提交 9312a1be 编写于 作者: Y youyouyuai

add testcases

Signed-off-by: Nyouyouyuai <youyouyuailj@163.com>
上级 d52c4079
# Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
module_output_path = "hits/hilogtest"
config("hilogtest_config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [
ohos_moduletest_suite("flowcontroltest") {
module_out_path = module_output_path
sources = [ "flowcontroltest.cpp" ]
deps = [
configs = [ ":hilogtest_config" ]
"kits": [
"push": [
"type": "PushKit",
"post-push": [
"chmod -R 777 /data/local/tmp/*"
"driver": {
"native-test-timeout": "120000",
"type": "CppTest",
"module-name": "flowcontroltest",
"runtime-hint": "1s",
"native-test-device-path": "/data/local/tmp"
"description": "Configuration for flowcontroltest Tests"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <regex>
#include <ctime>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "hilog/log_c.h"
#include "file_utils.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace testing::ext;
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_DOMAIN 0xD003200
namespace {
const int RESULT_MAX_LEN = 1000;
static const long long NSEC_PER_SEC = 1000000000ULL;
class TestTool : public testing::Test {
static void SetUpTestCase();
static void TearDownTestCase();
void SetUp();
void TearDown();
char buff[RESULT_MAX_LEN];
std::string input, result, expect;
void TestTool::SetUp()
void TestTool::TearDown()
void TestTool::SetUpTestCase()
ExeCmd("hilog -p on");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -D 218116608");
void TestTool::TearDownTestCase()
ExeCmd("hilog -p on");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -D 218116608");
static long long HiLogTimespecSub(struct timespec a, struct timespec b)
long long ret = NSEC_PER_SEC * b.tv_sec + b.tv_nsec;
ret -= NSEC_PER_SEC * a.tv_sec + a.tv_nsec;
return ret;
#if 0
* @tc.name The trustlist mechanism is supported.
* Flow control values can be independently set for trustlisted processes.
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_70
HWTEST_F(TestTool, process_flowctrl_trustlist, TestSize.Level3)
int i = 0;
const uint32_t flowQuota = 39150;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
// start a process in trustlist
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse",'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns <= NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns > NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse",'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core| wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_LE(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name The trustlist mechanism is supported.
* Flow control values can be independently set for trustlisted processes.
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_71
HWTEST_F(TestTool, process_flowctrl_trustlist2, TestSize.Level3)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
const uint32_t flowQuota = 39150;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// start a process in trustlist
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns <= NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns > NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core| wc -l");
std::cout << result << std::endl;
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_GE(stoi(result), stoi(expect)); // result include drop log ,may more than expect
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, process_flowctrl_open, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
tmp ++;
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core | wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_LT(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// close flowctrl
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, process_flowctrl_close, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
while (i < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core | wc -l");
expect = "1000";
EXPECT_EQ(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// close flowctrl
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, domain_flowctrl_open, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core| wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_LT(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// close flowctrl
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, domain_flowctrl_close, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
while (i < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core| wc -l");
expect = "1000";
EXPECT_EQ(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// close flowctrl
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, flowctrl_switch_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -Q abc");
expect = "flowctrl switch operation error!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(result, expect);
// close flowctrl
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, process_flowctrl, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// less than quota
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core | wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_GE(stoi(result), stoi(expect)); // result include drop log ,may more than expect
// test end close switch
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, process_flowctrl2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// more than quota
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
tmp ++;
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core | wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_LT(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// test end close switch
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, domain_flowctrl, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// less than quota
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core | wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_GE(stoi(result), stoi(expect)); // result include drop log ,may more than expect
// test end close switch
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, domain_flowctrl2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// more than quota
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core | wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_LT(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// test end close switch
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, domain_flowctrl_quit_info, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
bool ret;
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// log quit info
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t core");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -t core");
std::regex reg("core print log length is \\w+\ncore cache log length is \\w+\ncore dropped log lines is \
ret = std::regex_match(result, reg);
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end close switch
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, flowctrl_logtype, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// logtype app not control
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_APP, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_APP, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
tmp ++;
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t app| wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_EQ(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// test end close switch
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
HWTEST_F(TestTool, flowctrl_logtype2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 0;
struct timespec startTime = {0, 0};
struct timespec realTime = {0, 0};
uint32_t flowQuota = 13050;
uint32_t sumLen = 0;
// logtype app not control
ExeCmd("hilog -G 2m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainon");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
startTime = realTime;
while (1) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_APP, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
sumLen += 109;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &realTime);
long long ns = HiLogTimespecSub(startTime, realTime);
if ((ns < NSEC_PER_SEC && sumLen > flowQuota) || (ns >= NSEC_PER_SEC)) {
int tmp = 0;
while (tmp < 1000) {
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_APP, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", 1, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t app| wc -l");
expect = to_string(i);
EXPECT_EQ(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// test end close switch
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
# Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
module_output_path = "hits/libhilogTooltest"
config("hilogtest_config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
include_dirs = [
ohos_moduletest_suite("libhilogTooltest") {
module_out_path = module_output_path
sources = [ "libhilogTooltest.cpp" ]
deps = [
#external_deps = [ "hiviewdfx_hilog_native:libhilog" ]
configs = [ ":hilogtest_config" ]
"kits": [
"push": [
"type": "PushKit",
"post-push": [
"chmod -R 777 /data/local/tmp/*"
"driver": {
"native-test-timeout": "120000",
"type": "CppTest",
"module-name": "libhilogTooltest",
"runtime-hint": "1s",
"native-test-device-path": "/data/local/tmp"
"description": "Configuration for libhilogTooltest Tests"
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstdarg>
#include <ctime>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <list>
#include <ostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <queue>
