Commits (2)
    https://gitcode.net/openharmony/third_party_libjpeg/-/commit/08a9078abfe0fa2f88a2b969ee90e7f7119757b2 Delete build files. 2022-08-27T09:26:35+00:00 benb365 liuyongchang1@huawei.com Signed-off-by: <span data-trailer="Signed-off-by:"><a href="mailto:liuyongchang1@huawei.com" title="liuyongchang1@huawei.com"></a><a href="javascript:void(0)" class="avatar s16 avatar-inline identicon bg1" style="text-decoration: none">N</a><a href="mailto:liuyongchang1@huawei.com" title="liuyongchang1@huawei.com">benb365</a> &lt;<a href="mailto:liuyongchang1@huawei.com" title="liuyongchang1@huawei.com">liuyongchang1@huawei.com</a>&gt;</span> Change-Id: If71d0f3e5971883e5d63fb5cbf6472d8675412b5 https://gitcode.net/openharmony/third_party_libjpeg/-/commit/2bbebeb6cd2796fd0484ba780413fbf12c9e5b0d !19 下线libjpeg 2022-08-29T02:45:41+00:00 openharmony_ci 120357966@qq.com Merge pull request !19 from benb365/master
# Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2020. All rights reserved.
if (defined(ohos_lite)) {
} else {
config("libjpeg_config") {
include_dirs = [ "//third_party/libjpeg" ]
libjpeg_source = [
if (defined(ohos_lite)) {
lite_library("libjpeg") {
if (ohos_kernel_type == "liteos_m") {
target_type = "static_library"
if (board_toolchain_type == "iccarm") {
cflags = [
cflags_cc = cflags
} else {
target_type = "shared_library"
sources = libjpeg_source
public_configs = [ ":libjpeg_config" ]
} else {
ohos_static_library("libjpeg_static") {
sources = libjpeg_source
public_configs = [ ":libjpeg_config" ]
"name": "@ohos/libjpeg",
"description": "IJG is an informal group that writes and distributes a widely used free library for JPEG image compression",
"version": "3.1",
"license": "JPEG License",
"publishAs": "code-segment",
"segment": {
"destPath": "third_party/libjpeg"
"dirs": {},
"scripts": {},
"licensePath": "README",
"readmePath": {
"en": ""
"component": {
"name": "thirdparty_libjpeg",
"subsystem": "",
"syscap": [],
"features": [],
"adapted_system_type": [],
"rom": "",
"ram": "",
"deps": {
"components": [],
"third_party": []
"build": {
"sub_component": [],
"inner_kits": [],
"test": []
\ No newline at end of file