未验证 提交 8fd312c3 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!8610 add imageSourceNdk testcase

Merge pull request !8610 from 黄开兴/master
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ group("multimedia") {
# Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
ohos_js_hap_suite("image_source_ndk_js_hap") {
hap_profile = "./entry/src/main/config.json"
deps = [
ets2abc = true
certificate_profile = "./signature/openharmony_sx.p7b"
hap_name = "ActsImageSourceNdkJsTest"
subsystem_name = "multimedia"
part_name = "multimedia_image_framework"
shared_libraries = [ "./entry/src/main/cpp:ImageSourceNDKTest" ]
ohos_js_assets("ace_third_ets_assets") {
source_dir = "./entry/src/main/ets/MainAbility"
ohos_js_assets("ace_third_ets_test_assets") {
source_dir = "./entry/src/main/ets/TestAbility"
ohos_resources("ace_third_ets_resources") {
sources = [ "./entry/src/main/resources" ]
hap_profile = "./entry/src/main/config.json"
"description": "Configuration for hjunit demo Tests",
"driver": {
"type": "OHJSUnitTest",
"test-timeout": "600000",
"testcase-timeout": "300000",
"bundle-name": "ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK",
"package-name": "ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK",
"shell-timeout": "600000"
"kits": [
"test-file-name": [
"type": "AppInstallKit",
"cleanup-apps": true
"type": "ShellKit",
"run-command": [
"mkdir -p /data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files/",
"chmod -R 666 /data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files/*"
"teardown-command": []
"type": "PushKit",
"pre-push": [],
"push": [
"./resource/image/moving_test.gif ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test_exif.jpg ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.jpg ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.png ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.bmp ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test_large.webp ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test_large.svg ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test_dng.dng ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.nrw ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.cr2 ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.arw ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.pef ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.raf ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files",
"./resource/image/test.rw2 ->/data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files"
"type": "ShellKit",
"run-command": [
"hilog -Q pidoff",
"chmod 777 /data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/haps/entry/files/*"
"teardown-command": [
"rm -rf /data/app/el2/100/base/ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK/*"
\ No newline at end of file
"app": {
"bundleName": "ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK",
"vendor": "open",
"version": {
"code": 1000000,
"name": "1.0.0"
"apiVersion": {
"compatible": 9,
"releaseType": "Release",
"target": 9
"deviceConfig": {},
"module": {
"package": "ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK",
"name": ".MyApplication",
"mainAbility": "ohos.acts.multimedia.imageSourceNDK.MainAbility",
"deviceType": [
"distro": {
"deliveryWithInstall": true,
"moduleName": "entry",
"moduleType": "entry",
"installationFree": false
"reqPermissions": [
"name": "ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO",
"reason": "use ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO"
"name": "ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED",
"reason": "use ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED"
"name": "ohos.permission.GRANT_SENSITIVE_PERMISSIONS",
"reason": "use ohos.permission.GRANT_SENSITIVE_PERMISSIONS"
"name": "ohos.permission.REVOKE_SENSITIVE_PERMISSIONS",
"reason": "use ohos.permission.REVOKE_SENSITIVE_PERMISSIONS"
"name": "ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION",
"reason": "use ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION"
"name": "ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA",
"reason": "use ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA"
"name": "ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA",
"reason": "use ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA"
"abilities": [
"skills": [
"entities": [
"actions": [
"orientation": "unspecified",
"visible": true,
"srcPath": "MainAbility",
"name": ".MainAbility",
"srcLanguage": "ets",
"icon": "$media:icon",
"description": "$string:description_mainability",
"formsEnabled": false,
"label": "$string:entry_MainAbility",
"type": "page",
"launchType": "standard"
"orientation": "unspecified",
"visible": true,
"srcPath": "TestAbility",
"name": ".TestAbility",
"srcLanguage": "ets",
"icon": "$media:icon",
"description": "$string:TestAbility_desc",
"formsEnabled": false,
"label": "$string:TestAbility_label",
"type": "page",
"launchType": "standard"
"js": [
"mode": {
"syntax": "ets",
"type": "pageAbility"
"pages": [
"name": ".MainAbility",
"window": {
"designWidth": 720,
"autoDesignWidth": false
"mode": {
"syntax": "ets",
"type": "pageAbility"
"pages": [
"name": ".TestAbility",
"window": {
"designWidth": 720,
"autoDesignWidth": false
\ No newline at end of file
# Copyright (C) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
config("config") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
cflags = [
ohos_shared_library("ImageSourceNDKTest") {
sources = [ "./napi/image_source_test.cpp" ]
if (target_cpu == "arm") {
libs = [ "${clang_base_path}/../libcxx-ndk/lib/arm-linux-ohos/c++/libc++_shared.so" ]
} else if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
libs = [ "${clang_base_path}/../libcxx-ndk/lib/aarch64-linux-ohos/c++/libc++_shared.so" ]
} else {
libs = []
include_dirs = [ "../cpp" ]
configs = [ ":config" ]
deps = [ "$image_subsystem/frameworks/kits/js/common/ndk:image_source_ndk" ]
external_deps = [
output_extension = "so"
subsystem_name = "multimedia"
part_name = "multimedia_image_framework"
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "image_source_test.h"
#include "node_api.h"
#include "image_pixel_map_napi.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include "hilog/log.h"
namespace {
constexpr size_t SIZE_ZERO = 0;
constexpr size_t SIZE_ONE = 1;
constexpr size_t SIZE_TWO = 2;
constexpr size_t SIZE_THREE = 3;
constexpr size_t DEFAULT_STRING_SIZE = 64;
constexpr uint32_t ARGS_FIRST = 0;
