#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import os import platform import socket import struct import threading import time import shutil import stat from dataclasses import dataclass from xdevice import DeviceOsType from xdevice import ReportException from xdevice import ExecuteTerminate from xdevice import platform_logger from xdevice import Plugin from xdevice import get_plugin from xdevice import IShellReceiver from xdevice import exec_cmd from xdevice import get_file_absolute_path from xdevice import ParamError from xdevice_extension._core.environment.device_state import DeviceState from xdevice_extension._core.exception import DeviceError from xdevice_extension._core.exception import HdcError from xdevice_extension._core.exception import HdcCommandRejectedException from xdevice_extension._core.exception import ShellCommandUnresponsiveException from xdevice_extension._core.utils import is_proc_running from xdevice_extension._core.utils import convert_ip from xdevice_extension._core.utils import convert_serial from xdevice_extension._core.utils import create_dir from xdevice_extension._core.constants import DeviceConnectorType from xdevice_extension._core.constants import FilePermission ID_OKAY = b'OKAY' ID_FAIL = b'FAIL' ID_STAT = b'STAT' ID_RECV = b'RECV' ID_DATA = b'DATA' ID_DONE = b'DONE' ID_SEND = b'SEND' ID_LIST = b'LIST' ID_DENT = b'DENT' DEFAULT_ENCODING = "ISO-8859-1" SYNC_DATA_MAX = 64 * 1024 REMOTE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH = 1024 SOCK_DATA_MAX = 256 INSTALL_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000 DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 40 * 1000 MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPT_COUNT = 10 DATA_UNIT_LENGTH = 4 HEXADECIMAL_NUMBER = 16 SPECIAL_FILE_MODE = 41471 FORMAT_BYTES_LENGTH = 4 DEFAULT_OFFSET_OF_INT = 4 DEFAULT_PORT = 5037 INVALID_MODE_CODE = -1 LOG = platform_logger("Hdc") class HdcMonitor: """ A Device monitor. This monitor connects to the Device Connector, gets device and debuggable process information from it. """ MONITOR_MAP = {} def __init__(self, host="", port=None, device_connector=None): self.channel = dict() self.channel.setdefault("host", host) self.channel.setdefault("port", port) self.main_hdc_connection = None self.connection_attempt = 0 self.is_stop = False self.monitoring = False self.server = device_connector self.devices = [] @staticmethod def get_instance(host, port=None, device_connector=None): if host not in HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP: monitor = HdcMonitor(host, port, device_connector) HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP[host] = monitor LOG.debug("HdcMonitor map add host %s, map is %s" % (host, HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP)) return HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP[host] def start(self): """ Starts the monitoring. """ try: LOG.debug("HdcMonitor usb type is %s" % self.server.usb_type) bridge_name = 'hdc_std' if self.server.usb_type == DeviceConnectorType.hdc: # tell if hdc has already been in the environ path. env_hdc = shutil.which(bridge_name) # if not, add xdevice's own hdc path to environ path. if env_hdc is None: if os.name == "nt": hdc = get_file_absolute_path( "%s.exe" % bridge_name, alt_dir=os.path.join( "tools", bridge_name, "windows")) else: hdc = get_file_absolute_path( bridge_name, alt_dir=os.path.join ("tools", bridge_name, "linux")) xdevice_hdc_path = os.path.dirname(hdc) os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join( (os.environ['PATH'], xdevice_hdc_path) ) if not is_proc_running(bridge_name): self.start_hdc( connector=bridge_name, local_port=self.channel.setdefault( "port", DEFAULT_PORT)) time.sleep(1) server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.loop_monitor, name="HdcMonitor", args=()) server_thread.setDaemon(True) server_thread.start() except FileNotFoundError as _: LOG.error("HdcMonitor can't find connector, init device " "environment failed!") @staticmethod def stop_hdc(connector="hdc_std"): """ Starts the hdc host side server. """ if connector == "hdc_std": if is_proc_running(connector): try: LOG.debug("HdcMonitor hdc kill") exec_cmd([connector, "kill"]) except