#include #include #include #include "cJSON_Utils.h" // JSON Pointer implementation: static int cJSONUtils_Pstrcasecmp(const char *a,const char *e) { if (!a || !e) return (a==e)?0:1; for (;*a && *e && *e!='/';a++,e++) { if (*e=='~') {if (!(e[1]=='0' && *a=='~') && !(e[1]=='1' && *a=='/')) return 1; else e++;} else if (tolower(*a)!=tolower(*e)) return 1; } if ((*e!=0 && *e!='/') != (*a!=0)) return 1; return 0; } cJSON *cJSONUtils_GetPointer(cJSON *object,const char *pointer) { cJSON *target=object;int which=0;const char *element=0; while (*pointer=='/' && object) { pointer++; if (object->type==cJSON_Array) { which=0; while (*pointer>='0' && *pointer<='9') which=(10*which) + *pointer++ - '0'; if (*pointer && *pointer!='/') return 0; object=cJSON_GetArrayItem(object,which); } else if (object->type==cJSON_Object) { element=pointer; while (*pointer && *pointer!='/') pointer++; object=object->child; while (object && cJSONUtils_Pstrcasecmp(object->string,element)) object=object->next; // GetObjectItem. } else return 0; } return object; } // JSON Patch implementation. static void cJSONUtils_InplaceDecodePointerString(char *string) { char *s2=string; for (;*string;s2++,string++) *s2=(*string!='~')?(*string):((*(++string)=='0')?'~':'/'); *s2=0; } static cJSON *cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(cJSON *object,const char *path) { char *parentptr=0,*childptr=0;cJSON *parent=0; parentptr=strdup(path); childptr=strrchr(parentptr,'/'); if (childptr) *childptr++=0; parent=cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object,parentptr); cJSONUtils_InplaceDecodePointerString(childptr); cJSON *ret=0; if (!parent) ret=0; // Couldn't find object to remove child from. else if (parent->type==cJSON_Array) ret=cJSON_DetachItemFromArray(parent,atoi(childptr)); else if (parent->type==cJSON_Object) ret=cJSON_DetachItemFromObject(parent,childptr); free(parentptr); return ret; } static int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatch(cJSON *object,cJSON *patch) { cJSON *op=0,*path=0,*value=0;int opcode=0; op=cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch,"op"); path=cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch,"path"); if (!op || !path) return 2; // malformed patch. if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"add")) opcode=0; else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"remove")) opcode=1; else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"replace"))opcode=2; else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"move")) opcode=3; else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"copy")) opcode=4; else if (!strcmp(op->valuestring,"test")) opcode=5; else return 3; // unknown opcode. if (opcode==5) return 10; // TEST IS CURRENTLY UNIMPLEMENTED. if (opcode==1 || opcode==2) // Remove/Replace { cJSON_Delete(cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object,path->valuestring)); // Get rid of old. if (opcode==1) return 0; // For Remove, this is job done. } if (opcode==3 || opcode==4) // Copy/Move uses "from". { cJSON *from=cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch,"from"); if (!from) return 4; // missing "from" for copy/move. if (opcode==3) value=cJSONUtils_PatchDetach(object,from->valuestring); if (opcode==4) value=cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object,from->valuestring); if (!value) return 5; // missing "from" for copy/move. if (opcode==4) value=cJSON_Duplicate(value,1); if (!value) return 6; // out of memory for copy/move. } else // Add/Replace uses "value". { value=cJSON_GetObjectItem(patch,"value"); if (!value) return 7; // missing "value" for add/replace. value=cJSON_Duplicate(value,1); if (!value) return 8; // out of memory for add/replace. } // Now, just add "value" to "path". char *parentptr=0,*childptr=0;cJSON *parent=0; parentptr=strdup(path->valuestring); childptr=strrchr(parentptr,'/'); if (childptr) *childptr++=0; parent=cJSONUtils_GetPointer(object,parentptr); cJSONUtils_InplaceDecodePointerString(childptr); // add, remove, replace, move, copy, test. if (!parent) {free(parentptr); return 9;} // Couldn't find object to add to. else if (parent->type==cJSON_Array) { if (!strcmp(childptr,"-")) cJSON_AddItemToArray(parent,value); else cJSON_InsertItemInArray(parent,atoi(childptr),value); } else if (parent->type==cJSON_Object) { cJSON_DeleteItemFromObject(parent,childptr); cJSON_AddItemToObject(parent,childptr,value); } free(parentptr); return 0; } int cJSONUtils_ApplyPatches(cJSON *object,cJSON *patches) { int err; if (!patches->type==cJSON_Array) return 1; // malformed patches. if (patches) patches=patches->child; while (patches) { if ((err=cJSONUtils_ApplyPatch(object,patches))) return err; patches=patches->next; } return 0; }