/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "init_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "init_log.h" #include "securec.h" #include "service_control.h" #define MAX_BUF_SIZE 1024 #define MAX_SMALL_BUFFER 3096 #define MAX_JSON_FILE_LEN 102400 // max init.cfg size 100KB #define CONVERT_MICROSEC_TO_SEC(x) ((x) / 1000 / 1000.0) #ifndef DT_DIR #define DT_DIR 4 #endif #define THOUSAND_UNIT_INT 1000 #define THOUSAND_UNIT_FLOAT 1000.0 float ConvertMicrosecondToSecond(int x) { return ((x / THOUSAND_UNIT_INT) / THOUSAND_UNIT_FLOAT); } #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ static bool CheckDigit(const char *name) { size_t nameLen = strlen(name); for (size_t i = 0; i < nameLen; ++i) { if (!isdigit(name[i])) { return false; } } return true; } #endif int StringToUint(const char *name, unsigned int *value) { errno = 0; *value = (unsigned int)strtoul(name, 0, DECIMAL_BASE); INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(errno == 0, -1); return 0; } uid_t DecodeUid(const char *name) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(name != NULL, -1); uid_t uid = -1; if (CheckDigit(name)) { if (!StringToUint(name, &uid)) { return uid; } else { INIT_LOGE("Failed to decode uid for %s", name); return -1; } } struct passwd *p = getpwnam(name); if (p == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to decode uid for %s", name); return -1; } return p->pw_uid; #else (void)name; return -1; #endif } gid_t DecodeGid(const char *name) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(name != NULL, -1); gid_t gid = -1; if (CheckDigit(name)) { if (!StringToUint(name, &gid)) { return gid; } else { INIT_LOGE("Failed to decode gid for %s", name); return -1; } } struct group *data = getgrnam(name); if (data != NULL) { return data->gr_gid; } while ((data = getgrent()) != NULL) { if ((data->gr_name != NULL) && (strcmp(data->gr_name, name) == 0)) { gid = data->gr_gid; break; } } endgrent(); return gid; #else (void)name; return -1; #endif } char *ReadFileToBuf(const char *configFile) { char *buffer = NULL; FILE *fd = NULL; struct stat fileStat = {0}; INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(configFile != NULL && *configFile != '\0', NULL); do { if (stat(configFile, &fileStat) != 0 || fileStat.st_size <= 0 || fileStat.st_size > MAX_JSON_FILE_LEN) { INIT_LOGE("Unexpected config file \" %s \", check if it exist. if exist, check file size", configFile); break; } fd = fopen(configFile, "r"); if (fd == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Open %s failed. err = %d", configFile, errno); break; } buffer = (char*)malloc((size_t)(fileStat.st_size + 1)); if (buffer == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to allocate memory for config file, err = %d", errno); break; } if (fread(buffer, fileStat.st_size, 1, fd) != 1) { free(buffer); buffer = NULL; break; } buffer[fileStat.st_size] = '\0'; } while (0); if (fd != NULL) { (void)fclose(fd); fd = NULL; } return buffer; } void CloseStdio(void) { #ifndef STARTUP_INIT_TEST #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ int fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC); if (fd < 0) { return; } dup2(fd, 0); dup2(fd, 1); dup2(fd, STDERR_HANDLE); close(fd); #endif #endif } char *ReadFileData(const char *fileName) { if (fileName == NULL) { return NULL; } char *buffer = NULL; int fd = -1; fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(fd >= 0, return NULL, "Failed to read file %s", fileName); buffer = (char *)calloc(1, MAX_SMALL_BUFFER); // fsmanager not create, can not get fileStat st_size INIT_ERROR_CHECK(buffer != NULL, close(fd); return NULL, "Failed to allocate memory for %s", fileName); ssize_t readLen = read(fd, buffer, MAX_SMALL_BUFFER - 1); INIT_ERROR_CHECK((readLen > 0) && (readLen < (MAX_SMALL_BUFFER - 1)), close(fd); free(buffer); return NULL, "Failed to read data for %s", fileName); buffer[readLen] = '\0'; if (fd != -1) { close(fd); } return buffer; } int