ParamError as error: LOG.debug("HdcMonitor hdc kill error:%s" % error) except FileNotFoundError as _: LOG.warning('Cannot kill hdc process, ' 'please close it manually!') def stop(self): """ Stops the monitoring. """ for host in HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP: LOG.debug("HdcMonitor stop host %s" % host) monitor = HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP[host] try: monitor.is_stop = True if monitor.main_hdc_connection is not None: monitor.main_hdc_connection.shutdown(2) monitor.main_hdc_connection.close() monitor.main_hdc_connection = None except (socket.error, socket.gaierror, socket.timeout) as _: LOG.error("HdcMonitor close socket exception") HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP.clear() LOG.debug("HdcMonitor hdc monitor stop!") LOG.debug("HdcMonitor map is %s" % HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP) def loop_monitor(self): """ Monitors the devices. This connects to the Debug Bridge """ while not self.is_stop: try: if self.main_hdc_connection is None: self.main_hdc_connection = self.open_hdc_connection() if self.main_hdc_connection is None: self.connection_attempt += 1 if self.connection_attempt > MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPT_COUNT: self.is_stop = True LOG.error( "HdcMonitor attempt %s, can't connect to hdc " "for Device List Monitoring" % str(self.connection_attempt)) raise HdcError( "HdcMonitor cannot connect hdc server(%s %s)," " please check!" % (self.channel.get("host"), str(self.channel.get("post")))) LOG.debug( "HdcMonitor Connection attempts: %s" % str(self.connection_attempt)) time.sleep(2) else: LOG.debug( "HdcMonitor Connected to hdc_std for device " "monitoring, main_hdc_connection is %s" % self.main_hdc_connection) if self.main_hdc_connection and not self.monitoring: self.monitoring_list_targets() len_buf = HdcHelper.read(self.main_hdc_connection, DATA_UNIT_LENGTH) length = struct.unpack("!I", len_buf)[0] if length >= 0: self.monitoring = True self.process_incoming_target_data(length) except (HdcError, Exception) as _: self.handle_exception_monitor_loop() break def handle_exception_monitor_loop(self): LOG.debug("Handle exception monitor loop: %s" % self.main_hdc_connection) if self.main_hdc_connection is None: return self.main_hdc_connection.close() LOG.debug("Handle exception monitor loop, main hdc connection closed, " "main hdc connection: %s" % self.main_hdc_connection) def monitoring_list_targets(self): HdcHelper.handle_shake(self.main_hdc_connection) request = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request('list targets') HdcHelper.write(self.main_hdc_connection, request) def device_list_monitoring(self): request = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request("host:track-devices") HdcHelper.write(self.main_hdc_connection, request) resp = HdcHelper.read_hdc_response(self.main_hdc_connection) if not resp.okay: LOG.error("HdcMonitor hdc rejected shell command") raise Exception(resp.message) else: LOG.debug( 'HdcMonitor execute command success:send device_list ' 'monitoring request') return True def process_incoming_device_data(self, length): local_array_list = [] if length > 0: data_buf = HdcHelper.read(self.main_hdc_connection, length) data_str = HdcHelper.reply_to_string(data_buf) lines = data_str.split('\n') for line in lines: items = line.strip().split('\t') if len(items) != 2: continue device_instance = self._get_device_instance( items, DeviceOsType.default) local_array_list.append(device_instance) self.update_devices(local_array_list) def process_incoming_target_data(self, length): local_array_list = [] if length > 0: data_buf = HdcHelper.read(self.main_hdc_connection, length) data_str = HdcHelper.reply_to_string(data_buf) if 'Empty' not in data_str: lines = data_str.split('\n') for line in lines: items = line.strip().split('\t') if not items[0] : continue items.append(DeviceState.ONLINE.value) device_instance = self._get_device_instance( items, DeviceOsType.default) local_array_list.append(device_instance) else: LOG.debug("please check device actually.[%s]" % data_str) self.update_devices(local_array_list) def _get_device_instance(self, items, os_type): device = get_plugin(plugin_type=Plugin.DEVICE, plugin_id=os_type)[0] device_instance = device.