/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "param_manager.h" #include "param_trie.h" static int LoadSecurityLabel(const char *fileName) { ParamWorkSpace *paramSpace = GetParamWorkSpace(); PARAM_CHECK(paramSpace != NULL, return -1, "Invalid paramSpace"); PARAM_WORKSPACE_CHECK(paramSpace, return -1, "Invalid space"); PARAM_CHECK(fileName != NULL, return -1, "Invalid filename for load"); #if !(defined __LITEOS_A__ || defined __LITEOS_M__) // load security label ParamSecurityOps *ops = GetParamSecurityOps(PARAM_SECURITY_DAC); if (ops != NULL && ops->securityGetLabel != NULL) { ops->securityGetLabel(fileName); } #endif return 0; } static int GetParamValueFromBuffer(const char *name, const char *buffer, char *value, int length) { size_t bootLen = strlen(OHOS_BOOT); const char *tmpName = name + bootLen; int ret = GetProcCmdlineValue(tmpName, buffer, value, length); return ret; } static int CommonDealFun(const char *name, const char *value, int res) { int ret = 0; if (res == 0) { PARAM_LOGI("Add param from cmdline %s %s", name, value); ret = CheckParamName(name, 0); PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Invalid name %s", name); PARAM_LOGV("**** name %s, value %s", name, value); ret = WriteParam(name, value, NULL, 0); PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Failed to write param %s %s", name, value); } else { PARAM_LOGE("Can not find arrt %s", name); } return ret; } static int ReadSnFromFile(const char *name, const char *file) { char *data = ReadFileData(file); PARAM_CHECK(data != NULL, return -1, "Read sn from %s file failed!", file); int index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(data); i++) { // cancel \r\n if (*(data + i) == '\r' || *(data + i) == '\n') { break; } if (*(data + i) != ':') { *(data + index) = *(data + i); index++; } } data[index] = '\0'; PARAM_LOGV("**** name %s, value %s", name, data); int ret = WriteParam(name, data, NULL, 0); free(data); PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Failed to write param %s %s", name, data); return ret; } static int SnDealFun(const char *name, const char *value, int res) { const char *snFileList [] = { "/sys/block/mmcblk0/device/cid", "/proc/bootdevice/cid" }; int ret = CheckParamName(name, 0); PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Invalid name %s", name); if (value != NULL && res == 0 && value[0] != '/') { PARAM_LOGV("**** name %s, value %s", name, value); ret = WriteParam(name, value, NULL, 0); PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, return ret, "Failed to write param %s %s", name, value); return ret; } if (value != NULL && value[0] == '/') { ret = ReadSnFromFile(name, value); if (ret == 0) { return ret; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(snFileList); i++) { ret = ReadSnFromFile(name, snFileList[i]); if (ret == 0) { break; } } return ret; } INIT_LOCAL_API int LoadParamFromCmdLine(void) { int ret; static const cmdLineInfo cmdLines[] = { {OHOS_BOOT"hardware", CommonDealFun }, {OHOS_BOOT"bootgroup", CommonDealFun }, {OHOS_BOOT"reboot_reason", CommonDealFun }, {OHOS_BOOT"bootslots", CommonDealFun }, {OHOS_BOOT"sn", SnDealFun } }; char *data = ReadFileData(BOOT_CMD_LINE); PARAM_CHECK(data != NULL, return -1, "Failed to read file %s", BOOT_CMD_LINE); char *value = calloc(1, PARAM_CONST_VALUE_LEN_MAX + 1); PARAM_CHECK(value != NULL, free(data); return -1, "Failed to read file %s", BOOT_CMD_LINE); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(cmdLines); i++) { #ifdef BOOT_EXTENDED_CMDLINE ret = GetParamValueFromBuffer(cmdLines[i].name, BOOT_EXTENDED_CMDLINE, value, PARAM_CONST_VALUE_LEN_MAX); if (ret != 0) { ret = GetParamValueFromBuffer(cmdLines[i].name, data, value, PARAM_CONST_VALUE_LEN_MAX); } #else ret = GetParamValueFromBuffer(cmdLines[i].name, data, value, PARAM_CONST_VALUE_LEN_MAX); #endif cmdLines[i].processor(cmdLines[i].name, value, ret); } PARAM_LOGV("Parse cmdline finish %s", BOOT_CMD_LINE); free(data); free(value); return 0; } static int LoadOneParam_(const uint32_t *context, const char *name, const char *value) { uint32_t mode = *(uint32_t *)context; int ret = CheckParamName(name, 0); if (ret != 0) { return 0; } PARAM_LOGV("Add default parameter [%s] [%s]", name, value); return WriteParam(name, value, NULL, mode & LOAD_PARAM_ONLY_ADD); } static int LoadDefaultParam_(const char *fileName, uint32_t mode, const char *exclude[], uint32_t count) { uint32_t paramNum = 0; FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { return -1; } const int buffSize = PARAM_NAME_LEN_MAX + PARAM_CONST_VALUE_LEN_MAX + 10; // 10 max len char *buffer = malloc(buffSize); if (buffer == NULL) { (void)fclose(fp); return -1; } while (fgets(buffer, buffSize, fp) != NULL) { buffer[buffSize - 1] = '\0'; int ret = SplitParamString(buffer, exclude, count, LoadOneParam_, &mode); PARAM_CHECK(ret == 0, continue, "Failed to set param '%s' error:%d ", buffer, ret); paramNum++; } (void)fclose(fp); free(buffer); PARAM_LOGI("Load parameters success %s total %u", fileName, paramNum); return 0; } static int ProcessParamFile(const char *fileName, void *context) { static const char *exclude[] = {"ctl.", "selinux.restorecon_recursive"}; uint32_t mode = *(int *)context; return LoadDefaultParam_(fileName, mode, exclude, ARRAY_LENGTH(exclude)); } int LoadParamsFile(const char *fileName, bool onlyAdd) { return LoadDefaultParams(fileName, onlyAdd ? LOAD_PARAM_ONLY_ADD : LOAD_PARAM_NORMAL); } int LoadDefaultParams(const char *fileName, uint32_t mode) { PARAM_CHECK(fileName != NULL, return -1, "Invalid filename for load"); PARAM_LOGI("load default parameters %s.", fileName); struct stat st; if ((stat(fileName, &st) == 0) && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { (void)ProcessParamFile(fileName, &mode); } else { (void)ReadFileInDir(fileName, ".para", ProcessParamFile, &mode); } // load security label return LoadSecurityLabel(fileName); } INIT_LOCAL_API void LoadParamFromBuild(void) { PARAM_LOGI("load parameters from build "); #ifdef INCREMENTAL_VERSION if (strlen(INCREMENTAL_VERSION) > 0) { WriteParam("const.product.incremental.version", INCREMENTAL_VERSION, NULL, LOAD_PARAM_NORMAL); } #endif #ifdef BUILD_TYPE if (strlen(BUILD_TYPE) > 0) { WriteParam("const.product.build.type", BUILD_TYPE, NULL, LOAD_PARAM_NORMAL); } #endif #ifdef BUILD_USER if (strlen(BUILD_USER) > 0) { WriteParam("const.product.build.user", BUILD_USER, NULL, LOAD_PARAM_NORMAL); } #endif #ifdef BUILD_TIME if (strlen(BUILD_TIME) > 0) { WriteParam("const.product.build.date", BUILD_TIME, NULL, LOAD_PARAM_NORMAL); } #endif #ifdef BUILD_HOST if (strlen(BUILD_HOST) > 0) { WriteParam("const.product.build.host", BUILD_HOST, NULL, LOAD_PARAM_NORMAL); } #endif #ifdef BUILD_ROOTHASH if (strlen(BUILD_ROOTHASH) > 0) { WriteParam("const.ohos.buildroothash", BUILD_ROOTHASH, NULL, LOAD_PARAM_NORMAL); } #endif }