#include <regex>
#include <securec.h>
#include <streambuf>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <thread>
#include "file_utils.h"
#include "hilog/log_c.h"
#include "hilog/log_cpp.h"
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_DOMAIN 0xD003200
#define MAX_LINE 1024*10
using namespace OHOS;
using namespace HiviewDFX;
using namespace testing::ext;
using namespace std;
const int g_logPerThread = 1000;
class LibhilogTooltest : public testing::Test {
string input, result, expect;
static void SetUpTestCase();
static void TearDownTestCase();
void SetUp();
void TearDown();
string gHilogtoolExecutable = "hilog ";
string g_logContent = "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is:\
%{public}d, %{private}lf, %{public}.2f, %s, %{private}c";
string g_commonContent = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is:";
void LibhilogTooltest::SetUp()
void LibhilogTooltest::TearDown()
void LibhilogTooltest::SetUpTestCase()
ExeCmd("hilog -p on");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -D 218116608");
void LibhilogTooltest::TearDownTestCase()
ExeCmd("hilog -p on");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q domainoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -Q pidoff");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -D 218116608");
std::cout << "TearDownTestCase" << std::endl;
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1020
* @tc.desc Querying the buffer size of default log types (Ccore and app)
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_default, Function|MediumTest|Level2)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g");
expect = "core buffer size is 1M\napp buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1030
* @tc.desc Queries the buffer size of a specified type (core).
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_core, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t core");
expect = "core buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1040
* @tc.desc Queries the buffer size of a specified type (app).
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_app, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t app");
expect = "app buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1050
* @tc.desc Queries the buffer size of a specified type (init).
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_init, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t init");
expect = "init buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1060
* @tc.desc Queries the buffer size of multiple types
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_multiple, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t 'core app'");
expect = "core buffer size is 1M\napp buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1070
* @tc.desc Queries the buffer size of all types
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_all, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t all");
expect = "core buffer size is 1M\napp buffer size is 1M\ninit buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1080
* @tc.desc Queries the buffer size of a nonexistent type
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t abc");
expect = "Invalid parameter\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1090
* @tc.desc Queries the buffer size of multiple types, including nonexistent types.
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_size_illegal2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t 'core abc'");
expect = "buffsize operation error!\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1100
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size without unit. (The default log type is core and app.)
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_byte, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 200");
expect = "core buffer size is 200B\napp buffer size is 200B\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1110
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **b.
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_byte2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 200b");
expect = "core buffer size is 200B\napp buffer size is 200B\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1120
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **B
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_byte3, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 200B");
expect = "core buffer size is 200B\napp buffer size is 200B\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1130
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **k
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_kbyte, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2k");
expect = "core buffer size is 2K\napp buffer size is 2K\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1140
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **K
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_kbyte2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2K");
expect = "core buffer size is 2K\napp buffer size is 2K\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1150
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **m
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_mbyte, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2m");
expect = "core buffer size is 2M\napp buffer size is 2M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1160
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **M
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_mbyte2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2M");
expect = "core buffer size is 2M\napp buffer size is 2M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1170
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **g
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_gbyte, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 1g");
expect = "core buffer size is 1G\napp buffer size is 1G\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1180
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to **G
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_gbyte2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 1G");
expect = "core buffer size is 1G\napp buffer size is 1G\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1190
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to 0
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 0");
expect = "core buffer resize fail\napp buffer resize fail\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1200
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size to exceed the maximum length
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_illegal2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2g");
expect = "core buffer resize fail\napp buffer resize fail\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1210
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size according to a single log type (core)
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_core, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2m -t core");
expect = "core buffer size is 2M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1220
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size according to a single log type (app)
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_app, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2m -t app");
expect = "app buffer size is 2M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1230
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size according to a single log type (init)
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_init, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2m -t init");
expect = "init buffer size is 2M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1240
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size according to multiple log types
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_multyple, Function|MediumTest|Level2)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2m -t 'core app'");
expect = "core buffer size is 2M\napp buffer size is 2M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1250
* @tc.desc Set the buffer size of all log types
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_all, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
expect = "core buffer size is 1M\napp buffer size is 1M\ninit buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1260
* @tc.desc Set the non-existent log type buffer size
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_illegal_type, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2m -t abc");
expect = "Invalid parameter\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1270
* @tc.desc Set multiple log types, including non-existent log types
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_illegal_type2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -G 2m -t 'core abc'");
expect = "buffsize operation error!\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1280
* @tc.desc Re-query the buffer size after the setting operation
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_check, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
// re query after set
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -g -t all");
expect = "core buffer size is 1M\napp buffer size is 1M\ninit buffer size is 1M\n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1290
* @tc.desc The size of the core buffer is set to 200 bytes, and the size of logs exceeds 200 bytes.
