#include #include #include #include #include "cJSON_Utils.h" static int cJSONUtils_strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) { if (!s1) { return (s1 == s2) ? 0 : 1; /* both NULL? */ } if (!s2) { return 1; } for(; tolower(*s1) == tolower(*s2); ++s1, ++s2) { if(*s1 == 0) { return 0; } } return tolower(*(const unsigned char *)s1) - tolower(*(const unsigned char *)s2); } /* JSON Pointer implementation: */ static int cJSONUtils_Pstrcasecmp(const char *a, const char *e) { if (!a || !e) { return (a == e) ? 0 : 1; /* both NULL? */ } for (; *a && *e && (*e != '/'); a++, e++) /* compare until next '/' */ { if (*e == '~') { /* check for escaped '~' (~0) and '/' (~1) */ if (!((e[1] == '0') && (*a == '~')) && !((e[1] == '1') && (*a == '/'))) { /* invalid escape sequence or wrong character in *a */ return 1; } else { e++; } } else if (tolower(*a) != tolower(*e)) { return 1; } } if (((*e != 0) && (*e != '/')) != (*a != 0)) { /* one string has ended, the other not */ return 1; } return 0; } static int cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrlen(const char *s) { int l = 0; for (; *s; s++, l++) { if ((*s == '~') || (*s == '/')) { l++; } } return l; } static void cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrcpy(char *d, const char *s) { for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == '/') { *d++ = '~'; *d++ = '1'; } else if (*s == '~') { *d++ = '~'; *d++ = '0'; } else { *d++ = *s; } } *d = '\0'; } char *cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(cJSON *object, cJSON *target) { int type = object->type; int c = 0; cJSON *obj = 0; if (object == target) { /* found */ return strdup(""); } /* recursively search all children of the object */ for (obj = object->child; obj; obj = obj->next, c++) { char *found = cJSONUtils_FindPointerFromObjectTo(obj, target); if (found) { if (type == cJSON_Array) { /* reserve enough memory for a 64 bit integer + '/' and '\0' */ char *ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(found) + 23); sprintf(ret, "/%d%s", c, found); /* / */ free(found); return ret; } else if (type == cJSON_Object) { char *ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(found) + cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrlen(obj->string) + 2); *ret = '/'; cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrcpy(ret + 1, obj->string); strcat(ret, found); free(found); return ret; } /* reached leaf of the tree, found nothing */ free(found); return 0; } } /* not found */ return 0; } cJSON *cJSONUtils_GetPointer(cJSON *object, const char *pointer) { /* follow path of the pointer */ while ((*pointer++ == '/') && object) { if (object->type == cJSON_Array) { int which = 0; /* parse array index */ while ((*pointer >= '0') && (*pointer <= '9')) { which = (10 * which) + (*pointer++ - '0'); } if (*pointer && (*pointer != '/')) { /* not end of string or new path token */ return 0; } object = cJSON_GetArrayItem(object, which); } else if (object->type == cJSON_Object) { object = object->child; /* GetObjectItem. */ while (object && cJSONUtils_Pstrcasecmp(object->string, pointer)) { object = object->next; } /* skip to the next path token or end of string */ while (*pointer && (*pointer != '/')) { pointer++; } } else { return 0; } } return object; } /* JSON Patch implementation. */ static void cJSONUtils_InplaceDecodePointerString(char *string) { char *s2 = string; for (; *string; s2++, string++) { *s2 = (*string != '~') ? (*string) : ((*(++string) == '0') ? '~' : '/'); } *s2 = '\0'; } static cJSON *cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(cJSON *object, const char *path) { char *parentptr = 0; char *childptr = 0; cJSON *parent = 0; cJSON *ret = 0; /* copy path and split it in parent and child */ parentptr = strdup(path); childptr = strrchr(parentptr, '/'); /* last '/' */ if (childptr) { /* split strings */ *childptr++ = '\0'; } parent = cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, parentptr); cJSONUtils_InplaceDecodePointerString(childptr); if (!parent) { /* Couldn't find object to remove child from. */ ret = 0; } else if (parent->type == cJSON_Array) { ret = cJSON_DetachItemFromArray(parent, atoi(childptr)); } else if (parent->type == cJSON_Object) { ret = cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(parent, childptr); } free(parentptr); /* return the detachted item */ return ret; } static int cJSONUtils_Compare(cJSON *a, cJSON *b) { if (a->type != b->type) { /* mismatched type. */ return -1; } switch (a->type) { case cJSON_Number: /* numeric mismatch. */ return ((a->valueint != b->valueint) || (a->valuedouble != b->valuedouble)) ? -2 : 0; case cJSON_String: /* string mismatch. */ return (strcmp(a->valuestring, b->valuestring) != 0) ? -3 : 0; case cJSON_Array: for (a = a->child, b = b->child; a && b; a = a->next, b = b->next) { int err = cJSONUtils_Compare(a, b); if (err) { return err; } } /* array size mismatch? (one