){ let result = process.euid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEgid001 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric valid group ID of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEgid001', 0, function () { let result = process.egid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEgid002 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric valid group ID of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEgid002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ let result = process.egid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEgid003 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric valid group ID of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEgid003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ let result = process.egid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEgid004 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric valid group ID of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEgid004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++){ let result = process.egid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEgid005 * @tc.desc: returns the numeric valid group ID of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetEgid005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++){ let result = process.egid if(result != null) { if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGroups001 * @tc.desc: return an array with supplementary group id. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGroups001', 0, function () { let result = process.groups let len = result.length if(len > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGroups002 * @tc.desc: return an array with supplementary group id. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGroups002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ let result = process.groups if(result != null) { let len = result.length if(len > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGroups003 * @tc.desc: return an array with supplementary group id. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGroups003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ let result = process.groups if(result != null) { let len = result.length if(len > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGroups004 * @tc.desc: return an array with supplementary group id. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGroups004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++){ let result = process.groups if(result != null) { let len = result.length if(len > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetGroups005 * @tc.desc: return an array with supplementary group id. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testGetGroups005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++){ let result = process.groups if(result != null) { let len = result.length if(len > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testChdir001 * @tc.desc: Change current directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testChdir001', 0, function () { let result = process.chdir('/system') let result1 = process.cwd() expect(result1).assertEqual('/system') }) /** * @tc.name: testChdir002 * @tc.desc: Change current directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testChdir002', 0, function () { let result = process.chdir('/system/lib') let result1 = process.cwd() expect(result1).assertEqual('/system/lib') }) /** * @tc.name: testChdir003 * @tc.desc: Change current directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testChdir003', 0, function () { let result = process.chdir('/..') let result1 = process.cwd() expect(result1).assertEqual('/') }) /** * @tc.name: testChdir004 * @tc.desc: Change current directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testChdir004', 0, function () { let result = process.chdir('/system/app') let result1 = process.cwd() expect(result1).assertEqual('/system/app') }) /** * @tc.name: testChdir005 * @tc.desc: Change current directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testChdir005', 0, function () { let result = process.chdir('/data') let result1 = process.cwd() expect(result1).assertEqual('/data') }) /** * @tc.name: testKill001 * @tc.desc: Return whether the signal was sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill001', 0, function () { let result = process.kill(3, 123) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill002 * @tc.desc: Return whether the signal was sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill002', 0, function () { let pres = process.pid let result = process.kill(23, pres) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill003 * @tc.desc: Return whether the signal was sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill003', 0, function () { let pres = process.pid let result = process.kill(28, pres) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill004 * @tc.desc: Return whether the signal was sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill004', 0, function () { let pres = process.pid let result = process.kill(17, pres) expect(result).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testKill005 * @tc.desc: Return whether the signal was sent successfully. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testKill005', 0, function () { let result = process.kill(3, 113) expect(result).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testUptime001 * @tc.desc: Returns the running time of the system. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testUptime001', 0, function () { let result1 = process.uptime() function sleep(d){ while(process.uptime() - result1 <= d); } sleep(5); let result2 = process.uptime() - 6 expect(result1).assertEqual(result2) }) /** * @tc.name: testUptime002 * @tc.desc: Returns the running time of the system. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testUptime002', 0, function () { var result1 = process.uptime() function sleep(d){ while(process.uptime() - result1 <= d); } sleep(8); let result2 = process.uptime() - 9 expect(result1).assertEqual(result2) }) /** * @tc.name: testUptime003 * @tc.desc: Returns the running time of the system. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testUptime003', 0, function () { let result1 = process.uptime() function sleep(d){ while(process.uptime() - result1 <= d); } sleep(10); let result2 = process.uptime() - 11 expect(result1).assertEqual(result2) }) /** * @tc.name: testUptime004 * @tc.desc: Returns the running time of the system. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testUptime004', 0, function () { let result1 = process.uptime() function sleep(d){ while(process.uptime() - result1 <= d); } sleep(7); let result2 = process.uptime() - 8 expect(result1).assertEqual(result2) }) /** * @tc.name: testUptime005 * @tc.desc: Returns the running time of the system. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testUptime005', 0, function () { var result1 = process.uptime() function sleep(d){ while(process.uptime() - result1 <= d); } sleep(11); var result2 = process.uptime() - 12 expect(result1).assertEqual(result2) }) /** * @tc.name: testPid001 * @tc.desc: Return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid001', 0, function () { let result = process.pid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPid002 * @tc.desc: Return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let result = process.pid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testPid003 * @tc.desc: Return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let result = process.pid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testPid004 * @tc.desc: Return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { let result = process.pid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testPid005 * @tc.desc: Return pid is the pid of the current process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPid005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { let result = process.pid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid001 * @tc.desc: Return ppid is the pid of the current child process * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid001', 0, function () { let result = process.ppid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid002 * @tc.desc: Return ppid is the pid of the current child process * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let result = process.ppid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid003 * @tc.desc: Return ppid is the pid of the current child process * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let result = process.ppid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid004 * @tc.desc: Return ppid is the pid of the current child process * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { let result = process.ppid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testPpid005 * @tc.desc: Return ppid is the pid of the current child process * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testPpid005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { let result = process.ppid if(result > 0) { var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testCwd001 * @tc.desc: Return the current work directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testCwd001', 0, function () { let cwdir = process.cwd() if(cwdir){ var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testCwd002 * @tc.desc: Return the current work directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testCwd002', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let cwdir = process.cwd() if(cwdir){ var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testCwd003 * @tc.desc: Return the current work directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testCwd003', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { let cwdir = process.cwd() if(cwdir){ var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testCwd004 * @tc.desc: Return the current work directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testCwd004', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 6; i++) { let cwdir = process.cwd() if(cwdir){ var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testCwd005 * @tc.desc: Return the current work directory. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testCwd005', 0, function () { for(let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { let cwdir = process.cwd() if(cwdir){ var flag = true } expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testOn001 * @tc.desc: Register for an event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOn001', 0, function () { function add(){ let value = 3 + 2 } let ontest = process.on(1, add) expect(ontest).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testOn002 * @tc.desc: Register for an event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOn002', 0, function () { function add1(num){ let value = num + 3 } let on = process.on("add123", add1) }) /** * @tc.name: testOn003 * @tc.desc: Register for an event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOn003', 0, function () { function add2(num0, num1){ let value = num0 + num1 } let ontest = process.on(879, add2) expect(ontest).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testOn004 * @tc.desc: Register for an event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOn004', 0, function () { function add3(num0, num1){ let value = num0 + num1 } let ontest = process.on(12345, add3) expect(ontest).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testOn005 * @tc.desc: Register for an event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOn005', 0, function () { function add4(num0, num1){ let value = num0 + num1 } let ontest = process.on(1000, add4) expect(ontest).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testOff001 * @tc.desc: Remove registered event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOff001', 0, function () { function add1(num){ let value = num + 3 } let on = process.on("UnHandleRejection", add1) let offtest = process.off("UnHandleRejection") expect(offtest).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testOff002 * @tc.desc: Remove registered event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOff002', 0, function () { let offtest = process.off("123") expect(offtest).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testOff003 * @tc.desc: Remove registered event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOff003', 0, function () { let offtest = process.off("456") expect(offtest).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testOff004 * @tc.desc: Remove registered event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOff004', 0, function () { function add1(num){ let value = num + 3 } let on = process.on("UnHandleRejection", add1) let offtest = process.off("UnHandleRejection") expect(offtest).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: testOff005 * @tc.desc: Remove registered event. * @tc.require: AR000GFB2S * @tc.author: wangben */ it('testOff005', 0, function () { function add1(num){ let value = num + 3 } let on = process.on("UnHandleRejection", add1) let offtest = process.off("UnHandleRejection") expect(offtest).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-001 * @tc.desc: Returns the tid of the current thread. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-001', 0, function () { let pres = process.tid if(pres > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-002 * @tc.desc: Returns the tid of the current thread. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-002', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i < 5; i++) { let pres = process.tid if(pres > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-003 * @tc.desc: Returns the tid of the current thread. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-003', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i < 3; i++) { let pres = process.tid if(pres > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-004 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the process is isolated. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-004', 0, function () { let pres = process.isIsolatedProcess() expect(pres).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-005 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the process is isolated. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-005', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i < 3; i++) { let pres =process.isIsolatedProcess() expect(pres).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-006 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the process is isolated. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-006', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i < 5; i++) { let pres =process.isIsolatedProcess() expect(pres).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-007 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the specified uid belongs to a particular application. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-007', 0, function () { let isorno = process.isAppUid(167) expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-008 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the specified uid belongs to a particular application. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-008', 0, function () { let isorno = process.isAppUid(123) expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIsappuid003 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the specified uid belongs to a particular application. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('testIsappuid003', 0, function () { let isorno = process.isAppUid(80000) expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIsappuid004 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the specified uid belongs to a particular application. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('testIsappuid004', 0, function () { let isorno = process.isAppUid(789) expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: testIsappuid005 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the specified uid belongs to a particular application. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('testIsappuid005', 0, function () { let isorno = process.isAppUid(8569) expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-009 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the process is running in a 64-bit environment. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-009', 0, function () { let isorno = process.is64Bit() expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-010 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the process is running in a 64-bit environment. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-010', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { let isorno = process.is64Bit() expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-011 * @tc.desc: Returns a boolean whether the process is running in a 64-bit environment. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-011', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { let isorno = process.is64Bit() expect(isorno).assertEqual(false) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-012 * @tc.desc: Returns the uid based on the specified user name. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-012',0, function () { let pres = process.getUidForName("root") if(pres != -1) { let flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-013 * @tc.desc: Returns the uid based on the specified user name. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-013', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { let pres = process.getUidForName("12356") expect(pres).assertEqual(-1) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-014 * @tc.desc: Returns the uid based on the specified user name. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-014', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { let pres = process.getUidForName("12356") expect(pres).assertEqual(-1) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-015 * @tc.desc: Returns the thread priority based on the specified tid. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-015', 0, function () { let pres = process.tid let pri = process.getThreadPriority(pres) if(pri) { let flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-016 * @tc.desc: Returns the thread priority based on the specified tid. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-016', 0, function () { let pres = process.tid for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { let pri = process.getThreadPriority(pres) if(pri > 0) { let flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-017 * @tc.desc: Returns the thread priority based on the specified tid. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-017', 0, function () { let pres = process.tid for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { let pri = process.getThreadPriority(pres) if(pri > 0) { let flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-019 * @tc.desc: Returns the elapsed real time (in milliseconds) taken from the start of * @the system to the start of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-019', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { let pri = process.getStartRealtime() if(pri !== null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-018 * @tc.desc: Returns the elapsed real time (in milliseconds) taken from the start of * @the system to the start of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-018', 0, function () { let pri = process.getStartRealtime() if(pri !== null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-020 * @tc.desc: Returns the elapsed real time (in milliseconds) taken from the start of * @the system to the start of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-020', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { let pri = process.getStartRealtime() if(pri !== null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-021 * @tc.desc: Returns the elapsed real time (in milliseconds) * @taken from the start of the system to the start of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-021', 0, function () { let priOne = process.getStartRealtime() let priTwo = process.getStartRealtime() expect(priOne - priTwo).assertEqual(0) }) /** * @tc.name: testGetstartrealtime004 * @tc.desc: Returns the elapsed real time (in milliseconds) taken from the start of * @the system to the start of the process. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('testGetstartrealtime004', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<6; i++) { let pri = process.getStartRealtime() if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetpastCpuTime001 * @tc.desc: Returns the cpu time (in milliseconds) from the time when the process starts to the current time. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('testGetpastCpuTime001', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { let pri = process.getPastCpuTime() if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-022 * @tc.desc: Returns the cpu time (in milliseconds) from the time when the process starts to the current time. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-022', 0, function () { let pri = process.getPastCpuTime() if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-023 * @tc.desc: Returns the cpu time (in milliseconds) from the time when the process starts to the current time. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-023', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { let pri = process.getPastCpuTime() if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-024 * @tc.desc: Returns the cpu time (in milliseconds) from the time when the process starts to the current time. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-024', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<8; i++) { let pri = process.getPastCpuTime() if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-025 * @tc.desc: Returns the system configuration at runtime. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-025', 0, function () { let _SC_ARG_MAX = 0 let pri = process.getSystemConfig(_SC_ARG_MAX) if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-026 * @tc.desc: Returns the system configuration at runtime. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-026', 0, function () { let _SC_ARG_MAX = 0 for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { let pri = process.getSystemConfig(_SC_ARG_MAX) if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-027 * @tc.desc: Returns the system configuration at runtime. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-027', 0, function () { let _SC_ARG_MAX = 0 for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { let pri = process.getSystemConfig(_SC_ARG_MAX) if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-028 * @tc.desc: Returns the system configuration at runtime. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-028', 0, function () { let _SC_OPEN_MAX = 4 let pri = process.getSystemConfig(_SC_OPEN_MAX) if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-029 * @tc.desc: Returns the system configuration at runtime. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-029', 0, function () { let _SC_PAGESIZE = 8 let pri = process.getSystemConfig(_SC_PAGESIZE) if(pri > 0) { var flag = new Boolean(true) } expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-033 * @tc.desc: Returns the system value for environment variables. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-033', 0, function () { let pri = process.getEnvironmentVar("USER") if(pri != null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-036 * @tc.desc: Returns the system value for environment variables. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-036', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<3; i++) { let pri = process.getEnvironmentVar("PATH") if(pri != null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: testGetEnvironmentVar003 * @tc.desc: Returns the system value for environment variables. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('testGetEnvironmentVar003', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<5; i++) { let pri = process.getEnvironmentVar("PATH") if(pri != null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-034 * @tc.desc: Returns the system value for environment variables. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-034', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<6; i++) { let pri = process.getEnvironmentVar("USER") if(pri != null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-035 * @tc.desc: Returns the system value for environment variables. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-035', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<8; i++) { let pri = process.getEnvironmentVar("USER") if(pri != null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) expect(Boolean(flag)).assertEqual(true) } } }) /** * @tc.name: SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-037 * @tc.desc: Returns the system value for environment variables. * @tc.require: AR000GFB04 * @tc.author: liwenqiang */ it('SUB_Runtime_JSAPI_SR000GGR3G-037', 0, function () { for(let i=0; i<100; i++) { let pri = process.getEnvironmentVar("i123") if(pri == null) { var flag = new Boolean(true) expect(flag).assertEqual(true) } } }) })