/* * Copyright (c) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ueventd_device_handler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "init_utils.h" #include "ueventd.h" #ifndef __RAMDISK__ #include "ueventd_parameter.h" #endif #include "ueventd_read_cfg.h" #include "ueventd_utils.h" #include "securec.h" #define INIT_LOG_TAG "ueventd" #include "init_log.h" #ifdef WITH_SELINUX #include #endif static bool IsBootDeviceLinkDir(const char *linkDir, const char *bootDevice) { size_t pathLen = strlen("/dev/block/platform/"); INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(strncmp(linkDir, "/dev/block/platform/", pathLen) == 0, false); const char *vernier = linkDir + pathLen; INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(strncmp(vernier, bootDevice, strlen(bootDevice)) == 0, false); vernier += strlen(bootDevice); INIT_CHECK_RETURN_VALUE(strncmp(vernier, "/by-name", strlen("/by-name")) == 0, false); return true; } static void CreateSymbolLinks(const char *deviceNode, char **symLinks) { if (INVALIDSTRING(deviceNode) || symLinks == NULL) { return; } for (int i = 0; symLinks[i] != NULL; i++) { const char *linkName = symLinks[i]; char linkBuf[DEVICE_FILE_SIZE] = {}; if (strncpy_s(linkBuf, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, linkName, strlen(linkName)) != EOK) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to copy link name"); return; } const char *linkDir = dirname(linkBuf); if (MakeDirRecursive(linkDir, DIRMODE) < 0) { INIT_LOGE("[uevent] Failed to create dir \" %s \", err = %d", linkDir, errno); return; } if (IsBootDeviceLinkDir(linkDir, bootDevice) && access("/dev/block/by-name", F_OK) != 0) { INIT_CHECK_ONLY_ELOG(symlink(linkDir, "/dev/block/by-name") == 0, "Failed to create by-name symlink, err %d", errno); } errno = 0; int rc = symlink(deviceNode, linkName); if (rc != 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to link \" %s \" to \" %s \", err = %d", deviceNode, linkName, errno); } } } } static inline void AdjustDeviceNodePermissions(const char *deviceNode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t mode) { if (INVALIDSTRING(deviceNode)) { return; } if (chown(deviceNode, uid, gid) != 0) { INIT_LOGW("Failed to change \" %s \" owner, errno %d", deviceNode, errno); } if (chmod(deviceNode, mode) != 0) { INIT_LOGW("Failed to change \" %s \" mode, errno %d", deviceNode, errno); } } static void SetDeviceLable(const char *path) { #ifdef WITH_SELINUX int rc = 0; char buffer[PATH_MAX] = {}; const char *p = NULL; char *slash = NULL; p = path; slash = strchr(path, '/'); while (slash != NULL) { int gap = slash - p; p = slash + 1; if (gap == 0) { slash = strchr(p, '/'); continue; } if (gap < 0) { // end with '/' break; } if (memcpy_s(buffer, PATH_MAX, path, p - path - 1) != EOK) { INIT_LOGE("[uevent] Failed to memcpy path %s", path); return; } rc += Restorecon(buffer); slash = strchr(p, '/'); } rc += Restorecon(path); if (rc != 0) { INIT_LOGE("[uevent] Failed to Restorecon \" %s \"", path); } return; #endif } static int CreateDeviceNode(const struct Uevent *uevent, const char *deviceNode, char **symLinks, bool isBlock) { int rc = -1; int major = uevent->major; int minor = uevent->minor; uid_t uid = uevent->ug.uid; gid_t gid = uevent->ug.gid; mode_t mode = DEVMODE; if (deviceNode == NULL || *deviceNode == '\0') { INIT_LOGE("Invalid device file"); return rc; } char deviceNodeBuffer[DEVICE_FILE_SIZE] = {}; if (strncpy_s(deviceNodeBuffer, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, deviceNode, strlen(deviceNode)) != EOK) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to copy device node"); return rc; } const char *devicePath = dirname(deviceNodeBuffer); // device node always installed in /dev, should not be other locations. if (STRINGEQUAL(devicePath, ".") || STRINGEQUAL(devicePath, "/")) { INIT_LOGE("device path is not valid. should be starts with /dev"); return rc; } rc = MakeDirRecursive(devicePath, DIRMODE); if (rc < 0) { INIT_LOGE("Create path \" %s \" failed", devicePath); return rc; } GetDeviceNodePermissions(deviceNode, &uid, &gid, &mode); mode |= isBlock ? S_IFBLK : S_IFCHR; dev_t dev = makedev(major, minor); setegid(0); rc = mknod(deviceNode, mode, dev); if (rc < 0) { if (errno != EEXIST) { INIT_LOGE("Create device node[%s %d, %d] failed. %d", deviceNode, major, minor, errno); return rc; } } AdjustDeviceNodePermissions(deviceNode, uid, gid, mode); if (symLinks != NULL) { CreateSymbolLinks(deviceNode, symLinks); } SetDeviceLable(deviceNode); // No matter what result the symbol links returns, // as long as create device node done, just returns success. rc = 0; return rc; } static int RemoveDeviceNode(const char *deviceNode, char **symLinks) { if (INVALIDSTRING(deviceNode)) { INIT_LOGE("Invalid device node"); return -1; } if (symLinks != NULL) { for (int i = 0; symLinks[i] != NULL; i++) { char realPath[DEVICE_FILE_SIZE] = {0}; const char *linkName = symLinks[i]; ssize_t