/* * Copyright © 2018 Adobe Systems Incorporated. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Adobe Author(s): Michiharu Ariza */ #include "hb-open-type-private.hh" #include "hb-ot-cff1-table.hh" #include "hb-set.h" #include "hb-subset-cff1.hh" #include "hb-subset-plan.hh" #include "hb-subset-cff-common-private.hh" #include "hb-cff1-interp-cs.hh" using namespace CFF; struct CFF1SubTableOffsets { inline CFF1SubTableOffsets (void) { memset (this, 0, sizeof(*this)); localSubrsInfos.init (); } inline ~CFF1SubTableOffsets (void) { localSubrsInfos.fini (); } unsigned int nameIndexOffset; TableInfo topDictInfo; unsigned int stringIndexOffset; TableInfo globalSubrsInfo; unsigned int encodingOffset; unsigned int charsetOffset; TableInfo FDSelectInfo; TableInfo FDArrayInfo; TableInfo charStringsInfo; TableInfo privateDictInfo; hb_vector_t localSubrsInfos; }; struct CFF1TopDict_OpSerializer : OpSerializer { inline bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const OpStr &opstr, const CFF1SubTableOffsets &offsets) const { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); switch (opstr.op) { case OpCode_charset: return_trace (FontDict::serialize_offset4_op(c, opstr.op, offsets.charsetOffset)); case OpCode_Encoding: return_trace (FontDict::serialize_offset4_op(c, opstr.op, offsets.encodingOffset)); case OpCode_CharStrings: return_trace (FontDict::serialize_offset4_op(c, opstr.op, offsets.charStringsInfo.offset)); case OpCode_FDArray: return_trace (FontDict::serialize_offset4_op(c, opstr.op, offsets.FDArrayInfo.offset)); case OpCode_FDSelect: return_trace (FontDict::serialize_offset4_op(c, opstr.op, offsets.FDSelectInfo.offset)); case OpCode_Private: { if (unlikely (!UnsizedByteStr::serialize_int2 (c, offsets.privateDictInfo.size))) return_trace (false); if (unlikely (!UnsizedByteStr::serialize_int4 (c, offsets.privateDictInfo.offset))) return_trace (false); HBUINT8 *p = c->allocate_size (1); if (unlikely (p == nullptr)) return_trace (false); p->set (OpCode_Private); } break; default: return_trace (copy_opstr (c, opstr)); } return_trace (true); } inline unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (const OpStr &opstr) const { switch (opstr.op) { case OpCode_charset: case OpCode_Encoding: case OpCode_CharStrings: case OpCode_FDArray: case OpCode_FDSelect: return OpCode_Size (OpCode_longintdict) + 4 + OpCode_Size (opstr.op); case OpCode_Private: return OpCode_Size (OpCode_longintdict) + 4 + OpCode_Size (OpCode_shortint) + 2 + OpCode_Size (OpCode_Private); default: return opstr.str.len; } } }; struct CFF1FontDict_OpSerializer : OpSerializer { inline bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const OpStr &opstr, const TableInfo &privateDictInfo) const { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (opstr.op == OpCode_Private) { /* serialize the private dict size as a 2-byte integer */ if (unlikely (!UnsizedByteStr::serialize_int2 (c, privateDictInfo.size))) return_trace (false); /* serialize the private dict offset as a 4-byte integer */ if (unlikely (!UnsizedByteStr::serialize_int4 (c, privateDictInfo.offset))) return_trace (false); /* serialize the opcode */ HBUINT8 *p = c->allocate_size (1); if (unlikely (p == nullptr)) return_trace (false); p->set (OpCode_Private); return_trace (true); } else { HBUINT8 *d = c->allocate_size (opstr.str.len); if (unlikely (d == nullptr)) return_trace (false); memcpy (d, &opstr.str.str[0], opstr.str.len); } return_trace (true); } inline unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (const OpStr &opstr) const { if (opstr.op == OpCode_Private) return OpCode_Size (OpCode_longintdict) + 4 + OpCode_Size (OpCode_shortint) + 2 + OpCode_Size (OpCode_Private); else return opstr.str.len; } }; struct CFF1PrivateDict_OpSerializer : OpSerializer { inline bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const OpStr &opstr, const unsigned int subrsOffset) const { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); if (opstr.op == OpCode_Subrs) return_trace (FontDict::serialize_offset2_op(c, OpCode_Subrs, subrsOffset)); else