of both children is not NULL) */ return (a || b) ? -4 : 0; case cJSON_Object: cJSONUtils_SortObject(a); cJSONUtils_SortObject(b); a = a->child; b = b->child; while (a && b) { int err; /* compare object keys */ if (cJSONUtils_strcasecmp(a->string, b->string)) { /* missing member */ return -6; } err = cJSONUtils_Compare(a, b); if (err) { return err; } a = a->next; b = b->next; } /* object length mismatch (one of both children is not null) */ return (a || b) ? -5 : 0; default: break; } /* null, true or false */ return 0; } static int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatch(cJSON *object, cJSON *patch) { cJSON *op = 0; cJSON *path = 0; cJSON *value = 0; cJSON *parent = 0; int opcode = 0; char *parentptr = 0; char *childptr = 0; op = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "op"); path = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "path"); if (!op || !path) { /* malformed patch. */ return 2; } /* decode operation */ if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "add")) { opcode = 0; } else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "remove")) { opcode = 1; } else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "replace")) { opcode = 2; } else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "move")) { opcode = 3; } else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "copy")) { opcode = 4; } else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring, "test")) { /* compare value: {...} with the given path */ return cJSONUtils_Compare(cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, path->valuestring), cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "value")); } else { /* unknown opcode. */ return 3; } /* Remove/Replace */ if ((opcode == 1) || (opcode == 2)) { /* Get rid of old. */ cJSON_Delete(cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object, path->valuestring)); if (opcode == 1) { /* For Remove, this is job done. */ return 0; } } /* Copy/Move uses "from". */ if ((opcode == 3) || (opcode == 4)) { cJSON *from = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "from"); if (!from) { /* missing "from" for copy/move. */ return 4; } if (opcode == 3) { /* move */ value = cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object, from->valuestring); } if (opcode == 4) { /* copy */ value = cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, from->valuestring); } if (!value) { /* missing "from" for copy/move. */ return 5; } if (opcode == 4) { value = cJSON_Duplicate(value, 1); } if (!value) { /* out of memory for copy/move. */ return 6; } } else /* Add/Replace uses "value". */ { value = cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch, "value"); if (!value) { /* missing "value" for add/replace. */ return 7; } value = cJSON_Duplicate(value, 1); if (!value) { /* out of memory for add/replace. */ return 8; } } /* Now, just add "value" to "path". */ /* split pointer in parent and child */ parentptr = strdup(path->valuestring); childptr = strrchr(parentptr, '/'); if (childptr) { *childptr++ = '\0'; } parent = cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object, parentptr); cJSONUtils_InplaceDecodePointerString(childptr); /* add, remove, replace, move, copy, test. */ if (!parent) { /* Couldn't find object to add to. */ free(parentptr); cJSON_Delete(value); return 9; } else if (parent->type == cJSON_Array) { if (!strcmp(childptr, "-")) { cJSON_AddItemToArray(parent, value); } else { cJSON_InsertItemInArray(parent, atoi(childptr), value); } } else if (parent->type == cJSON_Object) { cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(parent, childptr); cJSON_AddItemToObject(parent, childptr, value); } else { cJSON_Delete(value); } free(parentptr); return 0; } int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatches(cJSON *object, cJSON *patches) { int err; if (patches->type != cJSON_Array) { /* malformed patches. */ return 1; } if (patches) { patches = patches->child; } while (patches) { if ((err = cJSONUtils_ApplyPatch(object, patches))) { return err; } patches = patches->next; } return 0; } static void cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(cJSON *patches,const char *op,const char *path,const char *suffix,cJSON *val) { cJSON *patch=cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(patch,"op",cJSON_CreateString(op)); if (suffix) { char *newpath=(char*)malloc(strlen(path)+cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrlen(suffix)+2); cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrcpy(newpath+sprintf(newpath,"%s/",path),suffix); cJSON_AddItemToObject(patch,"path",cJSON_CreateString(newpath)); free(newpath); } else cJSON_AddItemToObject(patch,"path",cJSON_CreateString(path)); if (val) cJSON_AddItemToObject(patch,"value",cJSON_Duplicate(val,1)); cJSON_AddItemToArray(patches,patch); } void cJSONUtils_AddPatchToArray(cJSON *array,const char *op,const char *path,cJSON *val) {cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(array,op,path,0,val);} static void cJSONUtils_CompareToPatch(cJSON *patches,const char *path,cJSON *from,cJSON *to) { if (from->type!