constexpr uint32_t ARGS_SECOND = 1;
constexpr uint32_t ARGS_THIRD = 2;
constexpr uint32_t INVALID_FRAME_COUNT = 0;
constexpr int8_t INT8_FALSE = 0;
constexpr int8_t INT8_TRUE = 1;
constexpr int32_t DEFAULT_INDEX = 0;
namespace OHOS {
namespace Media {
const unsigned int LOG_ID = 0xD002B05;
constexpr OHOS::HiviewDFX::HiLogLabel LABEL = {LOG_CORE, LOG_ID, "ImageSourceNDKTest"};
#define MY_HILOG(op, fmt, args...) \
do { \
op(LABEL, "{%{public}s:%{public}d} " fmt, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##args); \
} while (0)
#define DEBUG_LOG(fmt, ...) MY_HILOG(OHOS::HiviewDFX::HiLog::Info, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DEBUG_PTR(p) (((p) == nullptr)?"nullptr":"not nullptr")
#define STATIC_FUNCTION(n, f) { (n), nullptr, (f), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, napi_static, nullptr }
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports)
napi_property_descriptor props[] = {
STATIC_FUNCTION("create", Create),
STATIC_FUNCTION("createIncremental", CreateIncremental),
STATIC_FUNCTION("initNative", InitNative),
STATIC_FUNCTION("createPixelMap", CreatePixelMap),
STATIC_FUNCTION("createPixelMapList", CreatePixelMapList),
STATIC_FUNCTION("getDelayTime", GetDelayTime),
STATIC_FUNCTION("getFrameCount", GetFrameCount),
STATIC_FUNCTION("getSupportedFormats", GetSupportedFormats),
STATIC_FUNCTION("getImageInfo", GetImageInfo),
STATIC_FUNCTION("getImageProperty", GetImageProperty),
STATIC_FUNCTION("modifyImageProperty", ModifyImageProperty),
STATIC_FUNCTION("updateData", UpdateData),
STATIC_FUNCTION("release", Release),
napi_define_properties(env, exports, sizeof(props) / sizeof(props[ARGS_FIRST]), props);
return exports;
static bool GetBoolProperty(napi_env env, napi_value root, const char* utf8name, int8_t* res)
napi_value property = nullptr;
auto status = napi_get_named_property(env, root, utf8name, &property);
if (status != napi_ok || property == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get property error %{public}s", utf8name);
return false;
bool tmp = false;
status = napi_get_value_bool(env, property, &tmp);
*res = tmp ? INT8_TRUE : INT8_FALSE;
return (status == napi_ok);
static bool GetInt32Property(napi_env env, napi_value root, const char* utf8name, int32_t* res)
napi_value property = nullptr;
auto status = napi_get_named_property(env, root, utf8name, &property);
if (status != napi_ok || property == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get property error %{public}s", utf8name);
return false;
return (napi_get_value_int32(env, property, res) == napi_ok);
static bool GetUint32Property(napi_env env, napi_value root, const char* utf8name, uint32_t* res)
napi_value property = nullptr;
auto status = napi_get_named_property(env, root, utf8name, &property);
if (status != napi_ok || property == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get property error %{public}s", utf8name);
return false;
return (napi_get_value_uint32(env, property, res) == napi_ok);
static bool GetArrayBufferProperty(napi_env env, napi_value root, const char* utf8name,
uint8_t** buffer, size_t* bufferSize)
napi_value property = nullptr;
auto status = napi_get_named_property(env, root, utf8name, &property);
if (status != napi_ok || property == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get property error %{public}s", utf8name);
return false;
void* tmp;
status = napi_get_arraybuffer_info(env, property, &tmp, bufferSize);
*buffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(tmp);
return (status == napi_ok);
static bool GetStringValue(napi_env env, napi_value value, char** buffer, size_t *bufferSize)
if (napi_ok != napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, value, nullptr, SIZE_ZERO, bufferSize)
&& *bufferSize == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get napi string length error");
return false;
*buffer = (char*)malloc((*bufferSize) + 1);
if (napi_ok != napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, value, *buffer, (*bufferSize) + 1, bufferSize)) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get napi string error");
return false;
return (*bufferSize > SIZE_ZERO);
static void setInt32NamedProperty(napi_env env, napi_value object, const char* utf8name, uint32_t value)
napi_value tmp;
napi_create_int32(env, value, &tmp);
napi_set_named_property(env, object, utf8name, tmp);
static bool checkType(napi_env env, napi_value arg, napi_valuetype type)
napi_valuetype argType = napi_undefined;
napi_typeof(env, arg, &argType);
return (type == argType);
static bool checkArgs(napi_value* argValue, size_t argCount, size_t want)
if (argCount < want) {
DEBUG_LOG("argCount %{public}zu < want %{public}zu", argCount, want);
return false;
for (size_t i = SIZE_ZERO; i < want; i++) {
if (argValue[i] == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue[%{public}zu] is nullptr", i);
return false;
return true;
static bool parseImageSource(napi_env env, napi_value arg, struct OhosImageSource &src)
if (env == nullptr || arg == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("env is %{public}s || arg is %{public}s", DEBUG_PTR(env), DEBUG_PTR(arg));
return false;
bool isArrayBuffer = false;
if (checkType(env, arg, napi_string)) {
DEBUG_LOG("Uri arg In");
if (!GetStringValue(env, arg, &src.uri, &src.uriSize)) {
DEBUG_LOG("Uri arg failed");
return false;
DEBUG_LOG("Uri arg %{public}s", src.uri);
return true;
} else if (checkType(env, arg, napi_number)) {
DEBUG_LOG("Fd arg In");
if (napi_ok != napi_get_value_int32(env, arg, &(src.fd))) {
DEBUG_LOG("Fd arg failed");
return false;
return true;
} else if (napi_is_arraybuffer(env, arg, &isArrayBuffer) == napi_ok && isArrayBuffer) {
DEBUG_LOG("Buffer arg In");
void* buf = nullptr;
if (napi_ok != napi_get_arraybuffer_info(env, arg, &buf, &(src.bufferSize)) || buf == nullptr ||
src.bufferSize == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Fd arg failed");
return false;
src.buffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);
return true;
DEBUG_LOG("Invaild arg type");
return false;
static void OhosImageSourceRelease(struct OhosImageSource &src)
if (src.uri != nullptr) {
src.uri = nullptr;
static bool parseImageSourceOpt(napi_env env, napi_value arg, struct OhosImageSourceOps &src)
if (env == nullptr || arg == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("env is %{public}s || arg is %{public}s", DEBUG_PTR(env), DEBUG_PTR(arg));
return false;
// Optional parameters, no need check error.