return_trace (copy_opstr (c, opstr)); } inline unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (const OpStr &opstr) const { if (opstr.op == OpCode_Subrs) return OpCode_Size (OpCode_shortint) + 2 + OpCode_Size (OpCode_Subrs); else return opstr.str.len; } }; struct CFF1CSOpSet_SubrSubset : CFF1CSOpSet { static inline bool process_op (OpCode op, CFF1CSInterpEnv &env, SubrRefMapPair& refMapPair) { unsigned int subr_num; switch (op) { case OpCode_callsubr: if (!unlikely (env.popSubrNum(env.localSubrs, subr_num))) return false; env.argStack.unpop (); refMapPair.local_map->add (subr_num); break; case OpCode_callgsubr: if (!unlikely (env.popSubrNum(env.globalSubrs, subr_num))) return false; env.argStack.unpop (); refMapPair.global_map->add (subr_num); break; default: break; } return CFF1CSOpSet::process_op (op, env, refMapPair); } }; struct cff_subset_plan { inline cff_subset_plan (void) : final_size (0), orig_fdcount (0), subst_fdcount(1), subst_fdselect_format (0), offsets() { topdict_sizes.init (); topdict_sizes.resize (1); subst_fdselect_first_glyphs.init (); fdmap.init (); subset_charstrings.init (); privateDictInfos.init (); } inline ~cff_subset_plan (void) { topdict_sizes.fini (); subst_fdselect_first_glyphs.fini (); fdmap.fini (); subset_charstrings.fini (); privateDictInfos.fini (); subrRefMaps.fini (); } inline bool create (const OT::cff::accelerator_subset_t &acc, hb_subset_plan_t *plan) { final_size = 0; orig_fdcount = acc.fdCount; /* CFF header */ final_size += OT::cff::static_size; /* Name INDEX */ offsets.nameIndexOffset = final_size; final_size += acc.nameIndex->get_size (); /* top dict INDEX */ { offsets.topDictInfo.offset = final_size; CFF1TopDict_OpSerializer topSzr; unsigned int topDictSize = TopDict::calculate_serialized_size (acc.topDicts[0], topSzr); offsets.topDictInfo.offSize = calcOffSize(topDictSize); final_size += CFF1IndexOf::calculate_serialized_size (offsets.topDictInfo.offSize, acc.topDicts, topdict_sizes, topSzr); } /* String INDEX */ offsets.stringIndexOffset = final_size; final_size += acc.stringIndex->get_size (); /* Subset global & local subrs */ { SubrSubsetter subsetter(acc, plan->glyphs); if (!subsetter.collect_refs (subrRefMaps)) return false; offsets.globalSubrsInfo.size = acc.globalSubrs->calculate_serialized_size (offsets.globalSubrsInfo.offSize, subrRefMaps.global_map, 1); if (!offsets.localSubrsInfos.resize (orig_fdcount)) return false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < orig_fdcount; i++) offsets.localSubrsInfos[i].size = acc.privateDicts[i].localSubrs->calculate_serialized_size (offsets.localSubrsInfos[i].offSize, subrRefMaps.local_maps[i], 1); } /* global subrs */ offsets.globalSubrsInfo.offset = final_size; final_size += offsets.globalSubrsInfo.size; /* Encoding */ offsets.encodingOffset = final_size; if (acc.encoding != &Null(Encoding)) final_size += acc.encoding->get_size (); /* Charset */ offsets.charsetOffset = final_size; if (acc.charset != &Null(Charset)) final_size += acc.charset->get_size (acc.num_glyphs); /* FDSelect */ if (acc.fdSelect != &Null(CFF1FDSelect)) { offsets.FDSelectInfo.offset = final_size; if (unlikely (!hb_plan_subset_cff_fdselect (plan->glyphs, orig_fdcount, *acc.fdSelect, subst_fdcount, offsets.FDSelectInfo.size, subst_fdselect_format, subst_fdselect_first_glyphs, fdmap))) return false; if (!is_fds_subsetted ()) offsets.FDSelectInfo.size = acc.fdSelect->calculate_serialized_size (acc.num_glyphs); final_size += offsets.FDSelectInfo.size; } /* FDArray (FDIndex) */ if (acc.fdArray != &Null(CFF1FDArray)) { offsets.FDArrayInfo.offset = final_size; CFF1FontDict_OpSerializer fontSzr; final_size += CFF1FDArray::calculate_serialized_size(offsets.FDArrayInfo.offSize/*OUT*/, acc.fontDicts, subst_fdcount, fdmap, fontSzr); } /* CharStrings */ { offsets.charStringsInfo.offset = final_size; unsigned int dataSize = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < plan->glyphs.len; i++) { const ByteStr str = (*acc.charStrings)[plan->glyphs[i]]; subset_charstrings.push (str); dataSize += str.len; } offsets.charStringsInfo.offSize = calcOffSize (dataSize + 1); final_size += CFF1CharStrings::calculate_serialized_size (offsets.charStringsInfo.offSize, plan->glyphs.len, dataSize); } /* private dicts & local subrs */ offsets.privateDictInfo.offset = final_size; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < orig_fdcount; i++) { if (!fdmap.excludes (i)) { CFF1PrivateDict_OpSerializer privSzr; TableInfo privInfo = { final_size, PrivateDict::calculate_serialized_size (acc.privateDicts[i], privSzr), 0 }; privateDictInfos.push (privInfo); final_size += privInfo.size + offsets.localSubrsInfos[i].size; } } if (!acc.is_CID ()) offsets.privateDictInfo = privateDictInfos[0]; return true; } inline unsigned int get_final_size (void) const { return final_size; } unsigned int final_size; hb_vector_t topdict_sizes; CFF1SubTableOffsets offsets; unsigned int orig_fdcount; unsigned int subst_fdcount; inline bool is_fds_subsetted (void) const { return subst_fdcount < orig_fdcount; } unsigned int subst_fdselect_format; hb_vector_t subst_fdselect_first_glyphs; /* font dict index remap table from fullset FDArray to subset FDArray. * set to HB_SET_VALUE_INVALID if excluded from subset */ FDMap fdmap; hb_vector_t subset_charstrings; hb_vector_t privateDictInfos; SubrRefMaps subrRefMaps; }; static inline bool _write_cff1 (const cff_subset_plan &plan, const OT::cff::accelerator_subset_t &acc, const hb_vector_t& glyphs, unsigned int dest_sz, void *dest) { hb_serialize_context_t c (dest, dest_sz); char RETURN_OP[1] = { OpCode_return }; const ByteStr NULL_SUBR (RETURN_OP, 1); OT::cff *cff = c.start_serialize (); if (unlikely (!c.extend_min (*cff))) return false; /* header */ cff->version.major.set (0x01); cff->version.minor.set (0x00); cff->nameIndex.set (cff->min_size); cff->offSize.set (4); /* unused? */ /* name INDEX */ { assert (cff->nameIndex == c.head - c.start); CFF1NameIndex *dest = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return false; if (unlikely (!dest->serialize (&c, *acc.nameIndex))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF name INDEX"); return false; } } /* top dict INDEX */ { assert (plan.offsets.topDictInfo.offset == c.head - c.start); CFF1IndexOf *dest = c.start_embed< CFF1IndexOf > (); if (dest == nullptr) return false; CFF1TopDict_OpSerializer topSzr; if (unlikely (!dest->serialize (&c, plan.offsets.topDictInfo.offSize, acc.topDicts, plan.topdict_sizes, topSzr, plan.offsets))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF top dict"); return false; } } /* String INDEX */ { assert (plan.offsets.stringIndexOffset == c.head - c.start); CFF1StringIndex *dest = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return false; if (unlikely (!dest->serialize (&c, *acc.stringIndex))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF string INDEX"); return false; } } /* global subrs */ { assert (plan.offsets.globalSubrsInfo.offset == c.head - c.start); CFF1Subrs *dest = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return false; if (unlikely (!dest->serialize (&c, *acc.globalSubrs, plan.offsets.globalSubrsInfo.offSize, plan.subrRefMaps.global_map, NULL_SUBR))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF global subrs"); return false; } } /* Encoding */ if (acc.encoding != &Null(Encoding)){ assert (plan.offsets.encodingOffset == c.head - c.start); Encoding *dest = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return false; if (unlikely (!dest->serialize (&c, *acc.encoding, acc.num_glyphs))) // XXX: TODO { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize Encoding"); return false; } } /* Charset */ if (acc.charset != &Null(Charset)) { assert (plan.offsets.charsetOffset == c.head - c.start); Charset *dest = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return false; if (unlikely (!dest->serialize (&c, *acc.charset, acc.num_glyphs))) // XXX: TODO { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize Charset"); return false; } } /* FDSelect */ if (acc.fdSelect != &Null(CFF1FDSelect)) { assert (plan.offsets.FDSelectInfo.offset == c.head - c.start); if (plan.is_fds_subsetted ()) { if (unlikely (!hb_serialize_cff_fdselect (&c, glyphs, *acc.fdSelect, acc.fdCount, plan.subst_fdselect_format, plan.offsets.FDSelectInfo.size, plan.subst_fdselect_first_glyphs, plan.fdmap))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF subset FDSelect"); return false; } } else { CFF1FDSelect *dest = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (!dest->serialize (&c, *acc.fdSelect, acc.num_glyphs))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF FDSelect"); return false; } } } /* FDArray (FD Index) */ if (acc.fdArray != &Null(CFF1FDArray)) { assert (plan.offsets.FDArrayInfo.offset == c.head - c.start); CFF1FDArray *fda = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (fda == nullptr)) return false; CFF1FontDict_OpSerializer fontSzr; if (unlikely (!fda->serialize (&c, plan.offsets.FDArrayInfo.offSize, acc.fontDicts, plan.subst_fdcount, plan.fdmap, fontSzr, plan.privateDictInfos))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF FDArray"); return false; } } /* CharStrings */ { assert (plan.offsets.charStringsInfo.offset == c.head - c.start); CFF1CharStrings *cs = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (cs == nullptr)) return false; if (unlikely (!cs->serialize (&c, plan.offsets.charStringsInfo.offSize, plan.subset_charstrings))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF CharStrings"); return false; } } /* private dicts & local subrs */ assert (plan.offsets.privateDictInfo.offset == c.head - c.start); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < acc.privateDicts.len; i++) { if (!plan.fdmap.excludes (i)) { PrivateDict *pd = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (pd == nullptr)) return false; CFF1PrivateDict_OpSerializer privSzr; /* N.B. local subrs immediately follows its corresponding private dict. i.e., subr offset == private dict size */ if (unlikely (!pd->serialize (&c, acc.privateDicts[i], privSzr, plan.privateDictInfos[plan.fdmap[i]].size))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF Private Dict[%d]", i); return false; } if (acc.privateDicts[i].subrsOffset != 0) { CFF1Subrs *subrs = c.start_embed (); if (unlikely (subrs == nullptr) || acc.privateDicts[i].localSubrs == &Null(CFF1Subrs)) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "CFF subset: local subrs unexpectedly null [%d]", i); return false; } if (unlikely (!subrs->serialize (&c, *acc.privateDicts[i].localSubrs, plan.offsets.localSubrsInfos[i].offSize, plan.subrRefMaps.local_maps[i], NULL_SUBR))) { DEBUG_MSG (SUBSET, nullptr, "failed to serialize CFF local subrs [%d]", i); return false; } } } } c.end_serialize (); return true; } static bool _hb_subset_cff1 (const OT::cff::accelerator_subset_t &acc, const char *data, hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_blob_t **prime /* OUT */) { cff_subset_plan cff_plan; if (unlikely (!cff_plan.create (acc, plan))) { DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Failed to generate a cff subsetting plan."); return false; } unsigned int cff_prime_size = cff_plan.get_final_size (); char *cff_prime_data = (char *) calloc (1, cff_prime_size); if (unlikely (!_write_cff1 (cff_plan, acc, plan->glyphs, cff_prime_size, cff_prime_data))) { DEBUG_MSG(SUBSET, nullptr, "Failed to write a subset cff."); free (cff_prime_data); return false; } *prime = hb_blob_create (cff_prime_data, cff_prime_size, HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, cff_prime_data, free); return true; } /** * hb_subset_cff1: * Subsets the CFF table according to a provided plan. * * Return value: subsetted cff table. **/ bool hb_subset_cff1 (hb_subset_plan_t *plan, hb_blob_t **prime /* OUT */) { hb_blob_t *cff_blob = hb_sanitize_context_t().reference_table (plan->source); const char *data = hb_blob_get_data(cff_blob, nullptr); OT::cff::accelerator_subset_t acc; acc.init(plan->source); bool result = likely (acc.is_valid ()) && _hb_subset_cff1 (acc, data, plan, prime); hb_blob_destroy (cff_blob); acc.fini (); return result; }