From 24176d9cb5f6c2ffad5c01cacc94ca24d8657af3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jiaxugangzz Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 14:21:32 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E5=86=97=E4=BD=99=E4=BB=A3=E7=A0=81=E5=88=A0?= =?UTF-8?q?=E9=99=A4?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Signed-off-by: jiaxugangzz --- arkui/libuv/ | 9 - .../entry/src/main/cpp/common/native_common.h | 1 - .../entry/src/main/cpp/napi/test_string.cpp | 28 -- kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsOtherTest.cpp | 27 -- kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStatTest.cpp | 85 ---- kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdioTest.cpp | 412 ------------------ kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdlibTest.cpp | 55 --- kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsUnistdTest.cpp | 50 --- kernel_lite/process_posix/src/ProcessTest.cpp | 39 -- .../util_posix/src/ActsUtilCheckApiTest.cpp | 2 - 10 files changed, 708 deletions(-) diff --git a/arkui/libuv/ b/arkui/libuv/ index a1f4f94f7..048a46ede 100755 --- a/arkui/libuv/ +++ b/arkui/libuv/ @@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ def writemulbuildgn(): pagenametext = suitename + "-" + casenamecap pagefilename = hapdirpath + G_PATHDIRPATH + suitename + ".ets" attrtmp = G_TMPPATH + G_PAGEATTRTEMPPATH - #print("addattr:", subattcnt, pagename, attrtmp) with open(attrtmp, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as attrtmpfile: for attrtempline in attrtmpfile: attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(" ", "\ ") @@ -109,7 +108,6 @@ def writemulbuildgn(): #追加page里的attr pagenametext = suitename + "-" + casenamecap attrtmp = G_TMPPATH + G_PAGEATTRTEMPPATH - #print("addattr:", subattcnt, pagename, attrtmp) with open(attrtmp, encoding="utf-8", mode="r") as attrtmpfile: for attrtempline in attrtmpfile: attrtempline = attrtempline.replace(" ", "\ ") @@ -121,7 +119,6 @@ def writemulbuildgn(): temptestfilename = G_TMPPATH + G_TESTCASETEMPPATH testfilename = hapdirpath + G_TESTDIRPATH + suitename + ".test.ets" - #print("createpage:", subgncnt, dirpath, pagefilename, testfilename) os.system(r"cp {} {}".format(temptestfilename, testfilename)) #替换test里的名称 os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_ATTRNAMEPATTERN, testname, testfilename)) @@ -136,7 +133,6 @@ def writemulbuildgn(): buildgnname = hapdirpath + G_BUILDGNPATH os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_SUITENAMEPATTERN, suiteitemcap, buildgnname)) # formate gn - #print("Formate: dirpath:",buildgnname) formatcmd = "cat "+buildgnname+" | ~/workspace/oh31/prebuilts/build-tools/linux-x86/bin/gn format --stdin >;cp -f "+buildgnname+";rm" os.system(formatcmd) #替换index.ets里的名称 @@ -147,12 +143,9 @@ def writemulbuildgn(): testjsonname = hapdirpath + G_TESTJSONPATH os.system(r"sed -i 's/{}/{}/g' {}".format(G_SUITENAMEPATTERN, suiteitemcap, testjsonname)) - #G_IMPORTTEST = "import {} from './{}Jsunit.test';\n" importtestheads.append(G_IMPORTTEST.format(testname, suitename)) importtests.append(G_IMPORTTESTCASE.format(testname)) subcasecnt += 1 - #print("importtestheads:", importtestheads) - #print("importtests:", importtests) #插入List.test.ets,装载多个testcase ind = 16 for importtestsline in importtests: @@ -187,7 +180,6 @@ def new_report(bakdir, str): files = os.listdir(bakdir) lists = [] #列出目录的下所有文件和文件夹保存到lists for f in files: - # if f.startswith(str): if "latest" in f: continue lists.append(f) @@ -239,7 +231,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': total +=1 failcnt += 1 testcaselist.append(caseline[1]+"-false") - #print("tasklogfile line:", caseline[0], caseline[1]) #将testcase信息生成文件 xmlfile = open(tmpfile, mode='w+') xmlfile.write("\n") diff --git a/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/common/native_common.h b/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/common/native_common.h index acbf1d87e..37fd128bc 100644 --- a/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/common/native_common.h +++ b/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/common/native_common.h @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ #include #include "napi/native_api.h" -//#include "napi/native_node_api.h" #include "rawfile/raw_file_manager.h" namespace OHOS { diff --git a/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/napi/test_string.cpp b/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/napi/test_string.cpp index f67746b4f..4dda6ca00 100644 --- a/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/napi/test_string.cpp +++ b/global/global_napi_test/entry/src/main/cpp/napi/test_string.cpp @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ namespace OHOS { { errMsg_ = msg; success_ = false; -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "%{public}s", msg.c_str()); } napi_async_execute_callback