/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "beget_ext.h" #include "cJSON.h" #include "init_cmds.h" #include "init_jobs_internal.h" #include "init_service_manager.h" #include "param_stub.h" #include "securec.h" using namespace std; using namespace testing::ext; namespace OHOS { std::vector g_supportedCmds; const std::string ROOT_DIR = "/storage/data/"; const std::string TEST_DRI = ROOT_DIR + "StartInitTestDir"; const std::string TEST_FILE = TEST_DRI + "/test.txt"; const std::string TEST_CFG_ILLEGAL = TEST_DRI + "/illegal.cfg"; const std::string TEST_PROC_MOUNTS = "/proc/mounts"; #ifndef USE_EMMC_STORAGE const uid_t TEST_FILE_UID = 999; const gid_t TEST_FILE_GID = 999; const mode_t TEST_FILE_MODE = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH; #endif // init.cfg releated const std::string CFG_FILE = "/etc/init.cfg"; const std::string SERVICE_ARR_NAME_IN_JSON = "services"; const std::string JOBS_ARR_NAME_IN_JSON = "jobs"; const std::string CMDS_ARR_NAME_IN_JSON = "cmds"; const uid_t CFG_FILE_UID = 0; const gid_t CFG_FILE_GID = 0; const mode_t CFG_FILE_MODE = S_IRUSR; const int JOBS_IN_FILE_COUNT = 3; // pre-init, init, post-init const int MAX_SERVICES_COUNT_IN_FILE = 100; const int MAX_CAPS_CNT_FOR_ONE_SERVICE = 100; const unsigned int MAX_CAPABILITY_VALUE = 4294967295; // 0xFFFFFFFF const unsigned int MAX_JSON_FILE_LEN = 102400; // max init.cfg size 100KB const int TEST_MAX_PATH_ARGS_CNT = 20; // max path and args count const int TEST_MAX_ONE_ARG_LEN = 64; // max length of one param/path const int CAT_BUF_SIZE = 512; // standard Cat buffer size from vfs_shell_cmd // job test releated const std::string PRE_INIT_DIR = ROOT_DIR + "preInitDir/"; const std::string INIT_DIR = PRE_INIT_DIR + "initDir"; const std::string POST_INIT_DIR = INIT_DIR + "postInitDir"; using TestCmdLine = struct { char name[MAX_CMD_NAME_LEN + 1]; char cmdContent[MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 1]; }; class StartupInitUTest : public testing::Test { public: static void SetUpTestCase() { g_supportedCmds.push_back(std::string("start ")); g_supportedCmds.push_back(std::string("mkdir ")); g_supportedCmds.push_back(std::string("chmod ")); g_supportedCmds.push_back(std::string("chown ")); g_supportedCmds.push_back(std::string("mount ")); g_supportedCmds.push_back(std::string("loadcfg ")); const mode_t mode = 0755; if (mkdir(TEST_DRI.c_str(), mode) != 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) { return; } } FILE *testFile = fopen(TEST_FILE.c_str(), "w+"); if (testFile == nullptr) { return; } std::string writeContent = "This is a test file for startup subsystem init module."; if (fwrite(writeContent.c_str(), writeContent.length(), 1, testFile) != 1) { (void)fclose(testFile); return; } (void)fclose(testFile); #ifndef USE_EMMC_STORAGE // emmc storage does not support chmod/chown if (chmod(TEST_FILE.c_str(), TEST_FILE_MODE) != 0) { return; } if (chown(TEST_FILE.c_str(), TEST_FILE_UID, TEST_FILE_GID) != 0) { return; } #endif // USE_EMMC_STORAGE PrepareInitUnitTestEnv(); } static void TearDownTestCase() { if (remove(TEST_FILE.c_str()) != 0) { return; } if (remove(TEST_DRI.c_str()) != 0) { return; } } void SetUp() { SetInitLogLevel(INIT_FATAL); } void TearDown() {} }; void ParseCmdLine(const char *content, TestCmdLine *resCmd) { if (content == nullptr || resCmd == nullptr) { return; } const struct CmdTable *cmd = GetCmdByName(content); if (cmd == nullptr) { (void)memset_s(resCmd, sizeof(TestCmdLine), 0, sizeof(TestCmdLine)); return; } if (strlen(content) <= (strlen(cmd->name) + 1)) { (void)memset_s(resCmd, sizeof(TestCmdLine), 0, sizeof(TestCmdLine)); return; } int ret1 = strcpy_s(resCmd->name, MAX_CMD_NAME_LEN, cmd->name); int ret2 = strcpy_s(resCmd->cmdContent, MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN, content + strlen(cmd->name)); if (ret1 || ret2) { (void)memset_s(resCmd, sizeof(TestCmdLine), 0, sizeof(TestCmdLine)); return; } } void DoCmd(const TestCmdLine *resCmd) { if (resCmd == nullptr) { return; } DoCmdByName(resCmd->name, resCmd->cmdContent); } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncParseCmdTest_001 * @tc.desc: parse function, nullptr test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncParseCmdTest_001, TestSize.Level0) { // do not crash ParseCmdLine(nullptr, nullptr); }; /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncParseCmdTest_002 * @tc.desc: parse function, invalid strings test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncParseCmdTest_002, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); ParseCmdLine(nullptr, &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.cmdContent)); ParseCmdLine("", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.cmdContent)); ParseCmdLine("xxxxxxxx", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.cmdContent)); ParseCmdLine("asdnkawdqw4145a45sdqw_-+\\\\sdqwdasd", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.cmdContent)); } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncParseCmdTest_003 * @tc.desc: parse function, cmd content empty test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncParseCmdTest_003, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); for (size_t i = 0; i < g_supportedCmds.size(); ++i) { ParseCmdLine(g_supportedCmds[i].c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.cmdContent)); } } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncParseCmdTest_004 * @tc.desc: parse function, cmd content too long test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncParseCmdTest_004, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); char toLongContent[MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 10]; memset_s(toLongContent, MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 10, 'x', MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 9); toLongContent[MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 9] = '\0'; for (size_t i = 0; i < g_supportedCmds.size(); ++i) { size_t curCmdLen = g_supportedCmds[i].length(); char *curCmd = (char *)malloc(curCmdLen + MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 10); if (curCmd == nullptr) { break; } errno_t ret = memcpy_s(curCmd, curCmdLen + MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 10, \ g_supportedCmds[i].c_str(), curCmdLen); errno_t ret2 = memcpy_s(curCmd + curCmdLen, MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 10, \ toLongContent, strlen(toLongContent)); if (ret != EOK || ret2 != EOK) { free(curCmd); curCmd = nullptr; break; } curCmd[curCmdLen + MAX_CMD_CONTENT_LEN + 9] = '\0'; ParseCmdLine(curCmd, &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strlen(curCmdLine.cmdContent)); free(curCmd); curCmd = nullptr; } } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncParseCmdTest_005 * @tc.desc: parse function, parse success test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncParseCmdTest_005, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); ParseCmdLine("start InitTestService", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("start ", curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("InitTestService", curCmdLine.cmdContent)); ParseCmdLine("mkdir InitTestDir", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("mkdir ", curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("InitTestDir", curCmdLine.cmdContent)); ParseCmdLine("chmod 0500 /bin/InitTestBin", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("chmod ", curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("0500 /bin/InitTestBin", curCmdLine.cmdContent)); ParseCmdLine("chown 1000 1000 /bin/InitTestBin", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("chown ", curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("1000 1000 /bin/InitTestBin", curCmdLine.cmdContent)); ParseCmdLine("mount vfat /dev/mmcblk1 /sdcard rw,umask=000", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("mount ", curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("vfat /dev/mmcblk1 /sdcard rw,umask=000", curCmdLine.cmdContent)); }; /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoCmdTest_001 * @tc.desc: do cmd function, nullptr test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoCmdTest_001, TestSize.Level0) { // do not crash here DoCmd(nullptr); } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoCmdTest_002 * @tc.desc: do cmd function, do start fail test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoCmdTest_002, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); std::string cmdStr = "start "; std::string cmdContentStr = "NameNotExist"; std::string command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoCmdTest_003 * @tc.desc: do cmd function, do mkdir fail test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoCmdTest_003, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); std::string cmdStr = "mkdir "; std::string cmdContentStr = "/DirNotExist/DirNotExist/DirNotExist"; std::string command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); // make sure that the directory does not exist DIR *dirTmp = opendir(cmdContentStr.c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(dirTmp == nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(errno == ENOENT); if (dirTmp != nullptr) { // just in case closedir(dirTmp); dirTmp = nullptr; } // error argument count, bad format cmdContentStr = " /storage/data/cmdFuncDoCmdTest003 0755 system"; command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); // make sure that the directory does not exist dirTmp = opendir("/storage/data/cmdFuncDoCmdTest003"); EXPECT_TRUE(dirTmp == nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(errno == ENOENT); if (dirTmp != nullptr) { // just in case closedir(dirTmp); dirTmp = nullptr; } } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoCmdTest_004 * @tc.desc: do cmd function, do chmod fail test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoCmdTest_004, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); std::string cmdStr = "chmod "; std::string cmdContentStr = "755 " + TEST_FILE; // should be 0755, wrong format here std::string command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); cmdContentStr = "0855 " + TEST_FILE; // should not exceed 0777, wrong format here command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command .c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); cmdContentStr = "07b5 " + TEST_FILE; // non-digital character, wrong format here command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); cmdContentStr = "075 " + TEST_FILE; // should be 0xxx, wrong format here command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); cmdContentStr = "0755 " + TEST_FILE; // too many spaces, wrong format here command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); struct stat testFileStat = {0}; EXPECT_EQ(0, stat(TEST_FILE.c_str(), &testFileStat)); #ifndef USE_EMMC_STORAGE // emmc storage does not support chmod/chown EXPECT_EQ(TEST_FILE_MODE, testFileStat.st_mode & TEST_FILE_MODE); // file mode is not changed #endif // USE_EMMC_STORAGE } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoCmdTest_005 * @tc.desc: do cmd function, do chown fail test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoCmdTest_005, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); std::string cmdStr = "chown "; std::string cmdContentStr = "888 " + TEST_FILE; // uid or gid missing, wrong format here std::string