__class__() device_instance.__set_serial__(items[0]) device_instance.host = self.channel.get("host") device_instance.port = self.channel.get("port") LOG.debug("dmlib get_device_instance %s %s %s" % (device_instance.device_sn, device_instance.host, device_instance.port)) device_instance.device_state = DeviceState.get_state(items[1]) return device_instance def update_devices(self, param_array_list): devices = [item for item in self.devices] devices.reverse() for local_device1 in devices: k = 0 for local_device2 in param_array_list: if local_device1.device_sn == local_device2.device_sn and \ local_device1.device_os_type == \ local_device2.device_os_type: k = 1 if local_device1.device_state != \ local_device2.device_state: local_device1.device_state = local_device2.device_state self.server.device_changed(local_device1) param_array_list.remove(local_device2) break if k == 0: self.devices.remove(local_device1) self.server.device_disconnected(local_device1) for local_device in param_array_list: self.devices.append(local_device) self.server.device_connected(local_device) def open_hdc_connection(self): """ Attempts to connect to the debug bridge server. Return a connect socket if success, null otherwise. """ sock = None try: LOG.debug( "HdcMonitor connecting to hdc for Device List Monitoring") LOG.debug("HdcMonitor socket connection host: %s, port: %s" % (str(convert_ip(self.channel.get("host"))), str(int(self.channel.get("port"))))) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((self.channel.get("host"), int(self.channel.get("port")))) return sock except (socket.error, socket.gaierror, socket.timeout) as exception: LOG.error("HdcMonitor hdc socket connection Error: %s, " "host is %s, port is %s" % (str(exception), self.channel.get("host"), self.channel.get("port"))) return sock def start_hdc(self, connector="hdc_std", kill=False, local_port=None): """Starts the hdc host side server. Args: connector: connector type, like "hdc" kill: if True, kill exist host side server local_port: local port to start host side server Returns: None """ if connector == "hdc_std": if kill: LOG.debug("HdcMonitor hdc kill") exec_cmd([connector, "kill"]) LOG.debug("HdcMonitor hdc start") exec_cmd( [connector, "-s", "tcp:%s" % local_port, "reset"], error_print=False) @dataclass class HdcResponse: """Response from HDC.""" okay = ID_OKAY # first 4 bytes in response were "OKAY"? message = "" # diagnostic string if okay is false class SyncService: """ Sync service class to push/pull to/from devices/emulators, through the debug bridge. """ def __init__(self, device, host=None, port=None): self.device = device self.host = host self.port = port self.sock = None def open_sync(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ Opens the sync connection. This must be called before any calls to push[File] / pull[File]. Return true if the connection opened, false if hdc refuse the connection. This can happen device is invalid. """ LOG.debug("open sync, timeout=%s" % int(timeout/1000)) self.sock = HdcHelper.socket(host=self.host, port=self.port, timeout=timeout) HdcHelper.set_device(self.device, self.sock) request = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request("sync:") HdcHelper.write(self.sock, request) resp = HdcHelper.read_hdc_response(self.sock) if not resp.okay: self.device.log.error( "Got unhappy response from HDC sync req: %s" % resp.message) raise HdcError( "Got unhappy response from HDC sync req: %s" % resp.message) def close(self): """ Closes the connection. """ if self.sock is not None: try: self.sock.close() except socket.error as error: LOG.error("socket close error: %s" % error, error_no="00420") finally: self.sock = None def pull_file(self, remote, local, is_create=False): """ Pulls a file. The top directory won't be created if is_create is False (by default) and vice versa """ mode = self.read_mode(remote) self.device.log.debug("Remote file %s mode is %d" % (remote, mode)) if mode == 0: raise HdcError("Remote object doesn't exist!") if str(mode).startswith("168"): if is_create: remote_file_split = os.path.split(remote)[-1] \ if os.path.split(remote)[-1] else