TestRawFileExecute() @@ -46,41 +45,30 @@ namespace OHOS { // test OH_ResourceManager_OpenRawDir RawDir* rawDir = OH_ResourceManager_OpenRawDir(asyncContext->ndk_, asyncContext->path_.c_str()); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "OpenRawDir ndk_:%{public}p path_:%{public}s",asyncContext->ndk_, asyncContext->path_.c_str()); // test OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileCount int count = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileCount(rawDir); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "GetRawFileCount:%{public}d", count); // test OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileName for (int i = 0; i< count; i++) { std::string tempFileName = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileName(rawDir, i); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "GetRawFileName[%{public}d]:%{public}s", i, tempFileName.c_str()); } // test OH_ResourceManager_OpenRawFile std::string fileName = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileName(rawDir, 0); asyncContext->path_ = fileName; RawFile* rawFile = OH_ResourceManager_OpenRawFile(asyncContext->ndk_, fileName.c_str()); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "OpenRawFile fileName:%{public}s", fileName.c_str()); // test OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileSize asyncContext->len_ = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileSize(rawFile); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "GetRawFileSize:%{public}ld", asyncContext->len_); // // test OH_ResourceManager_SeekRawFile -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "SeekRawFile SEEK_END:%{public}d", OH_ResourceManager_SeekRawFile(rawFile, 0 ,2)); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "SeekRawFile SEEK_SET:%{public}d", OH_ResourceManager_SeekRawFile(rawFile, 0 ,0)); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "SeekRawFile SEEK_CUR:%{public}d", OH_ResourceManager_SeekRawFile(rawFile, 0 ,1)); // // test OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileOffset -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "GetRawFileOffset:%{public}ld", OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileOffset(rawFile)); // test OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileDescriptor RawFileDescriptor descriptor; bool getFd = OH_ResourceManager_GetRawFileDescriptor(rawFile, descriptor); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "GetRawFileDescriptor getFd:%{public}d fd:%{public}d length:%{public}ld start:%{public}ld", -// getFd, descriptor.fd, descriptor.length, descriptor.start); // test OH_ResourceManager_ReadRawFile asyncContext->mediaData = std::make_unique(asyncContext->len_); @@ -88,25 +76,20 @@ namespace OHOS { // test OH_ResourceManager_ReleaseRawFileDescriptor OH_ResourceManager_ReleaseRawFileDescriptor(descriptor); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "ReleaseRawFileDescriptor ok"); // test OH_ResourceManager_CloseRawFile OH_ResourceManager_CloseRawFile(rawFile); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "CloseRawFile ok"); // test OH_ResourceManager_CloseRawDir OH_ResourceManager_CloseRawDir(rawDir); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "CloseRawDir ok"); // test OH_ResourceManager_ReleaseNativeResourceManager OH_ResourceManager_ReleaseNativeResourceManager(asyncContext->ndk_); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "ReleaseNativeResourceManager ok asyncContext->ndk_:%{public}p", asyncContext->ndk_); asyncContext->createValueFunc_ = [](napi_env env, NdkAsyncContext &context) -> napi_value { napi_value buffer; napi_status status = napi_create_external_arraybuffer(env, context.mediaData.get(), context.len_, [](napi_env env, void *data, void *hint) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "Media buffer finalized"); delete[] static_cast(data); }, nullptr, &buffer); if (status != napi_ok) { @@ -148,29 +131,24 @@ namespace OHOS { if (asyncContext->deferred_) { if (asyncContext->success_) { if (napi_resolve_deferred(env, asyncContext->deferred_, result[1]) != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "napi_resolve_deferred failed"); } } else { if (napi_reject_deferred(env, asyncContext->deferred_, result[0]) != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "napi_reject_deferred failed"); } } } else { napi_value callback = nullptr; napi_status status = napi_get_reference_value(env, asyncContext->callbackRef_, &callback); if (status != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "napi_get_reference_value failed status=%{public}d", status); break; } napi_value userRet = nullptr; status = napi_call_function(env, nullptr, callback, sizeof(result) / sizeof(napi_value), result, &userRet); if (status != