/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import { describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect } from '@ohos/hypium' import { UiDriver } from '@ohos.UiTest' import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry' import prompt from '@ohos.prompt' var abilityDelegator = undefined; var abilityDelegator1 = undefined; var driver; var cmd; function sleep(time) { return new Promise < void> ((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, time) }) } export default function abilityTest() { describe('ActsWukongTest', function () { beforeAll(async (done) => { abilityDelegator = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator(); abilityDelegator1 = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator(); driver = await UiDriver.create() await sleep(2000); done(); }) afterAll(async function (done) { prompt.showToast({ message: 'CASE All End' }) done() }) /** * @tc.number: wukongtest_0010 * @tc.name: getAbilityLists callback API. * @tc.desc: getAbilityLists callback API abilityType is spoken, stateType is install. */ it('wukongtest_0010', 1, async function (done) { cmd = "wukong exec -T 0.5 &"; await abilityDelegator.executeShellCommand("pkill accessibility"); abilityDelegator.executeShellCommand(cmd, async (err: any, d: any) => { console.log('ACTS_wukongTest executeShellCommand : err : ' + JSON.stringify(err)); console.log('ACTS_wukongTest executeShellCommand : stdResult : ' + d.stdResult); console.log('ACTS_wukongTest executeShellCommand : exitCode : ' + d.exitCode); }); await sleep(5000); abilityDelegator1.executeShellCommand("ps -ef|grep 'wukong exec -T 0.5'|grep -c -v grep ",async (error: any, date: any) => { console.log('ACTS_wukongTest cmdPs executeShellCommand : err : ' + JSON.stringify(error)); console.log('ACTS_wukongTest cmdPs executeShellCommand : stdResult : ' + date.stdResult); console.log('ACTS_wukongTest cmdPs executeShellCommand : exitCode : ' + date.exitCode); let i = date.stdResult.indexOf('1'); if(i == -1){ expect().assertFail(); done(); } }); done(); }) }) }