#include "unity.h" #include #include #define UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL { Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1; UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\n'); longjmp(Unity.AbortFrame, 1); } #define UNITY_IGNORE_AND_BAIL { Unity.CurrentTestIgnored = 1; UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\n'); longjmp(Unity.AbortFrame, 1); } struct _Unity Unity = { 0 }; const char* UnityStrExpected = " Expected "; const char* UnityStrWas = " Was "; const char* UnityStrTo = " To "; const char* UnityStrElement = " Element "; const char* UnityStrMemory = " Memory Mismatch."; const char* UnityStrDelta = " Values Not Within Delta "; const char* UnityStrPointless= " You Asked Me To Compare Nothing, Which Was Pointless."; const char* UnityStrSpacer = ". "; void UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(const char* msg); //----------------------------------------------- // Pretty Printers //----------------------------------------------- void UnityPrint(const char* string) { unsigned char* pch = (unsigned char*)string; if (pch != NULL) { while (*pch) { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(*pch); pch++; } } } void UnityPrintNumberByStyle(const long number, const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style) { switch (style) { case UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8: UnityPrintNumberHex((unsigned long)number, 2); break; case UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16: UnityPrintNumberHex((unsigned long)number, 4); break; case UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX32: UnityPrintNumberHex((unsigned long)number, 8); break; case UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT: UnityPrintNumberUnsigned((unsigned long)number); break; default: UnityPrintNumber(number); break; } } /// basically do an itoa using as little ram as possible void UnityPrintNumber(const long number_to_print) { long divisor = 1; long next_divisor; long number = number_to_print; if (number < 0) { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('-'); number = -number; } // figure out initial divisor while (number / divisor > 9) { next_divisor = divisor * 10; if (next_divisor > divisor) divisor = next_divisor; else break; } // now mod and print, then divide divisor do { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR((char)('0' + (number / divisor % 10))); divisor /= 10; } while (divisor > 0); } /// basically do an itoa using as little ram as possible void UnityPrintNumberUnsigned(const unsigned long number) { unsigned long divisor = 1; unsigned long next_divisor; // figure out initial divisor while (number / divisor > 9) { next_divisor = divisor * 10; if (next_divisor > divisor) divisor = next_divisor; else break; } // now mod and print, then divide divisor do { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR((char)('0' + (number / divisor % 10))); divisor /= 10; } while (divisor > 0); } void UnityPrintNumberHex(const unsigned long number, const char nibbles_to_print) { unsigned long nibble; char nibbles = nibbles_to_print; UnityPrint("0x"); while (nibbles > 0) { nibble = (number >> (--nibbles << 2)) & 0x0000000F; if (nibble <= 9) { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR((char)('0' + nibble)); } else { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR((char)('A' - 10 + nibble)); } } } void UnityPrintMask(const unsigned long mask, const unsigned long number) { unsigned long bit = 0x80000000; long i; for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (bit & mask) { if (bit & number) { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('1'); } else { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('0'); } } else { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('X'); } bit = bit >> 1; } } void UnityTestResultsBegin(const char* file, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line) { UnityPrint(file); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(':'); UnityPrintNumber(line); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(':'); UnityPrint(Unity.CurrentTestName); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(':'); } void UnityTestResultsFailBegin(const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line) { UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, line); UnityPrint("FAIL:"); } void UnityConcludeTest() { if (Unity.CurrentTestIgnored) { Unity.TestIgnores++; } else if (!Unity.CurrentTestFailed) { UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber); UnityPrint("PASS\n"); } else { Unity.TestFailures++; } Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 0; Unity.CurrentTestIgnored = 0; } void UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(const char* msg) { if (msg) { UnityPrint(UnityStrSpacer); UnityPrint(msg); } } //----------------------------------------------- // Assertion Functions //----------------------------------------------- void UnityAssertBits(const long mask, const long expected, const long actual, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber) { if ((mask & expected) != (mask & actual)) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected); UnityPrintMask(mask, expected); UnityPrint(UnityStrWas); UnityPrintMask(mask, actual); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } void UnityAssertEqualNumber(const long expected, const long actual, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber, const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style) { if (expected != actual) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(expected, style); UnityPrint(UnityStrWas); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(actual, style); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } void UnityAssertEqualIntArray(const int* expected, const int* actual, const unsigned long num_elements, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber, const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style) { unsigned long elements = num_elements; const _US32* ptr_exp32 = (_US32*)expected; const _US16* ptr_exp16 = (_US16*)expected; const _US8* ptr_exp8 = (_US8*)expected; const _US32* ptr_act32 = (_US32*)actual; const _US16* ptr_act16 = (_US16*)actual; const _US8* ptr_act8 = (_US8*)actual; if (elements == 0) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrPointless); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } switch(style) { case UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX8: while (elements--) { if (*ptr_exp8++ != *ptr_act8++) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrElement); UnityPrintNumberByStyle((num_elements - elements - 1), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT); UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*--ptr_exp8, style); UnityPrint(UnityStrWas); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*--ptr_act8, style); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } break; case UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_HEX16: while (elements--) { if (*ptr_exp16++ != *ptr_act16++) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrElement); UnityPrintNumberByStyle((num_elements - elements - 1), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT); UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*--ptr_exp16, style); UnityPrint(UnityStrWas); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*--ptr_act16, style); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } break; default: while (elements--) { if (*ptr_exp32++ != *ptr_act32++) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrElement); UnityPrintNumberByStyle((num_elements - elements - 1), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT); UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*--ptr_exp32, style); UnityPrint(UnityStrWas); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(*--ptr_act32, style); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } break; } } void UnityAssertEqualFloatArray(const _UF* expected, const _UF* actual, const unsigned long num_elements, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber) { unsigned long elements = num_elements; const _UF* ptr_expected = expected; const _UF* ptr_actual = actual; if (elements == 0) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrPointless); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } while (elements--) { if ((*ptr_expected - *ptr_actual) > (UNITY_FLOAT_PRECISION * *ptr_expected)) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrElement); UnityPrintNumberByStyle((num_elements - elements - 1), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT); UnityPrint(UnityStrDelta); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } ptr_expected++; ptr_actual++; } } #ifndef UNITY_EXCLUDE_FLOAT void UnityAssertFloatsWithin(const _UF delta, const _UF expected, const _UF actual, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber) { _UF diff = actual - expected; _UF pos_delta = delta; if (diff < 0) { diff = 0.0f - diff; } if (pos_delta < 0) { pos_delta = 0.0f - pos_delta; } if (pos_delta < diff) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrDelta); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } #endif void UnityAssertNumbersWithin( const long delta, const long expected, const long actual, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber, const UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_T style) { if (style == UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_INT) { if (actual > expected) Unity.CurrentTestFailed = ((actual - expected) > delta); else Unity.CurrentTestFailed = ((expected - actual) > delta); } else { if ((unsigned long)actual > (unsigned long)expected) Unity.CurrentTestFailed = ((unsigned long)(actual - expected) > (unsigned long)delta); else Unity.CurrentTestFailed = ((unsigned long)(expected - actual) > (unsigned long)delta); } if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrDelta); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(delta, style); UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(expected, style); UnityPrint(UnityStrWas); UnityPrintNumberByStyle(actual, style); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } void UnityAssertEqualString(const char* expected, const char* actual, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber) { unsigned long i; // if both pointers not null compare the strings if (expected && actual) { for (i = 0; expected[i] || actual[i]; i++) { if (expected[i] != actual[i]) { Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1; } } } else { // handle case of one pointers being null (if both null, test should pass) if (expected != actual) { Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1; } } if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrExpected); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\''); UnityPrint(expected); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\''); UnityPrint(UnityStrWas); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\''); UnityPrint(actual); UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR('\''); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } void UnityAssertEqualMemory( const void* expected, const void* actual, unsigned long length, unsigned long num_elements, const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE lineNumber) { unsigned char* expected_ptr = (unsigned char*)expected; unsigned char* actual_ptr = (unsigned char*)actual; unsigned long elements = num_elements; if ((elements == 0) || (length == 0)) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); UnityPrint(UnityStrPointless); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } // if both pointers not null compare the memory if (expected_ptr && actual_ptr) { while (elements--) { if (memcmp((const void*)expected_ptr, (const void*)actual_ptr, length) != 0) { Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1; break; } expected_ptr += length; actual_ptr += length; } } else { // handle case of one pointers being null (if both null, test should pass) if (expected_ptr != actual_ptr) { Unity.CurrentTestFailed = 1; } } if (Unity.CurrentTestFailed) { UnityTestResultsFailBegin(lineNumber); if (num_elements > 1) { UnityPrint(UnityStrElement); UnityPrintNumberByStyle((num_elements - elements - 1), UNITY_DISPLAY_STYLE_UINT); } UnityPrint(UnityStrMemory); UnityAddMsgIfSpecified(msg); UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } } //----------------------------------------------- // Control Functions //----------------------------------------------- void UnityFail(const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line) { UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, line); UnityPrint("FAIL"); if (msg != NULL) { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(':'); UnityPrint(msg); } UNITY_FAIL_AND_BAIL; } void UnityIgnore(const char* msg, const UNITY_LINE_TYPE line) { UnityTestResultsBegin(Unity.TestFile, line); UnityPrint("IGNORE"); if (msg != NULL) { UNITY_OUTPUT_CHAR(':'); UnityPrint(msg); } UNITY_IGNORE_AND_BAIL; } void UnityBegin() { Unity.NumberOfTests = 0; } void UnityEnd(void) { UnityPrint("-----------------------\n"); UnityPrintNumber(Unity.NumberOfTests); UnityPrint(" Tests "); UnityPrintNumber(Unity.TestFailures); UnityPrint(" Failures "); UnityPrintNumber(Unity.TestIgnores); UnityPrint(" Ignored\n"); if (Unity.TestFailures == 0U) { UnityPrint("OK\n"); } else { UnityPrint("FAIL\n"); } }