/* Written by Ben Laurie, 2001 */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001 The OpenSSL Project. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this * software must display the following acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)" * * 4. The names "OpenSSL Toolkit" and "OpenSSL Project" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without * prior written permission. For written permission, please contact * openssl-core@openssl.org. * * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "OpenSSL" * nor may "OpenSSL" appear in their names without prior written * permission of the OpenSSL Project. * * 6. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project * for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (http://www.openssl.org/)" * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OpenSSL PROJECT OR * ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include static void hexdump(FILE *f,const char *title,const unsigned char *s,int l) { int n=0; fprintf(f,"%s",title); for( ; n < l ; ++n) { if((n%16) == 0) fprintf(f,"\n%04x",n); fprintf(f," %02x",s[n]); } fprintf(f,"\n"); } static int convert(unsigned char *s) { unsigned char *d; for(d=s ; *s ; s+=2,++d) { int n; if(!s[1]) { fprintf(stderr,"Odd number of hex digits!"); exit(4); } sscanf((char *)s,"%2x",&n); *d=(unsigned char)n; } return s-d; } static unsigned char *ustrsep(char **p,const char *sep) { return (unsigned char *)strsep((char **)p,sep); } static void test1(const EVP_CIPHER *c,const unsigned char *key,int kn, const unsigned char *iv,int in, const unsigned char *plaintext,int pn, const unsigned char *ciphertext,int cn) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; unsigned char out[4096]; int outl,outl2; printf("Testing cipher %s\n",EVP_CIPHER_name(c)); hexdump(stdout,"Key",key,kn); if(in) hexdump(stdout,"IV",iv,in); hexdump(stdout,"Plaintext",plaintext,pn); hexdump(stdout,"Ciphertext",ciphertext,cn); if(kn != c->key_len) { fprintf(stderr,"Key length doesn't match, got %d expected %d\n",kn, c->key_len); exit(5); } if(!EVP_EncryptInit(&ctx,c,key,iv)) { fprintf(stderr,"EncryptInit failed\n"); exit(10); } EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&ctx,0); if(!EVP_EncryptUpdate(&ctx,out,&outl,plaintext,pn)) { fprintf(stderr,"Encrypt failed\n"); exit(6); } if(!EVP_EncryptFinal(&ctx,out+outl,&outl2)) { fprintf(stderr,"EncryptFinal failed\n"); exit(7); } if(outl+outl2 != cn) { fprintf(stderr,"Ciphertext length mismatch got %d expected %d\n", outl+outl2,cn); exit(8); } if(memcmp(out,ciphertext,cn)) { fprintf(stderr,"Ciphertext mismatch\n"); hexdump(stderr,"Got",out,cn); hexdump(stderr,"Expected",ciphertext,cn); exit(9); } if(!EVP_DecryptInit(&ctx,c,key,iv)) { fprintf(stderr,"DecryptInit failed\n"); exit(10); } EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(&ctx,0); if(!EVP_DecryptUpdate(&ctx,out,&outl,ciphertext,pn)) { fprintf(stderr,"Decrypt failed\n"); exit(6); } if(!EVP_DecryptFinal(&ctx,out+outl,&outl2)) { fprintf(stderr,"DecryptFinal failed\n"); exit(7); } if(outl+outl2 != cn) { fprintf(stderr,"Plaintext length mismatch got %d expected %d\n", outl+outl2,cn); exit(8); } if(memcmp(out,plaintext,cn)) { fprintf(stderr,"Plaintext mismatch\n"); hexdump(stderr,"Got",out,cn); hexdump(stderr,"Expected",plaintext,cn); exit(9); } printf("\n"); } int main(int argc,char **argv) { const char *szTestFile; FILE *f; if(argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"%s \n",argv[0]); exit(1); } szTestFile=argv[1]; f=fopen(szTestFile,"r"); if(!f) { perror(szTestFile); exit(2); } OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers(); ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(); for( ; ; ) { char acLine[4096]; char *p; char *cipher; unsigned char *iv,*key,*plaintext,*ciphertext; const EVP_CIPHER *c; int kn,in,pn,cn; ENGINE *e; if(!fgets((char *)acLine,sizeof acLine,f)) break; if(acLine[0] == '#') continue; p=acLine; cipher=strsep(&p,":"); key=ustrsep(&p,":"); iv=ustrsep(&p,":"); plaintext=ustrsep(&p,":"); ciphertext=ustrsep(&p,"\n"); c=EVP_get_cipherbyname(cipher); if(!c) { fprintf(stderr,"Can't find cipher %s!\n",cipher); exit(3); } kn=convert(key); in=convert(iv); pn=convert(plaintext); cn=convert(ciphertext); test1(c,key,kn,iv,in,plaintext,pn,ciphertext,cn); for(e=ENGINE_get_first() ; e ; e=ENGINE_get_next(e)) { c=ENGINE_get_cipher_by_name(e,cipher); if(!c) continue; printf("Testing engine %s\n",ENGINE_get_name(e)); test1(c,key,kn,iv,in,plaintext,pn,ciphertext,cn); } } return 0; }