提交 40837846 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!15 更新OAT文件规则。

Merge pull request !15 from 毛宇锋/cherry-pick-1632881168
......@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
<filefilter name="defaultFilter" desc="Files not to check">
<filteritem type="filename" name="*.c" desc="Lwip uses the BSD protocol, the copying notice in all files are the original code."/>
<filteritem type="filename" name="*.h" desc="Lwip uses the BSD protocol, the copying notice in all files are the original code."/>
<filteritem type="filename" name="*.bin" desc="Lwip uses the BSD protocol, the copying notice in all files are the original code."/>
<filteritem type="filename" name="*Doxyfile*" desc="doxy file, not license statement."/>
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