提交 355d7e19 编写于 作者: H hwx951322


Signed-off-by: Nhwx951322 <huangyuan39@huawei.com>
上级 c2b4d2ab
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
import bluetooth from '@ohos.bluetooth';
import {describe, beforeAll, beforeEach, afterEach, afterAll, it, expect} from 'deccjsunit/index'
let hidHostProfile = bluetooth.getProfile(6);
let hidHostProfile = bluetooth.getProfileInst(6);
function on(ON_VALUE_TEST_ELEMENT) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ describe('bluetoothhostTest_host_2', function () {
it('SUB_COMMUNACATION_bluetooth_DEVICE_JS_GET_PROFILE_LOOP_0001', 0, async function (done) {
console.info('[bluetooth_js] loop get profile start');
await tryToEnableBt();
let proFile = bluetooth.getProfile(6);
let proFile = bluetooth.getProfileInst(6);
console.info('[bluetooth_js] loop get profile result:' + JSON.stringify(proFile));
expect(proFile != null).assertEqual(true);
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ describe('bluetoothhostTest_host_2', function () {
it('SUB_COMMUNACATION_bluetoothble_PANProfile_Tethering_0001', 0, async function (done) {
await tryToEnableBt();
console.info('[bluetooth_js] tethering test start');
let panProfile = bluetooth.getProfile(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_PAN_NETWORK);
let panProfile = bluetooth.getProfileInst(bluetooth.ProfileId.PROFILE_PAN_NETWORK);
let ret = panProfile.setTethering(false);
console.info("[bluetooth_js] setTethering false result "+JSON.stringify(ret));
let result = panProfile.isTetheringOn();
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