/* * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "beget_ext.h" #include "fs_manager/fs_manager.h" #include "init_utils.h" #include "securec.h" #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #endif struct FsManagerFlags { char *name; unsigned int flags; }; struct MountFlags { char *name; unsigned long flags; }; static char *g_fscryptPolicy = NULL; static unsigned int ConvertFlags(char *flagBuffer) { static struct FsManagerFlags fsFlags[] = { {"check", FS_MANAGER_CHECK}, {"wait", FS_MANAGER_WAIT}, {"required", FS_MANAGER_REQUIRED}, {"nofail", FS_MANAGER_NOFAIL}, }; BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(flagBuffer != NULL && *flagBuffer != '\0', 0); // No valid flags. int flagCount = 0; unsigned int flags = 0; const int maxCount = 3; char **vector = SplitStringExt(flagBuffer, ",", &flagCount, maxCount); BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(vector != NULL && flagCount != 0, 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(fsFlags); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < flagCount; j++) { if (strcmp(fsFlags[i].name, vector[j]) == 0) { flags |= fsFlags[i].flags; } } } FreeStringVector(vector, flagCount); return flags; } static int AddToFstab(Fstab *fstab, FstabItem *item) { if (fstab == NULL || item == NULL) { return -1; } if (fstab->head != NULL) { item->next = fstab->head->next; fstab->head->next = item; } else { fstab->head = item; } return 0; } void ReleaseFstabItem(FstabItem *item) { if (item != NULL) { if (item->deviceName != NULL) { free(item->deviceName); item->deviceName = NULL; } if (item->mountPoint != NULL) { free(item->mountPoint); item->mountPoint = NULL; } if (item->fsType != NULL) { free(item->fsType); item->fsType = NULL; } if (item->mountOptions != NULL) { free(item->mountOptions); item->mountOptions = NULL; } free(item); } } void ReleaseFstab(Fstab *fstab) { if (fstab != NULL) { FstabItem *item = fstab->head; while (item != NULL) { FstabItem *tmp = item->next; ReleaseFstabItem(item); item = tmp; } free(fstab); fstab = NULL; } } int ParseFstabPerLine(char *str, Fstab *fstab, bool procMounts, const char *separator) { BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(str != NULL && fstab != NULL, -1); char *rest = NULL; FstabItem *item = NULL; char *p = NULL; if (separator == NULL || *separator == '\0') { BEGET_LOGE("Invalid separator for parsing fstab"); return -1; } if ((item = (FstabItem *)calloc(1, sizeof(FstabItem))) == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; BEGET_LOGE("Allocate memory for FS table item failed, err = %d", errno); return -1; } do { if ((p = strtok_r(str, separator, &rest)) == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse block device."); break; } item->deviceName = strdup(p); if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, separator, &rest)) == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse mount point."); break; } item->mountPoint = strdup(p); if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, separator, &rest)) == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse fs type."); break; } item->fsType = strdup(p); if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, separator, &rest)) == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse mount options."); break; } item->mountOptions = strdup(p); if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, separator, &rest)) == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse fs manager flags."); break; } // @fsManagerFlags only for fstab // Ignore it if we read from /proc/mounts if (!procMounts) { item->fsManagerFlags = ConvertFlags(p); } else { item->fsManagerFlags = 0; } return AddToFstab(fstab, item); } while (0); ReleaseFstabItem(item); item = NULL; return -1; } Fstab *ReadFstabFromFile(const char *file, bool procMounts) { char *line = NULL; size_t allocn = 0; ssize_t