/* Copyright (c) 2010 James Grenning and Contributed to Unity Project * ========================================== * Unity Project - A Test Framework for C * Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams * [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details] * ========================================== */ #ifndef UNITY_FIXTURE_H_ #define UNITY_FIXTURE_H_ #include "unity.h" #include "unity_internals.h" #include "unity_fixture_internals.h" int UnityMain(int argc, const char* argv[], void (*runAllTests)(void)); #define TEST_GROUP(group)\ static const char* TEST_GROUP_##group = #group #define TEST_SETUP(group) void TEST_##group##_SETUP(void);\ void TEST_##group##_SETUP(void) #define TEST_TEAR_DOWN(group) void TEST_##group##_TEAR_DOWN(void);\ void TEST_##group##_TEAR_DOWN(void) #define TEST(group, name) \ void TEST_##group##_##name##_(void);\ void TEST_##group##_##name##_run(void);\ void TEST_##group##_##name##_run(void)\ {\ UnityTestRunner(TEST_##group##_SETUP,\ TEST_##group##_##name##_,\ TEST_##group##_TEAR_DOWN,\ "TEST(" #group ", " #name ")",\ TEST_GROUP_##group, #name,\ __FILE__, __LINE__);\ }\ void TEST_##group##_##name##_(void) #define IGNORE_TEST(group, name) \ void TEST_##group##_##name##_(void);\ void TEST_##group##_##name##_run(void);\ void TEST_##group##_##name##_run(void)\ {\ UnityIgnoreTest("IGNORE_TEST(" #group ", " #name ")", TEST_GROUP_##group, #name);\ }\ void TEST_##group##_##name##_(void) /* Call this for each test, insider the group runner */ #define RUN_TEST_CASE(group, name) \ { void TEST_##group##_##name##_run(void);\ TEST_##group##_##name##_run(); } /* This goes at the bottom of each test file or in a separate c file */ #define TEST_GROUP_RUNNER(group)\ void TEST_##group##_GROUP_RUNNER(void);\ void TEST_##group##_GROUP_RUNNER(void) /* Call this from main */ #define RUN_TEST_GROUP(group)\ { void TEST_##group##_GROUP_RUNNER(void);\ TEST_##group##_GROUP_RUNNER(); } /* CppUTest Compatibility Macros */ #ifndef UNITY_EXCLUDE_CPPUTEST_ASSERTS /* Sets a pointer and automatically restores it to its old value after teardown */ #define UT_PTR_SET(ptr, newPointerValue) UnityPointer_Set((void**)&(ptr), (void*)(newPointerValue), __LINE__) #define TEST_ASSERT_POINTERS_EQUAL(expected, actual) TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR((expected), (actual)) #define TEST_ASSERT_BYTES_EQUAL(expected, actual) TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX8(0xff & (expected), 0xff & (actual)) #define FAIL(message) TEST_FAIL_MESSAGE((message)) #define CHECK(condition) TEST_ASSERT_TRUE((condition)) #define LONGS_EQUAL(expected, actual) TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT((expected), (actual)) #define STRCMP_EQUAL(expected, actual) TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING((expected), (actual)) #define DOUBLES_EQUAL(expected, actual, delta) TEST_ASSERT_DOUBLE_WITHIN((delta), (expected), (actual)) #endif #endif /* UNITY_FIXTURE_H_ */