command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); cmdContentStr = "888 8b9 " + TEST_FILE; // non-digital character, wrong format here command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); struct stat testFileStat = {0}; EXPECT_EQ(0, stat(TEST_FILE.c_str(), &testFileStat)); #ifndef USE_EMMC_STORAGE // emmc storage does not support chmod/chown EXPECT_EQ(testFileStat.st_uid, TEST_FILE_UID); // uid not changed EXPECT_EQ(testFileStat.st_gid, TEST_FILE_GID); // gid not changed #endif // USE_EMMC_STORAGE } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoCmdTest_006 * @tc.desc: do cmd function, do success test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoCmdTest_006, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; // mkdir success std::string cmdStr = "mkdir "; std::string cmdContentStr = TEST_DRI + "/cmdFuncDoCmdTest006"; std::string command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); DIR* dirTmp = opendir(cmdContentStr.c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(dirTmp != nullptr); if (dirTmp != nullptr) { closedir(dirTmp); dirTmp = nullptr; } // delete dir if (remove(cmdContentStr.c_str()) != 0) { EXPECT_EQ(0, 0); } // chmod success cmdStr = "chmod "; cmdContentStr = "0440 " + TEST_FILE; command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); #ifndef USE_EMMC_STORAGE // emmc storage does not support chmod/chown DoCmd(&curCmdLine); struct stat testFileStat = {0}; EXPECT_EQ(0, stat(TEST_FILE.c_str(), &testFileStat)); mode_t targetMode = S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP; EXPECT_EQ(targetMode, testFileStat.st_mode & targetMode); // changed #endif // USE_EMMC_STORAGE // chown success cmdStr = "chown "; cmdContentStr = "888 888 " + TEST_FILE; command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); #ifndef USE_EMMC_STORAGE // emmc storage does not support chmod/chown DoCmd(&curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, stat(TEST_FILE.c_str(), &testFileStat)); EXPECT_EQ(testFileStat.st_uid, 888); // changed EXPECT_EQ(testFileStat.st_gid, 888); // changed #endif // USE_EMMC_STORAGE } /* * @tc.name: cfgCheckStat_001 * @tc.desc: init.cfg file state check * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cfgCheckStat_001, TestSize.Level0) { struct stat fileStat = {0}; EXPECT_EQ(0, stat(CFG_FILE.c_str(), &fileStat)); EXPECT_EQ(CFG_FILE_UID, fileStat.st_uid); EXPECT_EQ(CFG_FILE_GID, fileStat.st_gid); EXPECT_EQ(CFG_FILE_MODE, CFG_FILE_MODE & fileStat.st_mode); EXPECT_TRUE(fileStat.st_size > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(fileStat.st_size <= MAX_JSON_FILE_LEN); }; static char* ReadFileToBuf() { char *buffer = nullptr; FILE *fd = nullptr; struct stat fileStat = {0}; (void)stat(CFG_FILE.c_str(), &fileStat); do { fd = fopen(CFG_FILE.c_str(), "r"); if (fd == nullptr) { break; } buffer = static_cast(malloc(static_cast(fileStat.st_size) + 1)); if (buffer == nullptr) { break; } if (fread(buffer, fileStat.st_size, 1, fd) != 1) { free(buffer); buffer = nullptr; break; } buffer[fileStat.st_size] = '\0'; } while (0); if (fd != nullptr) { fclose(fd); fd = nullptr; } return buffer; } static cJSON *GetArrItem(const cJSON *fileRoot, int &arrSize, const std::string &arrName) { cJSON *arrItem = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(fileRoot, arrName.c_str()); arrSize = cJSON_GetArraySize(arrItem); if (arrSize <= 0) { return nullptr; } return arrItem; } static int IsForbidden(const char *fieldStr) { size_t fieldLen = strlen(fieldStr); size_t forbidStrLen = strlen("/bin/sh"); if (fieldLen == forbidStrLen) { if (strncmp(fieldStr, "/bin/sh", fieldLen) == 0) { return 1; } return 0; } else if (fieldLen > forbidStrLen) { // "/bin/shxxxx" is valid but "/bin/sh xxxx" is invalid if (strncmp(fieldStr, "/bin/sh", forbidStrLen) == 0) { if (fieldStr[forbidStrLen] == ' ') { return 