readn = 0; Fstab *fstab = NULL; FILE *fp = NULL; char *realPath = GetRealPath(file); if (realPath != NULL) { fp = fopen(realPath, "r"); free(realPath); } else { fp = fopen(file, "r"); // no file system, can not get real path } if (fp == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Open %s failed, err = %d", file, errno); return NULL; } if ((fstab = (Fstab *)calloc(1, sizeof(Fstab))) == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Allocate memory for FS table failed, err = %d", errno); fclose(fp); fp = NULL; return NULL; } // Record line number of fstab file size_t ln = 0; while ((readn = getline(&line, &allocn, fp)) != -1) { char *p = NULL; ln++; if (line[readn - 1] == '\n') { line[readn - 1] = '\0'; } p = line; while (isspace(*p)) { p++; } if (*p == '\0' || *p == '#') { continue; } if (ParseFstabPerLine(p, fstab, procMounts, " \t") < 0) { if (errno == ENOMEM) { // Ran out of memory, there is no reason to continue. break; } // If one line in fstab file parsed with a failure. just give a warning // and skip it. BEGET_LOGW("Cannot parse file \" %s \" at line %zu. skip it", file, ln); continue; } } if (line != NULL) { free(line); } (void)fclose(fp); fp = NULL; return fstab; } FstabItem *FindFstabItemForMountPoint(Fstab fstab, const char *mp) { FstabItem *item = NULL; if (mp != NULL) { for (item = fstab.head; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if ((item->mountPoint != NULL) && (strcmp(item->mountPoint, mp) == 0)) { break; } } } return item; } FstabItem *FindFstabItemForPath(Fstab fstab, const char *path) { FstabItem *item = NULL; if (path == NULL || *path == '\0' || *path != '/') { return NULL; } char tmp[PATH_MAX] = {0}; char *dir = NULL; if (strncpy_s(tmp, PATH_MAX - 1, path, strlen(path)) != EOK) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to copy path."); return NULL; } dir = tmp; while (true) { item = FindFstabItemForMountPoint(fstab, dir); if (item != NULL) { break; } dir = dirname(dir); // Reverse walk through path and met "/", just quit. if (dir == NULL || strcmp(dir, "/") == 0) { break; } } return item; } static char *GetFstabFile(char *fileName, size_t size) { if (InUpdaterMode() == 1) { if (strncpy_s(fileName, size, "/etc/fstab.updater", strlen("/etc/fstab.updater")) != 0) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed strncpy_s err=%d", errno); return NULL; } } else { char hardware[MAX_BUFFER_LEN] = {0}; char *buffer = ReadFileData("/proc/cmdline"); if (buffer == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to read \"/proc/cmdline\""); return NULL; } int ret = GetProcCmdlineValue("hardware", buffer, hardware, MAX_BUFFER_LEN); free(buffer); if (ret != 0) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed get hardware from cmdline"); return NULL; } if (snprintf_s(fileName, size, size - 1, "/vendor/etc/fstab.%s", hardware) == -1) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to build fstab file, err=%d", errno); return NULL; } } BEGET_LOGI("fstab file is %s", fileName); return fileName; } int GetBlockDeviceByMountPoint(const char *mountPoint, const Fstab *fstab, char *deviceName, int nameLen) { if (fstab == NULL || mountPoint == NULL || *mountPoint == '\0' || deviceName == NULL) { return -1; } FstabItem *item = FindFstabItemForMountPoint(*fstab, mountPoint); if (item == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to get fstab item from mount point \" %s \"", mountPoint); return -1; } if (strncpy_s(deviceName, nameLen, item->deviceName, strlen(item->deviceName)) != 0) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to copy block device name, err=%d", errno); return -1; } return 0; } int GetBlockDeviceByName(const char *deviceName, const Fstab *fstab, char* miscDev, size_t size) { for (FstabItem *item = fstab->head; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (strstr(item->deviceName, deviceName) != NULL) { BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(strcpy_s(miscDev, size, item->deviceName) != 