# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/config/sanitizers/sanitizers.gni") declare_args() { if (target_cpu == "arm") { musl_arch = "arm" } else if (target_cpu == "arm64") { musl_arch = "aarch64" } # musl_root = "$root_out_dir/obj/third_party/musl" # musl_sub_arch = "" # musl_syslib_dir = "/system/bin" # musl_linker_extension = "so.1" } declare_args() { if ((defined(target_os) && target_os == "ohos") || (defined(ohos_kernel_type) && ohos_kernel_type == "linux")) { musl_target_os = "linux" musl_target_triple = "${musl_arch}-linux-ohosmusl" } else if (defined(ohos_kernel_type) && ohos_kernel_type == "liteos_a") { musl_target_os = "liteos_a" musl_target_triple = "arm-liteos" } } declare_args() { user_custom_libc = true musl_ported_dir = "intermidiates/${musl_target_os}/musl_src_ported" musl_inc_out_dir = "usr/include/${musl_target_triple}" # if (is_asan) { # musl_linker_asan_name = # musl_syslib_dir + "/ld-musl-${musl_arch}${musl_sub_arch}-asan" # musl_ldso_path = # musl_syslib_dir + "/ld-musl-${musl_arch}${musl_sub_arch}-asan." + # musl_linker_extension # } else { # musl_ldso_path = # musl_syslib_dir + "/ld-musl-${musl_arch}${musl_sub_arch}." + # musl_linker_extension # } }