GetInt32Property(env, arg, "density", &(src.density));
GetInt32Property(env, arg, "pixelFormat", &(src.pixelFormat));
napi_value nSize = nullptr;
auto status = napi_get_named_property(env, arg, "size", &nSize);
if (status == napi_ok && nSize != nullptr) {
GetInt32Property(env, nSize, "width", &(src.size.width));
GetInt32Property(env, nSize, "height", &(src.size.height));
return true;
static bool parseImageDecodingOps(napi_env env, napi_value arg, struct OhosImageDecodingOps &ops)
if (env == nullptr || arg == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("env is %{public}s || arg is %{public}s", DEBUG_PTR(env), DEBUG_PTR(arg));
return false;
// Optional parameters, no need check error.
GetBoolProperty(env, arg, "editable", &(ops.editable));
GetInt32Property(env, arg, "pixelFormat", &(ops.pixelFormat));
GetInt32Property(env, arg, "fitDensity", &(ops.fitDensity));
GetUint32Property(env, arg, "index", &(ops.index));
GetUint32Property(env, arg, "sampleSize", &(ops.sampleSize));
GetUint32Property(env, arg, "rotate", &(ops.rotate));
napi_value nSize = nullptr;
auto status = napi_get_named_property(env, arg, "size", &nSize);
if (status == napi_ok && nSize != nullptr) {
GetInt32Property(env, nSize, "width", &(ops.size.width));
GetInt32Property(env, nSize, "height", &(ops.size.height));
napi_value nRegion = nullptr;
status = napi_get_named_property(env, arg, "region", &nRegion);
if (status == napi_ok && nRegion != nullptr) {
GetInt32Property(env, nRegion, "x", &(ops.region.x));
GetInt32Property(env, nRegion, "y", &(ops.region.y));
GetInt32Property(env, nRegion, "width", &(ops.region.width));
GetInt32Property(env, nRegion, "height", &(ops.region.height));
return true;
static napi_value createUndefine(napi_env env)
napi_value udfVal = nullptr;
napi_get_undefined(env, &udfVal);
return udfVal;
static napi_value createResultValue(napi_env env, int32_t resCode, napi_value res = nullptr)
napi_value result = nullptr;
// JS result like
// {code: <error code>, result: <result value>}
napi_value nRes = nullptr;
napi_create_int32(env, resCode, &nRes);
napi_create_object(env, &result);
napi_set_named_property(env, result, "code", nRes);
if (res != nullptr) {
napi_set_named_property(env, result, "result", res);
return result;
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::Create(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value thisVar = nullptr;
napi_value argValue[SIZE_TWO] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_TWO;
if (napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argCount, argValue, &thisVar, nullptr) != napi_ok ||
!checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_TWO)) {
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSource src;
if (!parseImageSource(env, argValue[ARGS_FIRST], src)) {
DEBUG_LOG("parseImageSource failed!!!");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSourceOps ops;
if (!parseImageSourceOpt(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], ops)) {
DEBUG_LOG("parseImageSourceOpt failed!!!");
return createUndefine(env);
napi_value imageSource = nullptr;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_Create(env, &src, &ops, &imageSource);
return createResultValue(env, res, imageSource);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::CreateIncremental(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value thisVar = nullptr;
napi_value argValue[SIZE_TWO] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_TWO;
if (napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argCount, argValue, &thisVar, nullptr) != napi_ok ||
!checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_TWO)) {
return createUndefine(env);
// No source check. There is no source input.