1; } } return 0; } else { return 0; } } static void CheckService(const cJSON* curItem) { if (curItem == nullptr) { return; } char *nameStr = cJSON_GetStringValue(cJSON_GetObjectItem(curItem, "name")); if (nameStr == nullptr) { EXPECT_TRUE(nameStr != nullptr); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(nameStr) > 0); } cJSON *pathArgsItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(curItem, "path"); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsArray(pathArgsItem)); int pathArgsCnt = cJSON_GetArraySize(pathArgsItem); EXPECT_TRUE(pathArgsCnt > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(pathArgsCnt <= TEST_MAX_PATH_ARGS_CNT); for (int i = 0; i < pathArgsCnt; ++i) { char *curParam = cJSON_GetStringValue(cJSON_GetArrayItem(pathArgsItem, i)); EXPECT_TRUE(curParam != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(curParam) > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(curParam) <= TEST_MAX_ONE_ARG_LEN); if (i == 0) { EXPECT_TRUE(IsForbidden(curParam) == 0); } } cJSON *filedJ = cJSON_GetObjectItem(curItem, "uid"); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsNumber(filedJ)); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_GetNumberValue(filedJ) >= 0.0); filedJ = cJSON_GetObjectItem(curItem, "gid"); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsNumber(filedJ)); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_GetNumberValue(filedJ) >= 0.0); filedJ = cJSON_GetObjectItem(curItem, "once"); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsNumber(filedJ)); filedJ = cJSON_GetObjectItem(curItem, "importance"); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsNumber(filedJ)); filedJ = cJSON_GetObjectItem(curItem, "caps"); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsArray(filedJ)); int capsCnt = cJSON_GetArraySize(filedJ); EXPECT_TRUE(capsCnt <= MAX_CAPS_CNT_FOR_ONE_SERVICE); for (int i = 0; i < capsCnt; ++i) { cJSON *capJ = cJSON_GetArrayItem(filedJ, i); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsNumber(capJ)); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_GetNumberValue(capJ) >= 0.0); } } static void CheckServices(const cJSON *fileRoot) { int servArrSize = 0; cJSON *serviceArr = GetArrItem(fileRoot, servArrSize, SERVICE_ARR_NAME_IN_JSON); EXPECT_TRUE(serviceArr != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(servArrSize <= MAX_SERVICES_COUNT_IN_FILE); for (int i = 0; i < servArrSize; ++i) { cJSON *curItem = cJSON_GetArrayItem(serviceArr, i); EXPECT_TRUE(curItem != nullptr); CheckService(curItem); } } static void CheckCmd(const TestCmdLine *resCmd) { EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(resCmd->name) > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(resCmd->cmdContent) > 0); if (strcmp("start ", resCmd->name) == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(resCmd->cmdContent); ++i) { EXPECT_NE(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[i]); // no spaces in service name } } else if (strcmp("mkdir ", resCmd->name) == 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(resCmd->cmdContent); ++i) { EXPECT_NE('.', resCmd->cmdContent[i]); // no dots in path string } } else if (strcmp("chmod ", resCmd->name) == 0) { EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(resCmd->cmdContent) >= 6); // 0xxx x at least 6 characters EXPECT_EQ('0', resCmd->cmdContent[0]); EXPECT_EQ(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[4]); // 4 bytes, after 0xxx must be space for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) { // 4 bytes, 0xxx, xxx must be digits EXPECT_TRUE(resCmd->cmdContent[i] >= '0' && resCmd->cmdContent[i] <= '7'); } for (size_t i = 5; i < strlen(resCmd->cmdContent); ++i) { // target starts from index 5 EXPECT_NE(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[i]); // no spaces