0, 0); } } return -1; } static const struct MountFlags MOUNT_FLAGS[] = { { "noatime", MS_NOATIME }, { "noexec", MS_NOEXEC }, { "nosuid", MS_NOSUID }, { "nodev", MS_NODEV }, { "nodiratime", MS_NODIRATIME }, { "ro", MS_RDONLY }, { "rw", 0 }, { "sync", MS_SYNCHRONOUS }, { "remount", MS_REMOUNT }, { "bind", MS_BIND }, { "rec", MS_REC }, { "unbindable", MS_UNBINDABLE }, { "private", MS_PRIVATE }, { "slave", MS_SLAVE }, { "shared", MS_SHARED }, { "defaults", 0 }, }; static bool IsDefaultMountFlags(const char *str) { bool isDefault = false; if (str != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(MOUNT_FLAGS); i++) { if (strcmp(str, MOUNT_FLAGS[i].name) == 0) { isDefault = true; } } } return isDefault; } static unsigned long ParseDefaultMountFlag(const char *str) { unsigned long flags = 0; if (str != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(MOUNT_FLAGS); i++) { if (strcmp(str, MOUNT_FLAGS[i].name) == 0) { flags = MOUNT_FLAGS[i].flags; break; } } } return flags; } static bool IsFscryptOption(const char *option) { if (!option) { return false; } char *fscryptPre = "fscrypt="; if (strncmp(option, fscryptPre, strlen(fscryptPre)) == 0) { return true; } return false; } static void StoreFscryptPolicy(const char *option) { if (option == NULL) { return; } if (g_fscryptPolicy != NULL) { BEGET_LOGW("StoreFscryptPolicy:inited policy is not empty"); free(g_fscryptPolicy); } g_fscryptPolicy = strdup(option); if (g_fscryptPolicy == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("StoreFscryptPolicy:no memory"); return; } BEGET_LOGI("StoreFscryptPolicy:store fscrypt policy, %s", option); } int LoadFscryptPolicy(char *buf, size_t size) { BEGET_LOGI("LoadFscryptPolicy start"); if (buf == NULL || g_fscryptPolicy == NULL) { BEGET_LOGE("LoadFscryptPolicy:buf or fscrypt policy is empty"); return -ENOMEM; } if (size == 0) { BEGET_LOGE("LoadFscryptPloicy:size is invalid"); return -EINVAL; } if (strcpy_s(buf, size, g_fscryptPolicy) != 0) { BEGET_LOGE("loadFscryptPolicy:strcmp failed, error = %d", errno); return -EFAULT; } free(g_fscryptPolicy); g_fscryptPolicy = NULL; BEGET_LOGI("LoadFscryptPolicy success"); return 0; } unsigned long GetMountFlags(char *mountFlag, char *fsSpecificData, size_t fsSpecificDataSize, const char *mountPoint) { unsigned long flags = 0; BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(mountFlag != NULL && fsSpecificData != NULL, 0); int flagCount = 0; // Why max count of mount flags is 15? // There are lots for mount flags defined in sys/mount.h // But we only support to parse 15 in @ParseDefaultMountFlags() function // So set default mount flag number to 15. // If the item configured in fstab contains flag over than 15, // @SplitStringExt can handle it and parse them all. but the parse function will drop it. const int maxCount = 15; char **flagsVector = SplitStringExt(mountFlag, ",", &flagCount, maxCount); if (flagsVector == NULL || flagCount == 0) { // No flags or something wrong in SplitStringExt,just return. return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < flagCount; i++) { char *p = flagsVector[i]; if (IsDefaultMountFlags(p)) { flags |= ParseDefaultMountFlag(p); } else { if (IsFscryptOption(p) && !strncmp(mountPoint, "/data", strlen("/data"))) { StoreFscryptPolicy(p + strlen("fscrypt=")); continue; } if (strncat_s(fsSpecificData, fsSpecificDataSize - 1, p, strlen(p)) != EOK) { BEGET_LOGW("Failed to append mount flag \" %s \", ignore it.", p); continue; } if (i == flagCount - 1) { // last flags, do not need to append ',' break; } // Combined each mount flag with ',' if (strncat_s(fsSpecificData, fsSpecificDataSize - 1, ",", 1) != EOK) { BEGET_LOGW("Failed to append comma"); break; // If cannot add ',' to the end of flags, there is not reason to