/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "init_mount.h" #include #include #include "fs_manager/fs_manager.h" #include "init_cmds.h" #include "init_log.h" #include "init_utils.h" #include "securec.h" int MountRequriedPartitions(const Fstab *fstab) { INIT_ERROR_CHECK(fstab != NULL, return -1, "fstab is NULL"); int rc; INIT_LOGI("Mount required partitions"); rc = MountAllWithFstab(fstab, 1); return rc; } #define OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX "ohos.required_mount." static int ParseRequiredMountInfo(const char *item, Fstab *fstab) { char mountOptions[MAX_BUFFER_LEN] = {}; char partName[PARTITION_NAME_SIZE] = {}; // Sanity checks if (item == NULL || *item == '\0' || fstab == NULL) { return -1; } char *p = NULL; const char *q = item; if ((p = strstr(item, "=")) != NULL) { q = item + strlen(OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX); // Get partition name if (q == NULL || *q == '\0' || (p - q) <= 0) { return -1; } if (strncpy_s(partName, PARTITION_NAME_SIZE -1, q, p - q) != EOK) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to copy requried partition name"); return -1; } p++; // skip '=' if (strncpy_s(mountOptions, MAX_BUFFER_LEN -1, p, strlen(p)) != EOK) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to copy requried mount info: %s", item); return -1; } } INIT_LOGV("Mount option of partition %s is [%s]", partName, mountOptions); if (ParseFstabPerLine(mountOptions, fstab, false, "@") < 0) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to parse mount options of partition \' %s \', options: %s", partName, mountOptions); return -1; } return 0; } static Fstab* LoadFstabFromCommandLine(void) { Fstab *fstab = NULL; char *cmdline = ReadFileData("/proc/cmdline"); bool isDone = false; if (cmdline == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Read from \'/proc/cmdline\' failed, err = %d", errno); return NULL; } if ((fstab = (Fstab *)calloc(1, sizeof(Fstab))) == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Allocate memory for FS table failed, err = %d", errno); return NULL; } char *start = cmdline; char *end = start + strlen(cmdline); while (start < end) { char *token = strstr(start, " "); if (token == NULL) { break; } // Startswith " " if (token == start) { start++; continue; } *token = '\0'; if (strncmp(start, OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX, strlen(OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX)) != 0) { start = token + 1; continue; } isDone = true; if (ParseRequiredMountInfo(start, fstab) < 0) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to parse \' %s \'", start); isDone = false; break; } start = token + 1; } // handle last one if (start < end) { if (strncmp(start, OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX, strlen(OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX)) == 0 && ParseRequiredMountInfo(start, fstab) < 0) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to parse \' %s \'", start); isDone = false; } } if (!isDone) { ReleaseFstab(fstab); fstab = NULL; } free(cmdline); return fstab; } Fstab* LoadRequiredFstab(void) { Fstab *fstab = NULL; fstab = LoadFstabFromCommandLine(); if (fstab == NULL) { INIT_LOGI("Cannot load fstab from command line, try read from fstab.required"); const char *fstabFile = "/etc/fstab.required"; if (access(fstabFile, F_OK) != 0) { fstabFile = "/system/etc/fstab.required"; } INIT_ERROR_CHECK(access(fstabFile, F_OK) == 0, abort(), "Failed get fstab.required"); fstab = ReadFstabFromFile(fstabFile, false); } return fstab; }