/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import mediaLibrary from '@ohos.multimedia.mediaLibrary'; import featureAbility from '@ohos.ability.featureAbility'; import { describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect } from 'deccjsunit/index'; describe('file.callback.test.js', function () { var context = featureAbility.getContext(); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : getMediaLibrary IN'); var media = mediaLibrary.getMediaLibrary(context); console.info('MediaLibraryTest : getMediaLibrary OUT'); beforeAll(function () { console.info('File Callback MediaLibraryTest: beforeAll: Prerequisites at the test suite level, which are executed before the test suite is executed.'); }); beforeEach(function () { console.info('File Callback MediaLibraryTest: beforeEach: Prerequisites at the test case level, which are executed before each test case is executed.'); }); afterEach(function () { console.info('File Callback MediaLibraryTest: afterEach: Test case-level clearance conditions, which are executed after each test case is executed.'); }); afterAll(function () { console.info('File Callback MediaLibraryTest: afterAll: Test suite-level cleanup condition, which is executed after the test suite is executed'); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_01 * @tc.name : favorite * @tc.desc : favorite by true * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_01', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image01.jpg', path); asset.favorite(true, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_01 success'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_01 fail, message = ' + err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_02 * @tc.name : favorite * @tc.desc : favorite by false * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_02', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image02.jpg', path); asset.favorite(false, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_02 success'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_02 fail, message = ' + err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_03 * @tc.name : favorite * @tc.desc : favorite by 666 * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_03', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image03.jpg', path); asset.favorite(666, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_03 success'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_03 fail, message = ' + err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_04 * @tc.name : favorite * @tc.desc : favorite by '666' * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_04', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image04.jpg', path); asset.favorite('666', (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_04 success'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_04 fail, message = ' + err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_05 * @tc.name : favorite * @tc.desc : favorite by 0.666 * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_05', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image05.jpg', path); asset.favorite(0.666, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_05 success'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_05 fail, message = ' + err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_06 * @tc.name : favorite * @tc.desc : favorite by null * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_FAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_007_06', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image06.jpg', path); asset.favorite(null, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_06 success'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK favorite 007_06 fail, message = ' + err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISFAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_008_01 * @tc.name : isFavorite * @tc.desc : Is Favourite true * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISFAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_008_01', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image07.jpg', path); await asset.favorite(true); asset.isFavorite((err, isFavorite) => { if (err == undefined && isFavorite == true) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK isFavorite 008_01 isFavorite = ' + isFavorite); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK isFavorite 008_01 fail, message = ' + err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISFAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_008_02 * @tc.name : isFavorite * @tc.desc : Is Favourite true * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISFAV_ASSET_CALLBACK_008_02', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image0702.jpg', path); await asset.favorite(false); asset.isFavorite((err, isFavorite) => { if (err == undefined && isFavorite == false) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK isFavorite 008_02 isFavorite = ' + isFavorite); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK isFavorite 008_02 fail, message = ' + err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_01 * @tc.name : trash * @tc.desc : Trash by true * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_01', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image08.jpg', path); asset.trash(true, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_01'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_01 fail ,message = ', err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_02 * @tc.name : trash * @tc.desc : Trash by false * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_02', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image09.jpg', path); asset.trash(false, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_02'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_02 fail ,message = ', err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_03 * @tc.name : trash * @tc.desc : Trash by 666 * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_03', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image10.jpg', path); asset.trash(666, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_03'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_03 fail ,message = ', err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_04 * @tc.name : trash * @tc.desc : Trash by '666' * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_04', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image11.jpg', path); asset.trash('666', (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_04'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_04 fail ,message = ', err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_05 * @tc.name : trash * @tc.desc : Trash by 0.666 * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_05', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image12.jpg', path); asset.trash(0.666, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_05'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_05 fail ,message = ', err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_06 * @tc.name : trash * @tc.desc : Trash by null * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_TRA_ASSET_CALLBACK_009_06', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image13.jpg', path); asset.trash(null, (err) => { if (err == undefined) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_06'); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 009_06 fail ,message = ', err); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISTRASH_ASSET_CALLBACK_0010_01 * @tc.name : isTrash * @tc.desc : isTrash true * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISTRASH_ASSET_CALLBACK_0010_01', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image14.jpg', path); await asset.trash(true); asset.isTrash((err, isTrash) => { if (err == undefined && isTrash == true) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 0010_01'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 0010_01 fail ,message = ', err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); /** * @tc.number : SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISTRASH_ASSET_CALLBACK_0010_02 * @tc.name : isTrash * @tc.desc : isTrash false * @tc.size : MEDIUM * @tc.type : Function * @tc.level : Level 0 */ it('SUB_MEDIA_MEDIALIBRARY_ISTRASH_ASSET_CALLBACK_0010_02', 0, async function (done) { const asset = await media.createAsset(mediaType, 'image15.jpg', path); await asset.trash(false); asset.isTrash((err, isTrash) => { if (err == undefined && isTrash == false) { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 0010_02'); expect(true).assertTrue(); done(); } else { console.info('MediaLibraryTest : ASSET_CALLBACK trash 0010_02 fail ,message = ', err); expect(false).assertTrue(); done(); } }); }); });