IterateNameValuePairs(const char *src, void (*iterator)(const NAME_VALUE_PAIR *nv, void *context), void *context) { int cnt = 0; const char *seperator; NAME_VALUE_PAIR nv; if ((src == NULL) || (iterator == NULL)) { return -1; } do { // Find space seperator nv.name = src; seperator = strchr(src, ' '); if (seperator == NULL) { // Last nv nv.value_end = src + strlen(src); src = NULL; } else { nv.value_end = seperator; src = seperator + 1; } // Find equal seperator seperator = strchr(nv.name, '='); if (seperator == NULL) { // Invalid name value pair continue; } if (seperator > nv.value_end) { // name without value, just ignore continue; } nv.name_end = seperator; nv.value = seperator + 1; iterator(&nv, context); cnt += 1; } while (src != NULL); return cnt; } int GetProcCmdlineValue(const char *name, const char *buffer, char *value, int length) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(name != NULL && buffer != NULL && value != NULL, return -1, "Failed get parameters"); char *endData = (char *)buffer + strlen(buffer); char *tmp = strstr(buffer, name); do { if (tmp == NULL) { return -1; } tmp = tmp + strlen(name); while (tmp < endData && *tmp == ' ') { tmp++; } if (*tmp == '=') { break; } tmp = strstr(tmp + 1, name); } while (tmp < endData); tmp++; size_t i = 0; size_t endIndex = 0; while (tmp < endData && *tmp == ' ') { tmp++; } for (; i < (size_t)length; tmp++) { if (tmp >= endData) { endIndex = i; break; } if (*tmp == ' ' || *tmp == '\n' || *tmp == '\r' || *tmp == '\t') { endIndex = i; break; } if (*tmp == '=') { if (endIndex != 0) { // for root=uuid=xxxx break; } i = 0; endIndex = 0; continue; } value[i++] = *tmp; } if (i >= (size_t)length) { return -1; } value[endIndex] = '\0'; return 0; } int SplitString(char *srcPtr, const char *del, char **dstPtr, int maxNum) { INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(srcPtr != NULL && dstPtr != NULL && del != NULL, -1); char *buf = NULL; dstPtr[0] = strtok_r(srcPtr, del, &buf); int counter = 0; while ((counter < maxNum) && (dstPtr[counter] != NULL)) { counter++; if (counter >= maxNum) { break; } dstPtr[counter] = strtok_r(NULL, del, &buf); } return counter; } void FreeStringVector(char **vector, int count) { if (vector != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (vector[i] != NULL) { free(vector[i]); } } free(vector); } } char **SplitStringExt(char *buffer, const char *del, int *returnCount, int maxItemCount) { INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE((maxItemCount >= 0) && (buffer != NULL) && (del != NULL) && (returnCount != NULL), NULL); // Why is this number? // Now we use this function to split a string with a given delimiter // We do not know how many sub-strings out there after splitting. // 50 is just a guess value. const int defaultItemCounts = 50; int itemCounts = maxItemCount; if (maxItemCount > defaultItemCounts) { itemCounts = defaultItemCounts; } char **items = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char*) * itemCounts); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(items != NULL, return NULL, "No enough memory to store items"); char *rest = NULL; char *p = strtok_r(buffer, del, &rest); int count = 0; while (p != NULL) { if (count > itemCounts - 1) { itemCounts += (itemCounts / 2) + 1; // 2 Request to increase the original memory by half. INIT_LOGV("Too many items,expand size"); char **expand = (char **)(realloc(items, sizeof(char *) * itemCounts)); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(expand != NULL, FreeStringVector(items, count); return NULL, "Failed to expand memory"); items = expand; } size_t len = strlen(p); items[count] = (char *)malloc(len + 1); INIT_CHECK(items[count] != NULL, FreeStringVector(items, count); return NULL); if (strncpy_s(items[count], len + 1, p, len) != EOK) { INIT_LOGE("Copy string failed"); FreeStringVector(items, count); return NULL; } items[count][len] = '\0'; count++; p = strtok_r(NULL, del, &rest); } *returnCount = count; return items; } void WaitForFile(const char *source, unsigned int maxSecond) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(maxSecond <= WAIT_MAX_SECOND, maxSecond = WAIT_MAX_SECOND, "WaitForFile max time is 5s"); struct stat sourceInfo = {0}; unsigned int waitTime = 500000; /* 500ms interval, check maxSecond*2 times total */ unsigned int maxCount = maxSecond * 2; #ifdef STARTUP_INIT_TEST maxCount = 0; #endif unsigned int count = 0; while ((stat(source, &sourceInfo) < 0) && (errno == ENOENT) && (count < maxCount)) { usleep(waitTime); count++; } INIT_CHECK_ONLY_ELOG(count != maxCount, "wait for file:%s failed after %d second.", source, maxSecond); return; } size_t WriteAll(int fd, const char *buffer, size_t size) { INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(buffer != NULL && fd >= 0 && *buffer != '\0', 0); const char *p = buffer; size_t left = size; ssize_t written; while (left > 0) { do { written = write(fd, p, left); } while (written < 0 && errno == EINTR); if (written < 0) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to write %lu bytes, err = %d", left, errno); break; } p += written; left -= written; } return size - left; } char *GetRealPath(const char *source) { INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(source != NULL, NULL); char *path = realpath(source, NULL); if (path == NULL) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(errno == ENOENT, return NULL, "Failed to resolve %s real path err=%d", source, errno); } return path; } int MakeDir(const char *dir, mode_t mode) { int rc = -1; if (dir == NULL || *dir == '\0') { errno = EINVAL; return rc; } rc = mkdir(dir, mode); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(!(rc < 0 && errno != EEXIST), return rc, "Create directory \" %s \" failed, err = %d", dir, errno); // create dir success or it already exist. return 0; } int MakeDirRecursive(const char *dir, mode_t mode) { int rc = -1; char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {0}; const char *p = NULL; if (dir == NULL || *dir == '\0') { errno = EINVAL; return rc; } p = dir; char *slash = strchr(dir, '/'); while (slash != NULL) { int gap = slash - p; p = slash + 1; if (gap == 0) { slash = strchr(p, '/'); continue; } if (gap < 0) { // end with '/' break; } INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(memcpy_s(buffer, PATH_MAX, dir, p - dir - 1) == 0, -1); rc = MakeDir(buffer, mode); INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(rc >= 0, rc); slash = strchr(p, '/'); } return MakeDir(dir, mode); } void CheckAndCreateDir(const char *fileName) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ if (fileName == NULL || *fileName == '\0') { return; } char *path = strndup(fileName, strrchr(fileName, '/') - fileName); if (path == NULL) { return; } if (access(path, F_OK) == 0) { free(path); return; } MakeDirRecursive(path, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); free(path); #else (void)fileName; #endif } int CheckAndCreatFile(const char *file, mode_t mode) { if (access(file, F_OK) == 0) { BEGET_LOGW("File \' %s \' already exist", file); return 0; } else { if (errno == ENOENT) { CheckAndCreateDir(file); int fd = open(file, O_CREAT, mode); if (fd < 0) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed create %s, err=%d", file, errno); return -1; } else { BEGET_LOGI("Success create %s", file); close(fd); } } else { BEGET_LOGW("Failed to access \' %s \', err = %d", file, errno); return -1; } } return 0; } int StringToInt(const char *str, int defaultValue) { if (str == NULL || *str == '\0') { return defaultValue; } errno = 0; int value = (int)strtoul(str, NULL, DECIMAL_BASE); return (errno != 0) ? defaultValue : value; } int ReadFileInDir(const char *dirPath, const char *includeExt, int (*processFile)(const char *fileName, void *context), void *context) { INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(dirPath != NULL && processFile != NULL, -1); DIR *pDir = opendir(dirPath); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(pDir != NULL, return -1, "Read dir :%s failed.