struct OhosImageSource src;
parseImageSource(env, argValue[ARGS_FIRST], src);
struct OhosImageSourceOps ops;
if (!parseImageSourceOpt(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], ops)) {
DEBUG_LOG("parseImageSourceOpt failed!!!");
return createUndefine(env);
napi_value imageSource = nullptr;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_CreateIncremental(env, &src, &ops, &imageSource);
if (res != OHOS_IMAGE_RESULT_SUCCESS || imageSource == nullptr) {
return createUndefine(env);
return createResultValue(env, res, imageSource);
static ImageSourceNative* getNativeImageSource(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info,
napi_value* argValue, size_t &argCount)
napi_value thisVar = nullptr;
if (argValue == nullptr || argCount == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Invaild input!");
return nullptr;
if (napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argCount, argValue, &thisVar, nullptr) != napi_ok) {
return nullptr;
return OH_ImageSource_InitNative(env, argValue[ARGS_FIRST]);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::InitNative(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_ONE] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_ONE;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr) {
return createUndefine(env);
return createResultValue(env, OHOS_IMAGE_RESULT_SUCCESS);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::CreatePixelMap(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_TWO] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_TWO;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr || !checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_TWO)) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageDecodingOps ops;
if (!parseImageDecodingOps(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], ops)) {
DEBUG_LOG("parseImageDecodingOps failed");
return createUndefine(env);
napi_value pixelmap = nullptr;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_CreatePixelMap(native, &ops, &pixelmap);
return createResultValue(env, res, pixelmap);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::CreatePixelMapList(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_TWO] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_TWO;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr || !checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_TWO)) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageDecodingOps ops;
if (!parseImageDecodingOps(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], ops)) {
DEBUG_LOG("parseImageDecodingOps failed");
return createUndefine(env);
napi_value pixelmapList = nullptr;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_CreatePixelMapList(native, &ops, &pixelmapList);
return createResultValue(env, res, pixelmapList);
static void ReleaseDelayTimeList(struct OhosImageSourceDelayTimeList &timeList)
if (timeList.delayTimeList != nullptr) {
timeList.size = SIZE_ZERO;
timeList.delayTimeList = nullptr;
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::GetDelayTime(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) __attribute__((no_sanitize("cfi")))
napi_value argValue[SIZE_ONE] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_ONE;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSourceDelayTimeList timeList;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_GetDelayTime(native, &timeList);
if (timeList.size == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Delay time list get failed");
return createUndefine(env);
timeList.delayTimeList = (int32_t*)malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * timeList.size);
res = OH_ImageSource_GetDelayTime(native, &timeList);
napi_value result;
napi_create_array(env, &result);
for (size_t i = SIZE_ZERO; i < timeList.size; i++) {
napi_value nDelayTime = nullptr;
napi_create_int32(env, timeList.delayTimeList[i], &nDelayTime);
napi_set_element(env, result, i, nDelayTime);
return createResultValue(env, res, result);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::GetFrameCount(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_ONE] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_ONE;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
uint32_t frameCount = INVALID_FRAME_COUNT;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_GetFrameCount(native, &frameCount);
napi_value nFrameCount = nullptr;
napi_create_int32(env, frameCount, &nFrameCount);
return createResultValue(env, res, nFrameCount);
static void ReleaseSupportedFormatList(struct OhosImageSourceSupportedFormatList &formatList)
if (formatList.supportedFormatList == nullptr) {
for (size_t i = SIZE_ZERO; i < formatList.size; i++) {
auto format = formatList.supportedFormatList[i];
if (format != nullptr) {
if (format->format != nullptr) {
format->format = nullptr;
formatList.supportedFormatList = nullptr;
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::GetSupportedFormats(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) __attribute__((no_sanitize("cfi")))
struct OhosImageSourceSupportedFormatList formatList;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_GetSupportedFormats(&formatList);
if (formatList.size == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Supported format list get failed");
return createUndefine(env);
formatList.supportedFormatList = (struct OhosImageSourceSupportedFormat**)malloc(
sizeof(struct OhosImageSourceSupportedFormat*) * formatList.size);
for (size_t i = 0; i < formatList.size; i++) {
formatList.supportedFormatList[i] = (struct OhosImageSourceSupportedFormat*)malloc(
sizeof(struct OhosImageSourceSupportedFormat));
formatList.supportedFormatList[i]->format = (char*)malloc(DEFAULT_STRING_SIZE);
formatList.supportedFormatList[i]->size = DEFAULT_STRING_SIZE;
res = OH_ImageSource_GetSupportedFormats(&formatList);
napi_value result;
napi_create_array(env, &result);
for (size_t i = SIZE_ZERO; i < formatList.size; i++) {
napi_value nFormat = nullptr;
auto format = formatList.supportedFormatList[i];
napi_create_string_utf8(env, format->format, format->size, &nFormat);
napi_set_element(env, result, i, nFormat);
return createResultValue(env, res, result);
static napi_value createImageInfoNVal(napi_env env, struct OhosImageSourceInfo &imageInfo)
napi_value result = nullptr;
napi_create_object(env, &result);
setInt32NamedProperty(env, result, "pixelFormat", imageInfo.pixelFormat);
setInt32NamedProperty(env, result, "colorSpace", imageInfo.colorSpace);
setInt32NamedProperty(env, result, "alphaType", imageInfo.alphaType);
setInt32NamedProperty(env, result, "density", imageInfo.density);
napi_value nSize = nullptr;
napi_create_object(env, &nSize);
setInt32NamedProperty(env, nSize, "width", imageInfo.size.width);
setInt32NamedProperty(env, nSize, "height", imageInfo.size.height);
napi_set_named_property(env, result, "size", nSize);
return result;
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::GetImageInfo(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_TWO] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_TWO;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr || !checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_TWO)) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
