* @tc.desc: Verify that the application successfully cancels all its published notifications by calling the cancelAll(callback: AsyncCallback<void>) interface
* @tc.desc: Verify that when no notification is published, call the cancelAll(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void interface to delete the notification information
* @tc.desc: Verify that when the notification information is issued, call the cancelAll(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void interface twice to delete the notification information.
* @tc.desc: Verify that when the notification information is issued, call the cancelAll(): Promise<void> interface twice to delete the notification information.
* @tc.desc: iVerify that when the attribute isUnremovable of the published notification information is true, call the cancelAll(callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void interface to cancel the notification information
* @tc.desc: iVerify that when the attribute isUnremovable of the published notification information is true, call the cancelAll(): Promise<void> interface to cancel the notification information