ret = readlink(linkName, realPath, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1); if (ret < 0) { continue; } if (STRINGEQUAL(deviceNode, realPath)) { unlink(linkName); } } } return unlink(deviceNode); } static char *FindPlatformDeviceName(char *path) { if (INVALIDSTRING(path)) { return NULL; } if (STARTSWITH(path, "/sys/devices/platform/")) { path += strlen("/sys/devices/platform/"); return path; } // Some platform devices may not be registered under platform device. if (STARTSWITH(path, "/sys/devices/")) { path += strlen("/sys/devices/"); return path; } return NULL; } static void BuildDeviceSymbolLinks(char **links, int linkNum, const char *parent, const char *partitionName, const char *deviceName) { if (linkNum > BLOCKDEVICE_LINKS - 1) { INIT_LOGW("Too many links, ignore"); return; } links[linkNum] = calloc(sizeof(char), DEVICE_FILE_SIZE); if (links[linkNum] == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to allocate memory for link, err = %d", errno); return; } // If a block device without partition name. // For now, we will not create symbol link for it. if (!INVALIDSTRING(partitionName)) { if (snprintf_s(links[linkNum], DEVICE_FILE_SIZE, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, "/dev/block/platform/%s/by-name/%s", parent, partitionName) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to build link"); } } else if (!INVALIDSTRING(deviceName)) { if (snprintf_s(links[linkNum], DEVICE_FILE_SIZE, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, "/dev/block/platform/%s/%s", parent, deviceName) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to build link"); } } } static void FreeSymbolLinks(char **links, int length) { if (links != NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < length && links[i] != NULL; i++) { free(links[i]); links[i] = NULL; } free(links); links = NULL; } } static char **GetBlockDeviceSymbolLinks(const struct Uevent *uevent) { if (uevent == NULL || uevent->subsystem == NULL || STRINGEQUAL(uevent->subsystem, "block") == 0) { INIT_LOGW("Invalid arguments, Skip to get device symbol links."); return NULL; } // Only if current uevent is for real device. if (!STARTSWITH(uevent->syspath, "/devices")) { return NULL; } // For block device under one platform device. // check subsystem file under directory, see if it links to bus/platform. // For now, only support platform device. char sysPath[SYSPATH_SIZE] = {}; if (snprintf_s(sysPath, SYSPATH_SIZE, SYSPATH_SIZE - 1, "/sys%s", uevent->syspath) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to build sys path for device %s", uevent->syspath); return NULL; } char **links = calloc(sizeof(char *), BLOCKDEVICE_LINKS); int linkNum = 0; if (links == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to allocate memory for links, err = %d", errno); return NULL; } // Reverse walk through sysPath, and check subsystem file under each directory. char *parent = dirname(sysPath); while (parent != NULL && !STRINGEQUAL(parent, "/") && !STRINGEQUAL(parent, ".")) { char subsystem[SYSPATH_SIZE]; if (snprintf_s(subsystem, SYSPATH_SIZE, SYSPATH_SIZE - 1, "%s/subsystem", parent) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to build subsystem path for device \" %s \"", uevent->syspath); FreeSymbolLinks(links, BLOCKDEVICE_LINKS); return NULL; } char *bus = GetRealPath(subsystem); if (bus == NULL) { parent = dirname(parent); continue; } if (STRINGEQUAL(bus, "/sys/bus/platform")) { INIT_LOGV("Find a platform device: %s", parent); parent = FindPlatformDeviceName(parent); if (parent != NULL) { BuildDeviceSymbolLinks(links, linkNum, parent, uevent->partitionName, uevent->deviceName); linkNum++; } } free(bus); parent = dirname(parent); } links[linkNum] = NULL; return links; } static void HandleDeviceNode(const struct Uevent *uevent, const char *deviceNode, bool isBlock) { ACTION action = uevent->action; char **symLinks = NULL; // Block device path and name maybe not human readable. // Consider to create symbol links for them. // Make block device more readable. if (isBlock) { symLinks = GetBlockDeviceSymbolLinks(uevent); } if (action == ACTION_ADD) { if (CreateDeviceNode(uevent, deviceNode, symLinks, isBlock) < 0) { INIT_LOGE("Create device \" %s \" failed", deviceNode); } else { #ifndef __RAMDISK__ if (SetUeventDeviceParameter(deviceNode, action) != 0) { INIT_LOGE("Set device parameter added failed"); } #endif } } else if (action == ACTION_REMOVE) { if (RemoveDeviceNode(deviceNode, symLinks) < 0) { INIT_LOGE("Remove device \" %s \" failed", deviceNode); } else { #ifndef __RAMDISK__ if (SetUeventDeviceParameter(deviceNode, action) != 0) { INIT_LOGE("Set device parameter removed failed"); } #endif } } else if (action == ACTION_CHANGE) { INIT_LOGV("Device %s changed", uevent->syspath); } // Ignore other actions FreeSymbolLinks(symLinks, BLOCKDEVICE_LINKS); } static const char *GetDeviceName(char *sysPath, const char *deviceName) { const