int32_t index = DEFAULT_INDEX;
napi_get_value_int32(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], &index);
struct OhosImageSourceInfo imageInfo;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_GetImageInfo(native, index, &imageInfo);
napi_value nImageInfo = createImageInfoNVal(env, imageInfo);
return createResultValue(env, res, nImageInfo);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::GetImageProperty(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) __attribute__((no_sanitize("cfi")))
napi_value argValue[SIZE_TWO] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_TWO;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr || !checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_TWO)) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSourceProperty key;
if (!GetStringValue(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], &key.value, &key.size) ||
key.value == nullptr || key.size == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get key failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSourceProperty val;
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_GetImageProperty(native, &key, &val);
if (val.size == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get val size failed");
return createResultValue(env, res, createUndefine(env));
val.value = (char*)malloc(val.size);
res = OH_ImageSource_GetImageProperty(native, &key, &val);
napi_value nValue = nullptr;
if (val.value != nullptr && val.size != SIZE_ZERO) {
napi_create_string_utf8(env, val.value, val.size, &nValue);
} else {
DEBUG_LOG("Get val is empty");
if (val.value != nullptr) {
return createResultValue(env, res, nValue);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::ModifyImageProperty(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_THREE] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_THREE;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr || !checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_THREE)) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSourceProperty key;
if (!GetStringValue(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], &key.value, &key.size) ||
key.value == nullptr || key.size == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get key failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSourceProperty val;
if (!GetStringValue(env, argValue[ARGS_THIRD], &val.value, &val.size) ||
val.value == nullptr || val.size == SIZE_ZERO) {
DEBUG_LOG("Get val failed");
return createUndefine(env);
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_ModifyImageProperty(native, &key, &val);
return createResultValue(env, res);
static bool parseImageSourceUpdateData(napi_env env, napi_value arg, struct OhosImageSourceUpdateData &data)
if (env == nullptr || arg == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("env is %{public}s || arg is %{public}s", DEBUG_PTR(env), DEBUG_PTR(arg));
return false;
GetArrayBufferProperty(env, arg, "buffer", &(data.buffer), &(data.bufferSize));
GetUint32Property(env, arg, "offset", &(data.offset));
GetUint32Property(env, arg, "updateLength", &(data.updateLength));
GetBoolProperty(env, arg, "isCompleted", &(data.isCompleted));
return true;
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::UpdateData(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_TWO] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_TWO;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr || !checkArgs(argValue, argCount, SIZE_TWO)) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
struct OhosImageSourceUpdateData data;
parseImageSourceUpdateData(env, argValue[ARGS_SECOND], data);
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_UpdateData(native, &data);
return createResultValue(env, res);
napi_value ImageSourceNDKTest::Release(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
napi_value argValue[SIZE_ONE] = {0};
size_t argCount = SIZE_ONE;
ImageSourceNative* native = getNativeImageSource(env, info, argValue, argCount);
if (native == nullptr) {
DEBUG_LOG("argValue check failed");
return createUndefine(env);
int32_t res = OH_ImageSource_Release(native);
return createResultValue(env, res);
static napi_value ModuleRegister(napi_env env, napi_value exports)
ImageSourceNDKTest::Init(env, exports);
return exports;
static napi_module demoModule = {
.nm_version =1,
.nm_flags = 0,
.nm_filename = nullptr,
.nm_register_func = ModuleRegister,
.nm_modname = "ImageSourceNDKTest",
.nm_priv = nullptr,
.reserved = { 0 },
__attribute__((constructor)) void RegisterModule(void)
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "napi/native_api.h"
#include "image_pixel_map_napi.h"
#include "image_source_mdk.h"
namespace OHOS {
namespace Media {
class ImageSourceNDKTest {
static napi_value Init(napi_env env, napi_value exports);
static napi_value Create(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value CreateIncremental(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value InitNative(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value CreatePixelMap(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value CreatePixelMapList(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value GetDelayTime(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value GetFrameCount(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value GetSupportedFormats(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value GetImageInfo(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value GetImageProperty(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value ModifyImageProperty(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value UpdateData(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
static napi_value Release(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info);
} // namespace Media
} // namespace OHOS
\ No newline at end of file
// @ts-nocheck
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry'
import { Hypium } from 'hypium/index'
import testsuite from '../test/List.test'
export default {
onCreate() {
console.info('Application onCreate')
var abilityDelegator: any
abilityDelegator = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator()
var abilityDelegatorArguments: any
abilityDelegatorArguments = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getArguments()
console.info('start run testcase!!!')
Hypium.hypiumTest(abilityDelegator, abilityDelegatorArguments, testsuite)
onDestroy() {
console.info('Application onDestroy')
\ No newline at end of file
// @ts-nocheck
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
struct MyComponent {
aboutToAppear() {
build() {
direction: FlexDirection.Column,
alignItems: ItemAlign.Center,
justifyContent: FlexAlign.Center
}) {
// @ts-nocheck
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry'
import { Hypium } from 'hypium/index'
import testsuite from '../test/List.test'
export default {
onCreate() {
console.info('Application onCreate')
var abilityDelegator: any
abilityDelegator = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator()
var abilityDelegatorArguments: any
abilityDelegatorArguments = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getArguments()
console.info('start run testcase!!!')
