#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX; use File::Spec; use File::Copy; use OpenSSL::Test qw/:DEFAULT with top_file/; setup("test_ssl"); my $digest = "-sha1"; my @reqcmd = ("openssl", "req"); my @x509cmd = ("openssl", "x509", $digest); my @verifycmd = ("openssl", "verify"); my $dummycnf = top_file("apps", "openssl.cnf"); my $CAkey = "keyCA.ss"; my $CAcert="certCA.ss"; my $CAserial="certCA.srl"; my $CAreq="reqCA.ss"; my $CAconf=top_file("test","CAss.cnf"); my $CAreq2="req2CA.ss"; # temp my $Uconf=top_file("test","Uss.cnf"); my $Ukey="keyU.ss"; my $Ureq="reqU.ss"; my $Ucert="certU.ss"; my $P1conf=top_file("test","P1ss.cnf"); my $P1key="keyP1.ss"; my $P1req="reqP1.ss"; my $P1cert="certP1.ss"; my $P1intermediate="tmp_intP1.ss"; my $P2conf=top_file("test","P2ss.cnf"); my $P2key="keyP2.ss"; my $P2req="reqP2.ss"; my $P2cert="certP2.ss"; my $P2intermediate="tmp_intP2.ss"; plan tests => 1 # For testss + 1 # For ssltest -test_cipherlist + 8 # For the first testssl + 8 * 4 * 4 # For the first testsslproxy (16 times testssl) + 8 * 4 * 4 # For the second testsslproxy (16 times testssl) ; subtest 'test_ss' => sub { if (testss()) { open OUT, ">", "intP1.ss"; copy($CAcert, \*OUT); copy($Ucert, \*OUT); close OUT; open OUT, ">", "intP2.ss"; copy($CAcert, \*OUT); copy($Ucert, \*OUT); copy($P1cert, \*OUT); close OUT; } }; my $check = ok(run(test(["ssltest","-test_cipherlist"])), "running ssltest"); SKIP: { skip "ssltest ended with error, skipping the rest", 3 if !$check; note('test_ssl -- key U'); testssl("keyU.ss", $Ucert, $CAcert); note('test_ssl -- key P1'); testsslproxy("keyP1.ss", "certP1.ss", "intP1.ss"); note('test_ssl -- key P2'); testsslproxy("keyP2.ss", "certP2.ss", "intP2.ss"); } # ----------- # subtest functions sub testss { open RND, ">>", ".rnd"; print RND "string to make the random number generator think it has entropy"; close RND; my @req_new; if (run(app(["openssl", "no-rsa"], stdout => undef))) { @req_new = ("-newkey", "dsa:".File::Spec->catfile("..", "apps", "dsa512.pem")); } else { @req_new = ("-new"); } plan tests => 15; SKIP: { skip 'failure', 14 unless ok(run(app([@reqcmd, "-config", $CAconf, "-out", $CAreq, "-keyout", $CAkey, @req_new])), 'make cert request'); skip 'failure', 13 unless ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-CAcreateserial", "-in", $CAreq, "-days", "30", "-req", "-out", $CAcert, "-signkey", $CAkey, "-extfile", $CAconf, "-extensions", "v3_ca"], stdout => "err.ss")), 'convert request into self-signed cert'); skip 'failure', 12 unless ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-in", $CAcert, "-x509toreq", "-signkey", $CAkey, "-out", $CAreq2], stdout => "err.ss")), 'convert cert into a cert request'); skip 'failure', 11 unless ok(run(app([@reqcmd, "-config", $dummycnf, "-verify", "-in", $CAreq, "-noout"])), 'verify request 1'); skip 'failure', 10 unless ok(run(app([@reqcmd, "-config", $dummycnf, "-verify", "-in", $CAreq2, "-noout"])), 'verify request 2'); skip 'failure', 9 unless ok(run(app([@verifycmd, "-CAfile", $CAcert, $CAcert])), 'verify signature'); skip 'failure', 8 unless ok(run(app([@reqcmd, "-config", $Uconf, "-out", $Ureq, "-keyout", $Ukey, @req_new], stdout => "err.ss")), 'make a user cert request'); skip 'failure', 7 unless ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-CAcreateserial", "-in", $Ureq, "-days", "30", "-req", "-out", $Ucert, "-CA", $CAcert, "-CAkey", $CAkey, "-CAserial", $CAserial, "-extfile", $Uconf, "-extensions", "v3_ee"], stdout => "err.ss")) && run(app([@verifycmd, "-CAfile", $CAcert, $Ucert])), 'sign user cert request'); skip 'failure', 6 unless ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-subject", "-issuer", "-startdate", "-enddate", "-noout", "-in", $Ucert])), 'Certificate details'); skip 'failure', 5 unless ok(run(app([@reqcmd, "-config", $P1conf, "-out", $P1req, "-keyout", $P1key, @req_new], stdout => "err.ss")), 'make a proxy cert request'); skip 'failure', 4 unless ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-CAcreateserial", "-in", $P1req, "-days", "30", "-req", "-out", $P1cert, "-CA", $Ucert, "-CAkey", $Ukey, "-extfile", $P1conf, "-extensions", "v3_proxy"], stdout => "err.ss")), 'sign proxy with user cert'); copy($Ucert, $P1intermediate); run(app([@verifycmd, "-CAfile", $CAcert, "-untrusted", $P1intermediate, $P1cert])); ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-subject", "-issuer", "-startdate", "-enddate", "-noout", "-in", $P1cert])), 'Certificate details'); skip 'failure', 2 unless ok(run(app([@reqcmd, "-config", $P2conf, "-out", $P2req, "-keyout", $P2key, @req_new], stdout => "err.ss")), 'make another proxy cert request'); skip 'failure', 1 unless ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-CAcreateserial", "-in", $P2req, "-days", "30", "-req", "-out", $P2cert, "-CA", $P1cert, "-CAkey", $P1key, "-extfile", $P2conf, "-extensions", "v3_proxy"], stdout => "err.ss")), 'sign second proxy cert request with the first proxy cert'); open OUT, ">", $P2intermediate; copy($Ucert, \*OUT); copy($P1cert, \*OUT); close OUT; run(app([@verifycmd, "-CAfile", $CAcert, "-untrusted", $P2intermediate, $P2cert])); ok(run(app([@x509cmd, "-subject", "-issuer", "-startdate", "-enddate", "-noout", "-in", $P2cert])), 'Certificate details'); } } sub testssl { my $key = shift || top_file("apps","server.pem"); my $cert = shift || top_file("apps","server.pem"); my $CAtmp = shift; my @CA = $CAtmp ? ("-CAfile", $CAtmp) : ("-CApath", top_dir("certs")); my @extra = @_; my @ssltest = ("ssltest", "-key", $key, "-cert", $cert, "-c_key", $key, "-c_cert", $cert); my $serverinfo = top_file("test","serverinfo.pem"); my $dsa_cert = 0; if (grep /DSA Public Key/, run(app(["openssl", "x509", "-in", $cert, "-text", "-noout"]), capture => 1)) { $dsa_cert = 1; } # plan tests => 7; subtest 'standard SSL tests' => sub { ###################################################################### plan tests => 27; ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-ssl3", @extra])), 'test sslv3'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-ssl3", "-server_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv3 with server authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-ssl3", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv3 with client authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-ssl3", "-server_auth", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv3 with both server and client authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-server_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-server_auth", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with both server and client authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-ssl3", @extra])), 'test sslv3 via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-ssl3", "-server_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv3 with server authentication via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-ssl3", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-ssl3", "-server_auth", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv3 with both server and client authentication via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls1", @extra])), 'test dtlsv1'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls1", "-server_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test dtlsv1 with server authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls1", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test dtlsv1 with client authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls1", "-server_auth", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test dtlsv1 with both server and client authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls12", @extra])), 'test dtlsv1.2'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls12", "-server_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test dtlsv1.2 with server authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls12", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test dtlsv1.2 with client authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-dtls12", "-server_auth", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test dtlsv1.2 with both server and client authentication'); { SKIP: { skip "skipping test of sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE test", 1 if $dsa_cert; ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-no_dhe", "-no_ecdhe", @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 w/o (EC)DHE via BIO pair'); } } ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-dhe1024dsa", "-v", @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with 1024bit DHE via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-server_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with server authentication'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with client authentication via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-server_auth", "-client_auth", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-server_auth", "-client_auth", "-app_verify", @CA, @extra])), 'test sslv2/sslv3 with both client and server authentication via BIO pair and app verify'); }; subtest "Testing ciphersuites" => sub { my $no_dh = run(app(["openssl", "no-dhparam"], stdout => undef)); my $no_ec = run(app(["openssl", "no-ec"], stdout => undef)); my @protocols = ("TLSv1.2", "SSLv3"); my $protocolciphersuitcount = 0; my %ciphersuites = map { my @c = map { split(/:/, $_) } map { run(app(["openssl", "ciphers", "$_"]), capture => 1); } ( "RSA+$_", $no_dh ? () : "EDH+aRSA+$_:-EXP", $no_ec ? () : "EECDH+aRSA+$_:-EXP" ); chomp @c; $protocolciphersuitcount += scalar @c; $_ => [ @c ] } @protocols; plan tests => $protocolciphersuitcount + ($no_dh ? 0 : 2); foreach my $protocol (@protocols) { note "Testing ciphersuites for $protocol"; foreach my $cipher (@{$ciphersuites{$protocol}}) { ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-cipher", $cipher, $protocol eq "SSLv3" ? ("-ssl3") : ()])), "Testing $cipher"); } if (!