continue. } } } FreeStringVector(flagsVector, flagCount); return flags; } int GetBlockDevicePath(const char *partName, char *path, size_t size) { BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(partName != NULL && path != NULL, -1); Fstab *fstab = LoadFstabFromCommandLine(); if (fstab == NULL) { BEGET_LOGI("fstab not found from cmdline, try to get it from file"); char *fstabFile = GetFstabFile(path, size); BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(fstabFile != NULL, -1); fstab = ReadFstabFromFile(fstabFile, false); } BEGET_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(fstab != NULL, -1); int ret = GetBlockDeviceByMountPoint(partName, fstab, path, size); BEGET_INFO_CHECK(ret == 0, ret = GetBlockDeviceByName(partName, fstab, path, size), "Mount point not found, try to get path by device name."); ReleaseFstab(fstab); return ret; } #define OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX "ohos.required_mount." /* * Fstab includes block device node, mount point, file system type, MNT_ Flags and options. * We separate them by spaces in fstab.required file, but the separator is '@' in CmdLine. * The prefix "ohos.required_mount." is the flag of required fstab information in CmdLine. * Format as shown below: * <block device>@<mount point>@<fstype>@<mount options>@<fstab options> * e.g. * ohos.required_mount.system=/dev/block/xxx/by-name/system@/usr@ext4@ro,barrier=1@wait,required */ static int ParseRequiredMountInfo(const char *item, Fstab *fstab) { char mountOptions[MAX_BUFFER_LEN] = {}; char partName[NAME_SIZE] = {}; // Sanity checks BEGET_CHECK(!(item == NULL || *item == '\0' || fstab == NULL), return -1); char *p = NULL; if ((p = strstr(item, "=")) != NULL) { const char *q = item + strlen(OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX); // Get partition name BEGET_CHECK(!(q == NULL || *q == '\0' || (p - q) <= 0), return -1); BEGET_ERROR_CHECK(strncpy_s(partName, NAME_SIZE -1, q, p - q) == EOK, return -1, "Failed to copy required partition name"); p++; // skip '=' BEGET_ERROR_CHECK(strncpy_s(mountOptions, MAX_BUFFER_LEN -1, p, strlen(p)) == EOK, return -1, "Failed to copy required mount info: %s", item); } BEGET_LOGV("Mount option of partition %s is [%s]", partName, mountOptions); if (ParseFstabPerLine(mountOptions, fstab, false, "@") < 0) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse mount options of partition \' %s \', options: %s", partName, mountOptions); return -1; } return 0; } Fstab* LoadFstabFromCommandLine(void) { Fstab *fstab = NULL; char *cmdline = ReadFileData(BOOT_CMD_LINE); bool isDone = false; BEGET_ERROR_CHECK(cmdline != NULL, return NULL, "Read from \'/proc/cmdline\' failed, err = %d", errno); TrimTail(cmdline, '\n'); BEGET_ERROR_CHECK((fstab = (Fstab *)calloc(1, sizeof(Fstab))) != NULL, return NULL, "Allocate memory for FS table failed, err = %d", errno); char *start = cmdline; char *end = start + strlen(cmdline); while (start < end) { char *token = strstr(start, " "); if (token == NULL) { break; } // Startswith " " if (token == start) { start++; continue; } *token = '\0'; if (strncmp(start, OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX, strlen(OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX)) != 0) { start = token + 1; continue; } isDone = true; if (ParseRequiredMountInfo(start, fstab) < 0) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse \' %s \'", start); isDone = false; break; } start = token + 1; } // handle last one if (start < end) { if (strncmp(start, OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX, strlen(OHOS_REQUIRED_MOUNT_PREFIX)) == 0 && ParseRequiredMountInfo(start, fstab) < 0) { BEGET_LOGE("Failed to parse \' %s \'", start); isDone = false; } } if (!isDone) { ReleaseFstab(fstab); fstab = NULL; } free(cmdline); return fstab; } #ifdef __cplusplus #if __cplusplus } #endif #endif