#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import copy import os import socket import time import platform import argparse import subprocess import signal import uuid import json import stat from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from _core.executor.listener import SuiteResult from _core.driver.parser_lite import ShellHandler from _core.exception import ParamError from _core.exception import ExecuteTerminate from _core.logger import platform_logger from _core.report.suite_reporter import SuiteReporter from _core.plugin import get_plugin from _core.plugin import Plugin from _core.constants import ModeType from _core.constants import ConfigConst LOG = platform_logger("Utils") def get_filename_extension(file_path): _, fullname = os.path.split(file_path) filename, ext = os.path.splitext(fullname) return filename, ext def unique_id(type_name, value): return "{}_{}_{:0>8}".format(type_name, value, str(uuid.uuid1()).split("-")[0]) def start_standing_subprocess(cmd, pipe=subprocess.PIPE, return_result=False): """Starts a non-blocking subprocess that is going to continue running after this function returns. A subprocess group is actually started by setting sid, so we can kill all the processes spun out from the subprocess when stopping it. This is necessary in case users pass in pipe commands. Args: cmd: Command to start the subprocess with. pipe: pipe to get execution result return_result: return execution result or not Returns: The subprocess that got started. """ sys_type = platform.system() process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=pipe, shell=False, preexec_fn=None if sys_type == "Windows" else os.setsid) if not return_result: return process else: rev = process.stdout.read() return rev.decode("utf-8").strip() def stop_standing_subprocess(process): """Stops a subprocess started by start_standing_subprocess. Catches and ignores the PermissionError which only happens on Macs. Args: process: Subprocess to terminate. """ try: sys_type = platform.system() signal_value = signal.SIGINT if sys_type == "Windows" \ else signal.SIGTERM os.kill(process.pid, signal_value) except (PermissionError, AttributeError, FileNotFoundError, SystemError) as error: LOG.error("stop standing subprocess error '%s'" % error) def get_decode(stream): if isinstance(stream, str): return stream if not isinstance(stream, bytes): return str(stream) try: ret = stream.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") except (ValueError, AttributeError, TypeError): ret = str(stream) return ret def is_proc_running(pid, name=None): if platform.system() == "Windows": list_command = ["C:\\Windows\\System32\\tasklist"] find_command = ["C:\\Windows\\System32\\findstr", "%s" % pid] elif platform.system() == "Darwin": list_command = ["/bin/ps", "-ef"] find_command = ["/usr/bin/grep", "%s" % pid] else: list_command = ["/bin/ps", "-ef"] find_command = ["/bin/grep", "%s" % pid] proc = _get_find_proc(find_command, list_command) (out, _) = proc.communicate() out = get_decode(out).strip() if out == "": return False else: return True if name is None else out.find(name) != -1 def _get_find_proc(find_command, list_command): proc_sub = subprocess.Popen(list_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) proc = subprocess.Popen(find_command, stdin=proc_sub.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) return proc def exec_cmd(cmd, timeout=1 * 60, error_print=True, join_result=False): """ Executes commands in a new shell. Directing stderr to PIPE. This is fastboot's own exe_cmd because of its peculiar way of writing non-error info to stderr. Args: cmd: A sequence of commands and arguments. timeout: timeout for exe cmd. error_print: print error output or not. join_result: join error and out Returns: The output of the command run. """ sys_type = platform.system() if isinstance(cmd, list): LOG.info("The running command is: {}".format(" ".join(cmd))) if isinstance(cmd, str): LOG.info("The running command is: {}".format(cmd)) if sys_type == "Linux" or sys_type == "Darwin": proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False, preexec_fn=os.setsid) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False) try: (out, err) = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout) err = get_decode(err).strip() out = get_decode(out).strip() if err and error_print: LOG.exception(err, exc_info=False) if