#! /usr/bin/env perl # Copyright 2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use # this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy # in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at # https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Path; use if $^O ne "VMS", 'File::Glob' => qw/glob/; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use lib '.'; use configdata; # We know we are in the 'util' directory and that our perl modules are # in util/perl use lib catdir(dirname($0), "perl"); use OpenSSL::Util::Pod; my %options = (); GetOptions(\%options, 'sourcedir=s', # Source directory 'section=i@', # Subdirectories to look through, # with associated section numbers 'destdir=s', # Destination directory #'in=s@', # Explicit files to process (ignores sourcedir) 'type=s', # The result type, 'man' or 'html' 'remove', # To remove files rather than writing them 'dry-run|n', # Only output file names on STDOUT 'debug|D+', ); unless ($options{section}) { $options{section} = [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ]; } unless ($options{sourcedir}) { $options{sourcedir} = catdir($config{sourcedir}, "doc"); } pod2usage(1) unless ( defined $options{section} && defined $options{sourcedir} && defined $options{destdir} && defined $options{type} && ($options{type} eq 'man' || $options{type} eq 'html') ); if ($options{debug}) { print STDERR "DEBUG: options:\n"; print STDERR "DEBUG: --sourcedir = $options{sourcedir}\n" if defined $options{sourcedir}; print STDERR "DEBUG: --destdir = $options{destdir}\n" if defined $options{destdir}; print STDERR "DEBUG: --type = $options{type}\n" if defined $options{type}; foreach (sort @{$options{section}}) { print STDERR "DEBUG: --section = $_\n"; } print STDERR "DEBUG: --remove = $options{remove}\n" if defined $options{remove}; print STDERR "DEBUG: --debug = $options{debug}\n" if defined $options{debug}; print STDERR "DEBUG: --dry-run = $options{\"dry-run\"}\n" if defined $options{"dry-run"}; } my $symlink_exists = eval { symlink("",""); 1 }; foreach my $section (sort @{$options{section}}) { my $subdir = "man$section"; my $podsourcedir = catfile($options{sourcedir}, $subdir); my $podglob = catfile($podsourcedir, "*.pod"); foreach my $podfile (glob $podglob) { my $podname = basename($podfile, ".pod"); my $podpath = catfile($podfile); my %podinfo = extract_pod_info($podpath, { debug => $options{debug}, section => $section }); my @podfiles = grep { $_ ne $podname } @{$podinfo{names}}; my $updir = updir(); my $name = uc $podname; my $suffix = { man => ".$podinfo{section}", html => ".html" } -> {$options{type}}; my $generate = { man => "pod2man --name=$name --section=$podinfo{section} --center=OpenSSL --release=$config{version} \"$podpath\"", html => "pod2html \"--podroot=$options{sourcedir}\" --htmldir=$updir --podpath=man1:man3:man5:man7 \"--infile=$podpath\" \"--title=$podname\"" } -> {$options{type}}; my $output_dir = catdir($options{destdir}, "man$podinfo{section}"); my $output_file = $podname . $suffix; my $output_path = catfile($output_dir, $output_file); if (! $options{remove}) { my @output; print STDERR "DEBUG: Processing, using \"$generate\"\n" if $options{debug}; unless ($options{"dry-run"}) { @output = `$generate`; map { s|href="http://man\.he\.net/(man\d/[^"]+)(?:\.html)?"|href="../$1.html|g; } @output if $options{type} eq "html"; } print STDERR "DEBUG: Done processing\n" if $options{debug}; if (! -d $output_dir) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Creating directory $output_dir\n" if $options{debug}; unless ($options{"dry-run"}) { mkpath $output_dir or die "Trying to create directory $output_dir: $!\n"; } } print STDERR "DEBUG: Writing $output_path\n" if $options{debug}; unless ($options{"dry-run"}) { open my $output_fh, '>', $output_path or die "Trying to write to $output_path: $!\n"; foreach (@output) { print $output_fh $_; } close $output_fh; } print STDERR "DEBUG: Done writing $output_path\n" if $options{debug}; } else { print STDERR "DEBUG: Removing $output_path\n" if $options{debug}; unless ($options{"dry-run"}) { while (unlink $output_path) {} } } print "$output_path\n"; foreach (@podfiles) { my $link_file = $_ . $suffix; my $link_path = catfile($output_dir, $link_file); if (! $options{remove}) { if ($symlink_exists) { print STDERR "DEBUG: Linking $link_path -> $output_file\n" if $options{debug}; unless ($options{"dry-run"}) { symlink $output_file, $link_path; } } else { print STDERR "DEBUG: Copying $output_path to link_path\n" if $options{debug}; unless ($options{"dry-run"}) { copy $output_path, $link_path; } } } else { print STDERR "DEBUG: Removing $link_path\n" if $options{debug}; unless ($options{"dry-run"}) { while (unlink $link_path) {} } } print "$link_path -> $output_path\n"; } } } __END__ =pod =head1 NAME process_docs.pl - A script to process OpenSSL docs =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<--sourcedir>=I] B<--destdir>=I B<--type>=B|B [B<--remove>] [B<--dry-run>|B<-n>] [B<--debug>|B<-D>] =head1 DESCRIPTION This script looks for .pod files in the subdirectories 'apps', 'crypto' and 'ssl' under the given source directory. The OpenSSL configuration data file F I reside in the current directory, I perl must have the directory it resides in in its inclusion array. For the latter variant, a call like this would work: perl -I../foo util/process_docs.pl {options ...} =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--sourcedir>=I Top directory where the source files are found. =item B<--destdir>=I Top directory where the resulting files should end up =item B<--type>=B|B Type of output to produce. Currently supported are man pages and HTML files. =item B<--remove> Instead of writing the files, remove them. =item B<--dry-run>|B<-n> Do not perform any file writing, directory creation or file removal. =item B<--debug>|B<-D> Print extra debugging output. =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html =cut