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_check_core, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -G 200 -t core");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t core |wc -l");
expect = "10";
EXPECT_LT(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// end recover default
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1300
* @tc.desc The size of the app buffer is set to 200 bytes, and the size of logs exceeds 200 bytes.
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_check_app, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -G 200 -t app");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_APP, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t app |wc -l");
expect = "10";
EXPECT_LT(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// end recover default
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name buffer size test
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1310
* @tc.desc The size of the init buffer is set to 200 bytes, and the size of logs exceeds 200 bytes.
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, buff_resize_check_init, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -G 200 -t init");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
i = 1;
while (i <= 10) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_INIT, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -x -t init |wc -l");
expect = "10";
EXPECT_LT(stoi(result), stoi(expect));
// end recover default
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -G 1m -t all");
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1320
* @tc.desc Query the statistics of the core log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_query_core, Function|MediumTest|Level2)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t core");
// write and read
i = 1;
while (i <= 1000) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
ExeCmd("hilog -x -t core >/dev/null 2>&1");
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -t core");
expect = "core print log length is 78K\ncore cache log length is 78K\ncore dropped log lines is 0B\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1330
* @tc.desc Query the statistics of the app log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_query_app, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t app");
// write and read
i = 1;
while (i <= 1000) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_APP, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
ExeCmd("hilog -x -t app >/dev/null 2>&1");
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -t app");
expect = "app print log length is 78K\napp cache log length is 78K\napp dropped log lines is 0B\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1340
* @tc.desc Query the statistics of the init log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_query_init, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t init");
// write and read
i = 1;
while (i <= 1000) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_INIT, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
ExeCmd("hilog -x -t init >/dev/null 2>&1");
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -t init");
expect = "init print log length is 78K\ninit cache log length is 78K\ninit dropped log lines is 0B\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1350
* @tc.desc Clear the statistics of the core log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_clear_core, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -S -t core");
expect = "core statistic info clear success \n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1360
* @tc.desc Clear the statistics of the app log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_clear_app, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -S -t app");
expect = "app statistic info clear success \n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1370
* @tc.desc Clear the statistics of the init log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_clear_init, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -S -t init");
expect = "init statistic info clear success \n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1380
* @tc.desc Query statistics of non-existent log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_query_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -t abc");
expect = "Invalid parameter\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1390
* @tc.desc Clear statistics of non-existent log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_clear_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -S -t abc");
expect = "Invalid parameter\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by log
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1400
* @tc.desc Re-query after clearing
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_check, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
// re query after clear
ExeCmd("hilog -S -t core");
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -t core");
expect = "core print log length is 0B\ncore cache log length is 0B\ncore dropped log lines is 0B\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by domain
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1410
* @tc.desc Query the statistics of the specified domain
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_query_domain, Function|MediumTest|Level2)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -D 218116608");
// write and read
i = 1;
while (i <= 1000) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
ExeCmd("hilog -x -t core >/dev/null 2>&1");
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -D 218116608");
expect = "218116608 print log length is 78K\n218116608 cache log length is 78K\n\
218116608 dropped log lines is 0B\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by domain
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1420
* @tc.desc Clear the statistics of the specified domain
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_clear_domain, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -S -D 218116608");
expect = "218116608 statistic info clear success \n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by domain
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1430
* @tc.desc Query the statistics of nonexistent domain
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_query_domain2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
ExeCmd("hilog -S -D 218116608");
// write and read
i = 1;
while (i <= 1000) {
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
ExeCmd("hilog -x -t core >/dev/null 2>&1");
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -s -D 1");
expect = "1 print log length is 0B\n1 cache log length is 0B\n1 dropped log lines is 0B\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Querying and clearing statistics by domain
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1440
* @tc.desc Clear the statistics of nonexistent domain
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, statistic_info_clear_domain2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -S -D 1");
expect = "1 statistic info clear success \n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1630
* @tc.desc Clear the default logs (core、app)
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_default, Function|MediumTest|Level2)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r");
expect = "core log clear success \napp log clear success \n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1640
* @tc.desc Clear the core log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_core, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r -t core");
expect = "core log clear success \n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1650
* @tc.desc Clear the app log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_app, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r -t app");
expect = "app log clear success \n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1660
* @tc.desc Clear the init log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_inti, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r -t init");
expect = "init log clear success \n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1670
* @tc.desc Clear multiple types of logs
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_multiple, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r -t 'core app'");
expect = "core log clear success \napp log clear success \n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1680
* @tc.desc Clear all types of logs.