os.path.split(remote)[-2] remote_file_basename = os.path.basename(remote_file_split) new_local = os.path.join(local, remote_file_basename) create_dir(new_local) else: new_local = local collect_receiver = CollectingOutputReceiver() HdcHelper.execute_shell_command(self.device, "ls %s" % remote, receiver=collect_receiver) files = collect_receiver.output.split() for file_name in files: self.pull_file("%s/%s" % (remote, file_name), new_local, is_create=True) elif mode == SPECIAL_FILE_MODE: self.device.log.info("skipping special file '%s'" % remote) else: if os.path.isdir(local): local = os.path.join(local, os.path.basename(remote)) self.do_pull_file(remote, local) def do_pull_file(self, remote, local): """ Pulls a remote file """ self.device.log.info( "%s pull %s to %s" % (convert_serial(self.device.device_sn), remote, local)) remote_path_content = remote.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) if len(remote_path_content) > REMOTE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH: raise HdcError("Remote path is too long.") msg = self.create_file_req(ID_RECV, remote_path_content) HdcHelper.write(self.sock, msg) pull_result = HdcHelper.read(self.sock, DATA_UNIT_LENGTH * 2) if not self.check_result(pull_result, ID_DATA) and \ not self.check_result(pull_result, ID_DONE): raise HdcError(self.read_error_message(pull_result)) if platform.system() == "Windows": flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND | os.O_BINARY else: flags = os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND pulled_file_open = os.open(local, flags, FilePermission.mode_755) with os.fdopen(pulled_file_open, "wb") as pulled_file: while True: if self.check_result(pull_result, ID_DONE): break if not self.check_result(pull_result, ID_DATA): raise HdcError(self.read_error_message(pull_result)) try: length = self.swap32bit_from_array( pull_result, DEFAULT_OFFSET_OF_INT) except IndexError as index_error: self.device.log.debug("do_pull_file: %s" % str(pull_result)) if pull_result == ID_DATA: pull_result = self.sock.recv(DATA_UNIT_LENGTH) self.device.log.debug( "do_pull_file: %s" % str(pull_result)) length = self.swap32bit_from_array(pull_result, 0) self.device.log.debug("do_pull_file: %s" % str(length)) else: raise IndexError(str(index_error)) if length > SYNC_DATA_MAX: raise HdcError("Receiving too much data.") pulled_file.write(HdcHelper.read(self.sock, length)) pulled_file.flush() pull_result = self.sock.recv(DATA_UNIT_LENGTH * 2) def push_file(self, local, remote, is_create=False): """ Push a single file. The top directory won't be created if is_create is False (by default) and vice versa """ if not os.path.exists(local): raise HdcError("Local path doesn't exist.") if os.path.isdir(local): if is_create: local_file_split = os.path.split(local)[-1] \ if os.path.split(local)[-1] else os.path.split(local)[-2] local_file_basename = os.path.basename(local_file_split) remote = "{}/{}".format( remote, local_file_basename) HdcHelper.execute_shell_command( self.device, "mkdir -p %s" % remote) for child in os.listdir(local): file_path = os.path.join(local, child) if os.path.isdir(file_path): self.push_file( file_path, "%s/%s" % (remote, child), is_create=False) else: self.do_push_file(file_path, "%s/%s" % (remote, child)) else: self.do_push_file(local, remote) def do_push_file(self, local, remote): """ Push a single file Args: ------------ local : string the local file to push remote : string the remote file (length max is 1024) """ mode = self.read_mode(remote) self.device.log.debug("Remote file %s mode is %d" % (remote, mode)) if self.device.usb_type == DeviceConnectorType.hdc: self.device.log.debug("%s execute command: hdc push %s %s" % ( convert_serial(self.device.device_sn), local, remote)) if str(mode).startswith("168"): remote = "%s/%s" % (remote, os.path.basename(local)) try: try: remote_path_content = remote.