=to->type) {cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(patches,"replace",path,0,to); return; } switch (from->type) { case cJSON_Number: if (from->valueint!=to->valueint || from->valuedouble!=to->valuedouble) cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(patches,"replace",path,0,to); return; case cJSON_String: if (strcmp(from->valuestring,to->valuestring)!=0) cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(patches,"replace",path,0,to); return; case cJSON_Array: { int c;char *newpath=(char*)malloc(strlen(path)+23); /* Allow space for 64bit int. */ for (c=0,from=from->child,to=to->child;from && to;from=from->next,to=to->next,c++){ sprintf(newpath,"%s/%d",path,c); cJSONUtils_CompareToPatch(patches,newpath,from,to); } for (;from;from=from->next,c++) {sprintf(newpath,"%d",c); cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(patches,"remove",path,newpath,0); } for (;to;to=to->next,c++) cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(patches,"add",path,"-",to); free(newpath); return; } case cJSON_Object: { cJSON *a,*b; cJSONUtils_SortObject(from); cJSONUtils_SortObject(to); a=from->child,b=to->child; while (a || b) { int diff=(!a)?1:(!b)?-1:cJSONUtils_strcasecmp(a->string,b->string); if (!diff) { char *newpath=(char*)malloc(strlen(path)+cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrlen(a->string)+2); cJSONUtils_PointerEncodedstrcpy(newpath+sprintf(newpath,"%s/",path),a->string); cJSONUtils_CompareToPatch(patches,newpath,a,b); free(newpath); a=a->next; b=b->next; } else if (diff<0) {cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(patches,"remove",path,a->string,0); a=a->next;} else {cJSONUtils_GeneratePatch(patches,"add",path,b->string,b); b=b->next;} } return; } default: break; } } cJSON* cJSONUtils_GeneratePatches(cJSON *from,cJSON *to) { cJSON *patches=cJSON_CreateArray(); cJSONUtils_CompareToPatch(patches,"",from,to); return patches; } static cJSON *cJSONUtils_SortList(cJSON *list) { cJSON *first=list,*second=list,*ptr=list; if (!list || !list->next) return list; /* One entry is sorted already. */ while (ptr && ptr->next && cJSONUtils_strcasecmp(ptr->string,ptr->next->string)<0) ptr=ptr->next; /* Test for list sorted. */ if (!ptr || !ptr->next) return list; /* Leave sorted lists unmodified. */ ptr=list; while (ptr) {second=second->next;ptr=ptr->next;if (ptr) ptr=ptr->next;} /* Walk two pointers to find the middle. */ if (second && second->prev) second->prev->next=0; /* Split the lists */ first=cJSONUtils_SortList(first); /* Recursively sort the sub-lists. */ second=cJSONUtils_SortList(second); list=ptr=0; while (first && second) /* Merge the sub-lists */ { if (cJSONUtils_strcasecmp(first->string,second->string)<0) { if (!list) list=ptr=first; else {ptr->next=first;first->prev=ptr;ptr=first;} first=first->next; } else { if (!list) list=ptr=second; else {ptr->next=second;second->prev=ptr;ptr=second;} second=second->next; } } if (first) { if (!list) return first; ptr->next=first; first->prev=ptr; } /* Append any tails. */ if (second) { if (!list) return second; ptr->next=second; second->prev=ptr; } return list; } void cJSONUtils_SortObject(cJSON *object) {object->child=cJSONUtils_SortList(object->child);} cJSON* cJSONUtils_MergePatch(cJSON *target, cJSON *patch) { if (!patch || patch->type != cJSON_Object) {cJSON_Delete(target);return cJSON_Duplicate(patch,1);} if (!target || target->type != cJSON_Object) {cJSON_Delete(target);target=cJSON_CreateObject();} patch=patch->child; while (patch) { if (patch->type == cJSON_NULL) cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(target,patch->string); else { cJSON *replaceme=cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(target,patch->string); cJSON_AddItemToObject(target,patch->string,cJSONUtils_MergePatch(replaceme,patch)); } patch=patch->next; } return target; } cJSON *cJSONUtils_GenerateMergePatch(cJSON *from,cJSON *to) { cJSON *patch=0; if (!to) return cJSON_CreateNull(); if (to->type!=cJSON_Object || !from || from->type!=cJSON_Object) return cJSON_Duplicate(to,1); cJSONUtils_SortObject(from); cJSONUtils_SortObject(to); from=from->child;to=to->child; patch=cJSON_CreateObject(); while (from || to) { int compare=from?(to?strcmp(from->string,to->string):-1):1; if (compare<0) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(patch,from->string,cJSON_CreateNull()); from=from->next; } else if (compare>0) { cJSON_AddItemToObject(patch,to->string,cJSON_Duplicate(to,1)); to=to->next; } else { if (cJSONUtils_Compare(from,to)) cJSON_AddItemToObject(patch,to->string,cJSONUtils_GenerateMergePatch(from,to)); from=from->next;to=to->next; } } if (!patch->child) {cJSON_Delete(patch);return 0;} return patch; }