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_all, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r -t all");
expect = "core log clear success \napp log clear success \ninit log clear success \n\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1690
* @tc.desc Clear nonexistent types of logs
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r -t abc");
expect = "Invalid parameter\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Clearing the logs of the corresponding buffer by log type
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1700
* @tc.desc Clear multiple types of logs including nonexistent types
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_clear_illegal2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -r -t 'abc core'");
expect = "clear log operation error!\n";
EXPECT_STREQ(result.c_str(), expect.c_str());
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1450
* @tc.desc Set the global log printing level to fatal and print the fatal log.
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_leval_global_set, Function|MediumTest|Level2)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b fatal");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1460
* @tc.desc Set the global log printing level to fatal and print logs lower than level fatal
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_global_set2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b fatal");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) == std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1470
* @tc.desc Set the global log printing level to debug and print logs lower than level debug
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_leveal_global_set3, Function|MediumTest|Level2)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1480
* @tc.desc Set tag=HILOGTOOLTEST corresponding to the log level as fatal, and print the fatal log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_leval_tag_set, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b fatal -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1490
* @tc.desc Set tag=HILOGTOOLTEST corresponding to the log level as fatal,
* and print logs lower than the fatal log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_leval_tag_set2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b fatal -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) == std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1500
* @tc.desc Set tag=HILOGTOOLTEST corresponding to the log level as debug,
* and the print level is greater than or equal to the debug log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_tag_set3, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1510
* @tc.desc Set domain=218116608 corresponding to the log level as fatal, and print the fatal log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_domain_set, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b fatal -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1520
* @tc.desc Set domain=218116608 corresponding to the log level as fatal,
* and print logs lower than the fatal log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_domain_set2, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b fatal -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) == std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1530
* @tc.desc Set domain=218116608 corresponding to the log level as debug,
* and the print level is greater than or equal to the debug log
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_domain_set3, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_ERROR(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1540
* @tc.desc Set different log levels for global, tag, and domain,
* and print logs that are less than the highest level among the three levels
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_all_set, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b info");
ExeCmd("hilog -b warn -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b error -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_FATAL(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1550
* @tc.desc Set different log levels for global, tag, and domain,
* and print logs that are greater than or equal to the highest level among the three levels
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_all_set2, Function|MediumTest|Level3)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -b info");
ExeCmd("hilog -b warn -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b error -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{public}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{public}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a";
if (result.find(expect) == std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
* @tc.name Setting the log printing level (isLoggable)
* @tc.number DFX_DFT_HilogCPP_1560
* @tc.desc Set a log level that does not exist
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, log_level_set_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -b abc");
expect = "set log level operation error!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(result, expect);
// test end recover log level
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -D 218116608");
ExeCmd("hilog -b debug -T HILOGTOOLTEST");
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, private_open, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -p on");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{private}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{private}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, <private>, 2.33, sse, <private>\n";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// end open switch
ExeCmd("hilog -p on");
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, private_close, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
bool ret;
int i = 1;
ExeCmd("hilog -p off");
ExeCmd("hilog -r -t all");
HILOG_DEBUG(LOG_CORE, "123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
%{public}d, %{private}lf, %{public}.2f, %{public}s, %{private}c", i, 1.00001, 2.333333, "sse", 'a');
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -a 1 -x -t core");
expect = "03200/HILOGTOOLTEST: 123456789_1234567890_public and private log test is: \
1, 1.000010, 2.33, sse, a\n";
if (result.find(expect) != std::string::npos) {
ret = true;
} else {
ret = false;
EXPECT_EQ(ret, true);
// end open switch
ExeCmd("hilog -p on");
HWTEST_F(LibhilogTooltest, private_switch_illegal, Function|MediumTest|Level4)
result = ExecuteCmd("hilog -p abc");
expect = "set private switch operation error!\n";
EXPECT_EQ(result, expect);
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