%d", dirPath, errno); char *fileName = calloc(1, MAX_BUF_SIZE); INIT_ERROR_CHECK(fileName != NULL, closedir(pDir); return -1, "Failed to malloc for %s", dirPath); struct dirent *dp; uint32_t count = 0; while ((dp = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) { if (dp->d_type == DT_DIR) { continue; } if (includeExt != NULL) { char *tmp = strstr(dp->d_name, includeExt); if (tmp == NULL) { continue; } if (strcmp(tmp, includeExt) != 0) { continue; } } int ret = snprintf_s(fileName, MAX_BUF_SIZE, MAX_BUF_SIZE - 1, "%s/%s", dirPath, dp->d_name); if (ret <= 0) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to get file name for %s", dp->d_name); continue; } struct stat st; if (stat(fileName, &st) == 0) { count++; processFile(fileName, context); } } INIT_LOGV("ReadFileInDir dirPath %s %d", dirPath, count); free(fileName); closedir(pDir); return 0; } // Check if in updater mode. int InUpdaterMode(void) { #ifdef OHOS_LITE return 0; #else const char * const updaterExecutableFile = "/bin/updater"; if (access(updaterExecutableFile, X_OK) == 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } #endif } int StringReplaceChr(char *strl, char oldChr, char newChr) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(strl != NULL, return -1, "Invalid parament"); char *p = strl; while (*p != '\0') { if (*p == oldChr) { *p = newChr; } p++; } INIT_LOGV("strl is %s", strl); return 0; } void RedirectStdio(int fd) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ const int stdError = 2; dup2(fd, 0); dup2(fd, 1); dup2(fd, stdError); // Redirect fd to 0, 1, 2 #endif } void OpenConsole(void) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ setsid(); WaitForFile("/dev/console", WAIT_MAX_SECOND); int fd = open("/dev/console", O_RDWR); if (fd >= 0) { ioctl(fd, TIOCSCTTY, 0); RedirectStdio(fd); close(fd); } else { INIT_LOGE("Open /dev/console failed. err = %d", errno); } return; #endif } INIT_LOCAL_API int StringToLL(const char *str, long long int *out) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(str != NULL && out != NULL, return -1, "Invalid parament"); const char *s = str; while (isspace(*s)) { s++; } size_t len = strlen(str); int positiveHex = (len > 1 && s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')); int negativeHex = (len > 2 && s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '0' && (s[2] == 'x' || s[2] == 'X')); // 2: shorttest int base = (positiveHex || negativeHex) ? HEX_BASE : DECIMAL_BASE; char *end = NULL; errno = 0; *out = strtoll(s, &end, base); if (errno != 0) { INIT_LOGE("StringToLL %s err = %d", str, errno); return -1; } BEGET_CHECK(!(s == end || *end != '\0'), return -1); return 0; } INIT_LOCAL_API int StringToULL(const char *str, unsigned long long int *out) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(str != NULL && out != NULL, return -1, "Invalid parament"); const char *s = str; while (isspace(*s)) { s++; } BEGET_CHECK(s[0] != '-', return -1); int base = (s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')) ? HEX_BASE : DECIMAL_BASE; char *end = NULL; errno = 0; *out = strtoull(s, &end, base); if (errno != 0) { INIT_LOGE("StringToULL %s err = %d", str, errno); return -1; } BEGET_CHECK(end != s, return -1); BEGET_CHECK(*end == '\0', return -1); return 0; } void TrimTail(char *str, char c) { char *end = str + strlen(str) - 1; while (end >= str && *end == c) { *end = '\0'; end--; } } char *TrimHead(char *str, char c) { char *head = str; const char *end = str + strlen(str); while (head < end && *head == c) { *head = '\0'; head++; } return head; } int GetParameterFromCmdLine(const char *paramName, char *value, size_t valueLen) { char *buffer = ReadFileData(BOOT_CMD_LINE); BEGET_ERROR_CHECK(buffer != NULL, return -1, "Failed to read /proc/cmdline"); int ret = GetProcCmdlineValue(paramName, buffer, value, valueLen); free(buffer); return ret; }