/* * Copyright (C) 2009, Martin Hosken * Copyright (C) 2009, SIL International * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "hb-buffer-private.hh" #include "hb-font-private.hh" #include "hb-graphite.h" #include namespace TtfUtil { extern int FontAscent(const void *pOS2); extern int FontDescent(const void *pOS2); extern int DesignUnits(const void *pHead); extern bool FontOs2Style(const void *pOS2, bool &fBold, bool &fItalic); } typedef struct _featureSetting { unsigned int id; int value; } featureSetting; class HbGrBufferTextSrc : public gr::ITextSource { public: HbGrBufferTextSrc(hb_buffer_t *buff, hb_feature_t *feats, unsigned int num_features) { hb_feature_t *aFeat = feats; featureSetting *aNewFeat; buffer = hb_buffer_reference(buff); features = new featureSetting[num_features]; nFeatures = num_features; aNewFeat = features; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_features; i++, aFeat++, aNewFeat++) { aNewFeat->id = aFeat->tag; aNewFeat->value = aFeat->value; } }; ~HbGrBufferTextSrc() { hb_buffer_destroy(buffer); delete[] features; }; virtual gr::UtfType utfEncodingForm() { return gr::kutf32; }; virtual size_t getLength() { return buffer->len; }; virtual size_t fetch(gr::toffset ichMin, size_t cch, gr::utf32 * prgchBuffer) { assert(cch <= buffer->len); if (cch > buffer->len) return 0; for (unsigned int i = ichMin; i < ichMin + cch; i++) prgchBuffer[i - ichMin] = buffer->info[i].codepoint; return (cch - ichMin); }; virtual size_t fetch(gr::toffset ichMin, size_t cch, gr::utf16 * prgchBuffer) { return 0 ;}; virtual size_t fetch(gr::toffset ichMin, size_t cch, gr::utf8 * prgchBuffer) { return 0; }; virtual bool getRightToLeft(gr::toffset ich) { return hb_buffer_get_direction(buffer) == HB_DIRECTION_RTL; }; virtual unsigned int getDirectionDepth(gr::toffset ich) { return hb_buffer_get_direction(buffer) == HB_DIRECTION_RTL ? 1 : 0; }; virtual float getVerticalOffset(gr::toffset ich) { return 0; }; virtual gr::isocode getLanguage(gr::toffset ich) { gr::isocode aLang; char *p = (char *)(buffer->language); int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (p != NULL) aLang.rgch[i] = *p; else aLang.rgch[i] = 0; if (p && *p) p++; } return aLang; } virtual std::pair propertyRange(gr::toffset ich) { return std::pair(0, buffer->len); }; virtual size_t getFontFeatures(gr::toffset ich, gr::FeatureSetting * prgfset) { featureSetting *aFeat = features; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFeatures; i++, aFeat++, prgfset++) { prgfset->id = aFeat->id; prgfset->value = aFeat->value; } return nFeatures; } virtual bool sameSegment(gr::toffset ich1, gr::toffset ich2) {return true; }; private: hb_buffer_t *buffer; featureSetting *features; unsigned int nFeatures; }; class HbGrFont : public gr::Font { public: HbGrFont(hb_font_t *font, hb_face_t *face) : gr::Font() { m_font = hb_font_reference(font); m_face = hb_face_reference(face); initfont(); }; ~HbGrFont() { std::map::iterator p = m_blobs.begin(); while (p != m_blobs.end()) { hb_blob_destroy((p++)->second); } hb_font_destroy(m_font); hb_face_destroy(m_face); }; HbGrFont (const HbGrFont &font) : gr::Font(font) { *this = font; m_blobs = std::map(font.m_blobs); std::map::iterator p=m_blobs.begin(); while (p != m_blobs.end()) { hb_blob_reference((*p++).second); } hb_font_reference(m_font); hb_face_reference(m_face); }; virtual HbGrFont *copyThis() { return new HbGrFont(*this); }; virtual bool bold() { return m_bold; }; virtual bool italic() { return m_italic; }; virtual float ascent() { float asc; getFontMetrics(&asc, NULL, NULL); return asc; }; virtual float descent() { float desc; getFontMetrics(NULL, &desc, NULL); return desc; }; virtual float height() { float asc, desc; getFontMetrics(&asc, &desc, NULL); return (asc + desc); }; virtual unsigned int getDPIx() { return m_font->x_ppem; }; virtual unsigned int getDPIy() { return m_font->y_ppem; }; virtual const void *getTable(gr::fontTableId32 tableID, size_t *pcbsize) { hb_blob_t *blob; std::map::iterator p=m_blobs.find((hb_tag_t)tableID); if (p == m_blobs.end()) { blob = hb_face_get_table(m_face, (hb_tag_t)tableID); m_blobs[(hb_tag_t)tableID] = blob; } else { blob = p->second; } const char *res = hb_blob_lock(blob); if (pcbsize) *pcbsize = hb_blob_get_length(blob); hb_blob_unlock(blob); return (const void *)res; } virtual void getFontMetrics(float *pAscent, float *pDescent, float *pEmSquare) { if (pAscent) *pAscent = 1. * m_ascent * m_font->y_ppem / m_emsquare; if (pDescent) *pDescent = 1. * m_descent * m_font->y_ppem / m_emsquare; if (pEmSquare) *pEmSquare = m_font->x_scale; } virtual void getGlyphPoint(gr::gid16 glyphID, unsigned int pointNum, gr::Point &pointReturn) { hb_position_t x, y; hb_font_get_contour_point(m_font, m_face, pointNum, glyphID, &x, &y); pointReturn.x = (float)x; pointReturn.y = (float)y; } virtual void getGlyphMetrics(gr::gid16 glyphID, gr::Rect &boundingBox, gr::Point &advances) { hb_glyph_metrics_t metrics; hb_font_get_glyph_metrics(m_font, m_face, glyphID, &metrics); boundingBox.top = (metrics.y_offset + metrics.height); boundingBox.bottom = metrics.y_offset; boundingBox.left = metrics.x_offset; boundingBox.right = (metrics.x_offset + metrics.width); advances.x = metrics.x_advance; advances.y = metrics.y_advance; // fprintf (stderr, "%d: (%d, %d, %d, %d)+(%d, %d)\n", glyphID, metrics.x_offset, metrics.y_offset, metrics.width, metrics.height, metrics.x_advance, metrics.y_advance); } private: HB_INTERNAL void initfont(); hb_font_t *m_font; hb_face_t *m_face; float m_ascent; float m_descent; float m_emsquare; bool m_bold; bool m_italic; std::map m_blobs; }; void HbGrFont::initfont() { const void *pOS2 = getTable(gr::kttiOs2, NULL); const void *pHead = getTable(gr::kttiHead, NULL); TtfUtil::FontOs2Style(pOS2, m_bold, m_italic); m_ascent = static_cast(TtfUtil::FontAscent(pOS2)); m_descent = static_cast(TtfUtil::FontDescent(pOS2)); m_emsquare = static_cast(TtfUtil::DesignUnits(pHead)); } void hb_graphite_shape (hb_font_t *font, hb_face_t *face, hb_buffer_t *buffer, hb_feature_t *features, unsigned int num_features) { /* create text source */ HbGrBufferTextSrc textSrc(buffer, features, num_features); /* create grfont */ HbGrFont grfont(font, face); /* create segment */ int *firsts; bool *flags; int numChars; int numGlyphs; gr::LayoutEnvironment layout; std::pairglyph_range; gr::GlyphIterator iGlyph; hb_codepoint_t *glyph_infos, *pGlyph; hb_glyph_position_t *pPosition; int cGlyph = 0; int cChar = 0; layout.setStartOfLine(0); layout.setEndOfLine(0); layout.setDumbFallback(true); layout.setJustifier(NULL); layout.setRightToLeft(false); gr::RangeSegment pSegment(&grfont, &textSrc, &layout, (gr::toffset)0, static_cast(buffer->len), (gr::Segment *)NULL); /* fill in buffer from segment */ _hb_buffer_clear_output(buffer); pSegment.getUniscribeClusters(NULL, 0, &numChars, NULL, 0, &numGlyphs); firsts = new int[numChars]; flags = new bool[numGlyphs]; glyph_infos = new hb_codepoint_t[numGlyphs]; hb_buffer_ensure(buffer, numGlyphs); pSegment.getUniscribeClusters(firsts, numChars, NULL, flags, numGlyphs, NULL); glyph_range = pSegment.glyphs(); for (pGlyph = glyph_infos, iGlyph = glyph_range.first; iGlyph != glyph_range.second; iGlyph++, pGlyph++) { *pGlyph = iGlyph->glyphID(); } while (cGlyph < numGlyphs) { if (flags[cGlyph]) { int oldcChar = cChar++; int oldcGlyph = cGlyph++; while (cChar < numChars && firsts[cChar] == firsts[oldcChar]) cChar++; while (cGlyph < numGlyphs && !flags[cGlyph]) cGlyph++; _hb_buffer_add_output_glyphs(buffer, cChar - oldcChar, cGlyph - oldcGlyph, glyph_infos + oldcGlyph, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFF); } else { cGlyph++; } /* This should never happen */ } float curradvx = 0., curradvy = 0.; for (pPosition = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(buffer), iGlyph = glyph_range.first; iGlyph != glyph_range.second; pPosition++, iGlyph++) { pPosition->x_offset = iGlyph->origin() - curradvx; pPosition->y_offset = iGlyph->yOffset() - curradvy; pPosition->x_advance = pPosition->x_offset + iGlyph->advanceWidth(); pPosition->y_advance = pPosition->y_offset + iGlyph->advanceHeight(); // if (pPosition->x_advance < 0) // pPosition->x_advance = 0; curradvx += pPosition->x_advance; curradvy += pPosition->y_advance; // fprintf(stderr, "%d@(%f, %f)+(%f, %f)\n", iGlyph->glyphID(), iGlyph->origin(), iGlyph->yOffset(), iGlyph->advanceWidth(), iGlyph->advanceHeight()); } delete[] glyph_infos; delete[] firsts; delete[] flags; }