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) except UnicodeEncodeError: remote_path_content = remote.encode("UTF-8") if len(remote_path_content) > REMOTE_PATH_MAX_LENGTH: raise HdcError("Remote path is too long.") # create the header for the action msg = self.create_send_file_req(ID_SEND, remote_path_content, FilePermission.mode_644) # and send it. We use a custom try/catch block to make the # difference between file and network IO exceptions. HdcHelper.write(self.sock, msg) flags = os.O_RDONLY modes = stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR with os.fdopen(os.open(local, flags, modes), "rb") as test_file: while True: if platform.system() == "Linux": data = test_file.read(1024 * 4) else: data = test_file.read(SYNC_DATA_MAX) if not data: break buf = struct.pack( "%ds%ds%ds" % (len(ID_DATA), FORMAT_BYTES_LENGTH, len(data)), ID_DATA, self.swap32bits_to_bytes(len(data)), data) self.sock.send(buf) except Exception as exception: self.device.log.error("exception %s" % exception) raise exception msg = self.create_req(ID_DONE, int(time.time())) HdcHelper.write(self.sock, msg) result = HdcHelper.read(self.sock, DATA_UNIT_LENGTH * 2) if not self.check_result(result, ID_OKAY): self.device.log.error("exception %s" % result) raise HdcError(self.read_error_message(result)) def read_mode(self, path): """ Returns the mode of the remote file. Return an Integer containing the mode if all went well or null """ msg = self.create_file_req(ID_STAT, path) HdcHelper.write(self.sock, msg) # read the result, in a byte array containing 4 ints stat_result = HdcHelper.read(self.sock, DATA_UNIT_LENGTH * 4) if not self.check_result(stat_result, ID_STAT): return INVALID_MODE_CODE return self.swap32bit_from_array(stat_result, DEFAULT_OFFSET_OF_INT) def create_file_req(self, command, path): """ Creates the data array for a file request. This creates an array with a 4 byte command + the remote file name. Args: ------------ command : the 4 byte command (ID_STAT, ID_RECV, ...) path : string The path, as a byte array, of the remote file on which to execute the command. return: ------------ return the byte[] to send to the device through hdc """ if isinstance(path, str): try: path = path.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) except UnicodeEncodeError as _: path = path.encode("UTF-8") return struct.pack( "%ds%ds%ds" % (len(command), FORMAT_BYTES_LENGTH, len(path)), command, self.swap32bits_to_bytes(len(path)), path) def create_send_file_req(self, command, path, mode=0o644): # make the mode into a string mode_str = ",%s" % str(mode & FilePermission.mode_777) mode_content = mode_str.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) return struct.pack( "%ds%ds%ds%ds" % (len(command), FORMAT_BYTES_LENGTH, len(path), len(mode_content)), command, self.swap32bits_to_bytes(len(path) + len(mode_content)), path, mode_content) def create_req(self, command, value): """ Create a command with a code and an int values """ return struct.pack("%ds%ds" % (len(command), FORMAT_BYTES_LENGTH), command, self.swap32bits_to_bytes(value)) @staticmethod def check_result(result, code): """ Checks the result array starts with the provided code Args: ------------ result : the result array to check path : string the 4 byte code return: ------------ bool return true if the code matches """ return result[0:4] == code[0:4] def read_error_message(self, result): """ Reads an error message from the opened Socket. Args: ------------ result : the current hdc result. Must contain both FAIL and the length of the message. """ if self.check_result(result, ID_FAIL): length = self.swap32bit_from_array(result, 4) if length > 0: return str(HdcHelper.read(self.sock, length)) return None @staticmethod def swap32bits_to_bytes(value): """ Swaps an unsigned value around, and puts the result in an bytes that can be sent to a device. Args: ------------ value : the value to swap. """ return bytes([value & 0x000000FF, (value & 0x0000FF00) >> 8, (value & 0x00FF0000) >> 16, (value & 0xFF000000) >> 24]) @staticmethod def swap32bit_from_array(value, offset): """ Reads a signed 32 bit integer from an array coming from a device. Args: ------------ value : the array containing the int offset: the offset in the array at which the int starts Return: ------------ int the integer read from the array """ result = 0 result |= (int(value[offset])) & 0x000000FF result |= (int(value[offset + 1]) & 0x000000FF) << 8 result |= (int(value[offset + 2]) & 0x000000FF) << 16 result |= (int(value[offset + 3]) & 0x000000FF) << 24 return result