require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' require 'auto/unity_test_summary' require 'auto/generate_test_runner' module RakefileHelpers C_EXTENSION = '.c' def report(message) puts message $stdout.flush $stderr.flush end def load_configuration(config_file) $cfg_file = config_file $cfg = YAML.load($cfg_file)) end def configure_clean CLEAN.include($cfg['compiler']['build_path'] + '*.*') unless $cfg['compiler']['build_path'].nil? end def configure_toolchain(config_file=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE) config_file += '.yml' unless config_file =~ /\.yml$/ load_configuration(config_file) configure_clean end def get_unit_test_files path = $cfg['compiler']['unit_tests_path'] + 'test*' + C_EXTENSION path.gsub!(/\\/, '/') end def get_local_include_dirs include_dirs = $cfg['compiler']['includes']['items'].dup include_dirs.delete_if {|dir| dir.is_a?(Array)} return include_dirs end def extract_headers(filename) includes = [] lines = File.readlines(filename) lines.each do |line| m = line.match(/#include \"(.*)\"/) if not m.nil? includes << m[1] end end return includes end def find_source_file(header, paths) paths.each do |dir| src_file = dir + header.ext(C_EXTENSION) if (File.exists?(src_file)) return src_file end end return nil end def tackit(strings) if strings.is_a?(Array) result = "\"#{strings.join}\"" else result = strings end return result end def squash(prefix, items) result = '' items.each { |item| result += " #{prefix}#{tackit(item)}" } return result end def build_compiler_fields command = tackit($cfg['compiler']['path']) if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil? defines = '' else defines = squash($cfg['compiler']['defines']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items']) end options = squash('', $cfg['compiler']['options']) includes = squash($cfg['compiler']['includes']['prefix'], $cfg['compiler']['includes']['items']) includes = includes.gsub(/\\ /, ' ').gsub(/\\\"/, '"').gsub(/\\$/, '') # Remove trailing slashes (for IAR) return {:command => command, :defines => defines, :options => options, :includes => includes} end def compile(file, defines=[]) compiler = build_compiler_fields cmd_str = "#{compiler[:command]}#{compiler[:defines]}#{compiler[:options]}#{compiler[:includes]} #{file} " + "#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['prefix']}#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['destination']}" + "#{File.basename(file, C_EXTENSION)}#{$cfg['compiler']['object_files']['extension']}" execute(cmd_str) end def build_linker_fields command = tackit($cfg['linker']['path']) if $cfg['linker']['options'].nil? options = '' else options = squash('', $cfg['linker']['options']) end if ($cfg['linker']['includes'].nil? || $cfg['linker']['includes']['items'].nil?) includes = '' else includes = squash($cfg['linker']['includes']['prefix'], $cfg['linker']['includes']['items']) end includes = includes.gsub(/\\ /, ' ').gsub(/\\\"/, '"').gsub(/\\$/, '') # Remove trailing slashes (for IAR) return {:command => command, :options => options, :includes => includes} end def link(exe_name, obj_list) linker = build_linker_fields cmd_str = "#{linker[:command]}#{linker[:options]}#{linker[:includes]} " + ({|obj|"#{$cfg['linker']['object_files']['path']}#{obj} "}).join + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['prefix'] + ' ' + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] + exe_name + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension'] execute(cmd_str) end def build_simulator_fields return nil if $cfg['simulator'].nil? if $cfg['simulator']['path'].nil? command = '' else command = (tackit($cfg['simulator']['path']) + ' ') end if $cfg['simulator']['pre_support'].nil? pre_support = '' else pre_support = squash('', $cfg['simulator']['pre_support']) end if $cfg['simulator']['post_support'].nil? post_support = '' else post_support = squash('', $cfg['simulator']['post_support']) end return {:command => command, :pre_support => pre_support, :post_support => post_support} end def execute(command_string, verbose=true) report command_string output = `#{command_string}`.chomp report(output) if (verbose && !output.nil? && (output.length > 0)) if $?.exitstatus != 0 raise "Command failed. (Returned #{$?.exitstatus})" end return output end def report_summary summary = summary.set_root_path(HERE) results_glob = "#{$cfg['compiler']['build_path']}*.test*" results_glob.gsub!(/\\/, '/') results = Dir[results_glob] summary.set_targets(results) end def run_tests(test_files) report 'Running Unity system tests...' # Tack on TEST define for compiling unit tests load_configuration($cfg_file) test_defines = ['TEST'] $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] = [] if $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'].nil? $cfg['compiler']['defines']['items'] << 'TEST' include_dirs = get_local_include_dirs # Build and execute each unit test test_files.each do |test| obj_list = [] # Detect dependencies and build required modules extract_headers(test).each do |header| # Compile corresponding source file if it exists src_file = find_source_file(header, include_dirs) if !src_file.nil? compile(src_file, test_defines) obj_list << header.ext($cfg['compiler']['object_files']['extension']) end end # Build the test runner (generate if configured to do so) test_base = File.basename(test, C_EXTENSION) runner_name = test_base + '_Runner.c' runner_path = '' if $cfg['compiler']['runner_path'].nil? runner_path = $cfg['compiler']['build_path'] + runner_name else runner_path = $cfg['compiler']['runner_path'] + runner_name end, runner_path) compile(runner_path, test_defines) obj_list << runner_name.ext($cfg['compiler']['object_files']['extension']) # Build the test module compile(test, test_defines) obj_list << test_base.ext($cfg['compiler']['object_files']['extension']) # Link the test executable link(test_base, obj_list) # Execute unit test and generate results file simulator = build_simulator_fields executable = $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['destination'] + test_base + $cfg['linker']['bin_files']['extension'] if simulator.nil? cmd_str = executable else cmd_str = "#{simulator[:command]} #{simulator[:pre_support]} #{executable} #{simulator[:post_support]}" end output = execute(cmd_str) test_results = $cfg['compiler']['build_path'] + test_base if output.match(/OK$/m).nil? test_results += '.testfail' else test_results += '.testpass' end, 'w') { |f| f.print output } end end end