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "napi_call_function failed status=%{public}d", status); break; } status = napi_delete_reference(env, asyncContext->callbackRef_); if (status != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "napi_delete_reference failed status=%{public}d", status); break; } } @@ -191,20 +169,17 @@ namespace OHOS { size_t len = 0; napi_status status = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, argv[0], nullptr, 0, &len); if (status != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "Failed to get bundle name length"); return nullptr; } std::vector buf(len + 1); status = napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, argv[0],, len + 1, &len); if (status != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "Failed to get bundle name"); return nullptr; } asyncContext->path_ =; } else if (i == 1 && valueType == napi_object) { // test OH_ResourceManager_InitNativeResourceManager asyncContext->ndk_ = OH_ResourceManager_InitNativeResourceManager(env, argv[i]); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "InitNativeResourceManager asyncContext->ndk_:%{public}p", asyncContext->ndk_); } else if (i == 2 && valueType == napi_function) { napi_create_reference(env, argv[i], 1, &asyncContext->callbackRef_); break; @@ -222,16 +197,13 @@ namespace OHOS { napi_value resource = nullptr; napi_create_string_utf8(env, "testRawFile", NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH, &resource); -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "guojia testRawFile"); napi_status status = napi_create_async_work(env, nullptr, resource, TestRawFileExecute(), completeFunc, static_cast(asyncContext.get()), &asyncContext->work_); if (status != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "Failed to create async work for testRawFile %{public}d",status); return result; } status = napi_queue_async_work(env, asyncContext->work_); if (status != napi_ok) { -// HiLog::Error(LABEL, "Failed to queue async work for testRawFile %{public}d",status); return result; } diff --git a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsOtherTest.cpp b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsOtherTest.cpp index a99d83f27..95d66e125 100755 --- a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsOtherTest.cpp +++ b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsOtherTest.cpp @@ -248,30 +248,3 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testGlob, Function | MediumTest | Level3) } globfree(&buf); } -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_OTHER_0500 - * basic function test : Use fwprintf function to write wide characters - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFwprintf, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - const char filePath[] = TOP_DIR "/" DIR0 "/" DIR0_FILE0; - FILE *fp = nullptr; - wchar_t writeBuf[30] = L"this is a file"; - wchar_t readBuf[30]; - - // write - CreateTestFolder(); - fp = fopen(filePath, "w+"); - EXPECT_NE(fwprintf(fp, L"%ls", writeBuf), -1); - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; - - // read - fp = fopen(filePath, "r"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fgetws(readBuf, 30, fp), nullptr) << "fgetws error"; - EXPECT_TRUE(wcscmp(writeBuf, readBuf) == 0) << "writeBuf != readBuf"; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} -#endif diff --git a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStatTest.cpp b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStatTest.cpp index c379513ba..aa3e5017e 100755 --- a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStatTest.cpp +++ b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStatTest.cpp @@ -50,34 +50,6 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testUmask, Function | MediumTest | Level2) EXPECT_EQ(umask(maskPre), maskNew) << "> umask error"; } #endif -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STAT_0200 - * basic function test : Run the stat function to obtain the file status. - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testStat, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - int fd = 0; - mode_t mode = 0777; - const char *filePath = TOP_DIR "/" FILE0; - struct stat buf = {0}; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - - fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, mode); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - EXPECT_NE(stat(filePath, &buf), -1) << "> fstat errno = " << errno; - LOG("> buf.st_dev = %lu", buf.st_dev); // IDs of device on which file resides - LOG("> buf.st_ino = %lu", buf.st_ino); // I-node number of file - EXPECT_EQ(buf.st_rdev, 0) << "> buf.st_rdev not expect"; // IDs for device special files - EXPECT_EQ(buf.st_size, sizeof(writeBuf)) << "> buf.st_size = " << buf.st_size; - LOG("> buf.st_atim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_atim.tv_sec, buf.st_atim.tv_nsec); // time