$no_dh) { is(run(test([@ssltest, "-s_cipher", "EDH", "-c_cipher", 'EDH:@SECLEVEL=1', "-dhe512", $protocol eq "SSLv3" ? ("-ssl3") : ()])), 0, "testing connection with weak DH, expecting failure"); } } }; subtest 'RSA/(EC)DHE/PSK tests' => sub { ###################################################################### plan tests => 5; { SKIP: { skip "skipping anonymous DH tests", 1 if (run(app(["openssl", "no-dhparam"], stdout => undef))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-v", "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-cipher", "ADH", "-dhe1024dsa", "-num", "10", "-f", "-time", @extra])), 'test tlsv1 with 1024bit anonymous DH, multiple handshakes'); } } { SKIP: { skip "skipping RSA tests", 2 if (run(app(["openssl", "no-rsa"], stdout => undef))); ok(run(test(["ssltest", "-v", "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-cert", top_file("apps","server2.pem"), "-no_dhe", "-no_ecdhe", "-num", "10", "-f", "-time", @extra])), 'test tlsv1 with 1024bit RSA, no (EC)DHE, multiple handshakes'); skip "skipping RSA+DHE tests", 1 if (run(app(["openssl", "no-dhparam"], stdout => undef))); ok(run(test(["ssltest", "-v", "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-cert", top_file("apps","server2.pem"), "-dhe1024dsa", "-num", "10", "-f", "-time", @extra])), 'test tlsv1 with 1024bit RSA, 1024bit DHE, multiple handshakes'); } } ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-tls1", "-cipher", "PSK", "-psk", "abc123", @extra])), 'test tls1 with PSK'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-cipher", "PSK", "-psk", "abc123", @extra])), 'test tls1 with PSK via BIO pair'); }; subtest 'Next Protocol Negotiation Tests' => sub { ###################################################################### plan tests => 7; ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-npn_client"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-npn_server"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-npn_server_reject"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-npn_client", "-npn_server_reject"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-npn_client", "-npn_server"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-npn_client", "-npn_server", "-num", "2"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-npn_client", "-npn_server", "-num", "2", "-reuse"]))); }; subtest 'Custom Extension tests' => sub { ###################################################################### plan tests => 1; ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-custom_ext"])), 'test tls1 with custom extensions'); }; subtest 'Serverinfo tests' => sub { ###################################################################### plan tests => 5; note('echo test tls1 with serverinfo'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-serverinfo_file", $serverinfo]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-serverinfo_file", $serverinfo, "-serverinfo_sct"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-serverinfo_file", $serverinfo, "-serverinfo_tack"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-serverinfo_file", $serverinfo, "-serverinfo_sct", "-serverinfo_tack"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-custom_ext", "-serverinfo_file", $serverinfo, "-serverinfo_sct", "-serverinfo_tack"]))); }; subtest 'ALPN tests' => sub { ###################################################################### plan tests => 12; ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "foo", "-alpn_server", "bar"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "foo", "-alpn_server", "foo", "-alpn_expected", "foo"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "foo,bar", "-alpn_server", "foo", "-alpn_expected", "foo"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "bar,foo", "-alpn_server", "foo", "-alpn_expected", "foo"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "bar,foo", "-alpn_server", "foo,bar", "-alpn_expected", "foo"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "bar,foo", "-alpn_server", "bar,foo", "-alpn_expected", "bar"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "foo,bar", "-alpn_server", "bar,foo", "-alpn_expected", "bar"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-alpn_client", "baz", "-alpn_server", "bar,foo"]))); { SKIP: { skip "skipping SRP tests", 4 if run(app(["openssl", "no-srp"], stdout => undef)); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-tls1", "-cipher", "SRP", "-srpuser", "test", "-srppass", "abc123"])), 'test tls1 with SRP'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-cipher", "SRP", "-srpuser", "test", "-srppass", "abc123"])), 'test tls1 with SRP via BIO pair'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-tls1", "-cipher", "aSRP", "-srpuser", "test", "-srppass", "abc123"])), 'test tls1 with SRP auth'); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-bio_pair", "-tls1", "-cipher", "aSRP", "-srpuser", "test", "-srppass", "abc123"])), 'test tls1 with SRP auth via BIO pair'); } } }; subtest 'Multi-buffer tests' => sub { ###################################################################### plan tests => 2; { SKIP: { skip "skipping multi-buffer tests", 2 if @extra || (POSIX::uname())[4] ne "x86_64"; ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-cipher", "AES128-SHA", "-bytes", "8m"]))); ok(run(test([@ssltest, "-cipher", "AES128-SHA256", "-bytes", "8m"]))); } } }; } sub testsslproxy { my ($a1, $a2, $a3, @rest) = @_; # plan tests => 16; note('Testing a lot of proxy conditions.'); note('Some of them may turn out being invalid, which is fine.'); foreach my $auth (('A', 'B', 'C', 'BC')) { foreach my $cond (('A', 'B', 'C', 'A|B&!C')) { # Exit code 3 is when ssltest couldn't parse the condition with({ exit_checker => sub { return shift == 3 ? 0 : 1; } }, sub { testssl($a1, $a2, $a3, "-proxy", "-proxy_auth", $auth, "-proxy_cond", $cond); }); } } }