class HdcHelper: @staticmethod def push_file(device, local, remote, is_create=False, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): if device.usb_type == DeviceConnectorType.hdc: device.log.info("%s execute command: hdc file send %s %s" % (convert_serial(device.device_sn), local, remote)) if not os.path.exists(local): raise HdcError("Local path doesn't exist.") sock = HdcHelper.socket(host=device.host, port=device.port, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) HdcHelper.handle_shake(sock, device.device_sn) local_end = os.path.split(local)[-1] remote_end = os.path.split(remote)[-1] if not local_end == remote_end: remote = os.path.join(remote, local_end) request = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request("file send %s %s" % (local, remote)) HdcHelper.write(sock, request) reply = HdcHelper.read(sock, 4) length = struct.unpack("!I", reply)[0] data_buf = HdcHelper.read(sock, length) data_str = HdcHelper.reply_to_string(data_buf) @staticmethod def pull_file(device, remote, local, is_create=False, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): if device.usb_type == DeviceConnectorType.hdc: device.log.info("%s execute command: hdc file recv %s to %s" % (convert_serial(device.device_sn), remote, local)) if not os.path.exists(local): raise HdcError("Local path doesn't exist.") sock = HdcHelper.socket(host=device.host, port=device.port, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) HdcHelper.handle_shake(sock, device.device_sn) local_end = os.path.split(local)[-1] remote_end = os.path.split(remote)[-1] if not local_end == remote_end: remote = os.path.join(remote, local_end) request = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request("file recv %s %s" % (local, remote)) HdcHelper.write(sock, request) reply = HdcHelper.read(sock, 4) length = struct.unpack("!I", reply)[0] data_buf = HdcHelper.read(sock, length) data_str = HdcHelper.reply_to_string(data_buf) @staticmethod def _install_remote_package(device, remote_file_path, command): receiver = CollectingOutputReceiver() cmd = "pm install %s %s" % (command.strip(), remote_file_path) HdcHelper.execute_shell_command(device, cmd, INSTALL_TIMEOUT, receiver) return receiver.output @staticmethod def install_package(device, package_file_path, command): device.log.info("%s install %s" % (convert_serial(device.device_sn), package_file_path)) remote_file_path = "/data/local/tmp/%s" % os.path.basename( package_file_path) result = HdcHelper._install_remote_package(device, remote_file_path, command) HdcHelper.execute_shell_command(device, "rm %s " % remote_file_path) return result @staticmethod def uninstall_package(device, package_name): receiver = CollectingOutputReceiver() command = "bm uninstall -n %s" % package_name device.log.info("%s %s" % (convert_serial(device.device_sn), command)) HdcHelper.execute_shell_command(device, command, INSTALL_TIMEOUT, receiver) return receiver.output @staticmethod def reboot(device, into=None): if device.usb_type == DeviceConnectorType.hdc: device.log.info("%s execute command: hdc target boot" % convert_serial(device.device_sn)) with HdcHelper.socket(host=device.host, port=device.port) as sock: HdcHelper.set_device(device, sock) HdcHelper.handle_shake(sock, device.device_sn) request = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request("reboot") HdcHelper.write(sock, request) @staticmethod def execute_shell_command(device, command, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, receiver=None, **kwargs): """ Executes a shell command on the device and retrieve the output. Args: ------------ device : IDevice on which to execute the command. command : string the shell command to execute timeout : int max time between command output. If more time passes between command output, the method will throw ShellCommandUnresponsiveException (ms). """ try: if not timeout: timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT with HdcHelper.socket(host=device.host, port=device.port, timeout=timeout) as sock: output_flag = kwargs.get("output_flag", True) timeout_msg = '' if (timeout/1000) == 300.0 else \ " with timeout %ss" % str(timeout/1000) if device.usb_type == DeviceConnectorType.hdc: message = "%s execute command: hdc shell %s%s" % \ (convert_serial(device.device_sn), command, timeout_msg) if output_flag: LOG.info(message) else: LOG.debug(message) HdcHelper.handle_shake(sock, device.device_sn) request = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request("shell %s" % command) HdcHelper.write(sock, request) len_buf = HdcHelper.read(sock, DATA_UNIT_LENGTH) if len_buf: length = struct.unpack("!I", len_buf)[0] resp = HdcResponse() resp.okay = True from xdevice import Scheduler data = sock.recv(SOCK_DATA_MAX) while data != b'': ret = HdcHelper.reply_to_string(data) if ret: if receiver: receiver.