for last file access - LOG("> buf.st_mtim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_mtim.tv_sec, buf.st_mtim.tv_nsec); // time for last file modification - LOG("> buf.st_ctim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_ctim.tv_sec, buf.st_ctim.tv_nsec); // time for last file status change -} -#endif #if defined(LITE_FS_JFFS2) #ifndef COMMERCIAL /** @@ -113,35 +85,6 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testStatLimt, Function | MediumTest | Level3) } #endif #endif -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STAT_0300 - * basic function test : Run the lstat function to obtain the file status. - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testLstat, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - int fd = 0; - mode_t mode = 0777; - const char *filePath = TOP_DIR "/" FILE0; - struct stat buf = {0}; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - - fd = open(filePath, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, mode); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - EXPECT_NE(lstat(filePath, &buf), -1) << "> fstat errno = " << errno; - LOG("> buf.st_dev = %lu", buf.st_dev); // IDs of device on which file resides - LOG("> buf.st_ino = %lu", buf.st_ino); // I-node number of file - EXPECT_EQ(buf.st_rdev, 0) << "> buf.st_rdev not expect"; // IDs for device special files - EXPECT_EQ(buf.st_size, sizeof(writeBuf)) << "> buf.st_size = " << buf.st_size; - - LOG("> buf.st_atim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_atim.tv_sec, buf.st_atim.tv_nsec); // time for last file access - LOG("> buf.st_mtim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_mtim.tv_sec, buf.st_mtim.tv_nsec); // time for last file modification - LOG("> buf.st_ctim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_ctim.tv_sec, buf.st_ctim.tv_nsec); // time for last file status change -} -#endif #if defined(LITE_FS_JFFS2) #ifndef COMMERCIAL /** @@ -178,34 +121,6 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testLstatLimt, Function | MediumTest | Level3) } #endif #endif -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STAT_0400 - * basic function test : Run the fstat function to obtain the file status. - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFstat, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - int fd = 0; - mode_t mode = 0777; - struct stat buf = {0}; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - - fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, mode); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(write(fd, writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf)), -1) << "> write errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_NE(fstat(fd, &buf), -1) << "> fstat errno = " << errno; - LOG("> buf.st_dev = %lu", buf.st_dev); // IDs of device on which file resides - LOG("> buf.st_ino = %lu", buf.st_ino); // I-node number of file - EXPECT_EQ(buf.st_rdev, 0) << "> buf.st_rdev not expect"; // IDs for device special files - EXPECT_EQ(buf.st_size, sizeof(writeBuf)) << "> buf.st_size = " << buf.st_size; - LOG("> buf.st_atim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_atim.tv_sec, buf.st_atim.tv_nsec); // time for last file access - LOG("> buf.st_mtim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_mtim.tv_sec, buf.st_mtim.tv_nsec); // time for last file modification - LOG("> buf.st_ctim = %lds,%ldns", buf.st_ctim.tv_sec, buf.st_ctim.tv_nsec); // time for last file status change - EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; -} -#endif #if defined(LITE_FS_JFFS2) #ifndef COMMERCIAL /** diff --git a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdioTest.cpp b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdioTest.cpp index 597cfccab..15076aec2 100755 --- a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdioTest.cpp +++ b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdioTest.cpp @@ -33,360 +33,6 @@ #include "libfs.h" using namespace testing::ext; -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0100 - * basic function test : read and write with stream - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFILE, Function | MediumTest | Level2) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; - fp = fopen(FILE0, "w+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(fwrite(writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 1) << "> fwrite errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0200 - * basic function test : Use the feof function to determine the end identifier of the file - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFeof, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - fgetc(fp); - EXPECT_EQ(feof(fp), 0) << "> file should not be end!"; // check end - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - fgetc(fp); - EXPECT_NE(feof(fp), 