/* * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "FileSystemTest.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "KernelConstants.h" #include "libfs.h" using namespace testing::ext; /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0100 * @tc.name basic function test : access check file exists. * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testAccess, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { int fd = 0; fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(access(FILE0, F_OK), 0) << "> access F_OK errno = " << errno; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0110 * @tc.name basic function test : test access with ENOENT * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testAccessEnoent, Function | MediumTest | Level0) { EXPECT_EQ(access(FILE0, F_OK), -1) << "> access F_OK expect faild but success"; EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENOENT); } #if defined(LITE_FS_JFFS2) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0120 * @tc.name basic function test : access check file R_OK. * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testAccessRok, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { int fd = 0; fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(access(FILE0, R_OK), 0) << "> access F_OK errno = " << errno; } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_JFFS2) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0130 * @tc.name basic function test : access check file W_OK. * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testAccessWok, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { int fd = 0; fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(access(FILE0, W_OK), 0) << "> access F_OK errno = " << errno; } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_JFFS2) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0140 * @tc.name basic function test : access check file X_OK * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testAccessXok, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { int fd = 0; fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(access(FILE0, X_OK), 0) << "> access F_OK errno = " << errno; } #endif /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0200 * @tc.name basic function test : switch to the current working directory. * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testChdir, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { char testDir[MAX_PATH_SIZE]; const char *expectDirStandard = TOP_DIR "/" DIR0; EXPECT_NE(mkdir(DIR0, 0777), -1) << "> mkdir errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(chdir(DIR0), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(getcwd(testDir, sizeof(testDir)), nullptr) << "> getcwd errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(chdir(TOP_DIR), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; EXPECT_STREQ(testDir, expectDirStandard); LOG("> expectDirStandard = %s", expectDirStandard); LOG("> testDir = %s", testDir); } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0210 * @tc.name basic function test : test chdir with ENOENT * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testChdirEnoent, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { const char *fileName = "not_exist_file"; EXPECT_EQ(chdir(fileName), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENOENT); EXPECT_NE(chdir(TOP_DIR), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0220 * @tc.name basic function test : test chdir with ENAMETOOLONG * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testChdirEnametoolong, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { const char *fileName = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; EXPECT_EQ(chdir(fileName), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENAMETOOLONG); EXPECT_NE(chdir(TOP_DIR), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; } /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0230 * @tc.name basic function test : test chdir with ENOTDIR * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testChdirEnotdir, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { int fd = 0; const char *fileName = FILE0; fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(chdir(fileName), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENOTDIR); EXPECT_NE(chdir(TOP_DIR), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; } #if 0 #if defined(LITE_FS_NFS) || defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0300 * @tc.name basic function test : dup copy file description, then write and read * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testDup, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { int fd = 0; int fdNew = 0; fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; WriteCloseTest(fd); fd = open(FILE0, O_RDONLY, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; fdNew = dup(fd); #if defined(LITE_FS_NFS) EXPECT_NE(fdNew, -1) << "> dup errno = " << errno; #endif // vfat not suuport, after support change to NE #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) EXPECT_EQ(fdNew, -1) << "> dup errno = " << errno; #endif if (fdNew != -1) { ReadCloseTest(fdNew); } EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; } #endif /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0400 * @tc.name basic function test : dup2 copy file description, then write and read * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testDup2, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { int fd = 0; int fdNew = 0; fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; WriteCloseTest(fd); fd = open(FILE0, O_RDONLY, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(dup2(fd, fdNew), -1) << "> dup2 errno = " << errno; ReadCloseTest(fdNew); EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0500 * @tc.name basic function test : using ftruncate to change the file size * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFtruncate, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { struct stat statbuf; char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; int fd = 0; fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(write(fd, writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf)), -1) << "> write errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(ftruncate(fd, 1000), -1) << "truncate errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(stat(FILE0, &statbuf), -1) << "> fstat errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(statbuf.st_size, 1000); } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0501 * @tc.name basic function test : test ftruncate with EINVAL * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFtruncateEinval, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; int fd = 0; fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(write(fd, writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf)), -1) << "> write errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(ftruncate(fd, -1), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EINVAL); EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0502 * @tc.name basic function test : test ftruncate with EACCES * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFtruncateEacces, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { EXPECT_EQ(ftruncate(STDERR_FILENO, 10), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EACCES); } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0503 * @tc.name basic function test : test ftruncate with EBADF * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFtruncateEbadf, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { int invalidFd = 99999; EXPECT_EQ(ftruncate(invalidFd, 10), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EBADF); } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0510 * @tc.name basic function test : using truncate functions to change the file size * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testTruncate, Function | MediumTest | Level1) { struct stat statbuf; char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; int fd = 0; fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(write(fd, writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf)), -1) << "> write errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(truncate(FILE0, 100), -1) << "truncate errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(stat(FILE0, &statbuf), -1) << "> fstat errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(statbuf.st_size, 100); } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0511 * @tc.name basic function test : test truncate with EINVAL * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testTruncateEinval, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; int fd = 0; fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(write(fd, writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf)), -1) << "> write errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; EXPECT_EQ(truncate(FILE0, -1), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EINVAL); } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0512 * @tc.name basic function test : test truncate with EACCES * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testTruncateEacces, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { EXPECT_EQ(truncate("/", 10), -1); printf("errno = %d\n" ,errno); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EISDIR); } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0513 * @tc.name basic function test : test truncate with ENAMETOOLONG * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testTruncateEnametoolong, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { const char *fileName = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890\ 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"; EXPECT_EQ(truncate(fileName, 10), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENAMETOOLONG); } #endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0514 * @tc.name basic function test : test truncate with ENOENT * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testTruncateEnoent, Function | MediumTest | Level3) { const char invalidPath[] = "noExit"; EXPECT_EQ(truncate(invalidPath, 10), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENOENT); } #endif #ifdef LITE_FS_PATHCONF /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0600 * @tc.name basic function test : Use the pathconf function to get the configuration value of the file * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testPathconf, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { const char filePath[] = TOP_DIR "/" DIR0 "/" DIR0_FILE0; CreateTestFolder(); // use correctly int param[] = { _PC_LINK_MAX, _PC_MAX_CANON, _PC_MAX_INPUT, _PC_NAME_MAX, _PC_PATH_MAX, _PC_PIPE_BUF, _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED, _PC_NO_TRUNC, _PC_VDISABLE, _PC_SYNC_IO, _PC_ASYNC_IO, _PC_PRIO_IO, _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF, _PC_FILESIZEBITS, _PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE, _PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE, _PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE, _PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN, _PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN, _PC_SYMLINK_MAX, _PC_2_SYMLINKS }; int size = sizeof(param) / sizeof(int); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { errno = 0; if (pathconf(filePath, param[i]) == -1) { EXPECT_EQ(errno, 0) << "fpathconf i = " << i << " errno = " << errno; } } } #endif #ifdef LITE_FS_PATHCONF /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0610 * @tc.name basic function test : test pathconf function with error number EINVAL * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testPathconfEinval, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { const char filePath[] = TOP_DIR "/" DIR0 "/" DIR0_FILE0; CreateTestFolder(); // invalid name EXPECT_EQ(pathconf(filePath, -100), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EINVAL) << "fpathconf invalidPath errno = " << errno; } #endif #ifdef LITE_FS_PATHCONF /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0620 * @tc.name basic function test : test pathconf function with error number EFAULT * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testPathconfEfault, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { // null path EXPECT_EQ(pathconf(nullptr, _PC_LINK_MAX), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EFAULT) << "fpathconf invalidPath errno = " << errno; } #endif #ifdef LITE_FS_PATHCONF /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0630 * @tc.name basic function test : test pathconf function with error number ENOENT * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testPathconfEnoent, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { // path not exit const char invalidPath[] = "noExit"; EXPECT_EQ(pathconf(invalidPath, _PC_LINK_MAX), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENOENT) << "fpathconf invalidPath errno = " << errno; } #endif #ifdef LITE_FS_PATHCONF /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0700 * @tc.name basic function test : Use the fpathconf function to get the configuration value of the file * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFpathconf, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { int fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open errno = " << errno; // use correctly int param[] = { _PC_LINK_MAX, _PC_MAX_CANON, _PC_MAX_INPUT, _PC_NAME_MAX, _PC_PATH_MAX, _PC_PIPE_BUF, _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED, _PC_NO_TRUNC, _PC_VDISABLE, _PC_SYNC_IO, _PC_ASYNC_IO, _PC_PRIO_IO, _PC_SOCK_MAXBUF, _PC_FILESIZEBITS, _PC_REC_INCR_XFER_SIZE, _PC_REC_MAX_XFER_SIZE, _PC_REC_MIN_XFER_SIZE, _PC_REC_XFER_ALIGN, _PC_ALLOC_SIZE_MIN, _PC_SYMLINK_MAX, _PC_2_SYMLINKS }; int size = sizeof(param) / sizeof(int); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { errno = 0; if (fpathconf(fd, param[i]) == -1) { EXPECT_EQ(errno, 0) << "fpathconf i = " << i << " errno = " << errno; } } EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; } #endif #ifdef LITE_FS_PATHCONF /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0710 * @tc.name basic function test : test fpathconf function with error number EINVAL * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFpathconfEinval, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { int fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open errno = " << errno; // invalid name errno = 0; EXPECT_EQ(fpathconf(fd, -100), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EINVAL) << "fpathconf invalidPath errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; } #endif #ifdef LITE_FS_PATHCONF /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0720 * @tc.name basic function test : test fpathconf function with error number EBADF * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] */ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFpathconfEbadf, Function | MediumTest | Level2) { // invalid file description EXPECT_EQ(fpathconf(-100, _PC_LINK_MAX), -1); EXPECT_EQ(errno, EBADF) << "fpathconf invalidPath errno = " << errno; } #endif