=pod =head1 NAME SSL - OpenSSL SSL/TLS library =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION The OpenSSL B library implements the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols. It provides a rich API which is documented here. =head1 HEADER FILES Currently the OpenSSL B library provides the following C header files containing the prototypes for the data structures and and functions: =over 4 =item B That's the common header file for the SSL/TLS API. Include it into your program to make the API of the B library available. It internally includes both more private SSL headers and headers from the B library. Whenever you need hard-core details on the internals of the SSL API, look inside this header file. =item B That's the sub header file dealing with the SSLv2 protocol only. I. =item B That's the sub header file dealing with the SSLv3 protocol only. I. =item B That's the sub header file dealing with the combined use of the SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols. I. =item B That's the sub header file dealing with the TLSv1 protocol only. I. =back =head1 DATA STRUCTURES Currently the OpenSSL B library functions deals with the following data structures: =over 4 =item B (SSL Method) That's a dispatch structure describing the internal B library methods/functions which implement the various protocol versions (SSLv1, SSLv2 and TLSv1). It's needed to create an B. =item B (SSL Cipher) This structure holds the algorithm information for a particular cipher which are a core part of the SSL/TLS protocol. The available ciphers are configured on a B basis and the actually used ones are then part of the B. =item B (SSL Context) That's the global context structure which is created by a server or client once per program life-time and which holds mainly default values for the B structures which are later created for the connections. =item B (SSL Session) This is a structure containing the current TLS/SSL session details for a connection: Bs, client and server certificates, keys, etc. =item B (SSL Connection) That's the main SSL/TLS structure which is created by a server or client per established connection. This actually is the core structure in the SSL API. Under run-time the application usually deals with this structure which has links to mostly all other structures. =back =head1 API FUNCTIONS Currently the OpenSSL B library exports 214 API functions. They are documented in the following: =head2 DEALING WITH PROTOCOL METHODS Here we document the various API functions which deal with the SSL/TLS protocol methods defined in B structures. =over 4 =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the SSLv2 SSL_METHOD structure for a dedicated client. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the SSLv2 SSL_METHOD structure for a dedicated server. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the SSLv2 SSL_METHOD structure for combined client and server. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the SSLv3 SSL_METHOD structure for a dedicated client. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the SSLv3 SSL_METHOD structure for a dedicated server. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the SSLv3 SSL_METHOD structure for combined client and server. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the TLSv1 SSL_METHOD structure for a dedicated client. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the TLSv1 SSL_METHOD structure for a dedicated server. =item SSL_METHOD *B(void); Constructor for the TLSv1 SSL_METHOD structure for combined client and server. =back =head2 DEALING WITH CIPHERS Here we document the various API functions which deal with the SSL/TLS ciphers defined in B structures. =over 4 =item char *B(SSL_CIPHER *cipher, char *buf, int len); Write a string to I (with a maximum size of I) containing a human readable description of I. Returns I. =item int B(SSL_CIPHER *cipher, int *alg_bits); Determine the number of bits in I. Because of export crippled ciphers there are two bits: The bits the algorithm supports in general (stored to I) and the bits which are actually used (the return value). =item const char *B(SSL_CIPHER *cipher); Return the internal name of I as a string. These are the various strings defined by the I, I and I definitions in the header files. =item char *B(SSL_CIPHER *cipher); Returns a string like "C" or "C" which indicates the SSL/TLS protocol version to which I belongs (i.e. where it was defined in the specification the first time). =back =head2 DEALING WITH PROTOCOL CONTEXTS Here we document the various API functions which deal with the SSL/TLS protocol context defined in the B structure. =over 4 =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x); =item long B(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x509); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *c); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item long B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int cmd, long larg, char *parg); =item void B(SSL_CTX *s, long t); =item void B(SSL_CTX *a); =item char *B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item X509_STORE *B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item STACK *B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int (*B(SSL_CTX *ctx))(SSL *ssl, X509 **x509, EVP_PKEY **pkey); =item char *B(SSL_CTX *s, int idx); =item int B(long argl, char *argp, int (*new_func);(void), int (*dup_func)(void), void (*free_func)(void)) =item void (*B(SSL_CTX *ctx))(SSL *ssl, int cb, int ret); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item long B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int (*B(SSL_CTX *ctx))(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, char *CAfile, char *CApath); =item long B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item SSL_CTX *B(SSL_METHOD *meth); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *c); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item SSL_SESSION *(*B(SSL_CTX *ctx))(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *data, int len, int *copy); =item int (*B(SSL_CTX *ctx)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *sess); =item void (*B(SSL_CTX *ctx)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *sess); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx,t); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *data, int len, int *copy)); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *sess)); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_SESSION *sess)); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item LHASH *B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, void *arg); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509_STORE *cs); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL_CTX *), char *arg) =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, char *str); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, STACK *list); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb)(SSL *ssl, X509 **x509, EVP_PKEY **pkey)); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int (*cb);(void)) =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int m); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item int B(SSL_CTX *s, int idx, char *arg); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, void (*cb)(SSL *ssl, int cb, int ret)); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned long op); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, SSL_METHOD *meth); =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, long t); =item long B(SSL_CTX* ctx, DH *dh); =item long B(SSL_CTX *ctx, DH *(*cb)(void)); =item long B(SSL_CTX *ctx, RSA *rsa); =item SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback C(SSL_CTX *B, RSA *(*B)(SSL *B, int B, int B));> Sets the callback which will be called when a temporary private key is required. The B> flag will be set if the reason for needing a temp key is that an export ciphersuite is in use, in which case, B> will contain the required keylength in bits. Generate a key of appropriate size (using ???) and return it. =item SSL_set_tmp_rsa_callback long B(SSL *ssl, RSA *(*cb)(SSL *ssl, int export, int keylength)); The same as L<"SSL_CTX_set_tmp_rsa_callback">, except it operates on an SSL session instead of a context. =item void B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int mode, int (*cb);(void)) =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey); =item int B(int type, SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *d, long len); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, char *file, int type); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, RSA *rsa); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, unsigned char *d, long len); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, char *file, int type); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, X509 *x); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, int len, unsigned char *d); =item int B(SSL_CTX *ctx, char *file, int type); =back =head2 DEALING WITH SESSIONS Here we document the various API functions which deal with the SSL/TLS sessions defined in the B structures. =over 4 =item int B(SSL_SESSION *a, SSL_SESSION *b); =item void B(SSL_SESSION *ss); =item char *B(SSL_SESSION *s); =item char *B(SSL_SESSION *s, int idx); =item int B(long argl, char *argp, int (*new_func);(void), int (*dup_func)(void), void (*free_func)(void)) =item long B(SSL_SESSION *s); =item long B(SSL_SESSION *s); =item unsigned long B(SSL_SESSION *a); =item SSL_SESSION *B(void); =item int B(BIO *bp, SSL_SESSION *x); =item int B(FILE *fp, SSL_SESSION *x); =item void B(SSL_SESSION *s, char *a); =item int B(SSL_SESSION *s, int idx, char *arg); =item long B(SSL_SESSION *s, long t); =item long B(SSL_SESSION *s, long t); =back =head2 DEALING WITH CONNECTIONS Here we document the various API functions which deal with the SSL/TLS connection defined in the B structure. =over 4 =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(STACK *stack, const char *dir); =item int B(STACK *stack, const char *file); =item int B(SSL *ssl, X509 *x); =item char *B(int value); =item char *B(int value); =item char *B(int value); =item char *B(int value); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item void B(SSL *ssl); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item void B(SSL *t, SSL *f); =item long B(SSL *ssl, int cmd, long larg, char *parg); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item SSL *B(SSL *ssl); =item STACK *B(STACK *sk); =item void B(SSL *ssl); =item SSL_CTX *B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item X509 *B(SSL *ssl); =item const char *B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl, int *alg_bits); =item char *B(SSL *ssl, int n); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item STACK *B(SSL *ssl); =item STACK *B(SSL *ssl); =item SSL_CIPHER *B(SSL *ssl); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl, int i); =item char *B(SSL *ssl, int idx); =item int B(void); =item int B(long argl, char *argp, int (*new_func);(void), int (*dup_func)(void), void (*free_func)(void)) =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item void (*B(SSL *ssl);)(void) =item STACK *B(SSL *ssl); =item X509 *B(SSL *ssl); =item EVP_PKEY *B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item BIO *B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item SSL_SESSION *B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl, char *buf, int len); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item SSL_METHOD *B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item int (*B(SSL *ssl);)(void) =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item BIO *B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item STACK *B(char *file); =item void B(void); =item SSL *B(SSL_CTX *ctx); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl, char *buf, int num); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl, char *buf, int num); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item void B(SSL *ssl); =item void B(SSL *ssl, char *arg); =item void B(SSL *ssl, BIO *rbio, BIO *wbio); =item int B(SSL *ssl, char *str); =item void B(SSL *ssl, STACK *list); =item void B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl, int idx, char *arg); =item int B(SSL *ssl, int fd); =item void B(SSL *ssl, void (*cb);(void)) =item void B(SSL *ssl, unsigned long op); =item void B(SSL *ssl, int mode); =item void B(SSL *ssl, int yes); =item int B(SSL *ssl, int fd); =item int B(SSL *ssl, SSL_SESSION *session); =item void B(SSL *ssl, int mode); =item int B(SSL *ssl, SSL_METHOD *meth); =item void B(SSL *ssl, long t); =item void B(SSL *ssl, long t); =item void B(SSL *ssl, int mode, int (*callback);(void)) =item void B(SSL *ssl, long arg); =item int B(SSL *ssl, int fd); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item char *B(SSL *ssl); =item long B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl, EVP_PKEY *pkey); =item int B(int type, SSL *ssl, unsigned char *d, long len); =item int B(SSL *ssl, char *file, int type); =item int B(SSL *ssl, RSA *rsa); =item int B(SSL *ssl, unsigned char *d, long len); =item int B(SSL *ssl, char *file, int type); =item int B(SSL *ssl, X509 *x); =item int B(SSL *ssl, int len, unsigned char *d); =item int B(SSL *ssl, char *file, int type); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(SSL *ssl); =item int B(s); =item int B(SSL *ssl, char *buf, int num); =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L L, L L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L =head1 HISTORY The L document appeared in OpenSSL 0.9.2 =cut