Hypium.hypiumTest(abilityDelegator, abilityDelegatorArguments, testsuite)
onDestroy() {
console.info('Application onDestroy')
\ No newline at end of file
// @ts-nocheck
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import router from '@system.router';
struct Index {
aboutToAppear() {
console.info('TestAbility index aboutToAppear')
@State message: string = 'Hello World'
build() {
Row() {
Column() {
Button() {
Text('next page')
top: 20
.onClick(() => {
\ No newline at end of file
// @ts-nocheck
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import TestRunner from '@ohos.application.testRunner'
import AbilityDelegatorRegistry from '@ohos.application.abilityDelegatorRegistry'
var abilityDelegator = undefined
var abilityDelegatorArguments = undefined
function translateParamsToString(parameters) {
const keySet = new Set([
'-s class', '-s notClass', '-s suite', '-s itName',
'-s level', '-s testType', '-s size', '-s timeout',
'-s package'
let targetParams = '';
for (const key in parameters) {
if (keySet.has(key)) {
targetParams += ' ' + key + ' ' + parameters[key]
return targetParams.trim()
async function onAbilityCreateCallback() {
async function addAbilityMonitorCallback(err: any) {
console.info('addAbilityMonitorCallback : ' + JSON.stringify(err))
export default class OpenHarmonyTestRunner implements TestRunner {
constructor() {
onPrepare() {
console.info('OpenHarmonyTestRunner OnPrepare')
onRun() {
console.log('OpenHarmonyTestRunner onRun run')
abilityDelegatorArguments = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getArguments()
abilityDelegator = AbilityDelegatorRegistry.getAbilityDelegator()
let lMonitor = {
abilityName: testAbilityName,
onAbilityCreate: onAbilityCreateCallback,
var testAbilityName = abilityDelegatorArguments.parameters['-p'] + '.MainAbility'
abilityDelegator.addAbilityMonitor(lMonitor, addAbilityMonitorCallback)
var cmd = 'aa start -d 0 -a ' + testAbilityName + ' -b ' + abilityDelegatorArguments.bundleName
cmd += ' ' + translateParamsToString(abilityDelegatorArguments.parameters)
console.info('cmd : ' + cmd)
(err: any, d: any) => {
console.info('executeShellCommand : err : ' + JSON.stringify(err));
console.info('executeShellCommand : data : ' + d.stdResult);
console.info('executeShellCommand : data : ' + d.exitCode);
console.info('OpenHarmonyTestRunner onRun call abilityDelegator.getAppContext')
var context = abilityDelegator.getAppContext()
console.info('getAppContext : ' + JSON.stringify(context))
console.info('OpenHarmonyTestRunner onRun end')
\ No newline at end of file
// @ts-nocheck
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import image from "@ohos.multimedia.image";
import { describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect } from 'hypium/index';
import featureAbility from "@ohos.ability.featureAbility";
import fileio from "@ohos.fileio";
import ndkTest from 'libImageSourceNDKTest.so';
import { testJpg } from './testImg';
export default function ImageSourceNDKTest() {
describe('ImageSourceNDKTest', function () {
const CODE_SUCCESS = 0;
const CODE_ERROR = -1;
beforeAll(function () {
console.info('beforeAll case');
beforeEach(function () {
console.info('beforeEach case');
afterEach(function () {
console.info('afterEach case');
afterAll(function () {
console.info('afterAll case');
function logger(caseName) {
return {
myName: caseName,
log: function (msg) {
console.info(this.myName + ' ' + msg);
async function getPath(fileName: string) {
let filePath = ""
try {
let context = await featureAbility.getContext();
await context.getFilesDir().then((data) => {
filePath = data + "/" + fileName;
console.info("image case filePath is " + filePath);
} catch (error) {
console.info("image getFd " + error);
return filePath;
async function getFd(fileName) {
let fdNumber = undefined;
let filePath = undefined;
try {
filePath = await getPath(fileName);
console.info("image case filePath is " + filePath);
await fileio.open(filePath, 0o2, 0o777).then((data) => {
fdNumber = data;
console.info("image case open fd success " + fdNumber);
}, (err) => {
console.info("image case open fd fail" + err);
}).catch((err) => {
console.info("image case open fd err " + err);
} catch (error) {
console.info("image getFd " + error);
return [filePath, fdNumber];
function checkNdkRes(res) {
expect(res != undefined).assertTrue();
expect(res.code == CODE_SUCCESS).assertTrue();
async function imageSourceCreateTest(done, testNum, picName, source) {
try {
let log = logger(testNum);
let path, fd;
[path, fd] = await getFd(picName);
let imageSourceOps = {
density: 240
const sources = {
fd: fd, path: path, buffer: testJpg.buffer
let res = ndkTest.create(sources[source], imageSourceOps);
log.log("imageSourceCreate res " + JSON.stringify(res));
expect(res.result != undefined).assertTrue();
return res;
} catch (error) {
log.log("Test exception1 " + error);
async function createPixelMap(done, testNum, picName) {
try {
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, testNum, picName, "fd");
let decodingOps = {
editable: true,
fitDensity: 220
let pixelMapRes = ndkTest.createPixelMap(res.result, decodingOps);
expect(pixelMapRes.result != undefined).assertTrue();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
async function release(done, testNum, pictureName) {
try {
let log = logger(testNum);
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, testNum, pictureName, "fd");
let releaseRes = ndkTest.release(res.result);
log.log("release result " + releaseRes.code);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
async function getImageProperty(done, testNum, key, checkProps) {
try {
let log = logger(testNum);
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, testNum, "test_exif.jpg", "fd");
let imagePropertyRes = ndkTest.getImageProperty(res.result, key);
expect(imagePropertyRes != undefined).assertTrue();
expect(imagePropertyRes.code == CODE_SUCCESS).assertTrue();
log.log("Image property " + imagePropertyRes.result);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
async function modify(done, testNum, prop, checkProps) {
try {
let log = logger(testNum);
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, testNum, "test_exif.jpg", "fd");
let propertyModifyRes = ndkTest.modifyImageProperty(res.result, prop.key, prop.value);
log.log("Image property modify " + propertyModifyRes.code);
let imagePropertyRes = ndkTest.getImageProperty(res.result, prop.key);
expect(imagePropertyRes != undefined).assertTrue();
expect(imagePropertyRes.code == CODE_SUCCESS).assertTrue();
log.log("Image property " + imagePropertyRes.result);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
async function modifyErr(done, testNum, key, value) {
try {
let log = logger(testNum)
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, testNum, "test_exif.jpg", "fd");
let propertyModifyRes = ndkTest.modifyImageProperty(res.result, key, value);
log.log("res " + JSON.stringify(propertyModifyRes));
expect(propertyModifyRes.code == CODE_ERROR).assertTrue();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
async function getImagePropertyErr(done, testNum, key) {
try {
let log = logger(testNum)
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, testNum, "test_exif.jpg", "fd");
let imagePropertyRes = ndkTest.getImageProperty(res.result, key);
log.log("res " + JSON.stringify(imagePropertyRes));
expect(imagePropertyRes.code == CODE_ERROR).assertTrue();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
function createImageSourceErr(done, testNum, source) {
try {
let log = logger(testNum);
let imageSourceOps = {
density: 240
let res = ndkTest.create(source, imageSourceOps);
log.log("res " + JSON.stringify(res));
expect(res.code == CODE_ERROR).assertTrue();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0100
* @tc.name : createImageSource -gif
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0100', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0100", "moving_test.gif", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0200
* @tc.name : createImageSource -jpg
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0200', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0200", "test.jpg", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0300
* @tc.name : createImageSource -bmp
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0300', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0300", "test.bmp", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0400
* @tc.name : createImageSource -png
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0400', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0400", "test.png", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0500
* @tc.name : createImageSource -webp
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0500', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0500", "test_large.webp", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0600
* @tc.name : createImageSource -svg
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0600', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0600", "test_large.svg", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0700