0) << "> file should be end!"; // check end - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0300 - * basic function test : Use fseek to set the stream pointer position with SEEK_SET - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFseek, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - fpos_t offset; - EXPECT_EQ(fgetpos(fp, &offset), 0) << "> fgetpos errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseek errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftell(fp), 2) << " errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fsetpos(fp, &offset), 0) << "> fsetpos errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0310 - * basic function test : Use fseek to set the stream pointer position with SEEK_CUR - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFseekSeekCur, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - fpos_t offset; - EXPECT_EQ(fgetpos(fp, &offset), 0) << "> fgetpos errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseek(fp, 2, SEEK_CUR), 0) << "> fseek errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftell(fp), 2) << " errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fsetpos(fp, &offset), 0) << "> fsetpos errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0320 - * basic function test : Use fseek to set the stream pointer position with SEEK_END - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFseekSeekEnd, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - fpos_t offset; - EXPECT_EQ(fgetpos(fp, &offset), 0) << "> fgetpos errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END), 0) << "> fseek errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftell(fp), sizeof(writeBuf)) << " errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fsetpos(fp, &offset), 0) << "> fsetpos errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0400 - * basic function test : Use fseeko to set the stream pointer position with SEEK_SET - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFseeko, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 2, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftello(fp), 2) << " errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftello(fp), 0) << " errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0410 - * basic function test : Use fseeko to set the stream pointer position with SEEK_CUR - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFseekoSeekCur, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 2, SEEK_CUR), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftello(fp), 2) << " errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftello(fp), 0) << " errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0420 - * basic function test : Use fseeko to set the stream pointer position with SEEK_END - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFseekoSeekEnd, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - - // write - fd = creat(FILE0, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(FILE0, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_END), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftello(fp), sizeof(writeBuf)) << " errno = " << errno; - - EXPECT_EQ(fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseeko errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftello(fp), 0) << " errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -void *ChildWrite(void *p) -{ - FILE *fp = (FILE*)p; - flockfile(fp); - size_t re0 = fwrite("this is ", sizeof("this is"), 1, fp); - EXPECT_EQ(re0, 1) << "fwrite errno = " << errno; - Msleep(FOURTY_MS); - size_t re1 = fwrite("a file", sizeof("a file"), 1, fp); - EXPECT_EQ(re1, 1) << "fwrite errno = " << errno; - funlockfile(fp); - LOG("> ChildWrite over"); - return nullptr; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0500 - * basic function test : Use the funlockfile function to unlock the file - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFunlockfile, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - const char filePath[] = TOP_DIR "/" DIR0 "/" DIR0_FILE0; - char readBuf[20]; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - - CreateTestFolder(); - FILE *fp = fopen(filePath, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - - pthread_t tid; - int reInt = pthread_create(&tid, nullptr, ChildWrite, (void*)fp); - ASSERT_EQ(reInt, 0) << "> pthread_create errno, reInt = " << reInt; - - Msleep(20); - flockfile(fp); - LOG("> childRead over"); - EXPECT_EQ(fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET), 0) << "> fseek errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread error"; - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf); - funlockfile(fp); - - int ret = pthread_join(tid, nullptr); - EXPECT_EQ(ret, 0) << "pthread_join failed, errno=" << ret; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0600 - * basic function test : Use the fileno function to return the file descriptor of the stream, test write - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFileno, Function | MediumTest | Level2) -{ - const char filePath[] = TOP_DIR "/" FILE0; - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - - // write - fd = creat(filePath, 0777); - ASSERT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat errno = " << errno; - ASSERT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; - - fp = fopen(filePath, "w+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - fd = fileno(fp); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> fileno errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fd = open(filePath, O_RDWR); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open errno = " << errno; - ReadCloseTest(fd); -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0610 - * basic function test : Use the fileno function to return the file descriptor of the stream, test read - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFileno1, Function | MediumTest | Level2) -{ - const char filePath[] = TOP_DIR "/" FILE0; - FILE *fp = nullptr; - int fd = 0; - - // write - fd = creat(filePath, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> creat faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - - // read - fp = fopen(filePath, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - fd = fileno(fp); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> fileno errno = " << errno; - - ReadCloseTest(fd); -} -#endif /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0700 * basic function test : Use the rename function to rename files. @@ -417,61 +63,3 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testRenameDir, Function | MediumTest | Level3) EXPECT_NE(rename(DIR0, newDirName), -1) << "> rename errno = " << errno; EXPECT_NE(rmdir(newDirName), -1) << "> rmdir errno = " << errno; } -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDIO_0800 - * basic function test : Use the fflush function to refresh stream - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testFflush, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - const char filePath[] = TOP_DIR "/" DIR0 "/" DIR0_FILE0; - char writeBuf[] = "0123456789ABCDE"; - char readBuf[50] = {0}; - CreateTestFolder(); - pid_t pid = fork(); - ASSERT_TRUE(pid >= 0) << "> parent: fork errno = " << errno; - if (pid == 0) { - int exitCode = 0; - FILE *fp = fopen(filePath, "a+"); - if (fp == nullptr) { - LOG("fp is null"); - exit(1); - } - setvbuf(fp, nullptr, _IOFBF, 1024); - int reInt = fwrite(writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp); - if (reInt != 1) { - LOG("fwrite return reInt = %d, errno = %d", reInt, errno); - exitCode = 1; - } - Msleep(100); - if (fflush(fp) == -1){ - LOG("fflush errno = %d", errno); - exitCode = 1; - } - Msleep(100); - if (fclose(fp) == -1){ - LOG("fclose errno = %d", errno); - exitCode = 1; - } - exit(exitCode); - } - Msleep(50); - FILE *fp = fopen(filePath, "r"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr); - EXPECT_EQ(fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END), 0) << "> fseek errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_EQ(ftell(fp), 0); - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; - - Msleep(100); - fp = fopen(filePath, "r"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr); - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0) << "> fread errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_STREQ(readBuf, writeBuf); - LOG("> readBuf = %s", readBuf); - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" << errno; - - Msleep(100); - AssertProcExitedOK(pid); -} -#endif diff --git a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdlibTest.cpp b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdlibTest.cpp index c77c4fe40..4d9c3878f 100755 --- a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdlibTest.cpp +++ b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsStdlibTest.cpp @@ -33,61 +33,6 @@ #include "libfs.h" using namespace testing::ext; -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDLIB_0100 - * basic function test : mkstemp create a temporary file - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testMkstemp, Function | MediumTest | Level2) -{ - int fd = 0; - char tmpFileName[]= "tmpFile_XXXXXX"; - fd = mkstemp(tmpFileName); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> mkstemp errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - fd = open(tmpFileName, O_RDWR); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open errno = " << errno; - ReadCloseTest(fd); - EXPECT_NE(unlink(tmpFileName), -1) << "> unlink errno = " << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDLIB_0200 - * basic function test : mkstemps create