提交 1809f1b7 编写于 作者: D dongxinli

recorder 清楚数据库数据

Signed-off-by: Ndongxinli <dongxinli@huawei.com>
上级 ee41806d
......@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
"run-command": [
"rm -rf /storage/media/100/local/files/Audios/audio_*",
"rm -rf /storage/media/100/local/files/Videos/audio_*",
"rm -rf /data/app/el2/100/database/com.ohos.medialibrary.medialibrarydata/*",
"kill -9 `pidof com.ohos.medialibrary.medialibrarydata`",
"sleep 5",
"param set persist.ace.testmode.enabled 1",
"power-shell wakeup",
"uinput -T -d 300 600 -m 300 600 300 100 -u 300 100",
......@@ -100,10 +100,14 @@ export default function AVPlayerMultiTrackTest() {
async function getCurrentAudioTrack() {
await avPlayer.getCurrentTrack(0).then((index) => {
await avPlayer.getCurrentTrack(0, (err, index) => {
if (err == null) {
console.info(`case current audio track index is ${index}`);
currentTrack = index;
}, mediaTestBase.failureCallback).catch(mediaTestBase.catchCallback);
trackIndex = index;
} else {
console.error('getCurrentTrack failed and error is ' + err.message);
async function changeAudioTrack() {
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