join_result: return "%s\n %s" % (out, err) if err else out else: return err if err else out except (TimeoutError, KeyboardInterrupt, AttributeError, ValueError, EOFError, IOError, subprocess.TimeoutExpired): sys_type = platform.system() if sys_type == "Linux" or sys_type == "Darwin": os.killpg(proc.pid, signal.SIGTERM) else: os.kill(proc.pid, signal.SIGINT) raise def create_dir(path): """Creates a directory if it does not exist already. Args: path: The path of the directory to create. """ full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if not os.path.exists(full_path): os.makedirs(full_path, exist_ok=True) def get_config_value(key, config_dict, is_list=True, default=None): """get corresponding values for key in config_dict Args: key: target key in config_dict config_dict: dictionary that store values is_list: decide return values is list type or not default: if key not in config_dict, default value will be returned Returns: corresponding values for key """ if not isinstance(config_dict, dict): return default value = config_dict.get(key, None) if isinstance(value, bool): return value if value is None: if default is not None: return default return [] if is_list else "" if isinstance(value, list): return value if is_list else value[0] return [value] if is_list else value def get_file_absolute_path(input_name, paths=None, alt_dir=None): """find absolute path for input_name Args: input_name: the target file to search paths: path list for searching input_name alt_dir: extra dir that appended to paths Returns: absolute path for input_name """ input_name = str(input_name) abs_paths = set(paths) if paths else set() _update_paths(abs_paths) _inputs = [input_name] if input_name.startswith("resource/"): _inputs.append(input_name.replace("resource/", "", 1)) elif input_name.startswith("testcases/"): _inputs.append(input_name.replace("testcases/", "", 1)) elif input_name.startswith("resource\\"): _inputs.append(input_name.replace("resource\\", "", 1)) elif input_name.startswith("testcases\\"): _inputs.append(input_name.replace("testcases\\", "", 1)) for _input in _inputs: for path in abs_paths: if alt_dir: file_path = os.path.join(path, alt_dir, _input) if os.path.exists(file_path): return os.path.abspath(file_path) file_path = os.path.join(path, _input) if os.path.exists(file_path): return os.path.abspath(file_path) err_msg = "The file {} does not exist".format(input_name) if check_mode(ModeType.decc): LOG.error(err_msg, error_no="00109") err_msg = "Load Error[00109]" if alt_dir: LOG.debug("alt_dir is %s" % alt_dir) LOG.debug("paths is:") for path in abs_paths: LOG.debug(path) raise ParamError(err_msg, error_no="00109") def _update_paths(paths): from xdevice import Variables resource_dir = "resource" testcases_dir = "testcases" need_add_path = set() for path in paths: if not os.path.exists(path): continue head, tail = os.path.split(path) if not tail: head, tail = os.path.split(head) if tail in [resource_dir, testcases_dir]: need_add_path.add(head) paths.update(need_add_path) inner_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.exec_dir, testcases_dir)) top_inner_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.top_dir, testcases_dir)) res_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.exec_dir, resource_dir)) top_res_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(Variables.top_dir, resource_dir)) paths.update([inner_dir, res_dir, top_inner_dir, top_res_dir, Variables.exec_dir, Variables.top_dir]) def modify_props(device, local_prop_file, target_prop_file, new_props): """To change the props if need Args: device: the device to modify props local_prop_file : the local file to save the old props target_prop_file : the target prop file to change new_props : the new props Returns: True : prop file changed False : prop file no need to change """ is_changed = False device.pull_file(target_prop_file, local_prop_file) old_props = {} changed_prop_key = [] lines = [] flags = os.O_RDONLY modes = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR with os.fdopen(os.open(local_prop_file, flags, modes), "r") as old_file: lines = old_file.readlines() if lines: lines[-1] = lines[-1] + '\n' for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line.startswith("#") and line.find("=") > 0: key_value = line.split("=") if len(key_value) == 2: old_props[line.split("=")[0]] = line.split("=")[1] for