* @tc.name : createImageSource -dng
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0700', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0700", "test_dng.dng", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0800
* @tc.name : createImageSource -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0800', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0800", "test.nrw", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0900
* @tc.name : createImageSource -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0900', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_0900", "test.cr2", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1000
* @tc.name : createImageSource -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1000', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1000", "test.arw", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1100
* @tc.name : createImageSource -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1100', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1100", "test.pef", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1200
* @tc.name : createImageSource -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1200', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1200", "test.raf", "fd");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1300
* @tc.name : createImageSource -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1300', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_FD_1300", "test.rw2", "fd");
* @tc.name : createImageSource -buffer
* @tc.desc : 1.get image buffer
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_BUFFER', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_BUFFER", "test.jpg", "buffer");
* @tc.name : createImageSource -path
* @tc.desc : 1.get image path
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_PATH', 0, async function (done) {
await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_BY_PATH", "moving_test.gif", "path");
* @tc.name : createIncremental
* @tc.desc : 1.set imageSourceOps
* 2.createIncremental
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_INCREMENTAL', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let imageSourceOps = {
density: 240
let res = ndkTest.createIncremental(new ArrayBuffer(1), imageSourceOps);
log.log("res " + JSON.stringify(res));
expect(res.result != undefined).assertTrue();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + JSON.stringify(error));
* @tc.name : initNative
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.initNative
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_INITNATIVE', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_INITNATIVE", "moving_test.gif", "fd");
let initRes = ndkTest.initNative(res.result);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -gif
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_GIF_0100', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_GIF_0100", "moving_test.gif");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -bmp
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_BMP_0200', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_BMP_0200", "test.bmp");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -jpg
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_JPG_0300', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_JPG_0300", "test.jpg");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -webp
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_WEBP_0400', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_WEBP_0400", "test_large.webp");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -png
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_PNG_0500', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_PNG_0500", "test.png");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -svg
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_SVG_0600', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_SVG_0600", "test_large.svg");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_0700', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_0700", "test_dng.dng");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_0800', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_0800", "test.nrw");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_0900', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_0900", "test.cr2");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1000', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1000", "test.arw");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1100', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1100", "test.pef");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1200', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1200", "test.raf");
* @tc.name : createPixelMap -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1300', 0, async function (done) {
createPixelMap(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATEPIXELMAP_RAW_1300", "test.rw2");
* @tc.name : createPixelMapList
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.createPixelMapList
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_PIXEL_MAP_LIST', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_PIXEL_MAP_LIST", "moving_test.gif",
let decodingOps = {
fitDensity: 240
let pixelMapListRes = ndkTest.createPixelMapList(res.result, decodingOps);
expect(pixelMapListRes.result != undefined).assertTrue();
log.log("Pixelmap list size " + pixelMapListRes.result.length);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.name : getDelayTime
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.getDelayTime
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_DELAY_TIME', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_DELAY_TIME", "moving_test.gif", "fd");
let delayTimeListRes = ndkTest.getDelayTime(res.result);
expect(delayTimeListRes.result != undefined).assertTrue();
log.log("Delay time list size " + delayTimeListRes.result.length);
delayTimeListRes.result.forEach(element => {
log.log("Delay time " + element);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.name : getFrameCount
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* 2.getFrameCount
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_FRAME_COUNT', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_FRAME_COUNT", "moving_test.gif", "fd");
let frameCountRes = ndkTest.getFrameCount(res.result);
expect(frameCountRes.result != undefined).assertTrue();
expect(frameCountRes.result != 0).assertTrue();
log.log("Frame count " + frameCountRes.result);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.name : getSupportedFormats
* @tc.desc : 1.getSupportedFormats
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_SUPPORTED_FORMATS', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let supportedFormatListRes = ndkTest.getSupportedFormats();
expect(supportedFormatListRes.result != undefined).assertTrue();
log.log("Supported format list size " + supportedFormatListRes.result.length);
supportedFormatListRes.result.forEach(element => {
log.log("Supported format " + element);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.name : getImageInfo
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageInfo
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_INFO', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let res = await imageSourceCreateTest(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_INFO", "moving_test.gif", "fd");
let index = 0;
let imageInfoRes = ndkTest.getImageInfo(res.result, index);
log.log("Image Info " + JSON.stringify(imageInfoRes.result));
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.name : release -gif
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0100', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0100", "moving_test.gif");
* @tc.name : release -bmp
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0200', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0200", "test.bmp");
* @tc.name : release -png
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0300', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0300", "test.png");
* @tc.name : release -jpg
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0400', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0400", "test.jpg");
* @tc.name : release -webp
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0500', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0500", "test_large.webp");
* @tc.name : release -svg
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0600', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0600", "test_large.svg");
* @tc.name : release -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0700', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0700", "test_dng.dng");
* @tc.name : release -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0800', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0800", "test.nrw");
* @tc.name : release -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0900', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_0900", "test.cr2");