__read__(ret) else: LOG.debug(ret) if not Scheduler.is_execute: raise ExecuteTerminate() data = HdcHelper.read(sock, SOCK_DATA_MAX) return resp except socket.timeout as _: device.log.error("%s shell %s timeout[%sS]" % ( convert_serial(device.device_sn), command, str(timeout/1000))) raise ShellCommandUnresponsiveException() finally: if receiver: receiver.__done__() @staticmethod def set_device(device, sock): """ tells hdc to talk to a specific device if the device is not -1, then we first tell hdc we're looking to talk to a specific device """ msg = "host:transport:%s" % device.device_sn device_query = HdcHelper.form_hdc_request(msg) HdcHelper.write(sock, device_query) resp = HdcHelper.read_hdc_response(sock) if not resp.okay: raise HdcCommandRejectedException(resp.message) @staticmethod def form_hdc_request(req): """ Create an ASCII string preceded by four hex digits. """ try: req = req.encode("utf-8") fmt = "!I%ss" % len(req) result = struct.pack(fmt, len(req), req) except UnicodeEncodeError as ex: LOG.error(ex) raise ex return result @staticmethod def read_hdc_response(sock, read_diag_string=False): """ Reads the response from HDC after a command. Args: ------------ read_diag_string : If true, we're expecting an OKAY response to be followed by a diagnostic string. Otherwise, we only expect the diagnostic string to follow a FAIL. """ resp = HdcResponse() reply = HdcHelper.read(sock, DATA_UNIT_LENGTH) if HdcHelper.is_okay(reply): resp.okay = True else: read_diag_string = True resp.okay = False while read_diag_string: len_buf = HdcHelper.read(sock, DATA_UNIT_LENGTH) len_str = HdcHelper.reply_to_string(len_buf) msg = HdcHelper.read(sock, int(len_str, HEXADECIMAL_NUMBER)) resp.message = HdcHelper.reply_to_string(msg) break return resp @staticmethod def write(sock, req, timeout=5): if isinstance(req, str): req = req.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING) elif isinstance(req, list): req = bytes(req) start_time = time.time() while req: if time.time() - start_time > timeout: LOG.debug("Socket write timeout, timeout:%ss" % timeout) break size = sock.send(req) if size < 0: raise DeviceError("channel EOF") req = req[size:] time.sleep(5 / 1000) @staticmethod def read(sock, length, timeout=5): data = b'' recv_len = 0 start_time = time.time() exc_num = 3 while length - recv_len > 0: if time.time() - start_time > timeout: LOG.debug("socket read timeout, timeout:%ss" % timeout) break try: recv = sock.recv(length - recv_len) if len(recv) > 0: time.sleep(5 / 1000) else: break except ConnectionResetError as error: if exc_num <= 0: raise error exc_num = exc_num - 1 recv = b'' time.sleep(1) LOG.debug("ConnectionResetError occurs") data += recv recv_len += len(recv) return data @staticmethod def is_okay(reply): """ Checks to see if the first four bytes in "reply" are OKAY. """ return reply[0:4] == ID_OKAY @staticmethod def reply_to_string(reply): """ Converts an HDC reply to a string. """ try: return str(reply, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING) except (ValueError, TypeError) as _: return "" @staticmethod def socket(host=None, port=None, timeout=None): end = time.time() + 10 * 60 sock = None while host not in HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP or \ HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP[host].main_hdc_connection is None: LOG.debug("Host: %s, port: %s, HdcMonitor map is %s" % ( host, port, HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP)) if host in HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP: LOG.debug("Monitor main hdc connection is %s" % HdcMonitor.MONITOR_MAP[host].main_hdc_connection) if time.time() > end: raise HdcError("Cannot detect HDC monitor!") time.sleep(2) try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((host, int(port))) except socket.error as exception: LOG.exception("Connect hdc server error: %s" % str(exception), exc_info=False) raise exception if sock is None: raise HdcError("Cannot connect hdc server!") if timeout is not None: sock.setblocking(False) sock.settimeout(timeout/1000) return sock @staticmethod def handle_shake(connection, connect_key=""): reply = HdcHelper.read(connection, 40) reply_size = struct.unpack(">I12s24s", reply) banner_str = b'OHOS HDC' connect_key = connect_key.encode("utf-8") size = struct.calcsize('12s256s') fmt = "!I12s256s" pack_cmd = struct.pack(fmt, size, banner_str, connect_key) HdcHelper.write(connection, pack_cmd) return True class DeviceConnector(object): __instance = None __init_flag = False def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, usb_type=None): if DeviceConnector.__init_flag: return self.device_listeners = [] self.device_monitor = None self.host = host if host else "" self.usb_type = usb_type if port: self.port = int(port) elif usb_type == DeviceConnectorType.hdc: self.port = int(os.getenv("HDC_SERVER_PORT", 8710)) def start(self): self.device_monitor = HdcMonitor.get_instance( self.host, self.port, device_connector=self) self.device_monitor.start() def terminate(self): if self.device_monitor: self.device_monitor.stop() self.device_monitor = None def add_device_change_listener(self, device_change_listener): self.device_listeners.append(device_change_listener) def remove_device_change_listener(self, device_change_listener): if device_change_listener in self.device_listeners: self.device_listeners.remove(device_change_listener) def device_connected(self, device): LOG.debug("DeviceConnector device_connected:host %s, port %s, " "device_sn %s " % (self.host, self.port, device.device_sn)) if device.host != self.host or device.port != self.port: LOG.debug("DeviceConnector device error") for listener in self.device_listeners: listener.device_connected(device) def device_disconnected(self, device): LOG.debug("DeviceConnector device_disconnected:host %s, port %s, " "device_sn %s" % (self.host, self.port, device.device_sn)) if device.host != self.host or device.port != self.port: LOG.debug("DeviceConnector device error") for listener in self.device_listeners: listener.device_disconnected(device) def device_changed(self, device): LOG.debug("DeviceConnector device_changed:host %s, port %s, " "device_sn %s" % (self.host, self.port, device.device_sn)) if device.host != self.host or device.port != self.port: LOG.debug("DeviceConnector device error") for listener in self.device_listeners: listener.device_changed(device) class CollectingOutputReceiver(IShellReceiver): def __init__(self): self.output = "" def __read__(self, output): self.output = "%s%s" % (self.output, output) def __error__(self, message): pass def __done__(self, result_code="", message=""): pass class DisplayOutputReceiver(IShellReceiver): def __init__(self): self.output = "" self.unfinished_line = "" def _process_output(self, output, end_mark="\n"): content = output if self.unfinished_line: content = "".join((self.unfinished_line, content)) self.unfinished_line = "" lines = content.split(end_mark) if content.endswith(end_mark): # get rid of the tail element of this list contains empty str return lines[:-1] else: self.unfinished_line = lines[-1] # not return the tail element of this list contains unfinished str, # so we set position -1 return lines[:-1] def __read__(self, output): self.output = "%s%s" % (self.output, output) lines = self._process_output(output) for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line: LOG.info(line) def __error__(self, message): pass def __done__(self, result_code="", message=""): pass def process_command_ret(ret, receiver): try: if ret != "" and receiver: receiver.__read__(ret) receiver.__done__() except Exception as _: LOG.exception("Error generating log report.", exc_info=False) raise ReportException() if ret != "" and not receiver: lines = ret.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line: LOG.debug(line)