key, value in new_props.items(): if key not in old_props.keys(): lines.append("".join([key, "=", value, '\n'])) is_changed = True elif old_props.get(key) != value: changed_prop_key.append(key) is_changed = True if is_changed: local_temp_prop_file = NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', prefix='build', suffix='.tmp', delete=False) for index, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.startswith("#") and line.find("=") > 0: key = line.split("=")[0] if key in changed_prop_key: lines[index] = "".join([key, "=", new_props[key], '\n']) local_temp_prop_file.writelines(lines) local_temp_prop_file.close() device.push_file(local_temp_prop_file.name, target_prop_file) device.execute_shell_command(" ".join(["chmod 644", target_prop_file])) LOG.info("Changed the system property as required successfully") os.remove(local_temp_prop_file.name) return is_changed def get_device_log_file(report_path, serial=None, log_name="device_log", device_name=""): from xdevice import Variables log_path = os.path.join(report_path, Variables.report_vars.log_dir) os.makedirs(log_path, exist_ok=True) serial = serial or time.time_ns() if device_name: serial = "%s_%s" % (device_name, serial) device_file_name = "{}_{}.log".format(log_name, str(serial).replace( ":", "_")) device_log_file = os.path.join(log_path, device_file_name) LOG.info("generate device log file: %s", device_log_file) return device_log_file def check_result_report(report_root_dir, report_file, error_message="", report_name="", module_name=""): """ check whether report_file exits or not. if report_file is not exist, create empty report with error_message under report_root_dir """ if os.path.exists(report_file): return report_file report_dir = os.path.dirname(report_file) if os.path.isabs(report_dir): result_dir = report_dir else: result_dir = os.path.join(report_root_dir, "result", report_dir) os.makedirs(result_dir, exist_ok=True) if check_mode(ModeType.decc): LOG.error("report not exist, create empty report") else: LOG.error("report %s not exist, create empty report under %s" % ( report_file, result_dir)) suite_name = report_name if not suite_name: suite_name, _ = get_filename_extension(report_file) suite_result = SuiteResult() suite_result.suite_name = suite_name suite_result.stacktrace = error_message if module_name: suite_name = module_name suite_reporter = SuiteReporter([(suite_result, [])], suite_name, result_dir, modulename=module_name) suite_reporter.create_empty_report() return "%s.xml" % os.path.join(result_dir, suite_name) def get_sub_path(test_suite_path): pattern = "%stests%s" % (os.sep, os.sep) file_dir = os.path.dirname(test_suite_path) pos = file_dir.find(pattern) if -1 == pos: return "" sub_path = file_dir[pos + len(pattern):] pos = sub_path.find(os.sep) if -1 == pos: return "" return sub_path[pos + len(os.sep):] def is_config_str(content): return True if "{" in content and "}" in content else False def get_version(): from xdevice import Variables ver = '' ver_file_path = os.path.join(Variables.res_dir, 'version.txt') if not os.path.isfile(ver_file_path): return ver flags = os.O_RDONLY modes = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR with os.fdopen(os.open(ver_file_path, flags, modes), "r") as ver_file: line = ver_file.readline() if '-v' in line: ver = line.strip().split('-')[1] ver = ver.split(':')[0] return ver def get_instance_name(instance): return instance.__class__.__name__ def convert_ip(origin_ip): addr = origin_ip.strip().split(".") if len(addr) == 4: return "{}.{}.{}.{}".format( addr[0], '*'*len(addr[1]), '*'*len(addr[2]), addr[-1]) else: return origin_ip def convert_port(port): _port = str(port) if len(_port) >= 2: return "{}{}{}".format(_port[0], "*" * (len(_port) - 2), _port[-1]) else: return "*{}".format(_port[-1]) def convert_serial(serial): if serial.startswith("local_"): return serial elif serial.startswith("remote_"): return "remote_{}_{}".format(convert_ip(serial.split("_")[1]), convert_port(serial.split("_")[-1])) else: length = len(serial)//3 return "{}{}{}".format( serial[0:length], "*"*(len(serial)-length*2), serial[-length:]) def get_shell_handler(request, parser_type): suite_name = request.root.source.test_name parsers = get_plugin(Plugin.PARSER, parser_type) parser_instances = [] for listener in request.listeners: listener.device_sn = request.config.environment.devices[0].device_sn for parser in parsers: parser_instance = parser.