allowed } } else if (strcmp("chown ", resCmd->name) == 0) { EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(resCmd->cmdContent) >= 5); // x y z at least 5 characters EXPECT_NE(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[0]); // should not start with space EXPECT_NE(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[strlen(resCmd->cmdContent) - 1]); // should not end with space size_t spacePos = 0; size_t spaceCnt = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i < strlen(resCmd->cmdContent); ++i) { if (resCmd->cmdContent[i] != ' ') { continue; } ++spaceCnt; if (spacePos != 0) { EXPECT_NE(spacePos + 1, i); // consecutive spaces should not appear } spacePos = i; } EXPECT_EQ(spaceCnt, 2); // 2 spaces allowed in cmd content } else if (strcmp("mount ", resCmd->name) == 0) { EXPECT_NE(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[0]); // should not start with space } else if (strcmp("loadcfg ", resCmd->name) == 0) { EXPECT_NE(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[0]); // should not start with space } else if (strcmp("export ", resCmd->name) == 0) { EXPECT_NE(' ', resCmd->cmdContent[0]); // should not start with space } else { // unknown cmd EXPECT_TRUE(false); } } static void CheckJob(const cJSON *jobItem) { if (jobItem == nullptr) { return; } cJSON *cmdsItem = cJSON_GetObjectItem(jobItem, CMDS_ARR_NAME_IN_JSON.c_str()); EXPECT_TRUE(cmdsItem != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(cJSON_IsArray(cmdsItem)); int cmdLinesCnt = cJSON_GetArraySize(cmdsItem); EXPECT_TRUE(cmdLinesCnt <= MAX_CMD_CNT_IN_ONE_JOB); for (int i = 0; i < cmdLinesCnt; ++i) { char *cmdLineStr = cJSON_GetStringValue(cJSON_GetArrayItem(cmdsItem, i)); EXPECT_TRUE(cmdLineStr != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(strlen(cmdLineStr) > 0); TestCmdLine resCmd; (void)memset_s(&resCmd, sizeof(resCmd), 0, sizeof(resCmd)); ParseCmdLine(cmdLineStr, &resCmd); CheckCmd(&resCmd); } } static void CheckJobs(const cJSON* fileRoot) { int jobArrSize = 0; cJSON *jobArr = GetArrItem(fileRoot, jobArrSize, JOBS_ARR_NAME_IN_JSON); EXPECT_TRUE(jobArr != nullptr); EXPECT_TRUE(jobArrSize == JOBS_IN_FILE_COUNT); bool findPreInit = false; bool findInit = false; bool findPostInit = false; for (int i = 0; i < jobArrSize; ++i) { cJSON *jobItem = cJSON_GetArrayItem(jobArr, i); EXPECT_TRUE(jobItem != nullptr); char *jobNameStr = cJSON_GetStringValue(cJSON_GetObjectItem(jobItem, "name")); EXPECT_TRUE(jobNameStr != nullptr); if (strcmp(jobNameStr, "pre-init") == 0) { findPreInit = true; } else if (strcmp(jobNameStr, "init") == 0) { findInit = true; } else if (strcmp(jobNameStr, "post-init") == 0) { findPostInit = true; } else { EXPECT_TRUE(false); // unknown job name continue; } CheckJob(jobItem); } EXPECT_TRUE(findPreInit && findInit && findPostInit); } /* * @tc.name: cfgCheckContent_001 * @tc.desc: init.cfg file content check * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cfgCheckContent_001, TestSize.Level0) { char *fileBuf = ReadFileToBuf(); if (fileBuf == nullptr) { EXPECT_TRUE(fileBuf != nullptr); return; } cJSON *fileRoot = cJSON_Parse(fileBuf); free(fileBuf); fileBuf = nullptr; EXPECT_TRUE(fileRoot != nullptr); CheckServices(fileRoot); CheckJobs(fileRoot); cJSON_Delete(fileRoot); fileRoot = nullptr; } /* * @tc.name: CreateIllegalCfg * @tc.desc: Create illegal Config file for testing * @tc.type: FUNC */ static void CreateIllegalCfg() { FILE *testCfgFile = fopen(TEST_CFG_ILLEGAL.c_str(), "w+"); if (testCfgFile == nullptr) { return; } std::string writeContent = "mount zpfs /patch/etc:/etc /etc"; if (fwrite(writeContent.c_str(), writeContent.length(), 1, testCfgFile) != 1) { (void)fclose(testCfgFile); return; } (void)fclose(testCfgFile); } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoLoadCfgTest_001 * @tc.desc: parse