char *devName = NULL; if (INVALIDSTRING(sysPath)) { INIT_LOGE("Invalid sys path"); return NULL; } if (deviceName != NULL && deviceName[0] != '\0') { // if device name reported by kernel includes '/', skip it. // use entire device name reported by kernel devName = basename((char *)deviceName); char *p = strrchr(deviceName, '/'); if (p != NULL) { // device name includes slash p++; if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') { // device name ends with '/', which should never happen. // Get name from sys path. devName = basename(sysPath); } else { devName = p; } } } else { // kernel does not report DEVNAME, which is possible. use base name of syspath instead. devName = basename(sysPath); } return devName; } static const char *GetDeviceBasePath(const char *subsystem) { char *devPath = NULL; if (INVALIDSTRING(subsystem)) { return devPath; } if (STRINGEQUAL(subsystem, "block")) { devPath = "/dev/block"; } else if (STRINGEQUAL(subsystem, "input")) { devPath = "/dev/input"; } else if (STRINGEQUAL(subsystem, "drm")) { devPath = "/dev/dri"; } else if (STRINGEQUAL(subsystem, "graphics")) { devPath = "/dev/graphics"; } else if (STRINGEQUAL(subsystem, "sound")) { devPath = "/dev/snd"; } else if (STRINGEQUAL(subsystem, "functionfs")) { devPath = "/dev/functionfs"; } else if (STRINGEQUAL(subsystem, "dma_heap")) { devPath = "/dev/dma_heap"; } else { devPath = "/dev"; } return devPath; } void HandleBlockDeviceEvent(const struct Uevent *uevent) { // Sanity checks if (uevent == NULL || uevent->subsystem == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Invalid uevent message received"); return; } if (strcmp(uevent->subsystem, "block") != 0) { INIT_LOGE("Unexpceted uevent subsystem \" %s \" received in block device handler", uevent->subsystem); return; } if (uevent->major < 0 || uevent->minor < 0) { return; } bool isBlock = true; // Block device always installed into /dev/block const char *devPath = GetDeviceBasePath(uevent->subsystem); char deviceNode[DEVICE_FILE_SIZE] = {}; char sysPath[SYSPATH_SIZE] = {}; if (uevent->syspath == NULL) { return; } if (strncpy_s(sysPath, SYSPATH_SIZE - 1, uevent->syspath, strlen(uevent->syspath) != EOK)) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to copy sys path"); return; } const char *devName = GetDeviceName(sysPath, uevent->deviceName); if (devPath == NULL || devName == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Cannot get device path or device name"); return; } if (snprintf_s(deviceNode, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, "%s/%s", devPath, devName) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Make device file for device [%d : %d]", uevent->major, uevent->minor); return; } HandleDeviceNode(uevent, deviceNode, isBlock); } void HandleOtherDeviceEvent(const struct Uevent *uevent) { if (uevent == NULL || uevent->subsystem == NULL || uevent->syspath == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Invalid uevent received"); return; } if (uevent->major < 0 || uevent->minor < 0) { return; } char deviceNode[DEVICE_FILE_SIZE] = {}; char sysPath[SYSPATH_SIZE] = {}; if (strncpy_s(sysPath, SYSPATH_SIZE - 1, uevent->syspath, strlen(uevent->syspath) != EOK)) { INIT_LOGE("Failed to copy sys path"); return; } const char *devName = GetDeviceName(sysPath, uevent->deviceName); const char *devPath = GetDeviceBasePath(uevent->subsystem); if (devPath == NULL || devName == NULL) { INIT_LOGE("Cannot get device path or device name"); return; } INIT_LOGV("HandleOtherDeviceEvent, devPath = %s, devName = %s", devPath, devName); // For usb devices, should take care of it specially. // if usb devices report DEVNAME, just create device node. // otherwise, create deviceNode with bus number and device number. if (STRINGEQUAL(uevent->subsystem, "usb")) { if (uevent->deviceName != NULL) { if (snprintf_s(deviceNode, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, "/dev/%s", uevent->deviceName) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Make device file for device [%d : %d]", uevent->major, uevent->minor); return; } } else { if (uevent->busNum < 0 || uevent->devNum < 0) { // usb device should always report bus number and device number. INIT_LOGE("usb device with invalid bus number or device number"); return; } if (snprintf_s(deviceNode, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, "/dev/bus/usb/%03d/%03d", uevent->busNum, uevent->devNum) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Make usb device node for device [%d : %d]", uevent->busNum, uevent->devNum); } } } else if (STARTSWITH(uevent->subsystem, "usb")) { // Other usb devies, do not handle it. return; } else { if (snprintf_s(deviceNode, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE, DEVICE_FILE_SIZE - 1, "%s/%s", devPath, devName) == -1) { INIT_LOGE("Make device file for device [%d : %d]", uevent->major, uevent->minor); return; } } HandleDeviceNode(uevent, deviceNode, false); }