__class__() parser_instance.suite_name = suite_name parser_instance.listeners = request.listeners parser_instances.append(parser_instance) handler = ShellHandler(parser_instances) return handler def get_kit_instances(json_config, resource_path="", testcases_path=""): from _core.testkit.json_parser import JsonParser kit_instances = [] # check input param if not isinstance(json_config, JsonParser): return kit_instances # get kit instances for kit in json_config.config.kits: kit["paths"] = [resource_path, testcases_path] kit_type = kit.get("type", "") device_name = kit.get("device_name", None) if get_plugin(plugin_type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, plugin_id=kit_type): test_kit = \ get_plugin(plugin_type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, plugin_id=kit_type)[0] test_kit_instance = test_kit.__class__() test_kit_instance.__check_config__(kit) setattr(test_kit_instance, "device_name", device_name) kit_instances.append(test_kit_instance) else: raise ParamError("kit %s not exists" % kit_type, error_no="00107") return kit_instances def check_device_name(device, kit, step="setup"): kit_device_name = getattr(kit, "device_name", None) device_name = device.get("name") if kit_device_name and device_name and \ kit_device_name != device_name: return False if kit_device_name and device_name: LOG.debug("do kit:%s %s for device:%s", kit.__class__.__name__, step, device_name) else: LOG.debug("do kit:%s %s", kit.__class__.__name__, step) return True def check_path_legal(path): if path and " " in path: return "\"%s\"" % path return path def get_local_ip(): try: sys_type = platform.system() if sys_type == "Windows": _list = socket.gethostbyname_ex(socket.gethostname()) _list = _list[2] for ip_add in _list: if ip_add.startswith("10."): return ip_add return socket.gethostbyname(socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname())) elif sys_type == "Darwin": hostname = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname()) return socket.gethostbyname(hostname) elif sys_type == "Linux": real_ip = "/%s/%s" % ("hostip", "realip") if os.path.exists(real_ip): srw = None try: import codecs srw = codecs.open(real_ip, "r", "utf-8") lines = srw.readlines() local_ip = str(lines[0]).strip() except (IOError, ValueError) as error_message: LOG.error(error_message) local_ip = "" finally: if srw is not None: srw.close() else: local_ip = "" return local_ip else: return "" except Exception as error: LOG.debug("Get local ip error: %s, skip!" % error) return "" class SplicingAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, " ".join(values)) def get_test_component_version(config): if check_mode(ModeType.decc): return "" try: paths = [config.resource_path, config.testcases_path] test_file = get_file_absolute_path("test_component.json", paths) flags = os.O_RDONLY modes = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR with os.fdopen(os.open(test_file, flags, modes), "r") as file_content: json_content = json.load(file_content) version = json_content.get("version", "") return version except (ParamError, ValueError) as error: LOG.error("The exception {} happened when get version".format(error)) return "" def check_mode(mode): from xdevice import Scheduler return Scheduler.mode == mode def do_module_kit_setup(request, kits): for device in request.get_devices(): setattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits, []) from xdevice import Scheduler for kit in kits: run_flag = False for device in request.get_devices(): if not Scheduler.is_execute: raise ExecuteTerminate() if check_device_name(device, kit): run_flag = True kit_copy = copy.deepcopy(kit) module_kits = getattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits) module_kits.append(kit_copy) kit_copy.__setup__(device, request=request) if not run_flag: kit_device_name = getattr(kit, "device_name", None) error_msg = "device name '%s' of '%s' not exist" % ( kit_device_name, kit.__class__.__name__) LOG.error(error_msg, error_no="00108") raise ParamError(error_msg, error_no="00108") def do_module_kit_teardown(request): for device in request.get_devices(): for kit in getattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits, []): if check_device_name(device, kit, step="teardown"): kit.__teardown__(device) setattr(device, ConfigConst.module_kits, [])