提交 a23f0316 编写于 作者: A Andy Polyakov

Configurations/unix-Makefile.tmpl: overhaul assembler make rules.

So far assembly modules were built as .pl->.S->.s followed by .s->.o.
This posed a problem in build_all_generated rule if it was executed
on another computer. So we change rule sequence to .pl->.S and then
Reviewed-by: NRichard Levitte <levitte@openssl.org>
(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/5573)
上级 5de20b26
......@@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ DEPS={- join(" ", map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$depext|; $x; }
{- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
GENERATED_MANDATORY={- join(" ", @{$unified_info{depends}->{""}} ) -}
GENERATED={- join(" ",
( map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.S$|\.s|; $x }
grep { defined $unified_info{generate}->{$_} }
( grep { defined $unified_info{generate}->{$_} }
map { @{$unified_info{sources}->{$_}} }
grep { /\.o$/ } keys %{$unified_info{sources}} ),
( grep { /\.h$/ } keys %{$unified_info{generate}} )) -}
......@@ -957,20 +956,6 @@ EOF
} -> {$args{intent}};
if (defined($generator)) {
# If the target is named foo.S in build.info, we want to
# end up generating foo.s in two steps.
if ($args{src} =~ /\.S$/) {
(my $target = $args{src}) =~ s|\.S$|.s|;
return <<"EOF";
$target: $args{generator}->[0] $deps
( trap "rm -f \$@.*" INT 0; \\
$generator \$@.S; \\
\$(CPP) $incs $cppflags \$@.S | \\
\$(PERL) -ne '/^#(line)?\\s*[0-9]+/ or print' > \$@.i && \\
mv -f \$@.i \$@ )
# Otherwise....
return <<"EOF";
$args{src}: $args{generator}->[0] $deps
$generator \$@
......@@ -990,12 +975,7 @@ EOF
sub src2obj {
my %args = @_;
(my $obj = $args{obj}) =~ s|\.o$||;
my @srcs = map { if ($unified_info{generate}->{$_}) {
(my $x = $_) =~ s/\.S$/.s/; $x
} else {
} ( @{$args{srcs}} );
my @srcs = @{$args{srcs}};
my $srcs = join(" ", @srcs);
my $deps = join(" ", @srcs, @{$args{deps}});
my $incs = join("", map { " -I".$_ } @{$args{incs}});
......@@ -1025,12 +1005,30 @@ EOF
} -> {$args{intent}};
$cmdflags .= $cmdcompile;
my $recipe = <<"EOF";
my $recipe;
# extension-specific rules
if (grep /\.s$/, @srcs) {
$recipe .= <<"EOF";
$obj$objext: $deps
$cmd $cmdflags -c -o \$\@ $srcs
if (defined $makedepprog && $makedepprog !~ /\/makedepend/) {
} elsif (grep /\.S$/, @srcs) {
# In case one wonders why not just $(CC) -c file.S. While it
# does work with contemporary compilers, there are some legacy
# ones that get it wrong. Hence the elaborate scheme... We
# don't care to maintain dependecy lists, because dependency
# is rather weak, at most one header file that lists constants
# which are assigned in ascending order.
$recipe .= <<"EOF";
$obj$objext: $deps
( trap "rm -f \$@.*" INT 0; \\
\$(CPP) $incs $cmdflags $srcs | \\
\$(PERL) -ne '/^#(line)?\\s*[0-9]+/ or print' > \$@.s && \\
$cmd $cmdflags -c -o \$\@ \$@.s )
} elsif (defined $makedepprog && $makedepprog !~ /\/makedepend/) {
$recipe .= <<"EOF";
$obj$objext: $deps
$cmd $incs $cmdflags -MMD -MF $obj$depext.tmp -MT \$\@ -c -o \$\@ $srcs
\@touch $obj$depext.tmp
\@if cmp $obj$depext.tmp $obj$depext > /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then \\
......@@ -1041,7 +1039,8 @@ EOF
} else {
$recipe .= <<"EOF";
$cmd $incs $cmdflags -o \$\@ $srcs
$obj$objext: $deps
$cmd $incs $cmdflags $cmdcompile -o \$\@ $srcs
if (defined $makedepprog && $makedepprog =~ /\/makedepend/) {
$recipe .= <<"EOF";
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