#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # 执行如下命令 获取到的信息 # show subsystemlist 通过show subsystemlist得到子系统名称列表 # show partlist 通过show partlist得到对应子系统下的部件名 import sys import os from core.constants import ToolCommandType from core.utils import get_file_list from core.utils import get_file_list_by_postfix from core.utils import get_build_output_path from core.utils import scan_support_product from core.config.config_manager import UserConfigManager from core.config.config_manager import FrameworkConfigManager from core.config.parse_parts_config import ParsePartsConfig # 支持的设备名称 # 1. ohos-sdk # 2. rk3568 # 3. Hi3516DV300 # 4. DAYU # 5. ohos-arm64 # 6. ipcamera_hispark_aries # 7. ipcamera_hispark_taurus # 8. wifiiot_hispark_pegasus CMD_KEY_PRODUCTLIST = "productlist" # 测试用例类型 # 1. UT # 2. ACTS # 3. MST # 4. ST # 5. PERF # 6. SEC # 7. FUZZ # 8. RELI # 9. DST # 10. BENCHMARK # 11. ALL CMD_KEY_TYPELIST = "typelist" # 子系统名称列表 CMD_KEY_SUBSYSTEMLIST = "subsystemlist" # 子系统下的部件名 CMD_KEY_PARTLIST = "partlist" # acts子系统名称列表 CMD_KEY_SUBSYSTEMLIST_ACTS = "actssubsystemlist" TOOL_VERSION_INFO = """Welcome to DeveloperTest V1.0.0. """ HLEP_COMMAND_INFOMATION = """use help [follow command] for more information: """ + \ "show: " + """Display a list of supported show command. """ + \ "run: " + """Display a list of supported run command. """ + \ "list: " + """Display a list of supported device. """ + \ "quit: " + """Exit the test framework application. """ SUPPORT_COMMAND_SHOW = """use show [follow command] for more information: """ + \ "productlist" + """ """ + \ "typelist" + """ """ + \ "subsystemlist" + """ """ + \ "partlist" + """ """ RUNCASES_INFOMATION = """run: This command is used to execute the selected testcases. It includes a series of processes such as use case compilation, \ execution, and result collection. usage: run [-p PRODUCTFORM] [-t [TESTTYPE [TESTTYPE ...]]] [-ss [SUBSYSTEM [SUBSYSTEM ...]]] [-tp [TESTPART [TESTPART ...]]] [-ts TESTSUIT] [-tc TESTCASE] [-tl TESTLEVEL] optional arguments: -p PRODUCTFORM, --productform PRODUCTFORM Specified product form -t [TESTTYPE [TESTTYPE ...]], --testtype [TESTTYPE [TESTTYPE ...]] Specify test type(UT,MST,ST,PERF,ALL) -ss [SUBSYSTEM [SUBSYSTEM ...]], --subsystem [SUBSYSTEM [SUBSYSTEM ...]] Specify test subsystem -tp [TESTPART [TESTPART ...]], --testpart [TESTPART [TESTPART ...]] Specify test testpart -ts TESTSUIT, --testsuit TESTSUIT Specify test suit -tc TESTCASE, --testcase TESTCASE Specify test case -tl TESTLEVEL, --testlevel TESTLEVEL Examples: run -t UT run -t UT -ss aafwk run -t UT -ss aafwk -tm base_test run -t UT -ss aafwk -tm base_test -ts base_test run -t UT -ss aafwk -tm base_test -ts base_test -tl 2 run -t UT -ss aafwk -tm base_test -ts base_test -tc \ AAFwkBaseTest.* run -t UT -ss aafwk -tm base_test -ts base_test -tc \ AAFwkBaseTest.object_test_001 run -t MST ... run -t ALL ... """ LIST_INFOMATION = "list\n" + """ This command is used to display device list. """ QUIT_INFOMATION = "quit\n" + """ This command is used to exit the test framework application. """ ############################################################################# ############################################################################# def select_user_input(data_list): data_item_count = len(data_list) select_item_value = "" select_item_index = -1 if len(data_list) != 0: count = 0 while True: input_data = input("") if "" != input_data and input_data.isdigit(): input_num = int(input_data) if input_num > 0 and (input_num <= data_item_count): select_item_index = input_num - 1 select_item_value = data_list[input_num - 1] break else: print("The data you entered is out of range, \ please re-enter:") count += 1 else: if "" == input_data: select_item_index = 0 select_item_value = data_list[0] break else: print("You entered a non-numeric character, \ please re-enter:") count += 1 if count >= 3: print("You entered the error three times in a row, \ exit the frame.") quit() sys.exit(0) return select_item_value, select_item_index # 选择productform def select_productform(): select_value = "phone" # scan_support_product() = [DAYU,Hi3516,ohos_arm64,ohos_sdk,rk3568] scan_product_list = scan_support_product() # 从framework_config.xml里取productform节点的value:ipcamera_hispark_aries、ipcamera_hispark_taurus、wifiiot_hispark_pegasus config_product_list = \ FrameworkConfigManager().get_framework_config("productform") # productform_list = [DAYU,Hi3516,ohos_arm64,ohos_sdk,rk3568, # ipcamera_hispark_aries、ipcamera_hispark_taurus、wifiiot_hispark_pegasus] productform_list = scan_product_list + config_product_list if len(productform_list) != 0: print("Please select the current tested product form:") for index, element in enumerate(productform_list): print("%d. %s" % (index + 1, element)) print("default is [1] %s" % productform_list[0]) select_value, _ = select_user_input(productform_list) print(select_value) return select_value def show_wizard_mode(): wizard_data_dic = {} print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") productform = select_productform() if productform == "": productform = "phone" wizard_data_dic["productform"] = productform print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") print("The environment is ready, please use the run command to test.") return wizard_data_dic ############################################################################# ############################################################################# def display_help_info(para_list): if len(para_list) == 0 or para_list[0] != ToolCommandType.TOOLCMD_KEY_HELP: print("This command is not support.") return if len(para_list) > 1: display_help_command_info(para_list[1]) else: print(TOOL_VERSION_INFO) print(HLEP_COMMAND_INFOMATION) def display_show_info(para_list, productform): if len(para_list) == 0 or para_list[0] != ToolCommandType.TOOLCMD_KEY_SHOW: print("This command is not support.") return if len(para_list) > 1: display_show_command_info(para_list[1], productform) else: print(SUPPORT_COMMAND_SHOW) ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ############################################################################# ############################################################################# def show_product_list(): print("List of currently supported productform:") scan_product_list = scan_support_product() config_product_list = \ FrameworkConfigManager().get_framework_config("productform") productform_list = scan_product_list + config_product_list if 0 != len(productform_list): for index, element in enumerate(productform_list): print(" %d. %s" % (index + 1, element)) else: print("No category specified.") def show_testtype_list(): print("List of currently supported test types:") testtype_list = FrameworkConfigManager().get_framework_config( "test_category") if 0 != len(testtype_list): for index, element in enumerate(testtype_list): print(" %d. %s" % (index + 1, element)) else: print("No category specified.") # 从OpenHarmony/out/rk3568/build_configs/infos_for_testfwk.json里的subsystem_infos中subsystem_infos下获取subsystemlist def show_subsystem_list(product_form): print("List of currently supported subsystem names:") parser = ParsePartsConfig(product_form) subsystem_name_list = parser.get_subsystem_name_list() if len(subsystem_name_list) == 0: return subsystem_name_list.sort() for index, element in enumerate(subsystem_name_list): print(" %d. %s" % (index + 1, element)) def show_acts_subsystem_list(): print("List of currently supported acts subsystem names:") sub_list = ['global','security','useriam','multimedia','appexecfwk','account','communication','notification', 'aafwk','miscservices','powermgr','startup','sensor','distributeddatamgr','update','graphic','ace', 'storage','distributedhardware','compileruntime','usb','multimodalinput','resourceschedule', 'telephony','hiviewdfx','location','settingsdata','barrierfree','customization'] sub_list.sort() for index, element in enumerate(sub_list): print(" %d. %s" % (index + 1, element.strip())) # 从OpenHarmony/out/rk3568/build_configs/infos_for_testfwk.json里的subsystem_infos中subsystem_infos下获取partlist def show_partname_list(product_form): print("List of currently supported part names:") parser = ParsePartsConfig(product_form) subsystem_name_list = parser.get_subsystem_name_list() if len(subsystem_name_list) == 0: return subsystem_name_list.sort() subsystem_infos = parser.get_subsystem_infos() for subsystem in subsystem_name_list: print("%s:" % subsystem) part_name_list = subsystem_infos[subsystem] part_name_list.sort() for index, element in enumerate(part_name_list): print(" %d. %s" % (index + 1, element)) def display_help_command_info(command): if command == ToolCommandType.TOOLCMD_KEY_SHOW: print(SUPPORT_COMMAND_SHOW) elif command == ToolCommandType.TOOLCMD_KEY_RUN: print(RUNCASES_INFOMATION) elif command == ToolCommandType.TOOLCMD_KEY_LIST: print(LIST_INFOMATION) elif command == ToolCommandType.TOOLCMD_KEY_QUIT: print(QUIT_INFOMATION) else: print("'%s' command no help information." % command) def display_show_command_info(command, product_form="phone"): if command == CMD_KEY_PRODUCTLIST: show_product_list() elif command == CMD_KEY_TYPELIST: show_testtype_list() elif command == CMD_KEY_SUBSYSTEMLIST: show_subsystem_list(product_form) elif command == CMD_KEY_PARTLIST: show_partname_list(product_form) elif command == CMD_KEY_SUBSYSTEMLIST_ACTS: show_acts_subsystem_list() else: print("This command is not support.") ############################################################################# #############################################################################