* @tc.name : release -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1000', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1000", "test.arw");
* @tc.name : release -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1100', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1100", "test.pef");
* @tc.name : release -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1200', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1200", "test.raf");
* @tc.name : release -raw
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.release
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1300', 0, async function (done) {
release(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_IMAGE_RELEASE_1300", "test.rw2");
* @tc.name : updateData
* @tc.desc : 1.createIncremental
* : 2.updateData
* : 3.createPixelMap
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_UPDATE_DATA', 0, async function (done) {
try {
let imageSourceOps = {
density: 240
let res = ndkTest.createIncremental(new ArrayBuffer(1), imageSourceOps);
if (res.result == undefined) {
let updateOps = {
buffer: testJpg.buffer,
offset: 0,
updateLength: testJpg.buffer.byteLength,
isCompleted: true
let updateRes = ndkTest.updateData(res.result, updateOps);
log.log("Image update Data " + updateRes.code)
let decodingOps = {
editable: true,
fitDensity: 220
let pixelMapRes = ndkTest.createPixelMap(res.result, decodingOps);
expect(pixelMapRes.result != undefined).assertTrue();
} catch (error) {
console.error("Test exception " + error);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0100', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "8, 8, 8").assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0100", BITS_PER_SAMPLE, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0200', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "Top-right").assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0200", ORIENTATION, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0300', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "4608").assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0300", IMAGE_LENGTH, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0400', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "3456").assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0400", IMAGE_WIDTH, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0500', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result.search("38") != -1).assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0500", GPS_LATITUDE, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0600', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result.search("9") != -1).assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0600", GPS_LONGITUDE, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0700', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "N").assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0700", GPS_LATITUDE_REF, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0800', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "W").assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0800", GPS_LONGITUDE_REF, checkProps);
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0900', 0, async function (done) {
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "2022:06:02 15:51:35").assertTrue();
getImageProperty(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0900", DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0100', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: ORIENTATION, value: "4" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "Bottom-left").assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0100", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0200', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: BITS_PER_SAMPLE, value: "4, 4, 4" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "4, 4, 4").assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0200", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0300', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: GPS_LATITUDE, value: "114,57" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result.search("2") != -1).assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0300", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0400', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: GPS_LONGITUDE, value: "116,58" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result.search("2") != -1).assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0400", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0500', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: GPS_LATITUDE_REF, value: "N" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "N").assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0500", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0600', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: GPS_LONGITUDE_REF, value: "W" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "W").assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0600", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0700', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: IMAGE_WIDTH, value: "500" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "500").assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0700", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0800', 0, async function (done) {
let prop = { key: IMAGE_LENGTH, value: "800" };
function checkProps(result) {
expect(result == "800").assertTrue();
modify(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_0800", prop, checkProps);
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0100', 0, async function (done) {
await modifyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0100", "null", "100");
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0200', 0, async function (done) {
await modifyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0200", " GPSLongitudeRef", "12345");
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0300', 0, async function (done) {
await modifyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0300", "GPSLatitude", "{a:3}");
* @tc.name : modifyImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.modifyImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0400', 0, async function (done) {
await modifyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_MODIFY_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0400", "1000", "ImageLength");
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0100', 0, async function (done) {
getImagePropertyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0100", "aa");
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0200', 0, async function (done) {
getImagePropertyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0200", "12");
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0300', 0, async function (done) {
getImagePropertyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0300", "true");
* @tc.name : getImageProperty
* @tc.desc : 1.create imageSource
* : 2.getImageProperty
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0400', 0, async function (done) {
getImagePropertyErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_GET_IMAGE_PROPERTY_ERR_0400", "abc,123");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0100
* @tc.name : createImageSource fd<0
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0100', 0, async function (done) {
createImageSourceErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0100", -1);
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0200
* @tc.name : createImageSource -wrong uri
* @tc.desc : 1.get path
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0200', 0, async function (done) {
createImageSourceErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0200", "file:///multimedia/test.jpg");
* @tc.number : IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0300
* @tc.name : createImageSource -fd string
* @tc.desc : 1.get fd
* 2.createImageSource
* @tc.size : MEDIUM
* @tc.type : Functional
* @tc.level : Level 0
it('IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0300', 0, async function (done) {
createImageSourceErr(done, "IMAGE_SOURCENDK_CREATE_ERR_0300", "fd");
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import ImageSourceNDKTest from './ImageSourceNDKTest';
export default function testsuite() {
\ No newline at end of file
* Copyright (C) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
let testJpg = new Uint8Array([255, 216, 255, 224, 0, 16, 74, 70, 73, 70, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 96, 0, 96, 0, 0, 255, 219, 0, 67, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2,
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export { testJpg }
\ No newline at end of file
"string": [
"name": "entry_MainAbility",
"value": "entry_MainAbility"
"name": "description_mainability",
"value": "ETS_Empty Ability"
"name": "TestAbility_desc",
"value": "description"
"name": "TestAbility_label",
"value": "label"
\ No newline at end of file
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