a temporary file - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testMkstemps, Function | MediumTest | Level2) -{ - int fd = 0; - char tmpFileName[] = "tmpFile_XXXXXX"; - fd = mkstemps(tmpFileName, 0); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> mkstemp errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - fd = open(tmpFileName, O_RDWR); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open errno = " << errno; - ReadCloseTest(fd); - EXPECT_NE(unlink(tmpFileName), -1) << "> unlink errno = " << errno; -} - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDLIB_0300 - * basic function test : mkostemp create a temporary file with read and write - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testMkostemp, Function | MediumTest | Level2) -{ - int fd = 0; - char tmpFileName[] = "tmpFile_XXXXXX"; - fd = mkostemp(tmpFileName, O_RDWR); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> mkstemp errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - fd = open(tmpFileName, O_RDWR); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open errno = " << errno; - ReadCloseTest(fd); - EXPECT_NE(unlink(tmpFileName), -1) << "> unlink errno = " << errno; -} -#endif /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_STDLIB_0400 * basic function test : mktemp create a temporary file name, mkdtemp create a directory diff --git a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsUnistdTest.cpp b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsUnistdTest.cpp index a1fc9b0d3..b940f8df8 100755 --- a/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsUnistdTest.cpp +++ b/kernel_lite/fs_posix/src/FsUnistdTest.cpp @@ -174,56 +174,6 @@ HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testChdirEnotdir, Function | MediumTest | Level3) EXPECT_EQ(errno, ENOTDIR); EXPECT_NE(chdir(TOP_DIR), -1) << "> chdir errno = " << errno; } -#if 0 -#if defined(LITE_FS_NFS) || defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0300 - * basic function test : dup copy file description, then write and read - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testDup, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - int fd = 0; - int fdNew = 0; - fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - fd = open(FILE0, O_RDONLY, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; - fdNew = dup(fd); - #if defined(LITE_FS_NFS) - EXPECT_NE(fdNew, -1) << "> dup errno = " << errno; - #endif - // vfat not suuport, after support change to NE - #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) - EXPECT_EQ(fdNew, -1) << "> dup errno = " << errno; - #endif - if (fdNew != -1) { - ReadCloseTest(fdNew); - } - EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; -} -#endif - -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0400 - * basic function test : dup2 copy file description, then write and read - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(FileSystemTest, testDup2, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - int fd = 0; - int fdNew = 0; - fd = open(FILE0, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; - WriteCloseTest(fd); - fd = open(FILE0, O_RDONLY, 0777); - EXPECT_NE(fd, -1) << "> open faild errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(dup2(fd, fdNew), -1) << "> dup2 errno = " << errno; - ReadCloseTest(fdNew); - EXPECT_NE(close(fd), -1) << "> close errno = " << errno; -} -#endif #if defined(LITE_FS_VFAT) /** * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_FS_UNISTD_0500 diff --git a/kernel_lite/process_posix/src/ProcessTest.cpp b/kernel_lite/process_posix/src/ProcessTest.cpp index adfff5b04..5274ae1ba 100755 --- a/kernel_lite/process_posix/src/ProcessTest.cpp +++ b/kernel_lite/process_posix/src/ProcessTest.cpp @@ -274,45 +274,6 @@ HWTEST_F(ProcessTest, testExit, Function | MediumTest | Level2) ASSERT_EQ(exitCode, reInt[i]); } } -#if 0 -/** - * @tc.number SUB_KERNEL_PROCESS_EXIT_0200 - * Test exit about IO flush - * @tc.desc [C- SOFTWARE -0200] - */ -HWTEST_F(ProcessTest, testExitFlush, Function | MediumTest | Level3) -{ - const char* testFile = "TEST_FILE.txt"; - char writeBuf[] = "this is a file"; - char readBuf[20] = {0}; - pid_t pid; - - pid = fork(); - ASSERT_TRUE(pid >= 0) << "> parent: fork errno = " << errno; - if (pid == 0) { - - // write - FILE *fp = fopen(testFile, "w+"); - if (fp == nullptr) { - LOG("> child fopen errno = %d", errno); - exit(1); - } - fwrite(writeBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp); - exit(0); - } - - WaitProcExitedOK(pid); - - // read - FILE *fp = fopen(testFile, "r+"); - ASSERT_NE(fp, nullptr) << "> fopen errno = " << errno; - EXPECT_NE(fread(readBuf, sizeof(writeBuf), 1, fp), 0); - EXPECT_STREQ(writeBuf, readBuf) << "> writeBuf = " << writeBuf\ - << "\n> readBuf = " << readBuf; - EXPECT_NE(fclose(fp), -1) << "> fclose errno =" <