/** * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include "hctest.h" #include "securec.h" #include "bundle_info.h" #include "bundle_manager.h" #include "want.h" /** * @brief register a test suit named BundleMgrTestSuite * @param subsystem name is appexecfwk * @param module name is bundlemgr * @param test suit name is BundleMgrTestSuite */ LITE_TEST_SUIT(appexecfwk, bundlemgr, BundleMgrTestSuite); static BOOL BundleMgrTestSuiteSetUp(void) { printf("----------test case with BundleMgrTest start-------------\n"); return TRUE; } static BOOL BundleMgrTestSuiteTearDown(void) { printf("----------test case with BundleMgrTest end-------------\n"); return TRUE; } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0001 * @tc.name : testClearAbilityInfoLegal * @tc.desc : testClearAbilityInfo parameter legal test with bundle name */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testClearAbilityInfoLegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testClearAbilityInfo------\n"); AbilityInfo abilityInfo; int result = memset_s(&abilityInfo, sizeof(abilityInfo), 0, sizeof(abilityInfo)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(result == 0); char *name = "com.openharmony.testjsdemo"; size_t len = strlen(name); abilityInfo.bundleName = (char *)malloc(len + 1); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(abilityInfo.bundleName); errno_t err = strncpy_s(abilityInfo.bundleName, len + 1, name, len); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, EOK); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(abilityInfo.bundleName, name); ClearAbilityInfo(&abilityInfo); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(abilityInfo.bundleName, NULL); printf("------end testClearAbilityInfo------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0002 * @tc.name : testClearAbilityInfoIllegal * @tc.desc : testClearAbilityInfo parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testClearAbilityInfoIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testClearAbilityInfoIllegal------\n"); AbilityInfo abilityInfo = { 0 }; int result = memset_s(&abilityInfo, sizeof(abilityInfo), 0, sizeof(abilityInfo)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(result == 0); char *name = "com.openharmony.testjsdemo"; size_t len = strlen(name); abilityInfo.bundleName = (char *)malloc(len + 1); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(abilityInfo.bundleName); errno_t err = strncpy_s(abilityInfo.bundleName, len + 1, name, len); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, EOK); ClearAbilityInfo(NULL); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(abilityInfo.bundleName, name); free(abilityInfo.bundleName); printf("------end testClearAbilityInfoIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0003 * @tc.name : testClearBundleInfoLegal * @tc.desc : testClearBundleInfo parameter legal test with bundle name */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testClearBundleInfoLegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testClearBundleInfo------\n"); BundleInfo bundleInfo = { 0 }; int result = memset_s(&bundleInfo, sizeof(bundleInfo), 0, sizeof(bundleInfo)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(result == 0); char *name = "com.openharmony.testjsdemo"; size_t len = strlen(name); bundleInfo.bundleName = (char *)malloc(len + 1); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(bundleInfo.bundleName); errno_t err = strncpy_s(bundleInfo.bundleName, len + 1, name, len); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, EOK); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(bundleInfo.bundleName, name); ClearBundleInfo(&bundleInfo); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(bundleInfo.bundleName, NULL); printf("------end testClearBundleInfo------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0004 * @tc.name : testClearBundleInfoIllegal * @tc.desc : testClearBundleInfo parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testClearBundleInfoIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testClearBundleInfoIllegal------\n"); BundleInfo bundleInfo; int result = memset_s(&bundleInfo, sizeof(bundleInfo), 0, sizeof(bundleInfo)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(result == 0); char *name = "com.openharmony.testjsdemo"; size_t len = strlen(name); bundleInfo.bundleName = (char *)malloc(len + 1); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(bundleInfo.bundleName); errno_t err = strncpy_s(bundleInfo.bundleName, len + 1, name, len); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, EOK); ClearBundleInfo(NULL); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(bundleInfo.bundleName, name); free(bundleInfo.bundleName); printf("------end testClearBundleInfoIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0005 * @tc.name : testClearModuleInfoLegal * @tc.desc : ClearAbilityInfo parameter legal test with module info */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testClearModuleInfoLegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testClearModuleInfo------\n"); ModuleInfo moduleInfo = { 0 }; int result = memset_s(&moduleInfo, sizeof(moduleInfo), 0, sizeof(moduleInfo)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(result == 0); char *name = "test"; size_t len = strlen(name); moduleInfo.moduleName = (char *)malloc(len + 1); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(moduleInfo.moduleName); errno_t err = strncpy_s(moduleInfo.moduleName, len + 1, name, len); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, EOK); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(moduleInfo.moduleName, name); ClearModuleInfo(&moduleInfo); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(moduleInfo.moduleName, NULL); printf("------end testClearModuleInfo------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0006 * @tc.name : testClearModuleInfoIllegal * @tc.desc : ClearAbilityInfo parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testClearModuleInfoIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { printf("------start testClearModuleInfoIllegal------\n"); ModuleInfo moduleInfo = { 0 }; int result = memset_s(&moduleInfo, sizeof(moduleInfo), 0, sizeof(moduleInfo)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(result == 0); char *name = "test"; size_t len = strlen(name); moduleInfo.moduleName = (char *)malloc(len + 1); TEST_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(moduleInfo.moduleName); errno_t err = strncpy_s(moduleInfo.moduleName, len + 