function, parse success test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoLoadCfgTest_001, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); ParseCmdLine("loadcfg /patch/fstab.cfg", &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("loadcfg ", curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp("/patch/fstab.cfg", curCmdLine.cmdContent)); }; /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoLoadCfgTest_002 * @tc.desc: fstab.cfg file fail test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoLoadCfgTest_002, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; std::string cmdStr = "loadcfg "; std::string cmdContentStr = "/patch/file_not_exist.cfg"; struct stat testCfgStat = {0}; memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); std::string command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); stat(cmdContentStr.c_str(), &testCfgStat); EXPECT_TRUE(testCfgStat.st_size == 0); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); cmdContentStr = TEST_CFG_ILLEGAL; CreateIllegalCfg(); memset_s(&curCmdLine, sizeof(curCmdLine), 0, sizeof(curCmdLine)); command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); EXPECT_EQ(0, stat(cmdContentStr.c_str(), &testCfgStat)); EXPECT_TRUE(testCfgStat.st_size > 0); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); // remove tmp file if (remove(TEST_CFG_ILLEGAL.c_str()) != 0) { EXPECT_EQ(0, 0); } } /* * @tc.name: cmdFuncDoLoadCfgTest_003 * @tc.desc: fstab.cfg file success test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdFuncDoLoadCfgTest_003, TestSize.Level0) { TestCmdLine curCmdLine; std::string cmdStr = "loadcfg "; std::string cmdContentStr = "/patch/fstab.cfg"; char buf[CAT_BUF_SIZE] = {0}; struct stat testCfgStat = {0}; FILE *fd = nullptr; size_t size; bool hasZpfs = false; std::string command = cmdStr + cmdContentStr; ParseCmdLine(command.c_str(), &curCmdLine); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.name)); EXPECT_EQ(0, strcmp(cmdContentStr.c_str(), curCmdLine.cmdContent)); DoCmd(&curCmdLine); stat(cmdContentStr.c_str(), &testCfgStat); if (testCfgStat.st_size > 0) { fd = fopen(TEST_PROC_MOUNTS.c_str(), "r"); if (fd == nullptr) { EXPECT_TRUE(fd != nullptr); return; } do { size = fread(buf, 1, CAT_BUF_SIZE - 1, fd); if (size < 0) { EXPECT_TRUE(size >= 0); break; } buf[CAT_BUF_SIZE - 1] = 0; if (strstr(buf, "zpfs") != nullptr) { hasZpfs = true; break; } } while (size > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(hasZpfs); fclose(fd); } } /* * @tc.name: cmdJobTest_001 * @tc.desc: job functions test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdJobTest_001, TestSize.Level0) { // functions do not crash ParseAllJobs(nullptr); DoJob(nullptr); DoJob("job name does not exist"); ReleaseAllJobs(); StartServiceByName("service name does not exist"); StopAllServices(0, nullptr, 0, nullptr); ServiceReap(nullptr); EXPECT_NE(0, ServiceStart(nullptr)); EXPECT_NE(0, ServiceStop(nullptr)); } /* * @tc.name: cmdJobTest_002 * @tc.desc: job functions test * @tc.type: FUNC */ HWTEST_F(StartupInitUTest, cmdJobTest_002, TestSize.Level0) { std::string cfgJson = "{\"jobs\":[{\"name\":\"pre-init\",\"cmds\":[\"mkdir " + PRE_INIT_DIR + "\"]},{\"name\":\"init\",\"cmds\":[\"mkdir " + INIT_DIR + "\"]},{\"name\":\"post-init\",\"cmds\":[\"mkdir " + POST_INIT_DIR + "\"]}]}"; cJSON* jobItem = cJSON_Parse(cfgJson.c_str()); EXPECT_NE(nullptr, jobItem); if (jobItem == nullptr) { return; } ParseAllJobs(jobItem); DoJob("pre-init"); DoJob("init"); DoJob("post-init"); // check if dir exists struct stat postDirStat = {0}; EXPECT_EQ(0, stat(POST_INIT_DIR.c_str(), &postDirStat)); // release resource cJSON_Delete(jobItem); if (remove(POST_INIT_DIR.c_str()) != 0 || remove(INIT_DIR.c_str()) != 0 || remove(PRE_INIT_DIR.c_str()) != 0) { } ReleaseAllJobs(); } } // namespace OHOS