1, name, len); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(err, EOK); ClearModuleInfo(NULL); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(moduleInfo.moduleName, name); free(moduleInfo.moduleName); printf("------end testClearModuleInfoIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0007 * @tc.name : testSetElementAbilityNameLegal * @tc.desc : testSetElementAbilityName parameter legal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testSetElementAbilityNameLegal, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testSetElementAbilityName------\n"); Want want = { 0 }; ElementName element = { 0 }; SetElementAbilityName(&element, "SecondAbility"); SetWantElement(&want, element); char *aName = "SecondAbility"; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->abilityName, aName); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetElementAbilityName------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0008 * @tc.name : testSetElementAbilityNameIllegal * @tc.desc : testSetElementAbilityName parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testSetElementAbilityNameIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testSetElementAbilityNameIllegal------\n"); Want want = { 0 }; ElementName element = { 0 }; char *aName = ""; SetElementAbilityName(&element, aName); SetWantElement(&want, element); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->abilityName, ""); SetElementAbilityName(&element, NULL); SetWantElement(&want, element); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->abilityName, NULL); int ret = SetElementAbilityName(NULL, aName); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(ret); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetElementAbilityNameIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0009 * @tc.name : testSetElementBundleNameLegal * @tc.desc : testSetElementBundleName parameter legal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testSetElementBundleNameLegal, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testSetElementBundleName------\n"); Want want = { 0 }; ElementName element = { 0 }; SetElementBundleName(&element, "com.openharmony.testjsdemo"); SetWantElement(&want, element); char *bName = "com.openharmony.testjsdemo"; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->bundleName, bName); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetElementBundleName------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0010 * @tc.name : testSetElementBundleNameIllegal * @tc.desc : testSetElementBundleName parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testSetElementBundleNameIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testSetElementBundleNameIllegal------\n"); Want want = { 0 }; ElementName element = { 0 }; SetElementBundleName(&element, ""); SetWantElement(&want, element); char *bName = ""; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->bundleName, bName); SetElementBundleName(&element, NULL); SetWantElement(&want, element); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->bundleName, NULL); bool ret = SetElementBundleName(NULL, bName); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(ret); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetElementBundleNameIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0011 * @tc.name : testSetElementDeviceIDLegal * @tc.desc : testSetElementDeviceID parameter legal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testSetElementDeviceIDLegal, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { printf("------start testSetElementDeviceID------\n"); Want want = { 0 }; ElementName element = { 0 }; SetElementDeviceID(&element, "0001000"); SetWantElement(&want, element); char *dID = "0001000"; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->deviceId, dID); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetElementDeviceID------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0012 * @tc.name : testSetElementDeviceIDIllegal * @tc.desc : testSetElementDeviceID parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testSetElementDeviceIDIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testSetElementDeviceIDIllegal------\n"); Want want = { 0 }; ElementName element = { 0 }; SetElementDeviceID(&element, ""); SetWantElement(&want, element); char *dID = ""; TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->deviceId, dID); SetElementDeviceID(&element, NULL); SetWantElement(&want, element); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(want.element->deviceId, NULL); int ret = SetElementDeviceID(NULL, "0001000"); TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(ret); ClearElement(&element); ClearWant(&want); printf("------end testSetElementDeviceIDIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0013 * @tc.name : testGetBundleInfoIllegal * @tc.desc : GetBundleInfo parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testGetBundleInfoIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testGetBundleInfoIllegal------\n"); BundleInfo bundleInfo; int result = memset_s(&bundleInfo, sizeof(bundleInfo), 0, sizeof(bundleInfo)); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(result == 0); const char *bundleName = "com.openharmony.nothishap"; int flags = 0; uint8_t ret = GetBundleInfo(bundleName, flags, &bundleInfo); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(ret == 2); ret = GetBundleInfo(NULL, flags, &bundleInfo); printf("abilityInfo2 is %d \n", ret); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(ret == 1); ret = GetBundleInfo("", flags, &bundleInfo); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(ret == 2); ret = GetBundleInfo("com.openharmony.testjsdemo", 2, &bundleInfo); sleep(2); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(ret == 2); printf("------end testGetBundleInfoIllegal------\n"); } /** * @tc.number : SUB_APPEXECFWK_0014 * @tc.name : testGetBundleInfosIllegal * @tc.desc : GetBundleInfos parameter illegal test */ LITE_TEST_CASE(BundleMgrTestSuite, testGetBundleInfosIllegal, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { printf("------start testGetBundleInfosIllegal------\n"); BundleInfo *bundleInfos = {NULL}; int *length = NULL; int flags = 0; uint8_t ret = GetBundleInfos(flags, NULL, length); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(ret == 1); ret = GetBundleInfos(flags, &bundleInfos, NULL); printf("ret is %d \n", ret); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(ret == 2); ret = GetBundleInfos(2, &bundleInfos, length); printf("ret is %d \n", ret); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(ret == 2); printf("------end testGetBundleInfosIllegal------\n"); } RUN_TEST_SUITE(BundleMgrTestSuite);